path: root/zshrc
diff options
authorSebastian Reichel <>2019-07-14 16:46:01 +0200
committerSebastian Reichel <>2019-07-14 16:46:01 +0200
commit1d2434edbb08154f71f9c48ea03176258497bbf4 (patch)
tree01ae451f30589000f32348941837f9d218dc1e71 /zshrc
parent0bea503b99cd203c9ababb23651abfaf3fb6ccc6 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'zshrc')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/zshrc b/zshrc
index a6c3633..0d58ba4 100644
--- a/zshrc
+++ b/zshrc
@@ -47,6 +47,18 @@ alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias less="less -r"
alias anki='anki -b'
+swaymsg -t get_version >/dev/null 2>&1
+if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
+ # Use nvim in wayland for clipboard support
+ alias vim="nvim -p"
+ export EDITOR=nvim
+ alias mpv="mpv --gpu-context=wayland"
+ # vim: open multiple files in tabs by default
+ alias vim="vim -p"
+ export EDITOR=vim
# method to load xilinx env
alias xilinx-env="emulate sh ; source /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ ; emulate zsh"
alias vivado-env="emulate sh ; source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2014.1/ ; emulate zsh"
@@ -59,18 +71,18 @@ alias l=ls
alias ll=ls -la
alias gq="background geeqie"
alias ev="background evince"
-alias mpa="mpv -vo=null"
+alias mpa="mpv -vo=null --ytdl-format=bestaudio"
alias cdg="cd \$(git root)"
-# vim: open multiple files in tabs by default
-alias vim="vim -p"
+alias ccugit="git -c sendemail.from='Sebastian Reichel <>' -c''"
# improved calender
alias cal="ccal -e -f"
# connect to USB tty with 115200 baud
-alias cusb="cu -s 115200 -l /dev/ttyUSB0"
-alias cacm="cu -s 115200 -l /dev/ttyACM0"
+alias cusb="picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0"
+alias cacm="picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyACM0"
+alias smoothie="picocom -b 115200 --echo /dev/smoothie0"
# suffix aliases
alias -s jpg="background gpicview"
@@ -92,22 +104,14 @@ alias -s flv="background mpv"
alias -s exe="wine"
alias -s vala="vim"
alias -s txt="vim"
-alias -s doc="libreoffice"
alias -s pho="gerbv"
-# iptv (HD)
-alias -g tv:ard="rtp://"
-alias -g tv:zdf="rtp://"
-alias -g tv:arte="rtp://"
-alias -g tv:kika="rtp://"
-alias -g tv:3sat="rtp://"
-alias -g tv:phoenix="rtp://"
-alias -g tv:ndr="rtp://"
-alias -g tv:sdr="rtp://"
-alias -g tv:wdr="rtp://"
-alias -g tv:zdfkultur="rtp://"
-alias -g tv:zdfneo="rtp://"
-alias -g tv:zdfinfo="rtp://"
+alias -s doc="background libreoffice"
+alias -s xlsx="background libreoffice"
+alias -s odt="background libreoffice"
+alias -s ods="background libreoffice"
+alias -s docx="background libreoffice"
+alias -s ppt="background libreoffice"
+alias -s odp="background libreoffice"
# usage: 'aptitude search non-debian'
alias -g non-debian='~S~i!~Odebian'
@@ -125,12 +129,12 @@ export TERM=xterm-256color
elif [ $TERM = "screen" ] ; then
export TERM=screen-256color
-export EDITOR=vim
export PAGER=vimpager
-export BROWSER=chromium
+export BROWSER=firefox
# path /sbin for ifconfig etc.
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
+export GOPATH=$HOME/src/go
# function to spawn a program in the background
background() {
@@ -151,50 +155,84 @@ function chpwd_profiles() {
chpwd_functions=( ${chpwd_functions} chpwd_profiles )
+function tmux_attached {
+ if [ ! $TMUX ] ; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ TMUXSESSIONID=$(echo $TMUX | cut -d , -f 3)
+ TMUXATTACHED=$(tmux ls -F "#{session_id}: #{?session_attached,1,0}" | grep "\$${TMUXSESSIONID}: " | sed "s~\$${TMUXSESSIONID}: ~~g")
+ if [ "x$TMUXATTACHED" == "1" ] ; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
# update title
function precmd {
title "%n@%m %~"
if [ $TMUX ] ; then
- export `tmux showenv WINDOWID`
+ if [ tmux_attached ] ; then
+ export `tmux showenv WINDOWID`
+ else
+ fi
+ else
+ export WINDOWID=$(pid2winid $PPID)
if [[ "x$WINDOWID" != "x" ]] ; then
- xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/usr/share/pixmaps/terminal-tango.png"
+ xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/home/sre/.zsh/icons/terminal.png"
function preexec {
title "$1"
+ if [ $TMUX ] ; then
+ export `tmux showenv WINDOWID`
+ else
+ export WINDOWID=$(pid2winid $PPID)
+ fi
if [ "x$WINDOWID" = "x" ] ; then
return 0
if [[ "$1" == "mutt" ]] ; then
- xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/usr/share/icons/Tango/22x22/apps/email.png"
+ xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/home/sre/.zsh/icons/email.png"
elif [[ `echo "$1" | grep "vim"` != "" ]] ; then
- xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/usr/share/pixmaps/vim-32.png"
+ xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/home/sre/.zsh/icons/vim.png"
elif [[ `echo "$1" | grep "ssh"` != "" ]] ; then
- xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/usr/share/pixmaps/openssh.png"
- elif [[ `echo "$1" | grep "apt-get "` != "" ]] ; then
- xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/usr/share/icons/Tango/22x22/apps/system-installer.png"
+ xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/home/sre/.zsh/icons/ssh.png"
+ elif [[ `echo "$1" | grep "apt "` != "" ]] ; then
+ xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/home/sre/.zsh/icons/install.png"
elif [[ `echo "$1" | grep "mpv"` != "" ]] ; then
- xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/mpv.png"
+ xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/home/sre/.zsh/icons/mpv.png"
elif [[ `echo "$1" | grep "mpa "` != "" ]] ; then
- xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/mpv.png"
+ xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/home/sre/.zsh/icons/mpv.png"
elif [[ "$1" == "htop" ]] ; then
- xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/usr/share/pixmaps/htop.png"
+ xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/home/sre/.zsh/icons/htop.png"
elif [[ `echo "$1" | grep "make"` != "" ]] ; then
- xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/usr/share/icons/gnome/24x24/categories/package_development.png"
+ xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/home/sre/.zsh/icons/pkg-devel.png"
elif [[ `echo "$1" | grep "git-pbuilder"` != "" ]] ; then
- xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/usr/share/icons/gnome/24x24/categories/package_development.png"
+ xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/home/sre/.zsh/icons/pkg-devel.png"
elif [[ `echo "$1" | grep "gbp buildpackage"` != "" ]] ; then
- xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/usr/share/icons/gnome/24x24/categories/package_development.png"
+ xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/home/sre/.zsh/icons/pkg-devel.png"
elif [[ `echo "$1" | grep "git "` != "" ]] ; then
- xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/usr/share/pixmaps/git.png"
+ xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/home/sre/.zsh/icons/git.png"
elif [[ "$1" == "cusb" ]] ; then
- xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/usr/share/pixmaps/serial.png"
+ xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/home/sre/.zsh/icons/serial.png"
+ elif [[ "$1" == "picocom" ]] ; then
+ xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/home/sre/.zsh/icons/serial.png"
+ elif [[ "$1" == "bitbake" ]] ; then
+ xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/home/sre/.zsh/icons/yocto.png"
+ elif [[ "$1" == "ikhal" ]] ; then
+ xseticon -id $WINDOWID "/home/sre/.zsh/icons/calendar.png"
@@ -218,11 +256,16 @@ zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable bzr git hg svn
# tinyos directory specific configuration
zstyle ':chpwd:profiles:/home/sre/src/linux(|/|/*)' profile linux
zstyle ':chpwd:profiles:/home/sre/src/linux-next(|/|/*)' profile linux
+zstyle ':chpwd:profiles:/home/sre/src/linux-droid(|/|/*)' profile linux
zstyle ':chpwd:profiles:/home/sre/src/linux-stable(|/|/*)' profile linux
zstyle ':chpwd:profiles:/home/sre/src/linux-hsi(|/|/*)' profile linux
zstyle ':chpwd:profiles:/home/sre/src/linux-n900(|/|/*)' profile linux
+zstyle ':chpwd:profiles:/home/sre/src/linux-hackspace(|/|/*)' profile linux
+zstyle ':chpwd:profiles:/home/sre/src/linux-misc-fixes(|/|/*)' profile linux
+zstyle ':chpwd:profiles:/home/sre/src/linux-n950-display(|/|/*)' profile linux
zstyle ':chpwd:profiles:/home/sre/src/linux-power-supply(|/|/*)' profile linux
zstyle ':chpwd:profiles:/home/sre/src/zybo/linux(|/|/*)' profile linux
+zstyle ':chpwd:profiles:/home/sre/src/n950/linux(|/|/*)' profile linux
chpwd_profile_linux() {
[[ ${profile} == ${CHPWD_PROFILE} ]] && return 1
@@ -248,6 +291,8 @@ export DEBEMAIL=""
+export LC_TIME=de_DE.UTF-8
# fix java fonts
export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=gasp'
@@ -259,5 +304,10 @@ have()
-source /etc/bash_completion.d/pmount
-source /etc/bash_completion.d/youtube-dl.bash-completion
+alias pmount="udevil mount"
+alias pumount="udevil umount"
+alias acs="ssh keyholder@ktt-acs"
+alias acs-machining="ssh keyholder@ktt-acs-machining"
+alias wpa_cli="wpa_cli -i wlp3s0"
+alias real-mount='mount | grep -v -e "on /sys" -e "on /proc" -e "on /run" -e "on /dev"'
+alias signal-desktop="docker run --rm -d -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix -v $HOME/.signal:/root -e DISPLAY -e XAUTHORITY -v $XAUTHORITY:$XAUTHORITY --net=host signal"