path: root/doc/usage
diff options
authorpancake <pancake@dazo>2007-06-25 15:14:14 +0200
committerpancake <pancake@dazo>2007-06-25 15:14:14 +0200
commit6521a8e9d11b8e87bb8d400238cb5a340202674e (patch)
treeec153e2e7071e3a34af2f89eb2a10367244733d5 /doc/usage
parent3728cdea3130c62f3d766df040d2cb85f1e6caa4 (diff)
* Update documentation for the 0.2 release
* Fix case0 bug of libusb in usb_device_found function
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/usage')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/doc/usage b/doc/usage
index 59caa17..d297505 100644
--- a/doc/usage
+++ b/doc/usage
@@ -8,27 +8,38 @@ Tablets (n770 and n800).
- reboot de mother board
- extract the current firmware pieces from the device (dump)
- set the USB host/slave mode
- - set the R&R mode
+ - fine grained R&D flags support
- identify firmware pieces
+ - dump mtd partitions (embedded mtd-utils source code)
+ - reconstruct initfs from a dump
+ - dump config partition
+ - automatic piece identifier
+ - console mode (shell like)
This is the help message of the tool:
<b>~$ 0xFFFF -h</b>
-0xFFFF v0.1 - The Open Free Fiasco Firmware Flasher
- -b [arg] boots the kernel with arguments
- -e [path] dump the firmware pieces into the path
- -p [[p:]file] piece-of-firmware : file-where-this-piece-is
- -r [0|1] disable/enable R&D mode
- -u [fiasco] unpack target fiasco image
- -U [0|1] disable/enable the usb host mode
- -h show this help message
- -i show device information (let standby mode)
- -I [piece] identify a firmware piece
- -l list supported usb device ids
- -d [vid:pid] injects a usb device into the supported list
- -R reboot the omap board
- -v be verbose and noisy
- -V show 0xFFFF version information
+0xFFFF v0.2 // The Free Fiasco Firmware Flasher
+ -b [arg] boots the kernel with arguments
+ -e [path] dump and extract pieces to path
+ -r [0|1] disable/enable R&D mode
+ -f <flags> set the given RD flags (see '-f help')
+ -p [[p%]file] piece-of-firmware % file-where-this-piece-is
+ -u [fiasco] unpack target fiasco image
+ -U [0|1] disable/enable the usb host mode
+ -s [serial] serial port console (minicom like terminal)
+ -C [/dev/mtd] check bad blocks on mtd
+ -c console prompt mode
+ -h show this help message
+ -i show device information (let standby mode)
+ -I [piece] identify a firmware piece
+ -l list supported usb device ids
+ -d [vid:pid] injects a usb device into the supported list
+ -D [0|1|2] sets the root device to flash (0), mmc (1) or usb (2)
+ -R reboot the omap board
+ -x extract configuration entries from /dev/mtd1
+ -v be verbose and noisy
+ -V show 0xFFFF version information
Pieces are: xloader secondary kernel initfs rootfs omap-nand