path: root/src/admin.vala
diff options
authorSebastian Reichel <>2013-02-05 23:35:08 +0100
committerSebastian Reichel <>2013-02-05 23:35:08 +0100
commit9ca296d963a1803a40e3b4761c85fb59673e96f1 (patch)
tree01c17f30967abc48c40c70379b1e428afdeda264 /src/admin.vala
parent1a800aab781077b8a4729ea151138b0b5d7f6057 (diff)
initial code for GPG support
Diffstat (limited to 'src/admin.vala')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/admin.vala b/src/admin.vala
index 4e32a0a..6ba0c0a 100644
--- a/src/admin.vala
+++ b/src/admin.vala
@@ -73,3 +73,81 @@ public class CSVMemberFile {
return members;
+public class PGPKeyArchive {
+ private string keyring;
+ private GPG.Context gpg;
+ public PGPKeyArchive(KeyFile config) {
+ /* check version (important!) */
+ GPG.check_version();
+ /* initialize default context */
+ GPG.Context.Context(out gpg);
+ try {
+ keyring = config.get_string("PGP", "keyring");
+ /* remove quotes */
+ if(keyring.has_prefix("\"") && keyring.has_suffix("\""))
+ keyring = keyring.substring(1,keyring.length-2);
+ } catch(KeyFileError e) {
+ write_to_log("KeyFileError: %s", e.message);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* TODO: check existence of keyring */
+ /* set home directory */
+ var info = gpg.get_engine_info();
+ gpg.set_engine_info(info.protocol, info.file_name, keyring);
+ }
+ public void read() {
+ unowned Archive.Entry entry;
+ var archive = new Archive.Read();
+ /* support all formats & compression types */
+ archive.support_compression_all();
+ archive.support_format_all();
+ /* load test archive for now */
+ /* TODO: use archive.open_memory(void *buffer, size_t size) */
+ if(archive.open_filename("pgp-test.tar.gz", 4096) != Archive.Result.OK)
+ return;
+ while(archive.next_header(out entry) == Archive.Result.OK) {
+ var name = entry.pathname();
+ var size = entry.size();
+ var content = new uint8[size];
+ /* skip entries, which contain a slash */
+ if(name.contains("/"))
+ continue;
+ /* skip files, which are big (probably not a minimal pgp key) */
+ if(size > 50000)
+ continue;
+ if(archive.read_data((void*) content, (ssize_t) size) == size) {
+ if(!((string) content).has_prefix("-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"))
+ continue;
+ /* put byte data into GPG.Data object */
+ GPG.Data gpgdata;
+ GPG.Data.create_from_memory(out gpgdata, content, false);
+ /* import keys */
+ gpg.op_import(gpgdata);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* TODO: implement method, which list all keys available in the gpg keyring */
+ /* TODO: implement method, which gets a key by keyid from gpg keyring */
+ /* TODO: implement method, which signs a message */
+ /* TODO: implement method, which signs & encrypts a message */