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authorKlaus Kurzmann <>2011-04-08 11:58:40 +0200
committerKlaus Kurzmann <>2011-04-08 11:58:40 +0200
commit9e1b2d72a91360aba3d700bbde32163b3f9ee64f (patch)
parentf9aa55c5c0128eb8420495fdf19b88c2ed63c060 (diff)
complete the resources table
Signed-off-by: Klaus Kurzmann <>
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/packet-isi.c b/src/packet-isi.c
index 5441d54..74f30b0 100644
--- a/src/packet-isi.c
+++ b/src/packet-isi.c
@@ -54,20 +54,241 @@ static const value_string hf_isi_device[] = {
static const value_string hf_isi_resource[] = {
{0x01, "Call"},
{0x02, "SMS"},
+ {0x03, "Phonebook"},
+ {0x04, "Phone Status"},
+ {0x05, "Settings"},
{0x06, "Subscriber Services"},
- {0x08, "SIM Authentication"},
+ {0x07, "Custom Idle Framework"},
+ {0x08, "Security"},
{0x09, "SIM"},
{0x0A, "Network"},
+ {0x0B, "Audio control"},
+ {0x0C, "Keyboard"},
+ {0x0D, "Blackberry Email"},
+ {0x0E, "Plato Panel"},
+ {0x0F, "Echo"},
{0x10, "Indication"},
- {0x15, "MTC"},
- {0x1B, "Phone Information"},
+ {0x11, "Java"},
+ {0x12, "Local Connectivity"},
+ {0x13, "Calendar"},
+ {0x14, "SMS memory message"},
+ {0x15, "Mobile Terminal Control"},
+ {0x16, "Circuit Switched Data"},
+ {0x17, "Energy management"},
+ {0x18, "Menu"},
+ {0x19, "Time Services"},
+ {0x1A, "Bearer/Socket Test"},
+ {0x1B, "Phone Info"},
+ {0x1C, "Accessory"},
+ {0x1D, "Universal Diagnostic Monitor Support"},
+ {0x1E, "UI Themes"},
+ {0x1F, "Tone"},
+ {0x20, "Car"},
+ {0x21, "SOS ADL"},
+ {0x22, "Provisioning"},
+ {0x23, "Permanent Data"},
+ {0x24, "DAMPS & CDMA NAM serverCDMA"},
+ {0x25, "Functional Covers interface to Java"},
+ {0x26, "Wireless Datagram Protocol"},
+ {0x27, "Wireless Transaction Layer Security"},
+ {0x28, "Temporaty WAP (WTP)"},
+ {0x29, "Temporaty WAP (WSP)"},
+ {0x2A, "DAMPS Layer 1"},
+ {0x2B, "Socket Server"},
+ {0x2C, "Help"},
+ {0x2D, "Temporaty WAP (Cache)"},
+ {0x2E, "Temporaty WAP (Script)"},
+ {0x2F, "TDMA Calling card"},
{0x31, "GPRS"},
- {0x32, "General Stack Server"}, /* Mysterious type 50 - I don't know what this is*/
+ {0x32, "GSM Stack Server"}, /* Mysterious type 50 - I don't know what this is*/
+ {0x33, "Mobile Station Test Interface"},
+ {0x34, "ND"},
+ {0x35, "Selftest"},
+ {0x36, "Obex"},
+ {0x37, "Print"},
+ {0x38, "Monitor"},
+ {0x39, "User Profile"},
+ {0x3A, "Light"},
+ {0x3B, "SWDL"},
+ {0x3C, "GSM CS Layer 1"},
+ {0x3D, "DAMPS Stack"},
+ {0x3E, "FM Radio"},
+ {0x3F, "WAP Connectivity"},
+ {0x40, "Test"},
+ {0x41, "Wallet Security Module"},
+ {0x42, "Warranty Transfer"},
+ {0x43, "Non volatile data"},
+ {0x44, "Secbox"},
+ {0x45, "Combox"},
+ {0x46, "Real Time Streaming Protocol"},
+ {0x47, "Sensor"},
+ {0x48, "APDU"},
+ {0x49, "Content Dispatch"},
+ {0x4A, "Voice"},
+ {0x4B, "EXT SIM"},
+ {0x4C, "AMPS Layer 3"},
+ {0x4D, "AMPS Frame Layer"},
+ {0x4E, "AMPS Modem"},
+ {0x4F, "CDMA Layer 1"},
+ {0x50, "CDMA Layer 2"},
+ {0x51, "CDMA Layer 3"},
+ {0x52, "CDMA System Selection"},
+ {0x53, "Simlock"},
{0x54, "GPS"},
+ {0x55, "ToDo"},
+ {0x56, "System mode control"},
+ {0x57, "Voice recognition and recording"},
+ {0x58, "EPOC Test"},
+ {0x59, "EPOC Selftest"},
+ {0x5A, "Application ToolKit"},
+ {0x5B, "WCDMA CS Physical Layer"},
+ {0x5C, "SyncML"},
+ {0x5D, "Versit"},
+ {0x5E, "EPOC side monitor"},
+ {0x5F, "CDMA Data - RLP"},
+ {0x60, "Bearer control"},
+ {0x61, "Camera"},
{0x62, "EPOC Info"},
- {0xB4, "Radio Settings"} /* Mysterious type 180? */
+ {0x63, "Wallet"},
+ {0x64, "Local Connectivity InterFace"},
+ {0x65, "IMPS Contacts"},
+ {0x66, "Messaging Services"},
+ {0x67, "POC (Push-to-talk)"},
+ {0x68, "HTTP server side"},
+ {0x69, "IMODE mail"},
+ {0x6A, "IMODE page loader"},
+ {0x6B, "HTTP 1.1 protocol"},
+ {0x6C, "Secure Sockets Layer"},
+ {0x6D, "File Manager"},
+ {0x6E, "BlueTooth"},
+ {0x6F, "Auxiliary DownLoad (for reflashing)"},
+ {0x70, "Touchpad"},
+ {0x71, "Wireless Identity Module and Certificates"},
+ {0x72, "Concierge"},
+ {0x73, "Session Initiation Protocol"},
+ {0x74, "Real-time Transport Protocol"},
+ {0x75, "Music"},
+ {0x76, "Instant Messaging and Presence Service"},
+ {0x77, "Tune Player"},
+ {0x78, "Accesory message"},
+ {0x79, "Accesory Indication"},
+ {0x7A, "UI settings"},
+ {0x7B, "SPR"},
+ {0x7C, "Ostrich"},
+ {0x7D, "Location UI"},
+ {0x7E, "CoreSW MCU task for DSP code download"},
+ {0x7F, "PhoNet Acknowledge messages"},
+ {0x80, "BlueTooth core"},
+ {0x81, "I2C core"},
+ {0x8C, "Universal Integrated Circuit Card"},
+ {0x8D, "Modem SIM (MMS)"},
+ {0x8E, "AT Modem Server"},
+ {0x8F, "AT Application Server"},
+ {0x90, "Modem LCS Server"},
+ {0x91, "Modem Test Server"}
+ {0x94, "ODIN"},
+ {0x95, "Wireless Telephony Application"},
+ {0x9A, "CDMA DSP Layer 1 Data"},
+ {0x9B, "CDMA Data Only Control"},
+ {0x9C, "CDMA Data Only Data"},
+ {0x9D, "Programmable Requirements Interface"},
+ {0x9E, "Verizona Access Manager"},
+ {0x9F, "Wireless Wide Area Network"},
+ {0xA0, "Generic intelligent accessory interface"},
+ {0xA1, "IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)"},
+ {0xA2, "SOS PERManent Server"},
+ {0xA3, "PoC UI Engine"},
+ {0xA4, "Presence"},
+ {0xA5, "XML Configuration Access Protocol"},
+ {0xA6, "POC Group Server"},
+ {0xA7, "Common Settings Module"},
+ {0xA8, "Media Communication Library Engine"},
+ {0xA9, "TRACFONE carrier pre-paid feature"},
+ {0xAA, "Message Storage Server"},
+ {0xAB, "Multimedia and E-mail Services Server"},
+ {0xAC, "Vertu Bus Test server"},
+ {0xAD, "DP2 Download Agent Server"},
+ {0xAE, "IP Communications Server"},
+ {0xAF, "TSS Hardware access server"},
+ {0xB0, "UMA Symbian Controller Server"},
+ {0xB1, "Video Protocol Server"},
+ {0xB2, "Wireless LAN (WLAN) connectivity Server"},
+ {0xB3, "News Delivery Server"},
+ {0xB4, "WCDMA Radio Factory Server"},
+ {0xB5, "EUTRAN L2 layers towards MACN layers server"},
+ {0xB6, "EUTRAN L1 layer server */
+ {0xB7, "RF control and tuning"},
+ {0xB8, "Instance Message Engine"},
+ {0xB9, "Timing & NAT Traversal (TNT)"},
+ {0xBA, "Backup Server"},
+ {0xBB, "File Identity Manager"},
+ {0xBC, "Mobility Policy (MOP)"},
+ {0xBD, "Landmark Server"},
+ {0xBE, "Mobile Broadcast Services"},
+ {0xBF, "Forward Error Correction (FEC)"},
+ {0xC0, "Generic Bootstrapping Architecture (GBA)"},
+ {0xC1, "Dynamic Loader"},
+ {0xC2, "Modem MCE Server"},
+ {0xC3, "Modem HW Monitor 2"},
+ {0xC4, "Modem HW Monitor 3"},
+ {0xC5, "Modem Info"},
+ {0xC6, "Resource Manager"},
+ {0xC7, "Vendor specific production related tests"},
+ {0xC8, "NET Server in Modem SW"},
+ {0xC9, "CALL Server in Modem SW"},
+ {0xCA, "Generic Metadata System"},
+ {0xCE, "Extensible Authentication Protocol"},
+ {0xCF, "My5 Protocol"},
+ {0xD0, "PhoNet registration Messages"},
+ {0xD1, "Remote Procedure Call requests"},
+ {0xD2, "Remote Procedure Call responses"},
+ {0xD3, "Config"},
+ {0xD4, "Slave Logout"},
+ {0xD5, "Error Info"},
+ {0xD6, "Dev Connection Info"},
+ {0xD7, "Media Module Control Messages"},
+ {0xD8, "Check Rasmus"},
+ {0xD9, "Pipe Messages"},
+ {0xDA, "PhoNet alive messages"},
+ {0xDB, "Name Service Messages"},
+ {0xDC, "Router indications"},
+ {0xDD, "LN EE Response"},
+ {0xDE, "SuperDongle challenge/response"},
+ {0xDF, "Unused System Res 1"},
+ {0xE0, "Enhanced resource id message"},
+ {0xE1, "Private interface messages"},
+ {0xE2, "SOS Audio Server"},
+ {0xE3, "Startup Control"},
+ {0xE4, "KODIAK PoC Server"},
+ {0xE5, "Payload Test Server"},
+ {0xE6, "DSP Core"},
+ {0xE7, "DSP Video"},
+ {0xE8, "DSP Voice"},
+ {0xE9, "DSP Midi"},
+ {0xEA, "ADSP Core"},
+ {0xEB, "DSP Self Test"},
+ {0xEC, "DSP Common Test"},
+ {0xED, "WCDMA DSP CS"},
+ {0xEE, "WCDMA DSP Test"},
+ {0xF0, "GSM DSP CS"},
+ {0xF1, "GSM DSP Test"},
+ {0xF2, "GSM DSP"},
+ {0xF3, "DSP Audio"},
+ {0xF4, "DAMPS DSP CS"},
+ {0xF5, "DAMPS DSP Test"},
+ {0xF6, "DAMPS DSP"},
+ {0xF7, "TETRA DSP"},
+ {0xF8, "TETRA DSP Test"},
+ {0xF9, "TETRA DSP CS"},
+ {0xFA, "CDMA DSP L1"},
+ {0xFB, "AMPS DSP L1"},
+ {0xFC, "CDMA DSP"},
+ {0xFD, "DSP GPRS"},
+ {0xFE, "DSP Music"},
static guint32 hf_isi_rdev = -1;
static guint32 hf_isi_sdev = -1;
static guint32 hf_isi_res = -1;