/* * * oFono - Open Source Telephony * * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "smsutil.h" static const char *assembly_pdu1 = "038121F340048155550119906041001222048C0500" "031E0301041804420430043A002C002004100" "43B0435043A04410430043D04340440002000" "200441043B044304480430043B00200437043" "000200434043204350440044C044E00200020" "04380020002004320441043500200431043E0" "43B044C044804350020043F04400435043804" "41043F043E043B043D044F043B0441044F002" "000200433043D0435"; static int assembly_pdu_len1 = 155; static const char *assembly_pdu2 = "038121F340048155550119906041001222048C0500" "031E03020432043E043C002E000A041D04300" "43A043E043D04350446002C0020043D043500" "200432002004410438043B043004450020043" "40430043B043504350020044204350440043F" "04350442044C002C0020043E043D002004410" "44204400435043C043804420435043B044C04" "3D043E002004320431043504360430043B002" "004320020043A043E"; static int assembly_pdu_len2 = 155; static const char *assembly_pdu3 = "038121F340048155550119906041001222044A0500" "031E0303043C043D043004420443002C00200" "43F043E043704300431044B0432000A043404" "3004360435002C002004470442043E0020002" "00431044B043B0020043D04300433002E"; static int assembly_pdu_len3 = 89; static void test_serialize_assembly(void) { unsigned char pdu[176]; long pdu_len; struct sms sms; struct sms_assembly *assembly = sms_assembly_new("1234"); guint16 ref; guint8 max; guint8 seq; GSList *l; decode_hex_own_buf(assembly_pdu1, -1, &pdu_len, 0, pdu); sms_decode(pdu, pdu_len, FALSE, assembly_pdu_len1, &sms); sms_extract_concatenation(&sms, &ref, &max, &seq); l = sms_assembly_add_fragment(assembly, &sms, time(NULL), &sms.deliver.oaddr, ref, max, seq); if (g_test_verbose()) { g_print("Ref: %u\n", ref); g_print("Max: %u\n", max); g_print("From: %s\n", sms_address_to_string(&sms.deliver.oaddr)); } g_assert(g_slist_length(assembly->assembly_list) == 1); g_assert(l == NULL); decode_hex_own_buf(assembly_pdu2, -1, &pdu_len, 0, pdu); sms_decode(pdu, pdu_len, FALSE, assembly_pdu_len2, &sms); sms_extract_concatenation(&sms, &ref, &max, &seq); l = sms_assembly_add_fragment(assembly, &sms, time(NULL), &sms.deliver.oaddr, ref, max, seq); g_assert(l == NULL); sms_assembly_free(assembly); assembly = sms_assembly_new("1234"); decode_hex_own_buf(assembly_pdu3, -1, &pdu_len, 0, pdu); sms_decode(pdu, pdu_len, FALSE, assembly_pdu_len3, &sms); sms_extract_concatenation(&sms, &ref, &max, &seq); l = sms_assembly_add_fragment(assembly, &sms, time(NULL), &sms.deliver.oaddr, ref, max, seq); g_assert(l != NULL); sms_assembly_free(assembly); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { g_test_init(&argc, &argv, NULL); g_test_add_func("/testsms/Test SMS Assembly Serialize", test_serialize_assembly); return g_test_run(); }