path: root/tools/testing/ktest/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/testing/ktest/')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/tools/testing/ktest/ b/tools/testing/ktest/
index 7b6f8e1a82a4..0d1080548ea6 100755
--- a/tools/testing/ktest/
+++ b/tools/testing/ktest/
@@ -106,7 +106,6 @@ sub set_value {
if (defined($opt{$lvalue})) {
die "Error: Option $lvalue defined more than once!\n";
- $opt{$lvalue} = $rvalue;
if ($rvalue =~ /^\s*$/) {
delete $opt{$lvalue};
} else {
@@ -945,20 +944,18 @@ sub run_git_bisect {
return 1;
-sub run_bisect {
- my ($type) = @_;
+# returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
+sub run_bisect_test {
+ my ($type, $buildtype) = @_;
my $failed = 0;
my $result;
my $output;
my $ret;
- if (defined($minconfig)) {
- build "useconfig:$minconfig" or $failed = 1;
- } else {
- # ?? no config to use?
- build "oldconfig" or $failed = 1;
- }
+ $in_bisect = 1;
+ build $buildtype or $failed = 1;
if ($type ne "build") {
dodie "Failed on build" if $failed;
@@ -980,7 +977,7 @@ sub run_bisect {
if ($failed) {
- $result = "bad";
+ $result = 0;
# reboot the box to a good kernel
if ($type ne "build") {
@@ -991,19 +988,35 @@ sub run_bisect {
} else {
- $result = "good";
+ $result = 1;
+ }
+ $in_bisect = 0;
+ return $result;
+sub run_bisect {
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ my $buildtype = "oldconfig";
+ # We should have a minconfig to use?
+ if (defined($minconfig)) {
+ $buildtype = "useconfig:$minconfig";
+ my $ret = run_bisect_test $type, $buildtype;
# Are we looking for where it worked, not failed?
if ($reverse_bisect) {
- if ($failed) {
- $result = "good";
- } else {
- $result = "bad";
- }
+ $ret = !$ret;
- return $result;
+ if ($ret) {
+ return "good";
+ } else {
+ return "bad";
+ }
sub bisect {
@@ -1033,8 +1046,6 @@ sub bisect {
$reverse_bisect = 0;
- $in_bisect = 1;
# Can't have a test without having a test to run
if ($type eq "test" && !defined($run_test)) {
$type = "boot";
@@ -1108,7 +1119,359 @@ sub bisect {
doprint "Bad commit was [$bisect_bad]\n";
- $in_bisect = 0;
+ success $i;
+my %config_ignore;
+my %config_set;
+my %config_list;
+my %null_config;
+my %dependency;
+sub process_config_ignore {
+ my ($config) = @_;
+ open (IN, $config)
+ or dodie "Failed to read $config";
+ while (<IN>) {
+ if (/^(.*?(CONFIG\S*)(=.*| is not set))/) {
+ $config_ignore{$2} = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ close(IN);
+sub read_current_config {
+ my ($config_ref) = @_;
+ %{$config_ref} = ();
+ undef %{$config_ref};
+ my @key = keys %{$config_ref};
+ if ($#key >= 0) {
+ print "did not delete!\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ open (IN, "$output_config");
+ while (<IN>) {
+ if (/^(CONFIG\S+)=(.*)/) {
+ ${$config_ref}{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ }
+ close(IN);
+sub get_dependencies {
+ my ($config) = @_;
+ my $arr = $dependency{$config};
+ if (!defined($arr)) {
+ return ();
+ }
+ my @deps = @{$arr};
+ foreach my $dep (@{$arr}) {
+ print "ADD DEP $dep\n";
+ @deps = (@deps, get_dependencies $dep);
+ }
+ return @deps;
+sub create_config {
+ my @configs = @_;
+ open(OUT, ">$output_config") or dodie "Can not write to $output_config";
+ foreach my $config (@configs) {
+ print OUT "$config_set{$config}\n";
+ my @deps = get_dependencies $config;
+ foreach my $dep (@deps) {
+ print OUT "$config_set{$dep}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $config (keys %config_ignore) {
+ print OUT "$config_ignore{$config}\n";
+ }
+ close(OUT);
+# exit;
+ run_command "$make oldnoconfig" or
+ dodie "failed make config oldconfig";
+sub compare_configs {
+ my (%a, %b) = @_;
+ foreach my $item (keys %a) {
+ if (!defined($b{$item})) {
+ print "diff $item\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ delete $b{$item};
+ }
+ my @keys = keys %b;
+ if ($#keys) {
+ print "diff2 $keys[0]\n";
+ }
+ return -1 if ($#keys >= 0);
+ return 0;
+sub run_config_bisect_test {
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ return run_bisect_test $type, "oldconfig";
+sub process_passed {
+ my (%configs) = @_;
+ doprint "These configs had no failure: (Enabling them for further compiles)\n";
+ # Passed! All these configs are part of a good compile.
+ # Add them to the min options.
+ foreach my $config (keys %configs) {
+ if (defined($config_list{$config})) {
+ doprint " removing $config\n";
+ $config_ignore{$config} = $config_list{$config};
+ delete $config_list{$config};
+ }
+ }
+sub process_failed {
+ my ($config) = @_;
+ doprint "\n\n***************************************\n";
+ doprint "Found bad config: $config\n";
+ doprint "***************************************\n\n";
+sub run_config_bisect {
+ my @start_list = keys %config_list;
+ if ($#start_list < 0) {
+ doprint "No more configs to test!!!\n";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ doprint "***** RUN TEST ***\n";
+ my $type = $opt{"CONFIG_BISECT_TYPE[$iteration]"};
+ my $ret;
+ my %current_config;
+ my $count = $#start_list + 1;
+ doprint " $count configs to test\n";
+ my $half = int($#start_list / 2);
+ do {
+ my @tophalf = @start_list[0 .. $half];
+ create_config @tophalf;
+ read_current_config \%current_config;
+ $count = $#tophalf + 1;
+ doprint "Testing $count configs\n";
+ my $found = 0;
+ # make sure we test something
+ foreach my $config (@tophalf) {
+ if (defined($current_config{$config})) {
+ logit " $config\n";
+ $found = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$found) {
+ # try the other half
+ doprint "Top half produced no set configs, trying bottom half\n";
+ @tophalf = @start_list[$half .. $#start_list];
+ create_config @tophalf;
+ read_current_config \%current_config;
+ foreach my $config (@tophalf) {
+ if (defined($current_config{$config})) {
+ logit " $config\n";
+ $found = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$found) {
+ doprint "Failed: Can't make new config with current configs\n";
+ foreach my $config (@start_list) {
+ doprint " CONFIG: $config\n";
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ $count = $#tophalf + 1;
+ doprint "Testing $count configs\n";
+ }
+ $ret = run_config_bisect_test $type;
+ if ($ret) {
+ process_passed %current_config;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ doprint "This config had a failure.\n";
+ doprint "Removing these configs that were not set in this config:\n";
+ # A config exists in this group that was bad.
+ foreach my $config (keys %config_list) {
+ if (!defined($current_config{$config})) {
+ doprint " removing $config\n";
+ delete $config_list{$config};
+ }
+ }
+ @start_list = @tophalf;
+ if ($#start_list == 0) {
+ process_failed $start_list[0];
+ return 1;
+ }
+ # remove half the configs we are looking at and see if
+ # they are good.
+ $half = int($#start_list / 2);
+ } while ($half > 0);
+ # we found a single config, try it again
+ my @tophalf = @start_list[0 .. 0];
+ $ret = run_config_bisect_test $type;
+ if ($ret) {
+ process_passed %current_config;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ process_failed $start_list[0];
+ return 1;
+sub config_bisect {
+ my ($i) = @_;
+ my $start_config = $opt{"CONFIG_BISECT[$i]"};
+ my $tmpconfig = "$tmpdir/use_config";
+ # Make the file with the bad config and the min config
+ if (defined($minconfig)) {
+ # read the min config for things to ignore
+ run_command "cp $minconfig $tmpconfig" or
+ dodie "failed to copy $minconfig to $tmpconfig";
+ } else {
+ unlink $tmpconfig;
+ }
+ # Add other configs
+ if (defined($addconfig)) {
+ run_command "cat $addconfig >> $tmpconfig" or
+ dodie "failed to append $addconfig";
+ }
+ my $defconfig = "";
+ if (-f $tmpconfig) {
+ $defconfig = "KCONFIG_ALLCONFIG=$tmpconfig";
+ process_config_ignore $tmpconfig;
+ }
+ # now process the start config
+ run_command "cp $start_config $output_config" or
+ dodie "failed to copy $start_config to $output_config";
+ # read directly what we want to check
+ my %config_check;
+ open (IN, $output_config)
+ or dodie "faied to open $output_config";
+ while (<IN>) {
+ if (/^((CONFIG\S*)=.*)/) {
+ $config_check{$2} = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ close(IN);
+ # Now run oldconfig with the minconfig (and addconfigs)
+ run_command "$defconfig $make oldnoconfig" or
+ dodie "failed make config oldconfig";
+ # check to see what we lost (or gained)
+ open (IN, $output_config)
+ or dodie "Failed to read $start_config";
+ my %removed_configs;
+ my %added_configs;
+ while (<IN>) {
+ if (/^((CONFIG\S*)=.*)/) {
+ # save off all options
+ $config_set{$2} = $1;
+ if (defined($config_check{$2})) {
+ if (defined($config_ignore{$2})) {
+ $removed_configs{$2} = $1;
+ } else {
+ $config_list{$2} = $1;
+ }
+ } elsif (!defined($config_ignore{$2})) {
+ $added_configs{$2} = $1;
+ $config_list{$2} = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(IN);
+ my @confs = keys %removed_configs;
+ if ($#confs >= 0) {
+ doprint "Configs overridden by default configs and removed from check:\n";
+ foreach my $config (@confs) {
+ doprint " $config\n";
+ }
+ }
+ @confs = keys %added_configs;
+ if ($#confs >= 0) {
+ doprint "Configs appearing in make oldconfig and added:\n";
+ foreach my $config (@confs) {
+ doprint " $config\n";
+ }
+ }
+ my %config_test;
+ my $once = 0;
+ # Sometimes kconfig does weird things. We must make sure
+ # that the config we autocreate has everything we need
+ # to test, otherwise we may miss testing configs, or
+ # may not be able to create a new config.
+ # Here we create a config with everything set.
+ create_config (keys %config_list);
+ read_current_config \%config_test;
+ foreach my $config (keys %config_list) {
+ if (!defined($config_test{$config})) {
+ if (!$once) {
+ $once = 1;
+ doprint "Configs not produced by kconfig (will not be checked):\n";
+ }
+ doprint " $config\n";
+ delete $config_list{$config};
+ }
+ }
+ my $ret;
+ do {
+ $ret = run_config_bisect;
+ } while (!$ret);
+ return $ret if ($ret < 0);
success $i;
@@ -1341,7 +1704,6 @@ for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opt{"NUM_TESTS"}; $i++) {
$dmesg = "$tmpdir/dmesg-$machine";
$make = "$makecmd O=$outputdir";
$output_config = "$outputdir/.config";
- $output_config = "$outputdir/.config";
if ($reboot_type eq "grub") {
dodie "GRUB_MENU not defined" if (!defined($grub_menu));
@@ -1354,6 +1716,8 @@ for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opt{"NUM_TESTS"}; $i++) {
$run_type = $opt{"PATCHCHECK_TYPE[$i]"};
} elsif ($test_type eq "bisect") {
$run_type = $opt{"BISECT_TYPE[$i]"};
+ } elsif ($test_type eq "config_bisect") {
+ $run_type = $opt{"CONFIG_BISECT_TYPE[$i]"};
# mistake in config file?
@@ -1385,6 +1749,9 @@ for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opt{"NUM_TESTS"}; $i++) {
if ($test_type eq "bisect") {
bisect $i;
+ } elsif ($test_type eq "config_bisect") {
+ config_bisect $i;
+ next;
} elsif ($test_type eq "patchcheck") {
patchcheck $i;