/* Copyright 2012-2013, Sebastian Reichel * Copyright 2017-2018, Johannes Rudolph * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ [DBus (name = "io.mainframe.shopsystem.ScannerSession")] public class ScannerSessionImplementation { private int user = 0; private string name = _("Guest"); private bool logged_in = false; private bool disabled = false; private string theme = "beep"; private Database db; private AudioPlayer audio; private InputDevice devScanner; private InputDevice devRfid; private Cli cli; private ScannerSessionState state = ScannerSessionState.READY; private DetailedProduct[] shoppingCart = {}; public signal void msg(MessageType type, string message); public signal void msg_overlay(string title, string message); public ScannerSessionImplementation() { try { db = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, "io.mainframe.shopsystem.Database", "/io/mainframe/shopsystem/database"); devScanner = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, "io.mainframe.shopsystem.InputDevice", "/io/mainframe/shopsystem/device/scanner"); devRfid = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, "io.mainframe.shopsystem.InputDevice", "/io/mainframe/shopsystem/device/rfid"); cli = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, "io.mainframe.shopsystem.Cli", "/io/mainframe/shopsystem/cli"); audio = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, "io.mainframe.shopsystem.AudioPlayer", "/io/mainframe/shopsystem/audio"); devScanner.received_barcode.connect(handle_barcode); devRfid.received_barcode.connect(handle_barcode); cli.received_barcode.connect(handle_barcode); } catch(IOError e) { error(_("IO Error: %s\n"), e.message); } } private void send_message(MessageType type, string format, ...) { var arguments = va_list(); var message = format.vprintf(arguments); msg(type, message); } private bool login(int user) throws DBusError, IOError { this.user = user; if (user != 0) { try { this.name = db.get_username(user); this.disabled = db.user_is_disabled(user); } catch(DatabaseError e) { send_message(MessageType.ERROR, _("Error (user=%d): %s"), user, e.message); return false; } } else { this.name = _("Guest"); this.disabled = false; } this.logged_in = true; try { this.theme = db.get_user_theme(user, ""); if (this.theme == "") { this.theme = audio.get_random_user_theme(); } } catch(DatabaseError e) { this.theme = "beep"; } return true; } private ScannerSessionCodeType getCodeType(string scannerdata) { if(scannerdata.has_prefix("USER ")){ return ScannerSessionCodeType.USER; } else if(scannerdata == "GUEST") { return ScannerSessionCodeType.GUEST; } else if(scannerdata == "UNDO") { return ScannerSessionCodeType.UNDO; } else if(scannerdata == "LOGOUT") { return ScannerSessionCodeType.LOGOUT; } else if(scannerdata.length == 10) { return ScannerSessionCodeType.RFIDEM4100; } else { //Handle EAN Code uint64 id = 0; scannerdata.scanf("%llu", out id); /* check if scannerdata has valid format */ if(scannerdata != "%llu".printf(id) && scannerdata != "%08llu".printf(id) && scannerdata != "%013llu".printf(id)) { return ScannerSessionCodeType.UNKNOWN; } return ScannerSessionCodeType.EAN; } } private void play_audio(AudioType audioType) throws DBusError, IOError { switch (audioType) { case AudioType.ERROR: audio.play_system("error.ogg"); break; case AudioType.LOGIN: audio.play_user(theme, "login"); break; case AudioType.LOGOUT: audio.play_user(theme, "logout"); break; case AudioType.PURCHASE: audio.play_user(theme, "purchase"); break; case AudioType.INFO: audio.play_user(theme, "login"); break; } } private ScannerResult handleReadyState(string scannerdata) throws DatabaseError, DBusError, IOError { ScannerSessionCodeType codeType = getCodeType(scannerdata); ScannerResult scannerResult = ScannerResult(); switch (codeType) { case ScannerSessionCodeType.USER: int32 userid = int.parse(scannerdata.substring(5)); if(login(userid)) { scannerResult.type = MessageType.INFO; scannerResult.message = _("Login: %s (%d)").printf(name, user); scannerResult.audioType = AudioType.LOGIN; shoppingCart = {}; state = ScannerSessionState.USER; } else { scannerResult.type = MessageType.ERROR; scannerResult.message = _("Login failed (User ID = %d)").printf(userid); scannerResult.audioType = AudioType.ERROR; state = ScannerSessionState.READY; } return scannerResult; case ScannerSessionCodeType.GUEST: if(login(0)) { scannerResult.type = MessageType.INFO; scannerResult.message = _("Login as Guest"); scannerResult.audioType = AudioType.LOGIN; shoppingCart = {}; state = ScannerSessionState.USER; } else { scannerResult.type = MessageType.ERROR; scannerResult.message = _("Login failed (Guest)"); scannerResult.audioType = AudioType.ERROR; state = ScannerSessionState.READY; } return scannerResult; case ScannerSessionCodeType.EAN: uint64 ean = 0; scannerdata.scanf("%llu", out ean); var p = DetailedProduct(); try { p = db.get_product_for_ean(ean); } catch(IOError e) { scannerResult.type = MessageType.ERROR; scannerResult.message = _("Internal Error!"); scannerResult.audioType = AudioType.ERROR; return scannerResult; } catch(DatabaseError e) { if(e is DatabaseError.PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND) { scannerResult.type = MessageType.ERROR; scannerResult.message = _("Error: unknown product: %llu").printf(ean); scannerResult.audioType = AudioType.ERROR; } else { scannerResult.type = MessageType.ERROR; scannerResult.message = _("Error: %s").printf(e.message); scannerResult.audioType = AudioType.ERROR; } return scannerResult; } var mprice = p.memberprice; var gprice = p.guestprice; var pname = p.name; scannerResult.type = MessageType.INFO; scannerResult.message = _("Article info: %s (Member: %s €, Guest: %s €").printf(@"$pname", @"$mprice", @"$gprice"); scannerResult.audioType = AudioType.ERROR; state = ScannerSessionState.READY; return scannerResult; case ScannerSessionCodeType.RFIDEM4100: int user = db.get_userid_for_rfid(scannerdata); scannerResult.nextScannerdata = @"USER $user"; return scannerResult; default: state = ScannerSessionState.READY; return scannerResult; } } private ScannerResult handleUserState(string scannerdata) throws DatabaseError, DBusError, IOError { ScannerSessionCodeType codeType = getCodeType(scannerdata); ScannerResult scannerResult = ScannerResult(); switch (codeType) { case ScannerSessionCodeType.EAN: uint64 ean = 0; scannerdata.scanf("%llu", out ean); var p = DetailedProduct(); try { p = db.get_product_for_ean(ean); } catch(IOError e) { scannerResult.type = MessageType.ERROR; scannerResult.message = _("Internal Error!"); scannerResult.audioType = AudioType.ERROR; return scannerResult; } catch(DatabaseError e) { if(e is DatabaseError.PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND) { scannerResult.type = MessageType.ERROR; scannerResult.message = _("Error: unknown product: %llu").printf(ean); scannerResult.audioType = AudioType.ERROR; } else { scannerResult.type = MessageType.ERROR; scannerResult.message = _("Error: %s").printf(e.message); scannerResult.audioType = AudioType.ERROR; } return scannerResult; } shoppingCart += p; Price price = p.memberprice; if(user == 0){ price = p.guestprice; } scannerResult.type = MessageType.INFO; scannerResult.message = _("Added to 🛒: %s (%s €)").printf(@"$(p.name)", @"$price"); scannerResult.audioType = AudioType.PURCHASE; state = ScannerSessionState.USER; break; case ScannerSessionCodeType.UNDO: if(shoppingCart.length > 0){ var removedProduct = shoppingCart[shoppingCart.length-1]; shoppingCart = shoppingCart[0:shoppingCart.length-1]; scannerResult.type = MessageType.INFO; scannerResult.message = _("Removed from 🛒: %s").printf(@"$(removedProduct.name)"); scannerResult.audioType = AudioType.INFO; } else { scannerResult.type = MessageType.INFO; scannerResult.message = _("🛒 is empty"); scannerResult.audioType = AudioType.ERROR; } break; case ScannerSessionCodeType.LOGOUT: scannerResult = logout(); break; case ScannerSessionCodeType.USER: case ScannerSessionCodeType.GUEST: case ScannerSessionCodeType.RFIDEM4100: /* Logout old user session (and buy articles) */ scannerResult = logout(); scannerResult.nextScannerdata = scannerdata; break; } return scannerResult; } private ScannerResult buyShoppingCard() throws DatabaseError, DBusError, IOError { ScannerResult scannerResult = ScannerResult(); uint8 amountOfItems = 0; Price totalPrice = 0; uint8 i = 0; DetailedProduct p = DetailedProduct(); for(i = 0; i < shoppingCart.length; i++) { p = shoppingCart[i]; db.buy(user, p.ean); amountOfItems++; Price price = p.memberprice; if(user == 0) { price = p.guestprice; } totalPrice += price; } scannerResult.type = MessageType.INFO; scannerResult.message = @_("%s bought %d items for %s €").printf(@"$name", amountOfItems, @"$totalPrice"); scannerResult.audioType = AudioType.INFO; return scannerResult; } private void handle_barcode(string scannerdata) { try { stdout.printf("scannerdata: %s\n", scannerdata); if(interpret(scannerdata)) devScanner.blink(1000); } catch(DBusError e) { send_message(MessageType.ERROR, _("DBus Error: %s"), e.message); } catch(IOError e) { send_message(MessageType.ERROR, _("IO Error: %s"), e.message); } catch(DatabaseError e) { send_message(MessageType.ERROR, _("Database Error: %s"), e.message); } } private bool interpret(string scannerdata) throws DatabaseError, DBusError, IOError { ScannerResult scannerResult = ScannerResult(); switch (state) { case ScannerSessionState.READY: scannerResult = handleReadyState(scannerdata); break; case ScannerSessionState.USER: scannerResult = handleUserState(scannerdata); break; } play_audio(scannerResult.audioType); send_message(scannerResult.type, scannerResult.message); if(scannerResult.nextScannerdata != null){ interpret(scannerResult.nextScannerdata); } return true; } private ScannerResult logout() throws DatabaseError, DBusError, IOError { ScannerResult scannerResult = buyShoppingCard(); scannerResult.audioType = AudioType.LOGOUT; logged_in = false; state = ScannerSessionState.READY; return scannerResult; } }