diff options
4 files changed, 377 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3.rst b/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3.rst
index c9f780404eee..e4904ab44e60 100644
--- a/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3.rst
+++ b/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3.rst
@@ -265,19 +265,56 @@ below.
yavta -w "0x009819A1 1" /dev/v4l-subdev7
-RAW Bayer frames go through the following ImgU pipeline HW blocks to have the
+Certain hardware blocks in ImgU pipeline can change the frame resolution by
+cropping or scaling, these hardware blocks include Input Feeder(IF), Bayer Down
+Scaler (BDS) and Geometric Distortion Correction (GDC).
+There is also a block which can change the frame resolution - YUV Scaler, it is
+only applicable to the secondary output.
+RAW Bayer frames go through these ImgU pipeline hardware blocks and the final
processed image output to the DDR memory.
-RAW Bayer frame -> Input Feeder -> Bayer Down Scaling (BDS) -> Geometric
-Distortion Correction (GDC) -> DDR
+.. kernel-figure:: ipu3_rcb.svg
+ :alt: ipu3 resolution blocks image
-The ImgU V4L2 subdev has to be configured with the supported resolutions in all
-the above HW blocks, for a given input resolution.
+ IPU3 resolution change hardware blocks
+**Input Feeder**
+Input Feeder gets the Bayer frame data from the sensor, it can enable cropping
+of lines and columns from the frame and then store pixels into device's internal
+pixel buffer which are ready to readout by following blocks.
+**Bayer Down Scaler**
+Bayer Down Scaler is capable of performing image scaling in Bayer domain, the
+downscale factor can be configured from 1X to 1/4X in each axis with
+configuration steps of 0.03125 (1/32).
+**Geometric Distortion Correction**
+Geometric Distortion Correction is used to performe correction of distortions
+and image filtering. It needs some extra filter and envelop padding pixels to
+work, so the input resolution of GDC should be larger than the output
+**YUV Scaler**
+YUV Scaler which similar with BDS, but it is mainly do image down scaling in
+YUV domain, it can support up to 1/12X down scaling, but it can not be applied
+to the main output.
+The ImgU V4L2 subdev has to be configured with the supported resolutions in all
+the above hardware blocks, for a given input resolution.
For a given supported resolution for an input frame, the Input Feeder, Bayer
-Down Scaling and GDC blocks should be configured with the supported resolutions.
-This information can be obtained by looking at the following IPU3 ImgU
-configuration table.
+Down Scaler and GDC blocks should be configured with the supported resolutions
+as each hardware block has its own alignment requirement.
+You must configure the output resolution of the hardware blocks smartly to meet
+the hardware requirement along with keeping the maximum field of view.
+The intermediate resolutions can be generated by specific tool and this
+information can be obtained by looking at the following IPU3 ImgU configuration
diff --git a/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3_rcb.svg b/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3_rcb.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d878421b42a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3_rcb.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
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index 8077b453f2e9..8f46346b1516 100644
@@ -8335,6 +8335,7 @@ S: Maintained
F: drivers/staging/media/ipu3/
F: Documentation/media/uapi/v4l/pixfmt-meta-intel-ipu3.rst
F: Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3.rst
+F: Documentation/media/v4l-drivers/ipu3_rcb.svg
M: Krzysztof Halasa <>
diff --git a/drivers/staging/media/ipu3/TODO b/drivers/staging/media/ipu3/TODO
index 5e55baeaea1a..1fae569c7a48 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/media/ipu3/TODO
+++ b/drivers/staging/media/ipu3/TODO
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ staging directory.
relevant. (Sakari)
- IPU3 driver documentation (Laurent)
- Add diagram in driver rst to describe output capability.
Comments on configuring v4l2 subdevs for CIO2 and ImgU.
- uAPI documentation: