[GENERAL] longname = Kreativität trifft Technik e.V. shortname = KTT spacename = Mainframe [DATABASE] file = /path/to/shop.db [INPUT] # use ignore if you have no device (this skips the input feature) device = /dev/input/by-id/path-to-barcode-scanner [MAIL] server = mail.server.example.com port = 587 username = shop-system@server.example.com password = my_top_secret_password starttls = true mailfromaddress = shop@kreativitaet-trifft-technik.de treasurermailaddress = shop-einzug@kreativitaet-trifft-technik.de [AUDIO] path = /path/to/sounds/ [PGP] keyring = /path/to/keyring/ keyid = 0x12345678 [WEB] filepath = /path/to/web/templates/ port = 8080 [INVOICE] datadir = /path/to/invoice/ vat = no addressrow = Kreativität trifft Technik e.V., Bahnhofsplatz 10, 26122 Oldenburg footer1 = Kreativität trifft Technik e.V.\nAmtsgericht Oldenburg VR 201044\n\nHackspace „Mainframe“\nFabLab „Fab-O-Lab“\nSchnittstelle „Schnittstelle“\n\nBahnhofsplatz 10 • 26122 Oldenburg footer2 = Raiffeisenbank Oldenburg\nIBAN: DE34 2806 0228 0037 0185 00\nBIC: GENODEF1OL2\n\n\nFinanzamt Oldenburg\nAls gemeinnützig anerkannt.\nSteuer Nr.: 64/220/18413 footer3 = Mail: vorstand@kreativitaet-trifft-technik.de\nWeb: www.kreativitaet-trifft-technik.de\n\n\n\nBGB-Vorstand:\nPatrick Günther, Jan Janssen, Andre Schäfer, Lars Hüsemann