/* Copyright 2013, Sebastian Reichel * Copyright 2017-2018, Johannes Rudolph * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ [DBus (name = "io.mainframe.shopsystem.InvoicePDF")] public class InvoicePDF { Config cfg; /* A4 sizes (in points, 72 DPI) */ private const double width = 595.27559; /* 210mm */ private const double height = 841.88976; /* 297mm */ /* invoice content, which should appear in the PDF */ public string invoice_id { set; owned get; default = ""; } public int64 invoice_date { set; get; default = 0; } public InvoiceEntry[] invoice_entries { set; owned get; default = null; } public InvoiceRecipient invoice_recipient { set; owned get; default = InvoiceRecipient() { firstname = "", lastname = "", street = "", postal_code = "", city = "", gender = "" }; } /* pdf data */ private uint8[] data; private uint useddatalength; /* internal helper */ private DateTime previous_tm; private string datadir; private const string[] calendermonths = { "Januar", "Februar", "März", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember" }; string longname; string vat; public InvoicePDF(string datadir) throws DBusError, IOError, KeyFileError { this.datadir = datadir; cfg = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, "io.mainframe.shopsystem.Config", "/io/mainframe/shopsystem/config"); longname = cfg.get_string("GENERAL", "longname"); vat = cfg.get_string("INVOICE", "vat"); } private void render_svg(Cairo.Context ctx, string file) { try { var svg = new Rsvg.Handle.from_file(file); svg.render_cairo(ctx); } catch(Error e) { error(_("Could not load SVG: %s\n"), e.message); } } private void draw_footer(Cairo.Context ctx) { ctx.save(); ctx.translate(-20, 818); ctx.scale(1.42, 1.42); render_svg(ctx, Path.build_filename(datadir, "footer-line.svg")); ctx.restore(); } private void draw_logo(Cairo.Context ctx) { ctx.save(); ctx.translate(366,25); render_svg(ctx, Path.build_filename(datadir, "logo.svg")); ctx.restore(); } private void draw_address(Cairo.Context ctx) throws DBusError, IOError, KeyFileError { ctx.save(); ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0); ctx.set_line_width(1.0); /* upper fold mark (20 mm left, 85 mm width, 51.5 mm top) */ ctx.move_to(56.69, 146); ctx.line_to(297.59, 146); ctx.stroke(); /* actually LMSans8 */ ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0); ctx.select_font_face("LMSans10", Cairo.FontSlant.NORMAL, Cairo.FontWeight.NORMAL); ctx.set_font_size(8.45); ctx.move_to(56.5, 142); ctx.show_text(cfg.get_string("INVOICE", "addressrow")); /* actually LMRoman12 */ ctx.select_font_face("LMSans10", Cairo.FontSlant.NORMAL, Cairo.FontWeight.NORMAL); ctx.set_font_size(12.3); ctx.move_to(56.5, 184); ctx.show_text(invoice_recipient.firstname + " " + invoice_recipient.lastname); ctx.move_to(56.5, 198); ctx.show_text(invoice_recipient.street); /* actually LMRoman12 */ ctx.select_font_face("LMSans10", Cairo.FontSlant.NORMAL, Cairo.FontWeight.BOLD); ctx.move_to(56.5, 227); ctx.show_text(invoice_recipient.postal_code + " " + invoice_recipient.city); ctx.restore(); } private void draw_folding_marks(Cairo.Context ctx) { ctx.save(); ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0); ctx.set_line_width(1.0); /* upper fold mark (105 mm) */ ctx.move_to(10, 297.65); ctx.line_to(15, 297.65); ctx.stroke(); /* middle fold mark (148.5 mm)*/ ctx.move_to(10, 420.912); ctx.line_to(23, 420.912); ctx.stroke(); /* lower fold mark (210 mm)*/ ctx.move_to(10, 595.3); ctx.line_to(15, 595.3); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } private void draw_date(Cairo.Context ctx) { ctx.save(); ctx.move_to(56.5, 280.0); ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0); /* get pango layout */ var layout = Pango.cairo_create_layout(ctx); /* setup font */ var font = new Pango.FontDescription(); font.set_family("LMSans10"); font.set_size((int) 9.0 * Pango.SCALE); layout.set_font_description(font); /* right alignment */ layout.set_alignment(Pango.Alignment.RIGHT); layout.set_wrap(Pango.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR); /* set page width */ layout.set_width((int) 446 * Pango.SCALE); /* write invoice date */ var invdate = new DateTime.from_unix_local(invoice_date); var day = "%d".printf(invdate.get_day_of_month()); var month = invdate.get_month(); var year = "%d".printf(invdate.get_year()); var date = day + ". " + calendermonths[month-1] + " " + year; layout.set_text(date, date.length); /* render text */ Pango.cairo_update_layout(ctx, layout); Pango.cairo_show_layout(ctx, layout); ctx.restore(); } private void draw_title(Cairo.Context ctx) { ctx.save(); /* actually LMRoman12 */ ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0); ctx.select_font_face("LMSans10", Cairo.FontSlant.NORMAL, Cairo.FontWeight.BOLD); ctx.set_font_size(12.9); ctx.move_to(56.5, 323); ctx.show_text(@"Rechnung Nr. $invoice_id"); ctx.restore(); } private void draw_footer_text_left(Cairo.Context ctx) throws DBusError, IOError, KeyFileError { ctx.save(); ctx.move_to(64.0, 742.0); ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0); /* get pango layout */ var layout = Pango.cairo_create_layout(ctx); /* setup font */ var font = new Pango.FontDescription(); font.set_family("LMRoman8"); font.set_size((int) 6.0 * Pango.SCALE); layout.set_font_description(font); /* left alignment */ layout.set_alignment(Pango.Alignment.LEFT); layout.set_wrap(Pango.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR); /* set line spacing */ layout.set_spacing((int) (-2.0 * Pango.SCALE)); /* set page width */ layout.set_width((int) 140 * Pango.SCALE); var text = cfg.get_string("INVOICE", "footer1"); /* write invoice date */ layout.set_markup(text, text.length); /* render text */ Pango.cairo_update_layout(ctx, layout); Pango.cairo_show_layout(ctx, layout); ctx.restore(); } private void draw_footer_text_middle(Cairo.Context ctx) throws DBusError, IOError, KeyFileError { ctx.save(); ctx.move_to(216.5, 742.0); ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0); /* get pango layout */ var layout = Pango.cairo_create_layout(ctx); /* setup font */ var font = new Pango.FontDescription(); font.set_family("LMRoman8"); font.set_size((int) 6.0 * Pango.SCALE); layout.set_font_description(font); /* left alignment */ layout.set_alignment(Pango.Alignment.LEFT); layout.set_wrap(Pango.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR); /* set line spacing */ layout.set_spacing((int) (-2.0 * Pango.SCALE)); /* set page width */ layout.set_width((int) 190 * Pango.SCALE); var text = cfg.get_string("INVOICE", "footer2"); /* write invoice date */ layout.set_markup(text, text.length); /* render text */ Pango.cairo_update_layout(ctx, layout); Pango.cairo_show_layout(ctx, layout); ctx.restore(); } private void draw_footer_text_right(Cairo.Context ctx) throws DBusError, IOError, KeyFileError { ctx.save(); ctx.move_to(410.0, 742.0); ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0); /* get pango layout */ var layout = Pango.cairo_create_layout(ctx); /* setup font */ var font = new Pango.FontDescription(); font.set_family("LMRoman8"); font.set_size((int) 6.0 * Pango.SCALE); layout.set_font_description(font); /* left alignment */ layout.set_alignment(Pango.Alignment.LEFT); layout.set_wrap(Pango.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR); /* set line spacing */ layout.set_spacing((int) (-2.0 * Pango.SCALE)); /* set page width */ layout.set_width((int) 150 * Pango.SCALE); var text = cfg.get_string("INVOICE", "footer3"); /* write invoice date */ layout.set_markup(text, text.length); /* render text */ Pango.cairo_update_layout(ctx, layout); Pango.cairo_show_layout(ctx, layout); ctx.restore(); } private Price get_sum() { Price sum = 0; foreach(var e in invoice_entries) { sum += e.price; } return sum; } private string get_address() { if(invoice_recipient.gender == "masculinum") return "Sehr geehrter Herr"; else if(invoice_recipient.gender == "femininum") return "Sehr geehrte Frau"; else return "Moin"; } private void draw_first_page_text(Cairo.Context ctx) throws IOError { ctx.save(); ctx.move_to(56.5, 352.5); ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0); /* get pango layout */ var layout = Pango.cairo_create_layout(ctx); /* setup font */ var font = new Pango.FontDescription(); font.set_family("LMRoman12"); font.set_size((int) 9.0 * Pango.SCALE); layout.set_font_description(font); /* left alignment */ layout.set_alignment(Pango.Alignment.LEFT); layout.set_wrap(Pango.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR); /* set line spacing */ layout.set_spacing((int) (-2.1 * Pango.SCALE)); /* set page width */ layout.set_width((int) 446 * Pango.SCALE); string address = get_address(); Price sum = get_sum(); /* load text template */ try { var text = ""; FileUtils.get_contents(Path.build_filename(datadir, "pdf-template.txt"), out text); text = text.replace("{{{ADDRESS}}}", address); text = text.replace("{{{LASTNAME}}}", invoice_recipient.lastname); text = text.replace("{{{SUM}}}", @"$sum"); text = text.replace("{{{ORGANIZATION}}}", longname); if(vat == "yes") { text = text.replace("{{{VAT}}}", ""); } else { string vattext; try { FileUtils.get_contents(Path.build_filename(datadir, "vat.txt"), out vattext); } catch(GLib.FileError e) { throw new IOError.FAILED(_("Could not open VAT template: %s"), e.message); } text = text.replace("{{{VAT}}}", vattext); } layout.set_markup(text, text.length); } catch(GLib.FileError e) { error(_("File Error: %s\n"), e.message); } /* render text */ Pango.cairo_update_layout(ctx, layout); Pango.cairo_show_layout(ctx, layout); ctx.restore(); } private void draw_invoice_table_header(Cairo.Context ctx) { ctx.save(); /* border & font color */ ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0); /* line width of the border */ ctx.set_line_width(0.8); /* header font */ ctx.select_font_face("LMSans10", Cairo.FontSlant.NORMAL, Cairo.FontWeight.BOLD); ctx.set_font_size(12); /* borders */ ctx.move_to(58, 50); ctx.line_to(530, 50); ctx.line_to(530, 65); ctx.line_to(58, 65); ctx.line_to(58, 50); ctx.move_to(120, 50); ctx.line_to(120, 65); ctx.move_to(180, 50); ctx.line_to(180, 65); ctx.move_to(480, 50); ctx.line_to(480, 65); ctx.stroke(); /* header text */ ctx.move_to(62, 61.5); ctx.show_text("Datum"); ctx.move_to(124, 61.5); ctx.show_text("Uhrzeit"); ctx.move_to(184, 61.5); ctx.show_text("Artikel"); ctx.move_to(484, 61.5); ctx.show_text("Preis"); ctx.restore(); } private void draw_invoice_table_footer(Cairo.Context ctx, double y) { ctx.save(); /* border & font color */ ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0); /* line width of the border */ ctx.set_line_width(0.8); /* end of table is just a line */ ctx.move_to(58, y); ctx.line_to(530, y); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } private bool draw_invoice_table_entry(Cairo.Context ctx, double y, InvoiceEntry e, out double newy) throws InvoicePDFError { ctx.save(); /* border & font color */ ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0); /* y remains the same by default */ newy = y; /* generate strings for InvoiceEntry */ var tm = new DateTime.from_unix_local(e.timestamp); var date = tm.format("%Y-%m-%d"); var time = tm.format("%H:%M:%S"); var article = e.product.name; var price = @"$(e.price)€".replace(".", ","); if(e.price > 999999) { throw new InvoicePDFError.PRICE_TOO_HIGH(_("Prices > 9999.99€ are not supported!")); } if(tm.get_year() > 9999) { throw new InvoicePDFError.TOO_FAR_IN_THE_FUTURE(_("Years after 9999 are not supported!")); } /* if date remains the same do not add it again */ if(previous_tm != null && previous_tm.get_year() == tm.get_year() && previous_tm.get_month() == tm.get_month() && previous_tm.get_day_of_month() == tm.get_day_of_month()) { date = ""; } /* move to position for article text */ ctx.move_to(184, y); /* get pango layout */ var layout = Pango.cairo_create_layout(ctx); /* setup font */ var font = new Pango.FontDescription(); font.set_family("LMSans10"); font.set_size((int) 8 * Pango.SCALE); layout.set_font_description(font); /* left alignment */ layout.set_alignment(Pango.Alignment.LEFT); layout.set_wrap(Pango.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR); /* set line spacing */ layout.set_spacing((int) (-2.0 * Pango.SCALE)); /* set page width */ layout.set_width((int) 290 * Pango.SCALE); /* write invoice date */ layout.set_text(article, article.length); /* get height of text */ int w,h; layout.get_size(out w, out h); double height = h/Pango.SCALE; /* verify that the text fits on the page */ if(750 < y + height) return false; /* render article text */ Pango.cairo_update_layout(ctx, layout); Pango.cairo_show_layout(ctx, layout); /* render date, time (toy font api uses different y than pango) */ ctx.select_font_face("LMSans10", Cairo.FontSlant.NORMAL, Cairo.FontWeight.NORMAL); ctx.set_font_size(11); ctx.move_to(62, y+12.0); ctx.show_text(date); ctx.move_to(124, y+12.0); ctx.show_text(time); /* render price */ ctx.move_to(484, y); var pricelayout = Pango.cairo_create_layout(ctx); pricelayout.set_font_description(font); pricelayout.set_alignment(Pango.Alignment.RIGHT); pricelayout.set_width((int) 42 * Pango.SCALE); pricelayout.set_text(price, price.length); Pango.cairo_update_layout(ctx, pricelayout); Pango.cairo_show_layout(ctx, pricelayout); /* add borders */ ctx.set_line_width(0.8); ctx.move_to(58, y); ctx.line_to(58, y+height); ctx.move_to(120, y); ctx.line_to(120, y+height); ctx.move_to(180, y); ctx.line_to(180, y+height); ctx.move_to(480, y); ctx.line_to(480, y+height); ctx.move_to(530, y); ctx.line_to(530, y+height); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); newy += height; previous_tm = tm; return true; } private void draw_invoice_table(Cairo.Context ctx) throws InvoicePDFError { ctx.save(); draw_footer(ctx); draw_invoice_table_header(ctx); /* initial position for entries */ double y = 65; foreach(var entry in invoice_entries) { if(!draw_invoice_table_entry(ctx, y, entry, out y)) { /* entry could not be added, because end of page has been reached */ draw_invoice_table_footer(ctx, y); ctx.show_page(); /* draw page footer & table header on new page */ draw_footer(ctx); draw_invoice_table_header(ctx); /* reset position */ y = 65; /* always print date on new pages */ previous_tm = null; /* retry adding the entry */ if(!draw_invoice_table_entry(ctx, y, entry, out y)) { throw new InvoicePDFError.ARTICLE_NAME_TOO_LONG(_("Article name \"%s\" does not fit on a single page!"), entry.product.name); } } } draw_invoice_table_footer(ctx, y); ctx.show_page(); ctx.restore(); } private Cairo.Status pdf_write(uchar[] newdata) { if(data == null) { data = newdata; useddatalength = newdata.length; } else { if(useddatalength + newdata.length > data.length) { uint8[] alldata = new uint8[data.length + newdata.length + 512]; Posix.memcpy(alldata, data, data.length); data = alldata; } Posix.memcpy((uint8*) data + useddatalength, newdata, newdata.length); useddatalength += newdata.length; } return Cairo.Status.SUCCESS; } public uint8[] generate() throws DBusError, IOError, InvoicePDFError, KeyFileError { data = null; var document = new Cairo.PdfSurface.for_stream(pdf_write, width, height); var ctx = new Cairo.Context(document); if(invoice_id == "") throw new InvoicePDFError.NO_INVOICE_ID(_("No invoice ID given!")); if(invoice_entries == null) throw new InvoicePDFError.NO_INVOICE_DATA(_("No invoice data given!")); if(invoice_date == 0) throw new InvoicePDFError.NO_INVOICE_DATE(_("No invoice date given!")); if(invoice_recipient.firstname == "" && invoice_recipient.lastname == "") throw new InvoicePDFError.NO_INVOICE_RECIPIENT(_("No invoice recipient given!")); /* first page */ draw_logo(ctx); draw_address(ctx); draw_folding_marks(ctx); draw_footer(ctx); draw_footer_text_left(ctx); draw_footer_text_middle(ctx); draw_footer_text_right(ctx); draw_date(ctx); draw_title(ctx); draw_first_page_text(ctx); ctx.show_page(); /* following pages: invoice table */ draw_invoice_table(ctx); document.finish(); document.flush(); return data; } public void clear() throws DBusError, IOError { invoice_date = 0; invoice_id = ""; invoice_recipient.firstname = ""; invoice_recipient.lastname = ""; invoice_recipient.street = ""; invoice_recipient.postal_code = ""; invoice_recipient.city = ""; invoice_recipient.gender = ""; invoice_entries = null; } }