path: root/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu
diff options
authorLarry Finger <>2013-12-22 17:36:53 -0600
committerGreg Kroah-Hartman <>2014-01-08 19:18:08 -0800
commit6c0a555e59b4ae5c8438d5ef4b8f1443cf4980fd (patch)
tree54a93a1964937761f07d73d69d57f4c046a45b9e /drivers/staging/rtl8188eu
parent0735ea671daa3a0f5648f709e15d44b2b874c74e (diff)
staging: r8188eu: Simplify code related to SupportICType
This member of struct odm_dm_struct is always set to ODM_RTL8188E for this driver. Accordingly, the code can be simplified. A number of routines now are no longer needed and are deleted. Signed-off-by: Larry Finger <> Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/staging/rtl8188eu')
6 files changed, 191 insertions, 666 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/Hal8188ERateAdaptive.c b/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/Hal8188ERateAdaptive.c
index aaa261771ab9..3df33bc7197a 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/Hal8188ERateAdaptive.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/Hal8188ERateAdaptive.c
@@ -529,9 +529,7 @@ ODM_RASupport_Init(
ODM_RT_TRACE(dm_odm, ODM_COMP_RATE_ADAPTIVE, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("=====>ODM_RASupport_Init()\n"));
- /* 2012/02/14 MH Be noticed, the init must be after IC type is recognized!!!!! */
- if (dm_odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8188E)
- dm_odm->RaSupport88E = true;
+ dm_odm->RaSupport88E = true;
int ODM_RAInfo_Init(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm, u8 macid)
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/odm.c b/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/odm.c
index 9606db5ccdf8..3ce881d16834 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/odm.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/odm.c
@@ -182,20 +182,16 @@ void ODM_DMInit(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm)
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType & ODM_IC_11AC_SERIES) {
- ;
- } else if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType & ODM_IC_11N_SERIES) {
- odm_PrimaryCCA_Init(pDM_Odm); /* Gary */
- odm_DynamicBBPowerSavingInit(pDM_Odm);
- odm_DynamicTxPowerInit(pDM_Odm);
- odm_TXPowerTrackingInit(pDM_Odm);
- ODM_EdcaTurboInit(pDM_Odm);
- ODM_RAInfo_Init_all(pDM_Odm);
- if ((pDM_Odm->AntDivType == CG_TRX_HW_ANTDIV) ||
- (pDM_Odm->AntDivType == CGCS_RX_HW_ANTDIV) ||
- (pDM_Odm->AntDivType == CG_TRX_SMART_ANTDIV))
- odm_InitHybridAntDiv(pDM_Odm);
- }
+ odm_PrimaryCCA_Init(pDM_Odm); /* Gary */
+ odm_DynamicBBPowerSavingInit(pDM_Odm);
+ odm_DynamicTxPowerInit(pDM_Odm);
+ odm_TXPowerTrackingInit(pDM_Odm);
+ ODM_EdcaTurboInit(pDM_Odm);
+ ODM_RAInfo_Init_all(pDM_Odm);
+ if ((pDM_Odm->AntDivType == CG_TRX_HW_ANTDIV) ||
+ (pDM_Odm->AntDivType == CGCS_RX_HW_ANTDIV) ||
+ (pDM_Odm->AntDivType == CG_TRX_SMART_ANTDIV))
+ odm_InitHybridAntDiv(pDM_Odm);
/* 2011/09/20 MH This is the entry pointer for all team to execute HW out source DM. */
@@ -215,9 +211,7 @@ void ODM_DMWatchdog(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm)
/* NeilChen--2012--08--24-- */
/* Fix Leave LPS issue */
if ((pDM_Odm->Adapter->pwrctrlpriv.pwr_mode != PS_MODE_ACTIVE) &&/* in LPS mode */
- ((pDM_Odm->SupportICType & (ODM_RTL8723A)) ||
- (pDM_Odm->SupportICType & (ODM_RTL8188E) &&
- ((pDM_Odm->SupportInterface == ODM_ITRF_SDIO))))) {
+ (pDM_Odm->SupportInterface == ODM_ITRF_SDIO)) {
ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_DIG, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("----Step1: odm_DIG is in LPS mode\n"));
ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_DIG, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("---Step2: 8723AS is in LPS mode\n"));
@@ -238,13 +232,9 @@ void ODM_DMWatchdog(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm)
(pDM_Odm->AntDivType == CG_TRX_SMART_ANTDIV))
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType & ODM_IC_11AC_SERIES) {
- ;
- } else if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType & ODM_IC_11N_SERIES) {
- ODM_TXPowerTrackingCheck(pDM_Odm);
- odm_EdcaTurboCheck(pDM_Odm);
- odm_DynamicTxPower(pDM_Odm);
- }
+ ODM_TXPowerTrackingCheck(pDM_Odm);
+ odm_EdcaTurboCheck(pDM_Odm);
+ odm_DynamicTxPower(pDM_Odm);
/* Init /.. Fixed HW value. Only init time. */
@@ -455,10 +445,6 @@ void odm_CommonInfoSelfInit(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm)
pDM_Odm->bCckHighPower = (bool) PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, 0x824, BIT9);
pDM_Odm->RFPathRxEnable = (u8) PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, 0xc04, 0x0F);
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType & (ODM_RTL8192C|ODM_RTL8192D))
- pDM_Odm->AntDivType = CG_TRX_HW_ANTDIV;
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType & (ODM_RTL8723A))
- pDM_Odm->AntDivType = CGCS_RX_SW_ANTDIV;
@@ -544,8 +530,6 @@ void ODM_Write_DIG(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm, u8 CurrentIGI)
if (pDM_DigTable->CurIGValue != CurrentIGI) {
PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG(IGI_A, pDM_Odm), ODM_BIT(IGI, pDM_Odm), CurrentIGI);
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType != ODM_RTL8188E)
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG(IGI_B, pDM_Odm), ODM_BIT(IGI, pDM_Odm), CurrentIGI);
ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_DIG, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("CurrentIGI(0x%02x).\n", CurrentIGI));
/* pDM_DigTable->PreIGValue = pDM_DigTable->CurIGValue; */
pDM_DigTable->CurIGValue = CurrentIGI;
@@ -566,9 +550,6 @@ void odm_DIGbyRSSI_LPS(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm)
u8 bFwCurrentInPSMode = false;
u8 CurrentIGI = pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min;
- if (!(pDM_Odm->SupportICType & (ODM_RTL8723A | ODM_RTL8188E)))
- return;
CurrentIGI = CurrentIGI + RSSI_OFFSET_DIG;
bFwCurrentInPSMode = pAdapter->pwrctrlpriv.bFwCurrentInPSMode;
@@ -665,91 +646,47 @@ void odm_DIG(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm)
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8192D) {
- if (*(pDM_Odm->pMacPhyMode) == ODM_DMSP) {
- if (*(pDM_Odm->pbMasterOfDMSP)) {
- DIG_Dynamic_MIN = pDM_DigTable->DIG_Dynamic_MIN_0;
- FirstConnect = (pDM_Odm->bLinked) && (!pDM_DigTable->bMediaConnect_0);
- FirstDisConnect = (!pDM_Odm->bLinked) && (pDM_DigTable->bMediaConnect_0);
- } else {
- DIG_Dynamic_MIN = pDM_DigTable->DIG_Dynamic_MIN_1;
- FirstConnect = (pDM_Odm->bLinked) && (!pDM_DigTable->bMediaConnect_1);
- FirstDisConnect = (!pDM_Odm->bLinked) && (pDM_DigTable->bMediaConnect_1);
- }
- } else {
- if (*(pDM_Odm->pBandType) == ODM_BAND_5G) {
- DIG_Dynamic_MIN = pDM_DigTable->DIG_Dynamic_MIN_0;
- FirstConnect = (pDM_Odm->bLinked) && (!pDM_DigTable->bMediaConnect_0);
- FirstDisConnect = (!pDM_Odm->bLinked) && (pDM_DigTable->bMediaConnect_0);
- } else {
- DIG_Dynamic_MIN = pDM_DigTable->DIG_Dynamic_MIN_1;
- FirstConnect = (pDM_Odm->bLinked) && (!pDM_DigTable->bMediaConnect_1);
- FirstDisConnect = (!pDM_Odm->bLinked) && (pDM_DigTable->bMediaConnect_1);
- }
- }
- } else {
- DIG_Dynamic_MIN = pDM_DigTable->DIG_Dynamic_MIN_0;
- FirstConnect = (pDM_Odm->bLinked) && (!pDM_DigTable->bMediaConnect_0);
- FirstDisConnect = (!pDM_Odm->bLinked) && (pDM_DigTable->bMediaConnect_0);
- }
+ DIG_Dynamic_MIN = pDM_DigTable->DIG_Dynamic_MIN_0;
+ FirstConnect = (pDM_Odm->bLinked) && (!pDM_DigTable->bMediaConnect_0);
+ FirstDisConnect = (!pDM_Odm->bLinked) && (pDM_DigTable->bMediaConnect_0);
/* 1 Boundary Decision */
- if ((pDM_Odm->SupportICType & (ODM_RTL8192C|ODM_RTL8723A)) &&
- ((pDM_Odm->BoardType == ODM_BOARD_HIGHPWR) || pDM_Odm->ExtLNA)) {
- dm_dig_max = DM_DIG_MAX_NIC_HP;
- dm_dig_min = DM_DIG_MIN_NIC_HP;
- } else {
- dm_dig_max = DM_DIG_MAX_NIC;
- dm_dig_min = DM_DIG_MIN_NIC;
- }
+ dm_dig_max = DM_DIG_MAX_NIC;
+ dm_dig_min = DM_DIG_MIN_NIC;
if (pDM_Odm->bLinked) {
- /* 2 8723A Series, offset need to be 10 */
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType == (ODM_RTL8723A)) {
- /* 2 Upper Bound */
- if ((pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min + 10) > DM_DIG_MAX_NIC)
- pDM_DigTable->rx_gain_range_max = DM_DIG_MAX_NIC;
- else if ((pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min + 10) < DM_DIG_MIN_NIC)
- pDM_DigTable->rx_gain_range_max = DM_DIG_MIN_NIC;
- else
- pDM_DigTable->rx_gain_range_max = pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min + 10;
- /* 2 If BT is Concurrent, need to set Lower Bound */
- } else {
- /* 2 Modify DIG upper bound */
- if ((pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min + 20) > dm_dig_max)
- pDM_DigTable->rx_gain_range_max = dm_dig_max;
- else if ((pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min + 20) < dm_dig_min)
- pDM_DigTable->rx_gain_range_max = dm_dig_min;
- else
- pDM_DigTable->rx_gain_range_max = pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min + 20;
- /* 2 Modify DIG lower bound */
- if (pDM_Odm->bOneEntryOnly) {
- if (pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min < dm_dig_min)
- DIG_Dynamic_MIN = dm_dig_min;
- else if (pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min > DIG_MaxOfMin)
- DIG_Dynamic_MIN = DIG_MaxOfMin;
- else
- DIG_Dynamic_MIN = pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min;
- ("odm_DIG() : bOneEntryOnly=true, DIG_Dynamic_MIN=0x%x\n",
- DIG_Dynamic_MIN));
- ("odm_DIG() : pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min=%d\n",
- pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min));
- } else if ((pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8188E) &&
- (pDM_Odm->SupportAbility & ODM_BB_ANT_DIV)) {
- /* 1 Lower Bound for 88E AntDiv */
- if (pDM_Odm->AntDivType == CG_TRX_HW_ANTDIV) {
- DIG_Dynamic_MIN = (u8) pDM_DigTable->AntDiv_RSSI_max;
- ("odm_DIG(): pDM_DigTable->AntDiv_RSSI_max=%d\n",
- pDM_DigTable->AntDiv_RSSI_max));
- }
- } else {
+ /* 2 Modify DIG upper bound */
+ if ((pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min + 20) > dm_dig_max)
+ pDM_DigTable->rx_gain_range_max = dm_dig_max;
+ else if ((pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min + 20) < dm_dig_min)
+ pDM_DigTable->rx_gain_range_max = dm_dig_min;
+ else
+ pDM_DigTable->rx_gain_range_max = pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min + 20;
+ /* 2 Modify DIG lower bound */
+ if (pDM_Odm->bOneEntryOnly) {
+ if (pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min < dm_dig_min)
DIG_Dynamic_MIN = dm_dig_min;
+ else if (pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min > DIG_MaxOfMin)
+ DIG_Dynamic_MIN = DIG_MaxOfMin;
+ else
+ DIG_Dynamic_MIN = pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min;
+ ("odm_DIG() : bOneEntryOnly=true, DIG_Dynamic_MIN=0x%x\n",
+ DIG_Dynamic_MIN));
+ ("odm_DIG() : pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min=%d\n",
+ pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min));
+ } else if (pDM_Odm->SupportAbility & ODM_BB_ANT_DIV) {
+ /* 1 Lower Bound for 88E AntDiv */
+ if (pDM_Odm->AntDivType == CG_TRX_HW_ANTDIV) {
+ DIG_Dynamic_MIN = (u8) pDM_DigTable->AntDiv_RSSI_max;
+ ("odm_DIG(): pDM_DigTable->AntDiv_RSSI_max=%d\n",
+ pDM_DigTable->AntDiv_RSSI_max));
+ } else {
+ DIG_Dynamic_MIN = dm_dig_min;
} else {
pDM_DigTable->rx_gain_range_max = dm_dig_max;
@@ -807,21 +744,12 @@ void odm_DIG(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm)
CurrentIGI = pDM_Odm->RSSI_Min;
ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_DIG, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("DIG: First Connect\n"));
} else {
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8192D) {
- if (pFalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all > DM_DIG_FA_TH2_92D)
- CurrentIGI = CurrentIGI + 2;/* pDM_DigTable->CurIGValue = pDM_DigTable->PreIGValue+2; */
- else if (pFalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all > DM_DIG_FA_TH1_92D)
- CurrentIGI = CurrentIGI + 1; /* pDM_DigTable->CurIGValue = pDM_DigTable->PreIGValue+1; */
- else if (pFalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all < DM_DIG_FA_TH0_92D)
- CurrentIGI = CurrentIGI - 1;/* pDM_DigTable->CurIGValue =pDM_DigTable->PreIGValue-1; */
- } else {
- if (pFalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all > DM_DIG_FA_TH2)
- CurrentIGI = CurrentIGI + 4;/* pDM_DigTable->CurIGValue = pDM_DigTable->PreIGValue+2; */
- else if (pFalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all > DM_DIG_FA_TH1)
- CurrentIGI = CurrentIGI + 2;/* pDM_DigTable->CurIGValue = pDM_DigTable->PreIGValue+1; */
- else if (pFalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all < DM_DIG_FA_TH0)
- CurrentIGI = CurrentIGI - 2;/* pDM_DigTable->CurIGValue =pDM_DigTable->PreIGValue-1; */
- }
+ if (pFalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all > DM_DIG_FA_TH2)
+ CurrentIGI = CurrentIGI + 4;/* pDM_DigTable->CurIGValue = pDM_DigTable->PreIGValue+2; */
+ else if (pFalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all > DM_DIG_FA_TH1)
+ CurrentIGI = CurrentIGI + 2;/* pDM_DigTable->CurIGValue = pDM_DigTable->PreIGValue+1; */
+ else if (pFalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all < DM_DIG_FA_TH0)
+ CurrentIGI = CurrentIGI - 2;/* pDM_DigTable->CurIGValue =pDM_DigTable->PreIGValue-1; */
} else {
ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_DIG, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("odm_DIG(): DIG BeforeLink\n"));
@@ -872,96 +800,62 @@ void odm_FalseAlarmCounterStatistics(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm)
if (!(pDM_Odm->SupportAbility & ODM_BB_FA_CNT))
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType & ODM_IC_11N_SERIES) {
- /* hold ofdm counter */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_HOLDC_11N, BIT31, 1); /* hold page C counter */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_RSTD_11N, BIT31, 1); /* hold page D counter */
- ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_TYPE1_11N, bMaskDWord);
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Fast_Fsync = (ret_value&0xffff);
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_SB_Search_fail = ((ret_value&0xffff0000)>>16);
- ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_TYPE2_11N, bMaskDWord);
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_OFDM_CCA = (ret_value&0xffff);
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Parity_Fail = ((ret_value&0xffff0000)>>16);
- ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_TYPE3_11N, bMaskDWord);
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Rate_Illegal = (ret_value&0xffff);
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Crc8_fail = ((ret_value&0xffff0000)>>16);
- ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_TYPE4_11N, bMaskDWord);
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Mcs_fail = (ret_value&0xffff);
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Ofdm_fail = FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Parity_Fail + FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Rate_Illegal +
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Crc8_fail + FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Mcs_fail +
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Fast_Fsync + FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_SB_Search_fail;
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8188E) {
- ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_SC_CNT_11N, bMaskDWord);
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_BW_LSC = (ret_value&0xffff);
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_BW_USC = ((ret_value&0xffff0000)>>16);
- }
- /* hold cck counter */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_CCK_FA_RST_11N, BIT12, 1);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_CCK_FA_RST_11N, BIT14, 1);
- ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_CCK_FA_LSB_11N, bMaskByte0);
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Cck_fail = ret_value;
- ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_CCK_FA_MSB_11N, bMaskByte3);
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Cck_fail += (ret_value & 0xff)<<8;
- ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_CCK_CCA_CNT_11N, bMaskDWord);
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_CCK_CCA = ((ret_value&0xFF)<<8) | ((ret_value&0xFF00)>>8);
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all = (FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Fast_Fsync +
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_SB_Search_fail +
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Parity_Fail +
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Rate_Illegal +
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Crc8_fail +
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Mcs_fail +
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Cck_fail);
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_CCA_all = FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_OFDM_CCA + FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_CCK_CCA;
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType >= ODM_RTL8723A) {
- /* reset false alarm counter registers */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_RSTC_11N, BIT31, 1);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_RSTC_11N, BIT31, 0);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_RSTD_11N, BIT27, 1);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_RSTD_11N, BIT27, 0);
- /* update ofdm counter */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_HOLDC_11N, BIT31, 0); /* update page C counter */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_RSTD_11N, BIT31, 0); /* update page D counter */
- /* reset CCK CCA counter */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_CCK_FA_RST_11N, BIT13|BIT12, 0);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_CCK_FA_RST_11N, BIT13|BIT12, 2);
- /* reset CCK FA counter */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_CCK_FA_RST_11N, BIT15|BIT14, 0);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_CCK_FA_RST_11N, BIT15|BIT14, 2);
- }
- ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_FA_CNT, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("Enter odm_FalseAlarmCounterStatistics\n"));
- ("Cnt_Fast_Fsync=%d, Cnt_SB_Search_fail=%d\n",
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Fast_Fsync, FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_SB_Search_fail));
- ("Cnt_Parity_Fail=%d, Cnt_Rate_Illegal=%d\n",
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Parity_Fail, FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Rate_Illegal));
- ("Cnt_Crc8_fail=%d, Cnt_Mcs_fail=%d\n",
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Crc8_fail, FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Mcs_fail));
- } else { /* FOR ODM_IC_11AC_SERIES */
- /* read OFDM FA counter */
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Ofdm_fail = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_11AC, bMaskLWord);
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Cck_fail = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_CCK_FA_11AC, bMaskLWord);
- FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all = FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Ofdm_fail + FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Cck_fail;
- /* reset OFDM FA coutner */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_RST_11AC, BIT17, 1);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_RST_11AC, BIT17, 0);
- /* reset CCK FA counter */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_CCK_FA_RST_11AC, BIT15, 0);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_CCK_FA_RST_11AC, BIT15, 1);
- }
+ /* hold ofdm counter */
+ PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_HOLDC_11N, BIT31, 1); /* hold page C counter */
+ PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_RSTD_11N, BIT31, 1); /* hold page D counter */
+ ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_TYPE1_11N, bMaskDWord);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Fast_Fsync = (ret_value&0xffff);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_SB_Search_fail = ((ret_value&0xffff0000)>>16);
+ ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_TYPE2_11N, bMaskDWord);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_OFDM_CCA = (ret_value&0xffff);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Parity_Fail = ((ret_value&0xffff0000)>>16);
+ ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_TYPE3_11N, bMaskDWord);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Rate_Illegal = (ret_value&0xffff);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Crc8_fail = ((ret_value&0xffff0000)>>16);
+ ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_TYPE4_11N, bMaskDWord);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Mcs_fail = (ret_value&0xffff);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Ofdm_fail = FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Parity_Fail + FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Rate_Illegal +
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Crc8_fail + FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Mcs_fail +
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Fast_Fsync + FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_SB_Search_fail;
+ ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_SC_CNT_11N, bMaskDWord);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_BW_LSC = (ret_value&0xffff);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_BW_USC = ((ret_value&0xffff0000)>>16);
+ /* hold cck counter */
+ PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_CCK_FA_RST_11N, BIT12, 1);
+ PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_CCK_FA_RST_11N, BIT14, 1);
+ ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_CCK_FA_LSB_11N, bMaskByte0);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Cck_fail = ret_value;
+ ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_CCK_FA_MSB_11N, bMaskByte3);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Cck_fail += (ret_value & 0xff)<<8;
+ ret_value = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, ODM_REG_CCK_CCA_CNT_11N, bMaskDWord);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_CCK_CCA = ((ret_value&0xFF)<<8) | ((ret_value&0xFF00)>>8);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all = (FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Fast_Fsync +
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_SB_Search_fail +
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Parity_Fail +
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Rate_Illegal +
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Crc8_fail +
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Mcs_fail +
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Cck_fail);
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_CCA_all = FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_OFDM_CCA + FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_CCK_CCA;
+ ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_FA_CNT, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("Enter odm_FalseAlarmCounterStatistics\n"));
+ ("Cnt_Fast_Fsync=%d, Cnt_SB_Search_fail=%d\n",
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Fast_Fsync, FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_SB_Search_fail));
+ ("Cnt_Parity_Fail=%d, Cnt_Rate_Illegal=%d\n",
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Parity_Fail, FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Rate_Illegal));
+ ("Cnt_Crc8_fail=%d, Cnt_Mcs_fail=%d\n",
+ FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Crc8_fail, FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Mcs_fail));
ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_FA_CNT, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("Cnt_Cck_fail=%d\n", FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Cck_fail));
ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_FA_CNT, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("Cnt_Ofdm_fail=%d\n", FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_Ofdm_fail));
ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_FA_CNT, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("Total False Alarm=%d\n", FalseAlmCnt->Cnt_all));
@@ -1027,20 +921,6 @@ void odm_DynamicBBPowerSavingInit(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm)
void odm_DynamicBBPowerSaving(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm)
- if ((pDM_Odm->SupportICType != ODM_RTL8192C) && (pDM_Odm->SupportICType != ODM_RTL8723A))
- return;
- if (!(pDM_Odm->SupportAbility & ODM_BB_PWR_SAVE))
- return;
- /* 1 2.Power Saving for 92C */
- if ((pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8192C) && (pDM_Odm->RFType == ODM_2T2R)) {
- odm_1R_CCA(pDM_Odm);
- } else {
- /* 20100628 Joseph: Turn off BB power save for 88CE because it makesthroughput unstable. */
- /* 20100831 Joseph: Turn ON BB power save again after modifying AGC delay from 900ns ot 600ns. */
- /* 1 3.Power Saving for 88C */
- ODM_RF_Saving(pDM_Odm, false);
- }
void odm_1R_CCA(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm)
@@ -1118,10 +998,6 @@ void ODM_RF_Saving(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm, u8 bForceInNormal)
if (pDM_PSTable->PreRFState != pDM_PSTable->CurRFState) {
if (pDM_PSTable->CurRFState == RF_Save) {
- /* <tynli_note> 8723 RSSI report will be wrong. Set 0x874[5]=1 when enter BB power saving mode. */
- /* Suggested by SD3 Yu-Nan. 2011.01.20. */
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8723A)
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, 0x874 , BIT5, 0x1); /* Reg874[5]=1b'1 */
PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, 0x874 , 0x1C0000, 0x2); /* Reg874[20:18]=3'b010 */
PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, 0xc70, BIT3, 0); /* RegC70[3]=1'b0 */
PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, 0x85c, 0xFF000000, 0x63); /* Reg85C[31:24]=0x63 */
@@ -1135,9 +1011,6 @@ void ODM_RF_Saving(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm, u8 bForceInNormal)
PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, 0x85c, 0xFF000000, pDM_PSTable->Reg85C);
PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, 0xa74, 0xF000, pDM_PSTable->RegA74);
PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, 0x818, BIT28, 0x0);
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8723A)
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, 0x874, BIT5, 0x0); /* Reg874[5]=1b'0 */
pDM_PSTable->PreRFState = pDM_PSTable->CurRFState;
@@ -1384,13 +1257,6 @@ void odm_DynamicTxPower(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm)
void odm_DynamicTxPowerNIC(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm)
- if (!(pDM_Odm->SupportAbility & ODM_BB_DYNAMIC_TXPWR))
- return;
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8188E) {
- /* ??? */
- /* This part need to be redefined. */
- }
/* 3============================================================ */
@@ -1567,10 +1433,7 @@ void odm_InitHybridAntDiv(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm)
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType & (ODM_RTL8192C | ODM_RTL8192D))
- ;
- else if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8188E)
- ODM_AntennaDiversityInit_88E(pDM_Odm);
+ ODM_AntennaDiversityInit_88E(pDM_Odm);
void ODM_AntselStatistics_88C(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm, u8 MacId, u32 PWDBAll, bool isCCKrate)
@@ -1601,8 +1464,7 @@ void odm_HwAntDiv(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm)
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8188E)
- ODM_AntennaDiversity_88E(pDM_Odm);
+ ODM_AntennaDiversity_88E(pDM_Odm);
/* EDCA Turbo */
@@ -1766,252 +1628,3 @@ void ODM_SingleDualAntennaDefaultSetting(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm)
pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTA_ON = true;
pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTB_ON = true;
-/* 2 8723A ANT DETECT */
-static void odm_PHY_SaveAFERegisters(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm, u32 *AFEReg, u32 *AFEBackup, u32 RegisterNum)
- struct adapter *adapter = pDM_Odm->Adapter;
- u32 i;
- /* RTPRINT(FINIT, INIT_IQK, ("Save ADDA parameters.\n")); */
- for (i = 0; i < RegisterNum; i++)
- AFEBackup[i] = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, AFEReg[i], bMaskDWord);
-static void odm_PHY_ReloadAFERegisters(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm, u32 *AFEReg, u32 *AFEBackup, u32 RegiesterNum)
- struct adapter *adapter = pDM_Odm->Adapter;
- u32 i;
- for (i = 0; i < RegiesterNum; i++)
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, AFEReg[i], bMaskDWord, AFEBackup[i]);
-/* 2 8723A ANT DETECT */
-/* Description: */
-/* Implement IQK single tone for RF DPK loopback and BB PSD scanning. */
-/* This function is cooperated with BB team Neil. */
-bool ODM_SingleDualAntennaDetection(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm, u8 mode)
- struct adapter *adapter = pDM_Odm->Adapter;
- struct sw_ant_switch *pDM_SWAT_Table = &pDM_Odm->DM_SWAT_Table;
- u32 CurrentChannel, RfLoopReg;
- u8 n;
- u32 Reg88c, Regc08, Reg874, Regc50;
- u8 initial_gain = 0x5a;
- u32 PSD_report_tmp;
- u32 AntA_report = 0x0, AntB_report = 0x0, AntO_report = 0x0;
- bool bResult = true;
- u32 AFE_Backup[16];
- u32 AFE_REG_8723A[16] = {
- rRx_Wait_CCA, rTx_CCK_RFON,
- rTx_OFDM_BBON, rTx_To_Rx,
- rTx_To_Tx, rRx_CCK,
- rRx_OFDM, rRx_Wait_RIFS,
- rRx_TO_Rx, rStandby,
- rSleep, rPMPD_ANAEN,
- rFPGA0_XCD_SwitchControl, rBlue_Tooth};
- if (!(pDM_Odm->SupportICType & (ODM_RTL8723A|ODM_RTL8192C)))
- return bResult;
- if (!(pDM_Odm->SupportAbility&ODM_BB_ANT_DIV))
- return bResult;
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8192C) {
- /* Which path in ADC/DAC is turnned on for PSD: both I/Q */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, 0x808, BIT10|BIT11, 0x3);
- /* Ageraged number: 8 */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, 0x808, BIT12|BIT13, 0x1);
- /* pts = 128; */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, 0x808, BIT14|BIT15, 0x0);
- }
- /* 1 Backup Current RF/BB Settings */
- CurrentChannel = PHY_QueryRFReg(adapter, RF_PATH_A, ODM_CHANNEL, bRFRegOffsetMask);
- RfLoopReg = PHY_QueryRFReg(adapter, RF_PATH_A, 0x00, bRFRegOffsetMask);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rFPGA0_XA_RFInterfaceOE, ODM_DPDT, Antenna_A); /* change to Antenna A */
- /* Step 1: USE IQK to transmitter single tone */
- udelay(10);
- /* Store A Path Register 88c, c08, 874, c50 */
- Reg88c = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, rFPGA0_AnalogParameter4, bMaskDWord);
- Regc08 = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, rOFDM0_TRMuxPar, bMaskDWord);
- Reg874 = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, rFPGA0_XCD_RFInterfaceSW, bMaskDWord);
- Regc50 = PHY_QueryBBReg(adapter, rOFDM0_XAAGCCore1, bMaskDWord);
- /* Store AFE Registers */
- odm_PHY_SaveAFERegisters(pDM_Odm, AFE_REG_8723A, AFE_Backup, 16);
- /* Set PSD 128 pts */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rFPGA0_PSDFunction, BIT14|BIT15, 0x0); /* 128 pts */
- /* To SET CH1 to do */
- PHY_SetRFReg(adapter, RF_PATH_A, ODM_CHANNEL, bRFRegOffsetMask, 0x01); /* Channel 1 */
- /* AFE all on step */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rRx_Wait_CCA, bMaskDWord, 0x6FDB25A4);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rTx_CCK_RFON, bMaskDWord, 0x6FDB25A4);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rTx_CCK_BBON, bMaskDWord, 0x6FDB25A4);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rTx_OFDM_RFON, bMaskDWord, 0x6FDB25A4);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rTx_OFDM_BBON, bMaskDWord, 0x6FDB25A4);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rTx_To_Rx, bMaskDWord, 0x6FDB25A4);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rTx_To_Tx, bMaskDWord, 0x6FDB25A4);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rRx_CCK, bMaskDWord, 0x6FDB25A4);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rRx_OFDM, bMaskDWord, 0x6FDB25A4);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rRx_Wait_RIFS, bMaskDWord, 0x6FDB25A4);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rRx_TO_Rx, bMaskDWord, 0x6FDB25A4);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rStandby, bMaskDWord, 0x6FDB25A4);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rSleep, bMaskDWord, 0x6FDB25A4);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rPMPD_ANAEN, bMaskDWord, 0x6FDB25A4);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rFPGA0_XCD_SwitchControl, bMaskDWord, 0x6FDB25A4);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rBlue_Tooth, bMaskDWord, 0x6FDB25A4);
- /* 3 wire Disable */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rFPGA0_AnalogParameter4, bMaskDWord, 0xCCF000C0);
- /* BB IQK Setting */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rOFDM0_TRMuxPar, bMaskDWord, 0x000800E4);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rFPGA0_XCD_RFInterfaceSW, bMaskDWord, 0x22208000);
- /* IQK setting tone@ 4.34Mhz */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rTx_IQK_Tone_A, bMaskDWord, 0x10008C1C);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rTx_IQK, bMaskDWord, 0x01007c00);
- /* Page B init */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rConfig_AntA, bMaskDWord, 0x00080000);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rConfig_AntA, bMaskDWord, 0x0f600000);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rRx_IQK, bMaskDWord, 0x01004800);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rRx_IQK_Tone_A, bMaskDWord, 0x10008c1f);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rTx_IQK_PI_A, bMaskDWord, 0x82150008);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rRx_IQK_PI_A, bMaskDWord, 0x28150008);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rIQK_AGC_Rsp, bMaskDWord, 0x001028d0);
- /* RF loop Setting */
- PHY_SetRFReg(adapter, RF_PATH_A, 0x0, 0xFFFFF, 0x50008);
- /* IQK Single tone start */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rFPGA0_IQK, bMaskDWord, 0x80800000);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rIQK_AGC_Pts, bMaskDWord, 0xf8000000);
- udelay(1000);
- PSD_report_tmp = 0x0;
- for (n = 0; n < 2; n++) {
- PSD_report_tmp = GetPSDData(pDM_Odm, 14, initial_gain);
- if (PSD_report_tmp > AntA_report)
- AntA_report = PSD_report_tmp;
- }
- PSD_report_tmp = 0x0;
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rFPGA0_XA_RFInterfaceOE, 0x300, Antenna_B); /* change to Antenna B */
- udelay(10);
- for (n = 0; n < 2; n++) {
- PSD_report_tmp = GetPSDData(pDM_Odm, 14, initial_gain);
- if (PSD_report_tmp > AntB_report)
- AntB_report = PSD_report_tmp;
- }
- /* change to open case */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rFPGA0_XA_RFInterfaceOE, 0x300, 0); /* change to Ant A and B all open case */
- udelay(10);
- for (n = 0; n < 2; n++) {
- PSD_report_tmp = GetPSDData(pDM_Odm, 14, initial_gain);
- if (PSD_report_tmp > AntO_report)
- AntO_report = PSD_report_tmp;
- }
- /* Close IQK Single Tone function */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rFPGA0_IQK, bMaskDWord, 0x00000000);
- PSD_report_tmp = 0x0;
- /* 1 Return to antanna A */
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rFPGA0_XA_RFInterfaceOE, 0x300, Antenna_A);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rFPGA0_AnalogParameter4, bMaskDWord, Reg88c);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rOFDM0_TRMuxPar, bMaskDWord, Regc08);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rFPGA0_XCD_RFInterfaceSW, bMaskDWord, Reg874);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rOFDM0_XAAGCCore1, 0x7F, 0x40);
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rOFDM0_XAAGCCore1, bMaskDWord, Regc50);
- PHY_SetRFReg(adapter, RF_PATH_A, RF_CHNLBW, bRFRegOffsetMask, CurrentChannel);
- PHY_SetRFReg(adapter, RF_PATH_A, 0x00, bRFRegOffsetMask, RfLoopReg);
- /* Reload AFE Registers */
- odm_PHY_ReloadAFERegisters(pDM_Odm, AFE_REG_8723A, AFE_Backup, 16);
- ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_ANT_DIV, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("psd_report_A[%d]= %d\n", 2416, AntA_report));
- ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_ANT_DIV, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("psd_report_B[%d]= %d\n", 2416, AntB_report));
- ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_ANT_DIV, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("psd_report_O[%d]= %d\n", 2416, AntO_report));
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8723A) {
- /* 2 Test Ant B based on Ant A is ON */
- if (mode == ANTTESTB) {
- if (AntA_report >= 100) {
- if (AntB_report > (AntA_report+1)) {
- pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTB_ON = false;
- ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_ANT_DIV, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("ODM_SingleDualAntennaDetection(): Single Antenna A\n"));
- } else {
- pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTB_ON = true;
- ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_ANT_DIV, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("ODM_SingleDualAntennaDetection(): Dual Antenna is A and B\n"));
- }
- } else {
- ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_ANT_DIV, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("ODM_SingleDualAntennaDetection(): Need to check again\n"));
- pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTB_ON = false; /* Set Antenna B off as default */
- bResult = false;
- }
- } else if (mode == ANTTESTALL) {
- /* 2 Test Ant A and B based on DPDT Open */
- if ((AntO_report >= 100)&(AntO_report < 118)) {
- if (AntA_report > (AntO_report+1)) {
- pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTA_ON = false;
- } else {
- pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTA_ON = true;
- }
- if (AntB_report > (AntO_report+2)) {
- pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTB_ON = false;
- } else {
- pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTB_ON = true;
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8192C) {
- if (AntA_report >= 100) {
- if (AntB_report > (AntA_report+2)) {
- pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTA_ON = false;
- pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTB_ON = true;
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rFPGA0_XA_RFInterfaceOE, 0x300, Antenna_B);
- ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_ANT_DIV, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("ODM_SingleDualAntennaDetection(): Single Antenna B\n"));
- } else if (AntA_report > (AntB_report+2)) {
- pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTA_ON = true;
- pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTB_ON = false;
- PHY_SetBBReg(adapter, rFPGA0_XA_RFInterfaceOE, 0x300, Antenna_A);
- ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_ANT_DIV, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("ODM_SingleDualAntennaDetection(): Single Antenna A\n"));
- } else {
- pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTA_ON = true;
- pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTB_ON = true;
- ("ODM_SingleDualAntennaDetection(): Dual Antenna\n"));
- }
- } else {
- ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, ODM_COMP_ANT_DIV, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("ODM_SingleDualAntennaDetection(): Need to check again\n"));
- pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTA_ON = true; /* Set Antenna A on as default */
- pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTB_ON = false; /* Set Antenna B off as default */
- bResult = false;
- }
- }
- return bResult;
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/odm_HWConfig.c b/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/odm_HWConfig.c
index f4820baa9792..42f07cee7b47 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/odm_HWConfig.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/odm_HWConfig.c
@@ -113,7 +113,6 @@ static void odm_RxPhyStatus92CSeries_Parsing(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
pPhyInfo->RxMIMOSignalQuality[ODM_RF_PATH_B] = -1;
if (isCCKrate) {
- u8 report;
u8 cck_agc_rpt;
@@ -127,113 +126,51 @@ static void odm_RxPhyStatus92CSeries_Parsing(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
/* 2011.11.28 LukeLee: 88E use different LNA & VGA gain table */
/* The RSSI formula should be modified according to the gain table */
/* In 88E, cck_highpwr is always set to 1 */
- if (dm_odm->SupportICType & (ODM_RTL8188E|ODM_RTL8812)) {
- LNA_idx = ((cck_agc_rpt & 0xE0) >> 5);
- VGA_idx = (cck_agc_rpt & 0x1F);
- switch (LNA_idx) {
- case 7:
- if (VGA_idx <= 27)
- rx_pwr_all = -100 + 2*(27-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 27~2 */
- else
- rx_pwr_all = -100;
- break;
- case 6:
- rx_pwr_all = -48 + 2*(2-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 2~0 */
- break;
- case 5:
- rx_pwr_all = -42 + 2*(7-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 7~5 */
- break;
- case 4:
- rx_pwr_all = -36 + 2*(7-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 7~4 */
- break;
- case 3:
- rx_pwr_all = -24 + 2*(7-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 7~0 */
- break;
- case 2:
- if (cck_highpwr)
- rx_pwr_all = -12 + 2*(5-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 5~0 */
- else
- rx_pwr_all = -6 + 2*(5-VGA_idx);
- break;
- case 1:
- rx_pwr_all = 8-2*VGA_idx;
- break;
- case 0:
- rx_pwr_all = 14-2*VGA_idx;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- rx_pwr_all += 6;
- PWDB_ALL = odm_QueryRxPwrPercentage(rx_pwr_all);
- if (!cck_highpwr) {
- if (PWDB_ALL >= 80)
- PWDB_ALL = ((PWDB_ALL-80)<<1)+((PWDB_ALL-80)>>1)+80;
- else if ((PWDB_ALL <= 78) && (PWDB_ALL >= 20))
- PWDB_ALL += 3;
- if (PWDB_ALL > 100)
- PWDB_ALL = 100;
- }
- } else {
- if (!cck_highpwr) {
- report = (cck_agc_rpt & 0xc0)>>6;
- switch (report) {
- /* 03312009 modified by cosa */
- /* Modify the RF RNA gain value to -40, -20, -2, 14 by Jenyu's suggestion */
- /* Note: different RF with the different RNA gain. */
- case 0x3:
- rx_pwr_all = -46 - (cck_agc_rpt & 0x3e);
- break;
- case 0x2:
- rx_pwr_all = -26 - (cck_agc_rpt & 0x3e);
- break;
- case 0x1:
- rx_pwr_all = -12 - (cck_agc_rpt & 0x3e);
- break;
- case 0x0:
- rx_pwr_all = 16 - (cck_agc_rpt & 0x3e);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- report = (cck_agc_rpt & 0x60)>>5;
- switch (report) {
- case 0x3:
- rx_pwr_all = -46 - ((cck_agc_rpt & 0x1f)<<1) ;
- break;
- case 0x2:
- rx_pwr_all = -26 - ((cck_agc_rpt & 0x1f)<<1);
- break;
- case 0x1:
- rx_pwr_all = -12 - ((cck_agc_rpt & 0x1f)<<1);
- break;
- case 0x0:
- rx_pwr_all = 16 - ((cck_agc_rpt & 0x1f)<<1);
- break;
- }
- }
- PWDB_ALL = odm_QueryRxPwrPercentage(rx_pwr_all);
- /* Modification for ext-LNA board */
- if (dm_odm->BoardType == ODM_BOARD_HIGHPWR) {
- if ((cck_agc_rpt>>7) == 0) {
- PWDB_ALL = (PWDB_ALL > 94) ? 100 : (PWDB_ALL+6);
- } else {
- if (PWDB_ALL > 38)
- PWDB_ALL -= 16;
- else
- PWDB_ALL = (PWDB_ALL <= 16) ? (PWDB_ALL>>2) : (PWDB_ALL-12);
- }
- /* CCK modification */
- if (PWDB_ALL > 25 && PWDB_ALL <= 60)
- PWDB_ALL += 6;
- } else {/* Modification for int-LNA board */
- if (PWDB_ALL > 99)
- PWDB_ALL -= 8;
- else if (PWDB_ALL > 50 && PWDB_ALL <= 68)
- PWDB_ALL += 4;
- }
+ LNA_idx = ((cck_agc_rpt & 0xE0) >> 5);
+ VGA_idx = (cck_agc_rpt & 0x1F);
+ switch (LNA_idx) {
+ case 7:
+ if (VGA_idx <= 27)
+ rx_pwr_all = -100 + 2*(27-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 27~2 */
+ else
+ rx_pwr_all = -100;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ rx_pwr_all = -48 + 2*(2-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 2~0 */
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ rx_pwr_all = -42 + 2*(7-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 7~5 */
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ rx_pwr_all = -36 + 2*(7-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 7~4 */
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ rx_pwr_all = -24 + 2*(7-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 7~0 */
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (cck_highpwr)
+ rx_pwr_all = -12 + 2*(5-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 5~0 */
+ else
+ rx_pwr_all = -6 + 2*(5-VGA_idx);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ rx_pwr_all = 8-2*VGA_idx;
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ rx_pwr_all = 14-2*VGA_idx;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ rx_pwr_all += 6;
+ PWDB_ALL = odm_QueryRxPwrPercentage(rx_pwr_all);
+ if (!cck_highpwr) {
+ if (PWDB_ALL >= 80)
+ PWDB_ALL = ((PWDB_ALL-80)<<1)+((PWDB_ALL-80)>>1)+80;
+ else if ((PWDB_ALL <= 78) && (PWDB_ALL >= 20))
+ PWDB_ALL += 3;
+ if (PWDB_ALL > 100)
+ PWDB_ALL = 100;
pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll = PWDB_ALL;
@@ -356,6 +293,8 @@ static void odm_Process_RSSIForDM(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
u32 OFDM_pkt = 0;
u32 Weighting = 0;
struct sta_info *pEntry;
+ u8 antsel_tr_mux;
+ struct fast_ant_train *pDM_FatTable = &dm_odm->DM_FatTable;
if (pPktinfo->StationID == 0xFF)
@@ -368,27 +307,23 @@ static void odm_Process_RSSIForDM(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
isCCKrate = ((pPktinfo->Rate >= DESC92C_RATE1M) && (pPktinfo->Rate <= DESC92C_RATE11M)) ? true : false;
/* Smart Antenna Debug Message------------------ */
- if (dm_odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8188E) {
- u8 antsel_tr_mux;
- struct fast_ant_train *pDM_FatTable = &dm_odm->DM_FatTable;
- if (dm_odm->AntDivType == CG_TRX_SMART_ANTDIV) {
- if (pDM_FatTable->FAT_State == FAT_TRAINING_STATE) {
- if (pPktinfo->bPacketToSelf) {
- antsel_tr_mux = (pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_2<<2) |
- (pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_1<<1) |
- pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_0;
- pDM_FatTable->antSumRSSI[antsel_tr_mux] += pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll;
- pDM_FatTable->antRSSIcnt[antsel_tr_mux]++;
- }
- }
- } else if ((dm_odm->AntDivType == CG_TRX_HW_ANTDIV) || (dm_odm->AntDivType == CGCS_RX_HW_ANTDIV)) {
- if (pPktinfo->bPacketToSelf || pPktinfo->bPacketBeacon) {
+ if (dm_odm->AntDivType == CG_TRX_SMART_ANTDIV) {
+ if (pDM_FatTable->FAT_State == FAT_TRAINING_STATE) {
+ if (pPktinfo->bPacketToSelf) {
antsel_tr_mux = (pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_2<<2) |
- (pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_1<<1) | pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_0;
- ODM_AntselStatistics_88E(dm_odm, antsel_tr_mux, pPktinfo->StationID, pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll);
+ (pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_1<<1) |
+ pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_0;
+ pDM_FatTable->antSumRSSI[antsel_tr_mux] += pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll;
+ pDM_FatTable->antRSSIcnt[antsel_tr_mux]++;
+ } else if ((dm_odm->AntDivType == CG_TRX_HW_ANTDIV) || (dm_odm->AntDivType == CGCS_RX_HW_ANTDIV)) {
+ if (pPktinfo->bPacketToSelf || pPktinfo->bPacketBeacon) {
+ antsel_tr_mux = (pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_2<<2) |
+ (pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_1<<1) | pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_0;
+ ODM_AntselStatistics_88E(dm_odm, antsel_tr_mux, pPktinfo->StationID, pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll);
+ }
/* Smart Antenna Debug Message------------------ */
@@ -517,12 +452,10 @@ enum HAL_STATUS ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
enum ODM_RF_RADIO_PATH rfpath)
ODM_RT_TRACE(dm_odm, ODM_COMP_INIT, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("===>ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile\n"));
- if (dm_odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8188E) {
- if (rfpath == ODM_RF_PATH_A)
- READ_AND_CONFIG(8188E, _RadioA_1T_);
- ODM_RT_TRACE(dm_odm, ODM_COMP_INIT, ODM_DBG_LOUD, (" ===> ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile() Radio_A:Rtl8188ERadioA_1TArray\n"));
- ODM_RT_TRACE(dm_odm, ODM_COMP_INIT, ODM_DBG_LOUD, (" ===> ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile() Radio_B:Rtl8188ERadioB_1TArray\n"));
- }
+ if (rfpath == ODM_RF_PATH_A)
+ READ_AND_CONFIG(8188E, _RadioA_1T_);
+ ODM_RT_TRACE(dm_odm, ODM_COMP_INIT, ODM_DBG_LOUD, (" ===> ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile() Radio_A:Rtl8188ERadioA_1TArray\n"));
+ ODM_RT_TRACE(dm_odm, ODM_COMP_INIT, ODM_DBG_LOUD, (" ===> ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile() Radio_B:Rtl8188ERadioB_1TArray\n"));
ODM_RT_TRACE(dm_odm, ODM_COMP_INIT, ODM_DBG_TRACE, ("ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile: Radio No %x\n", rfpath));
@@ -531,16 +464,14 @@ enum HAL_STATUS ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
enum HAL_STATUS ODM_ConfigBBWithHeaderFile(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
enum odm_bb_config_type config_tp)
- if (dm_odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8188E) {
- if (config_tp == CONFIG_BB_PHY_REG) {
- } else if (config_tp == CONFIG_BB_AGC_TAB) {
- } else if (config_tp == CONFIG_BB_PHY_REG_PG) {
- (" ===> phy_ConfigBBWithHeaderFile() agc:Rtl8188EPHY_REG_PGArray\n"));
- }
+ if (config_tp == CONFIG_BB_PHY_REG) {
+ } else if (config_tp == CONFIG_BB_AGC_TAB) {
+ } else if (config_tp == CONFIG_BB_PHY_REG_PG) {
+ (" ===> phy_ConfigBBWithHeaderFile() agc:Rtl8188EPHY_REG_PGArray\n"));
@@ -548,7 +479,6 @@ enum HAL_STATUS ODM_ConfigBBWithHeaderFile(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
enum HAL_STATUS ODM_ConfigMACWithHeaderFile(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm)
- if (dm_odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8188E)
- result = READ_AND_CONFIG(8188E, _MAC_REG_);
+ result = READ_AND_CONFIG(8188E, _MAC_REG_);
return result;
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/odm_RTL8188E.c b/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/odm_RTL8188E.c
index fb80afe7cac6..323eb93be41e 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/odm_RTL8188E.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/hal/odm_RTL8188E.c
@@ -184,9 +184,6 @@ static void odm_FastAntTrainingInit(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm)
void ODM_AntennaDiversityInit_88E(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm)
- if (dm_odm->SupportICType != ODM_RTL8188E)
- return;
ODM_RT_TRACE(dm_odm, ODM_COMP_ANT_DIV, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("dm_odm->AntDivType=%d\n", dm_odm->AntDivType));
ODM_RT_TRACE(dm_odm, ODM_COMP_ANT_DIV, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("dm_odm->bIsMPChip=%s\n", (dm_odm->bIsMPChip ? "true" : "false")));
@@ -349,7 +346,7 @@ void ODM_AntennaDiversity_88E(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm)
struct fast_ant_train *dm_fat_tbl = &dm_odm->DM_FatTable;
struct adapter *adapter = dm_odm->Adapter;
- if ((dm_odm->SupportICType != ODM_RTL8188E) || (!(dm_odm->SupportAbility & ODM_BB_ANT_DIV)))
+ if (!(dm_odm->SupportAbility & ODM_BB_ANT_DIV))
if (!dm_odm->bLinked) {
ODM_RT_TRACE(dm_odm, ODM_COMP_ANT_DIV, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("ODM_AntennaDiversity_88E(): No Link.\n"));
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/include/odm.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/include/odm.h
index f3d27739a089..db1d59300047 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/include/odm.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/include/odm.h
@@ -1183,8 +1183,6 @@ void ODM_AntselStatistics_88C(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm, u8 MacId,
void ODM_SingleDualAntennaDefaultSetting(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm);
-bool ODM_SingleDualAntennaDetection(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm, u8 mode);
void odm_dtc(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/include/odm_debug.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/include/odm_debug.h
index 622f4c1418b4..c512a4e3ef97 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/include/odm_debug.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/rtl8188eu/include/odm_debug.h
@@ -94,18 +94,7 @@
#define ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, comp, level, fmt) \
if (((comp) & pDM_Odm->DebugComponents) && \
(level <= pDM_Odm->DebugLevel)) { \
- if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8192C) \
- DbgPrint("[ODM-92C] "); \
- else if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8192D) \
- DbgPrint("[ODM-92D] "); \
- else if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8723A) \
- DbgPrint("[ODM-8723A] "); \
- else if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8188E) \
- DbgPrint("[ODM-8188E] "); \
- else if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8812) \
- DbgPrint("[ODM-8812] "); \
- else if (pDM_Odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8821) \
- DbgPrint("[ODM-8821] "); \
+ DbgPrint("[ODM-8188E] "); \
RT_PRINTK fmt; \