/* Copyright 2013, Sebastian Reichel * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ [DBus (name = "io.mainframe.shopsystem.Mail")] public class MailImplementation { private GMime.Message m; private GMime.Part? main_text = null; private GMime.Part? main_html = null; private GMime.Part[] attachments; private GMime.FilterUnix2Dos filter_unix2dos; private GMime.FilterSmtpData filter_smtp; private string[] recipients; private string? reversepath; public MailContact from { set { reversepath = value.email; m.add_mailbox(GMime.AddressType.SENDER, value.name, value.email); m.add_mailbox(GMime.AddressType.FROM, value.name, value.email); }} public string subject { owned get { var result = m.get_subject(); return (result == null) ? "" : result; } set { m.set_subject(value, "utf-8"); } } public string message_id { owned get { var result = m.get_message_id(); return (result == null) ? "" : result; } set { m.set_message_id(value); } } public string reply_to { owned get { var result = m.get_reply_to().to_string(new GMime.FormatOptions(), true); return (result == null) ? "" : result; } set { m.add_mailbox(GMime.AddressType.REPLY_TO, "", value); } } public MailDate date { owned get { MailDate result = {}; var tmp = m.get_date(); result.timezone = tmp.get_timezone_abbreviation(); result.date = tmp.to_unix(); return result; } set { var timezone = new TimeZone(value.timezone); var date = new DateTime.from_unix_utc((int64) value.date).to_timezone(timezone); m.set_date(date); } } public MailImplementation() { m = new GMime.Message(true); m.set_header("X-Mailer", "KtT Shopsystem", "utf-8"); attachments = new GMime.Part[0]; filter_smtp = new GMime.FilterSmtpData(); filter_unix2dos = new GMime.FilterUnix2Dos(true); recipients = new string[0]; } #if 0 public void set_from(MailContact contact) { string sender = contact.name + " " + "<" + contact.email + ">"; m.set_sender(sender); } public void set_subject(string subject) { m.set_subject(subject); } public void set_date(uint64 date, int tz_offset) { m.set_date((ulong) date, tz_offset); } #endif public void add_recipient(MailContact contact, GMime.AddressType type) { m.add_mailbox(type, contact.name, contact.email); recipients += contact.email; } public void set_main_part(string text, MessageType type) { GMime.DataWrapper content = new GMime.DataWrapper.with_stream( new GMime.StreamMem.with_buffer(text.data), GMime.ContentEncoding.DEFAULT); GMime.Part? part = new GMime.Part(); part.set_content(content); switch(type) { case MessageType.HTML: part.set_content_type(GMime.ContentType.parse(new GMime.ParserOptions(), "text/html; charset=utf-8")); part.set_content_encoding(part.get_best_content_encoding(GMime.EncodingConstraint.7BIT)); main_html = part; break; case MessageType.PLAIN: default: part.set_content_type(GMime.ContentType.parse(new GMime.ParserOptions(), "text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed")); part.set_content_encoding(part.get_best_content_encoding(GMime.EncodingConstraint.7BIT)); main_text = part; break; } } public void add_attachment(string filename, string content_type, uint8[] data) { GMime.Part part = new GMime.Part(); GMime.DataWrapper content = new GMime.DataWrapper.with_stream( new GMime.StreamMem.with_buffer(data), GMime.ContentEncoding.BINARY); /* configure part */ part.set_disposition("attachment"); part.set_filename(filename); part.set_content_type(GMime.ContentType.parse(new GMime.ParserOptions(), content_type)); part.set_content(content); part.set_content_encoding(part.get_best_content_encoding(GMime.EncodingConstraint.7BIT)); attachments += part; } private GMime.Object? generate_main() { if(main_text != null && main_html != null) { var result = new GMime.Multipart.with_subtype("alternative"); result.add(main_text); result.add(main_html); return result; } else if(main_text != null) { return main_text; } else if(main_html != null) { return main_html; } return null; } private GMime.Object? generate_attachments() { if(attachments.length == 1) { return attachments[0]; } else if(attachments.length > 1) { var multipart = new GMime.Multipart.with_subtype("mixed"); foreach(var attachment in attachments) multipart.add(attachment); return multipart; } return null; } private void update_mime_part() { GMime.Object? main = generate_main(); GMime.Object? attachments = generate_attachments(); GMime.Object? mime_message = null; if(main != null && attachments != null) { var multipart = new GMime.Multipart.with_subtype("mixed"); multipart.add(main); multipart.add(attachments); mime_message = multipart; } else if(main != null) { mime_message = main; } else if(attachments != null) { mime_message = attachments; } m.set_mime_part(mime_message); } [DBus (visible = false)] public string generate() { update_mime_part(); string result = m.to_string(new GMime.FormatOptions()); uint8[] crlfdata; uint8[] smtpdata; size_t prespace; filter_unix2dos.filter(result.data, 0, out crlfdata, out prespace); filter_smtp.filter(crlfdata, 0, out smtpdata, out prespace); return (string) smtpdata; } [DBus (visible = false)] public unowned string[] get_recipients() { return recipients; } [DBus (visible = false)] public string get_reverse_path() { return reversepath; } }