/* Copyright 2013, Sebastian Reichel * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ [DBus (name = "io.mainframe.shopsystem.Database")] public interface Database : Object { public abstract StockEntry[] get_stock() throws IOError; public abstract PriceEntry[] get_prices(uint64 product) throws IOError; public abstract RestockEntry[] get_restocks(uint64 product) throws IOError; public abstract bool buy(int32 user, uint64 article) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract string get_product_name(uint64 article) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract int get_product_amount(uint64 article) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract Price get_product_price(int user, uint64 article) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract string undo(int32 user) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract void restock(int user, uint64 product, uint amount, uint price, int supplier, int64 best_before_date) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract void new_product(uint64 id, string name, int memberprice, int guestprice) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract void new_price(uint64 product, int64 timestamp, int memberprice, int guestprice) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract bool check_user_password(int32 user, string password) throws IOError; public abstract void set_user_password(int32 user, string password) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract void set_sessionid(int user, string sessionid) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract int get_user_by_sessionid(string sessionid) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract UserInfo get_user_info(int user) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract UserAuth get_user_auth(int user) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract string get_username(int user) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract InvoiceEntry[] get_invoice(int user, int64 from=0, int64 to=-1) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract int64 get_first_purchase(int user) throws IOError; public abstract int64 get_last_purchase(int user) throws IOError; public abstract StatsInfo get_stats_info() throws IOError; public abstract int[] get_member_ids() throws IOError; public abstract void user_disable(int user, bool value) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract void user_replace(UserInfo u) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract bool user_is_disabled(int user) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract bool user_exists(int user) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract bool user_equals(UserInfo u) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract int64 get_timestamp_of_last_purchase() throws IOError; public abstract Supplier[] get_supplier_list() throws IOError; public abstract Supplier get_supplier(int id) throws IOError; public abstract void add_supplier(string name, string postal_code, string city, string street, string phone, string website) throws IOError, DatabaseError; public abstract int[] get_users_with_sales(int64 timestamp_from, int64 timestamp_to) throws IOError; public abstract Price get_user_invoice_sum(int user, int64 timestamp_from, int64 timestamp_to) throws IOError; public abstract Price cashbox_status() throws IOError; public abstract void cashbox_add(int user, Price amount, int64 timestamp) throws IOError, DatabaseError; } public struct StockEntry { public string id; public string name; public int amount; public Price memberprice; public Price guestprice; } public struct PriceEntry { public int64 valid_from; public Price memberprice; public Price guestprice; } public struct RestockEntry { public int64 timestamp; public int amount; public string price; public int supplier; public int64 best_before_date; } public struct Supplier { public int64 id; public string name; public string postal_code; public string city; public string street; public string phone; public string website; } public struct UserInfo { public int id; public string firstname; public string lastname; public string email; public string gender; public string street; public string postcode; public string city; public string pgp; public bool equals(UserInfo x) { if(id != x.id) return false; if(firstname != x.firstname) return false; if(lastname != x.lastname) return false; if(email != x.email) return false; if(gender != x.gender) return false; if(street != x.street) return false; if(postcode != x.postcode) return false; if(city != x.city) return false; if(pgp != x.pgp) return false; return true; } } public struct UserAuth { public int id; public bool disabled; public bool superuser; } public struct Product { public uint64 ean; public string name; } public struct InvoiceEntry { public int64 timestamp; Product product; Price price; } public struct StatsInfo { public int count_articles; public int count_users; public Price stock_value; public Price sales_total; public Price profit_total; public Price sales_today; public Price profit_today; public Price sales_this_month; public Price profit_this_month; public Price sales_per_day; public Price profit_per_day; public Price sales_per_month; public Price profit_per_month; } public errordomain DatabaseError { INTERNAL_ERROR, PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND, SESSION_NOT_FOUND, USER_NOT_FOUND }