/* Copyright 2013, Sebastian Reichel * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ public const int day_in_seconds = 60*60*24; public struct Timespan { int64 from; int64 to; } public struct InvoiceData { string pdffilename; uint8[] pdfdata; string plain; string html; } public class InvoiceImplementation { Mailer mailer; Database db; PDFInvoice pdf; string datadir; string mailfromaddress; string treasurermailaddress; string shortname; string spacename; string vat; string jverein_membership_number; public InvoiceImplementation() throws DBusError, IOError, KeyFileError { mailer = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, "io.mainframe.shopsystem.Mail", "/io/mainframe/shopsystem/mailer"); db = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, "io.mainframe.shopsystem.Database", "/io/mainframe/shopsystem/database"); pdf = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, "io.mainframe.shopsystem.InvoicePDF", "/io/mainframe/shopsystem/invoicepdf"); Config cfg = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, "io.mainframe.shopsystem.Config", "/io/mainframe/shopsystem/config"); var datapath = cfg.get_string("GENERAL", "datapath"); datadir = Path.build_filename(datapath, "invoice"); mailfromaddress = cfg.get_string("MAIL", "mailfromaddress"); treasurermailaddress = cfg.get_string("MAIL", "treasurermailaddress"); shortname = cfg.get_string("GENERAL", "shortname"); spacename = cfg.get_string("GENERAL", "spacename"); vat = cfg.get_string("INVOICE", "vat"); jverein_membership_number = cfg.get_string("JVEREIN", "membership_number"); } public void send_invoice(bool temporary, int64 timestamp, int user) throws DBusError, IOError, InvoicePDFError, DatabaseError { int64 prevtimestamp = timestamp - day_in_seconds; if(!temporary) prevtimestamp = new DateTime.from_unix_local(timestamp).add_months(-1).to_unix(); Timespan ts = get_timespan(temporary, prevtimestamp); Timespan tst = get_timespan(false, prevtimestamp); int number = 0; var start = new DateTime.from_unix_local(ts.from); var stop = new DateTime.from_unix_local(ts.to); var startstring = start.format("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"); var stopstring = stop.format("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"); /* title */ string mailtitle = temporary ? "Getränkezwischenstand" : "Getränkerechnung"; mailtitle += @" $startstring - $stopstring"; stdout.printf(mailtitle + "\n\n"); var users = db.get_users_with_sales(ts.from, ts.to); string treasurer_path = mailer.create_mail(); Mail treasurer_mail = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, "io.mainframe.shopsystem.Mail", treasurer_path); treasurer_mail.from = {shortname + " Shopsystem", mailfromaddress}; treasurer_mail.subject = mailtitle; treasurer_mail.add_recipient({"Schatzmeister", treasurermailaddress}, RecipientType.TO); var csvinvoicedata = ""; foreach(var userid in users) { number++; string invoiceid = "SH" + start.format("%Y%m") + "5" + "%03d".printf(number); var userdata = db.get_user_info(userid); var total_sum = db.get_user_invoice_sum(userid, tst.from, tst.to); if(userid == user) { var invoicedata = generate_invoice(temporary, timestamp, userid, invoiceid); string mail_path = mailer.create_mail(); Mail mail = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, "io.mainframe.shopsystem.Mail", mail_path); mail.from = {shortname + " Shopsystem", mailfromaddress}; mail.subject = mailtitle; mail.add_recipient({@"$(userdata.firstname) $(userdata.lastname)", userdata.email}, RecipientType.TO); if(!temporary) { mail.add_attachment(invoicedata.pdffilename, "application/pdf", invoicedata.pdfdata); treasurer_mail.add_attachment(invoicedata.pdffilename, "application/pdf", invoicedata.pdfdata); } mail.set_main_part(invoicedata.plain, MessageType.PLAIN); mail.set_main_part(invoicedata.html, MessageType.HTML); mailer.send_mail(mail_path); } if(!temporary) { csvinvoicedata += @"$(userdata.id),$(userdata.lastname),$(userdata.firstname),$invoiceid,$total_sum\n"; } } if(!temporary) { treasurer_mail.set_main_part(get_treasurer_text(), MessageType.PLAIN); treasurer_mail.add_attachment("invoice.csv", "text/csv; charset=utf-8", csvinvoicedata.data); mailer.send_mail(treasurer_path); } } public void send_invoices(bool temporary, int64 timestamp) throws DBusError, IOError, InvoicePDFError, DatabaseError { int64 prevtimestamp = timestamp - day_in_seconds; string due_date_string = ""; if(!temporary) { prevtimestamp = new DateTime.from_unix_local(timestamp).add_months(-1).to_unix(); var due_date = new DateTime.from_unix_local(timestamp).add_days(10); due_date_string = due_date.format("%d.%m.%Y"); } Timespan ts = get_timespan(temporary, prevtimestamp); Timespan tst = get_timespan(false, prevtimestamp); int number = 0; var start = new DateTime.from_unix_local(ts.from); var stop = new DateTime.from_unix_local(ts.to); var startstring = start.format("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"); var stopstring = stop.format("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"); /* title */ string mailtitle = temporary ? "Getränkezwischenstand" : "Getränkerechnung"; mailtitle += @" $startstring - $stopstring"; stdout.printf(mailtitle + "\n\n"); var users = db.get_users_with_sales(ts.from, ts.to); string treasurer_path = mailer.create_mail(); Mail treasurer_mail = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, "io.mainframe.shopsystem.Mail", treasurer_path); treasurer_mail.from = {shortname + " Shopsystem", mailfromaddress}; treasurer_mail.subject = mailtitle; treasurer_mail.add_recipient({"Schatzmeister", treasurermailaddress}, RecipientType.TO); var csvinvoicedata = ""; var csvjvereininvoicedata = ""; if(jverein_membership_number == "extern") { csvjvereininvoicedata = "Ext_Mitglieds_Nr;Betrag;Buchungstext;Fälligkeit;Intervall;Endedatum"; } else { csvjvereininvoicedata = "Mitglieds_Nr;Betrag;Buchungstext;Fälligkeit;Intervall;Endedatum"; } foreach(var userid in users) { number++; string invoiceid = "SH" + start.format("%Y%m") + "5" + "%03d".printf(number); var invoicedata = generate_invoice(temporary, timestamp, userid, invoiceid); var userdata = db.get_user_info(userid); var total_sum = db.get_user_invoice_sum(userid, tst.from, tst.to); string mail_path = mailer.create_mail(); Mail mail = Bus.get_proxy_sync(BusType.SYSTEM, "io.mainframe.shopsystem.Mail", mail_path); mail.from = {shortname + " Shopsystem", mailfromaddress}; mail.subject = mailtitle; mail.add_recipient({@"$(userdata.firstname) $(userdata.lastname)", userdata.email}, RecipientType.TO); if(!temporary) mail.add_attachment(invoicedata.pdffilename, "application/pdf", invoicedata.pdfdata); mail.set_main_part(invoicedata.plain, MessageType.PLAIN); mail.set_main_part(invoicedata.html, MessageType.HTML); mailer.send_mail(mail_path); if(!temporary) { treasurer_mail.add_attachment(invoicedata.pdffilename, "application/pdf", invoicedata.pdfdata); csvinvoicedata += @"$(userdata.id),$(userdata.lastname),$(userdata.firstname),$invoiceid,$total_sum\n"; csvjvereininvoicedata += @"$(userdata.id);$total_sum;Shopsystem Rechnung Nummer $invoiceid;$due_date_string;0;$due_date_string\n"; } } if(!temporary) { treasurer_mail.set_main_part(get_treasurer_text(), MessageType.PLAIN); treasurer_mail.add_attachment("invoice.csv", "text/csv; charset=utf-8", csvinvoicedata.data); treasurer_mail.add_attachment("jvereininvoice.csv", "text/csv; charset=utf-8", csvjvereininvoicedata.data); mailer.send_mail(treasurer_path); } } public InvoiceData generate_invoice(bool temporary, int64 timestamp, int userid, string invoiceid) throws DBusError, IOError, InvoicePDFError, DatabaseError { int64 prevtimestamp = timestamp - day_in_seconds; if(!temporary) prevtimestamp = new DateTime.from_unix_local(timestamp).add_months(-1).to_unix(); var userdata = db.get_user_info(userid); InvoiceData result = InvoiceData(); stdout.printf("%d (%s %s)...\n", userdata.id, userdata.firstname, userdata.lastname); Timespan ts = get_timespan(temporary, prevtimestamp); Timespan tst = get_timespan(false, prevtimestamp); var invoiceentries = db.get_invoice(userid, ts.from, ts.to); var total_sum = db.get_user_invoice_sum(userid, tst.from, tst.to); /* invoice id */ result.pdffilename = invoiceid + @"_$(userdata.firstname)_$(userdata.lastname).pdf"; /* pdf generation */ if(!temporary) { pdf.invoice_id = invoiceid; pdf.invoice_date = timestamp; pdf.invoice_recipient = { userdata.firstname, userdata.lastname, userdata.street, userdata.postcode, userdata.city, userdata.gender }; pdf.invoice_entries = invoiceentries; result.pdfdata = pdf.generate(); pdf.clear(); } result.plain = generate_invoice_message(MessageType.PLAIN, temporary, get_address(userdata.gender), userdata.lastname, invoiceentries, total_sum); result.html = generate_invoice_message(MessageType.HTML, temporary, get_address(userdata.gender), userdata.lastname, invoiceentries, total_sum); return result; } private string get_treasurer_text() throws IOError { string text; try { FileUtils.get_contents(Path.build_filename(datadir, "/treasurer.mail.txt"), out text); } catch(GLib.FileError e) { throw new IOError.FAILED(_("Could not open invoice template: %s"), e.message); } text = text.replace("{{{SHORTNAME}}}", shortname); return text; } private Timespan get_timespan(bool temporary, int64 timestamp) throws IOError { var time = new DateTime.from_unix_local(timestamp); Timespan ts = {}; if(temporary) { var start = new DateTime.local(time.get_year(), time.get_month(), time.get_day_of_month(), 8, 0, 0); if(start.compare(time) > 0) start.add_days(-1); var stop = start.add_days(1).add_seconds(-1); ts.from = start.to_unix(); ts.to = stop.to_unix(); } else { var start = new DateTime.local(time.get_year(), time.get_month(), 1, 0, 0, 0); var stop = start.add_months(1).add_seconds(-1); ts.from = start.to_unix(); ts.to = stop.to_unix(); } return ts; } private string get_address(string gender) { switch(gender) { case "masculinum": return "Sehr geehrter Herr"; case "femininum": return "Sehr geehrte Frau"; default: return "Moin"; } } private string generate_invoice_message(MessageType type, bool temporary, string address, string name, InvoiceEntry[] entries, Price total_sum) throws IOError { string filename = ""; string table = ""; string text; if(type == MessageType.HTML && temporary) filename = "invoice.temporary.html"; else if(type == MessageType.HTML) filename = "invoice.final.html"; else if(type == MessageType.PLAIN && temporary) filename = "invoice.temporary.txt"; else if(type == MessageType.PLAIN) filename = "invoice.final.txt"; if(type == MessageType.PLAIN) table = generate_invoice_table_text(entries); else if(type == MessageType.HTML) table = generate_invoice_table_html(entries); if(filename == "") throw new IOError.FAILED(_("Unknown MessageType")); try { FileUtils.get_contents(Path.build_filename(datadir, filename), out text); } catch(GLib.FileError e) { throw new IOError.FAILED(_("Could not open invoice template: %s"), e.message); } text = text.replace("{{{ADDRESS}}}", address); text = text.replace("{{{LASTNAME}}}", name); text = text.replace("{{{SPACENAME}}}", spacename); text = text.replace("{{{INVOICE_TABLE}}}", table); text = text.replace("{{{SUM_MONTH}}}", "%d,%02d".printf(total_sum / 100, total_sum % 100)); if(vat == "yes") { text = text.replace("{{{VAT}}}", ""); } else { string vattext; string vattextfilename; vattextfilename = (type == MessageType.HTML) ? "vat.html" : "vat.txt"; try { FileUtils.get_contents(Path.build_filename(datadir, vattextfilename), out vattext); } catch(GLib.FileError e) { throw new IOError.FAILED(_("Could not open VAT template: %s"), e.message); } text = text.replace("{{{VAT}}}", vattext); } return text; } private string generate_invoice_table_text(InvoiceEntry[] entries) { string result = ""; /* 7 == "Artikel".char_count() */ const int article_minsize = 7; /* no articles bought */ if(entries.length == 0) return result; /* get length of longest name + invoice sum */ int namelength = 0; int total = 0; foreach(var entry in entries) { if(namelength < entry.product.name.char_count()) namelength = entry.product.name.char_count(); total += entry.price; } /* better safe than sorry */ if(namelength < article_minsize) namelength = article_minsize; /* generate table header */ result += " +------------+----------+-" + string.nfill(namelength, '-') + "-+----------+\n"; result += " | Datum | Uhrzeit | Artikel" + string.nfill(namelength - article_minsize, ' ') + " | Preis |\n"; result += " +------------+----------+-" + string.nfill(namelength, '-') + "-+----------+\n"; /* generate table data */ string lastdate = ""; foreach(var entry in entries) { var dt = new DateTime.from_unix_local(entry.timestamp); string newdate = dt.format("%Y-%m-%d"); string date = (lastdate == newdate) ? " " : newdate; result += " | %s | %s | %s%s | %3d,%02d € |\n".printf(date, dt.format("%H:%M:%S"), entry.product.name, string.nfill(namelength-entry.product.name.char_count(), ' '), entry.price / 100, entry.price % 100); lastdate = newdate; } /* generate table footer */ result += " +------------+----------+-" + string.nfill(namelength, '-') + "-+----------+\n"; result += " | Summe: " + string.nfill(namelength, ' ') + " | %3d,%02d € |\n".printf(total / 100, total % 100); result += " +-------------------------" + string.nfill(namelength, '-') + "-+----------+\n"; return result; } private string generate_invoice_table_html(InvoiceEntry[] entries) { string result = ""; result += "\n"; result += "\t\n"; string lastdate = ""; int total = 0; foreach(var entry in entries) { var dt = new DateTime.from_unix_local(entry.timestamp); string newdate = dt.format("%Y-%m-%d"); string time = dt.format("%H:%M:%S"); string date = (lastdate == newdate) ? "" : newdate; total += entry.price; result += "\t\n".printf(date, time, entry.product.name, entry.price / 100, entry.price % 100); lastdate = newdate; } result += "\t\n".printf(total / 100, total % 100); result += "
%s%s%s%d,%02d €
Summe:%d,%02d €
\n"; return result; } }