public Device dev; public Database db; public static int main(string[] args) { if(args.length < 2) { stderr.printf("%s \n", args[0]); return 1; } dev = new Device(args[1], 9600, 8, 1); db = new Database("shop.db"); dev.received_barcode.connect((data) => { if(interpret(data)) dev.blink(10); }); new MainLoop(null, false).run(); return 0; } public static bool interpret(string data) { int64 timestamp = (new DateTime.now_utc()).to_unix(); if(data.has_prefix("USER ")) { string str_id = data.substring(5); int32 id = int.parse(str_id); /* check if data has valid format */ if(data != "USER %d".printf(id)) { stdout.printf("[%lld] ungültige Benutzernummer: %s\n", timestamp, data); return false; } if(db.is_logged_in()) { stdout.printf("[%lld] Last User forgot to logout!\n", timestamp); db.logout(); } stdout.printf("[%lld] Login: %d\n", timestamp, id); return db.login(id); } else if(data == "GUEST") { if(db.is_logged_in()) { stdout.printf("[%lld] Last User forgot to logout!\n", timestamp); db.logout(); } stdout.printf("[%lld] Login: Guest\n", timestamp); return db.login(0); } else if(data == "UNDO") { if(!db.is_logged_in()) { stdout.printf("[%lld] Can't undo if not logged in!\n", timestamp); return false; } else { stdout.printf("[%lld] Undo last purchase!\n", timestamp); return db.undo(); } } else if(data == "LOGOUT") { if(db.is_logged_in()) { stdout.printf("[%lld] Logout!\n", timestamp); return db.logout(); } return false; } else if(data == "STOCK") { if(!db.is_logged_in()) { stdout.printf("[%lld] You must be logged in to go into the stock mode\n", timestamp); return false; } else { stdout.printf("[%lld] Going into stock mode!\n", timestamp); return db.go_into_stock_mode(); } } else if(db.is_in_stock_mode()) { if(!data.has_prefix("AMOUNT")) { uint64 id = uint64.parse(data); /* check if data has valid format */ if(data != "%llu".printf(id)) { stdout.printf("[%lld] ungültiges Produkt: %s\n", timestamp, data); return false; } stdout.printf("[%lld] wähle Produkt: %s\n", timestamp, db.get_product_name(id)); return db.choose_stock_product(id); } else { uint64 amount = uint64.parse(data.substring(7)); /* check if data has valid format */ if(data != "AMOUNT %llu".printf(amount)) { stdout.printf("[%lld] ungültiges Produkt: %s\n", timestamp, data); return false; } stdout.printf("[%lld] zum Bestand hinzufügen: %llu\n", timestamp, amount); return db.add_stock_product(amount); } } else { uint64 id = uint64.parse(data); /* check if data has valid format */ if(data != "%llu".printf(id)) { stdout.printf("[%lld] ungültiges Produkt: %s\n", timestamp, data); return false; } if( { stdout.printf("[%lld] gekaufter Artikel: %s (%d,%02d €)\n", timestamp, db.get_product_name(id), db.get_product_price(id)/100, db.get_product_price(id) % 100); return true; } else { stdout.printf("[%lld] Kauf fehlgeschlagen!\n", timestamp); return false; } } }