/* * * oFono - Open Source Telephony * * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ofono.h" #include "common.h" #include "smsutil.h" #include "stkutil.h" #include "stkagent.h" static GSList *g_drivers = NULL; struct stk_timer { time_t expiry; time_t start; }; struct ofono_stk { const struct ofono_stk_driver *driver; void *driver_data; struct ofono_atom *atom; struct stk_command *pending_cmd; void (*cancel_cmd)(struct ofono_stk *stk); GQueue *envelope_q; DBusMessage *pending; struct stk_timer timers[8]; guint timers_source; int timeout; int short_timeout; struct stk_agent *session_agent; struct stk_agent *default_agent; struct stk_agent *current_agent; /* Always equals one of the above */ struct stk_menu *main_menu, *select_item_menu; ofono_bool_t immediate_response; guint remove_agent_source; struct sms_submit_req *sms_submit_req; char *idle_mode_text; struct timeval get_inkey_start_ts; }; struct envelope_op { uint8_t tlv[256]; unsigned int tlv_len; int retries; void (*cb)(struct ofono_stk *stk, gboolean ok, const unsigned char *data, int length); }; struct sms_submit_req { struct ofono_stk *stk; gboolean cancelled; }; #define ENVELOPE_RETRIES_DEFAULT 5 static void envelope_queue_run(struct ofono_stk *stk); static void timers_update(struct ofono_stk *stk); static int stk_respond(struct ofono_stk *stk, struct stk_response *rsp, ofono_stk_generic_cb_t cb) { const guint8 *tlv; unsigned int tlv_len; DBG(""); if (stk->driver->terminal_response == NULL) return -ENOSYS; rsp->src = STK_DEVICE_IDENTITY_TYPE_TERMINAL; rsp->dst = STK_DEVICE_IDENTITY_TYPE_UICC; rsp->number = stk->pending_cmd->number; rsp->type = stk->pending_cmd->type; rsp->qualifier = stk->pending_cmd->qualifier; tlv = stk_pdu_from_response(rsp, &tlv_len); if (!tlv) return -EINVAL; stk_command_free(stk->pending_cmd); stk->pending_cmd = NULL; stk->driver->terminal_response(stk, tlv_len, tlv, cb, stk); return 0; } static void stk_command_cb(const struct ofono_error *error, void *data) { if (error->type != OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_NO_ERROR) { ofono_error("TERMINAL RESPONSE to a UICC command failed"); return; } DBG("TERMINAL RESPONSE to a command reported no errors"); } static void send_simple_response(struct ofono_stk *stk, enum stk_result_type result) { struct stk_response rsp; static struct ofono_error error = { .type = OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_FAILURE }; DBG("result %d", result); memset(&rsp, 0, sizeof(rsp)); rsp.result.type = result; if (stk_respond(stk, &rsp, stk_command_cb)) stk_command_cb(&error, stk); } static void envelope_cb(const struct ofono_error *error, const uint8_t *data, int length, void *user_data) { struct ofono_stk *stk = user_data; struct envelope_op *op = g_queue_peek_head(stk->envelope_q); gboolean result = TRUE; DBG("length %d", length); if (op->retries > 0 && error->type == OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_SIM && error->error == 0x9300) { op->retries--; goto out; } if (error->type != OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_NO_ERROR) result = FALSE; g_queue_pop_head(stk->envelope_q); if (op->cb) op->cb(stk, result, data, length); g_free(op); out: envelope_queue_run(stk); } static void envelope_queue_run(struct ofono_stk *stk) { if (g_queue_get_length(stk->envelope_q) > 0) { struct envelope_op *op = g_queue_peek_head(stk->envelope_q); stk->driver->envelope(stk, op->tlv_len, op->tlv, envelope_cb, stk); } } static int stk_send_envelope(struct ofono_stk *stk, struct stk_envelope *e, void (*cb)(struct ofono_stk *stk, gboolean ok, const uint8_t *data, int length), int retries) { const uint8_t *tlv; unsigned int tlv_len; struct envelope_op *op; DBG(""); if (stk->driver->envelope == NULL) return -ENOSYS; e->dst = STK_DEVICE_IDENTITY_TYPE_UICC; tlv = stk_pdu_from_envelope(e, &tlv_len); if (!tlv) return -EINVAL; op = g_new0(struct envelope_op, 1); op->cb = cb; op->retries = retries; memcpy(op->tlv, tlv, tlv_len); op->tlv_len = tlv_len; g_queue_push_tail(stk->envelope_q, op); if (g_queue_get_length(stk->envelope_q) == 1) envelope_queue_run(stk); return 0; } static void stk_cbs_download_cb(struct ofono_stk *stk, gboolean ok, const unsigned char *data, int len) { if (!ok) { ofono_error("CellBroadcast download to UICC failed"); return; } if (len) ofono_error("CellBroadcast download returned %i bytes of data", len); DBG("CellBroadcast download to UICC reported no error"); } void __ofono_cbs_sim_download(struct ofono_stk *stk, const struct cbs *msg) { struct stk_envelope e; int err; DBG(""); memset(&e, 0, sizeof(e)); e.type = STK_ENVELOPE_TYPE_CBS_PP_DOWNLOAD; e.src = STK_DEVICE_IDENTITY_TYPE_NETWORK; memcpy(&e.cbs_pp_download.page, msg, sizeof(msg)); err = stk_send_envelope(stk, &e, stk_cbs_download_cb, ENVELOPE_RETRIES_DEFAULT); if (err) stk_cbs_download_cb(stk, FALSE, NULL, -1); } static struct stk_menu *stk_menu_create(const char *title, const struct stk_text_attribute *title_attr, GSList *items, const struct stk_item_text_attribute_list *item_attrs, int default_id, gboolean soft_key, gboolean has_help) { struct stk_menu *ret = g_new(struct stk_menu, 1); GSList *l; int i; DBG(""); ret->title = g_strdup(title ? title : ""); ret->icon_id = 0; ret->items = g_new0(struct stk_menu_item, g_slist_length(items) + 1); ret->default_item = -1; ret->soft_key = soft_key; ret->has_help = has_help; for (l = items, i = 0; l; l = l->next, i++) { struct stk_item *item = l->data; ret->items[i].text = g_strdup(item->text); ret->items[i].item_id = item->id; if (item->id == default_id) ret->default_item = i; } return ret; } static struct stk_menu *stk_menu_create_from_set_up_menu( const struct stk_command *cmd) { gboolean soft_key = (cmd->qualifier & (1 << 0)) != 0; gboolean has_help = (cmd->qualifier & (1 << 7)) != 0; return stk_menu_create(cmd->setup_menu.alpha_id, &cmd->setup_menu.text_attr, cmd->setup_menu.items, &cmd->setup_menu.item_text_attr_list, 0, soft_key, has_help); } static struct stk_menu *stk_menu_create_from_select_item( const struct stk_command *cmd) { gboolean soft_key = (cmd->qualifier & (1 << 2)) != 0; gboolean has_help = (cmd->qualifier & (1 << 7)) != 0; return stk_menu_create(cmd->select_item.alpha_id, &cmd->select_item.text_attr, cmd->select_item.items, &cmd->select_item.item_text_attr_list, cmd->select_item.item_id, soft_key, has_help); } static void stk_menu_free(struct stk_menu *menu) { struct stk_menu_item *i; for (i = menu->items; i->text; i++) g_free(i->text); g_free(menu->items); g_free(menu->title); g_free(menu); } static void emit_menu_changed(struct ofono_stk *stk) { static struct stk_menu_item end_item = {}; static struct stk_menu no_menu = { .title = "", .items = &end_item, .has_help = FALSE, .default_item = -1, }; static char *name = "MainMenu"; DBusConnection *conn = ofono_dbus_get_connection(); const char *path = __ofono_atom_get_path(stk->atom); struct stk_menu *menu = stk->main_menu ? stk->main_menu : &no_menu; DBusMessage *signal; DBusMessageIter iter; ofono_dbus_signal_property_changed(conn, path, OFONO_STK_INTERFACE, "MainMenuTitle", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &menu->title); signal = dbus_message_new_signal(path, OFONO_STK_INTERFACE, "PropertyChanged"); if (!signal) { ofono_error("Unable to allocate new %s.PropertyChanged signal", OFONO_SIM_APP_INTERFACE); return; } dbus_message_iter_init_append(signal, &iter); dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &name); append_menu_items_variant(&iter, menu->items); g_dbus_send_message(conn, signal); } static void dict_append_menu(DBusMessageIter *dict, struct stk_menu *menu) { DBusMessageIter entry; const char *key = "MainMenu"; ofono_dbus_dict_append(dict, "MainMenuTitle", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &menu->title); dbus_message_iter_open_container(dict, DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY, NULL, &entry); dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&entry, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &key); append_menu_items_variant(&entry, menu->items); dbus_message_iter_close_container(dict, &entry); } static void stk_alpha_id_set(struct ofono_stk *stk, const char *text) { /* TODO */ } static void stk_alpha_id_unset(struct ofono_stk *stk) { /* TODO */ } static DBusMessage *stk_get_properties(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { struct ofono_stk *stk = data; DBusMessage *reply; DBusMessageIter iter; DBusMessageIter dict; const char *idle_mode_text; reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(msg); if (!reply) return NULL; dbus_message_iter_init_append(reply, &iter); dbus_message_iter_open_container(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, OFONO_PROPERTIES_ARRAY_SIGNATURE, &dict); idle_mode_text = stk->idle_mode_text ? stk->idle_mode_text : ""; ofono_dbus_dict_append(&dict, "IdleModeText", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &idle_mode_text); if (stk->main_menu) dict_append_menu(&dict, stk->main_menu); dbus_message_iter_close_container(&iter, &dict); return reply; } static void stk_request_cancel(struct ofono_stk *stk) { if (stk->session_agent) stk_agent_request_cancel(stk->session_agent); if (stk->default_agent) stk_agent_request_cancel(stk->default_agent); } static gboolean agent_called(struct ofono_stk *stk) { if (stk->pending_cmd == NULL) return FALSE; switch (stk->pending_cmd->type) { case STK_COMMAND_TYPE_SELECT_ITEM: case STK_COMMAND_TYPE_DISPLAY_TEXT: return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void default_agent_notify(gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_stk *stk = user_data; if (stk->current_agent == stk->default_agent && agent_called(stk)) send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_USER_TERMINATED); stk->default_agent = NULL; stk->current_agent = stk->session_agent; } static void session_agent_notify(gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_stk *stk = user_data; DBG("Session Agent removed"); if (stk->current_agent == stk->session_agent && agent_called(stk)) { DBG("Sending Terminate response for session agent"); send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_USER_TERMINATED); } stk->session_agent = NULL; stk->current_agent = stk->default_agent; if (stk->remove_agent_source) { g_source_remove(stk->remove_agent_source); stk->remove_agent_source = 0; } } static gboolean session_agent_remove_cb(gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_stk *stk = user_data; stk->remove_agent_source = 0; stk_agent_free(stk->session_agent); return FALSE; } /* Safely remove the agent even inside a callback */ static void session_agent_remove(struct ofono_stk *stk) { if (!stk->remove_agent_source) stk->remove_agent_source = g_timeout_add(0, session_agent_remove_cb, stk); } static DBusMessage *stk_register_agent(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { struct ofono_stk *stk = data; const char *agent_path; if (stk->default_agent) return __ofono_error_busy(msg); if (dbus_message_get_args(msg, NULL, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &agent_path, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID) == FALSE) return __ofono_error_invalid_args(msg); if (!__ofono_dbus_valid_object_path(agent_path)) return __ofono_error_invalid_format(msg); stk->default_agent = stk_agent_new(agent_path, dbus_message_get_sender(msg), FALSE); if (!stk->default_agent) return __ofono_error_failed(msg); stk_agent_set_removed_notify(stk->default_agent, default_agent_notify, stk); if (!stk->session_agent) stk->current_agent = stk->default_agent; return dbus_message_new_method_return(msg); } static DBusMessage *stk_unregister_agent(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { struct ofono_stk *stk = data; const char *agent_path; const char *agent_bus = dbus_message_get_sender(msg); if (dbus_message_get_args(msg, NULL, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &agent_path, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID) == FALSE) return __ofono_error_invalid_args(msg); if (!stk->default_agent) return __ofono_error_failed(msg); if (!stk_agent_matches(stk->default_agent, agent_path, agent_bus)) return __ofono_error_failed(msg); stk_agent_free(stk->default_agent); return dbus_message_new_method_return(msg); } static void menu_selection_envelope_cb(struct ofono_stk *stk, gboolean ok, const unsigned char *data, int len) { unsigned char selection; const char *agent_path; DBusMessage *reply; DBG(""); if (!ok) { ofono_error("Sending Menu Selection to UICC failed"); reply = __ofono_error_failed(stk->pending); goto out; } if (len) ofono_error("Menu Selection returned %i bytes of unwanted data", len); DBG("Menu Selection envelope submission gave no error"); dbus_message_get_args(stk->pending, NULL, DBUS_TYPE_BYTE, &selection, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &agent_path, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); stk->session_agent = stk_agent_new(agent_path, dbus_message_get_sender(stk->pending), TRUE); if (!stk->session_agent) { reply = __ofono_error_failed(stk->pending); goto out; } stk_agent_set_removed_notify(stk->session_agent, session_agent_notify, stk); stk->current_agent = stk->session_agent; reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(stk->pending); out: __ofono_dbus_pending_reply(&stk->pending, reply); } static DBusMessage *stk_select_item(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { struct ofono_stk *stk = data; const char *agent_path; unsigned char selection, i; struct stk_envelope e; struct stk_menu *menu = stk->main_menu; DBG(""); if (stk->pending) return __ofono_error_busy(msg); if (stk->session_agent || !menu) return __ofono_error_busy(msg); if (dbus_message_get_args(msg, NULL, DBUS_TYPE_BYTE, &selection, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &agent_path, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID) == FALSE) return __ofono_error_invalid_args(msg); if (!__ofono_dbus_valid_object_path(agent_path)) return __ofono_error_invalid_format(msg); for (i = 0; i < selection && menu->items[i].text; i++); if (i != selection) return __ofono_error_invalid_format(msg); memset(&e, 0, sizeof(e)); e.type = STK_ENVELOPE_TYPE_MENU_SELECTION; e.src = STK_DEVICE_IDENTITY_TYPE_KEYPAD, e.menu_selection.item_id = menu->items[selection].item_id; e.menu_selection.help_request = FALSE; DBG(""); if (stk_send_envelope(stk, &e, menu_selection_envelope_cb, 0)) return __ofono_error_failed(msg); stk->pending = dbus_message_ref(msg); return NULL; } static GDBusMethodTable stk_methods[] = { { "GetProperties", "", "a{sv}",stk_get_properties }, { "SelectItem", "yo", "", stk_select_item, G_DBUS_METHOD_FLAG_ASYNC }, { "RegisterAgent", "o", "", stk_register_agent }, { "UnregisterAgent", "o", "", stk_unregister_agent }, { } }; static GDBusSignalTable stk_signals[] = { { "PropertyChanged", "sv" }, { } }; static gboolean handle_command_more_time(const struct stk_command *cmd, struct stk_response *rsp, struct ofono_stk *stk) { /* Do nothing */ return TRUE; } static void send_sms_cancel(struct ofono_stk *stk) { stk->sms_submit_req->cancelled = TRUE; if (!stk->pending_cmd->send_sms.alpha_id || !stk->pending_cmd->send_sms.alpha_id[0]) return; stk_alpha_id_unset(stk); } static void send_sms_submit_cb(gboolean ok, void *data) { struct sms_submit_req *req = data; struct ofono_stk *stk = req->stk; struct ofono_error failure = { .type = OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_FAILURE }; struct stk_response rsp; DBG("SMS submission %s", ok ? "successful" : "failed"); if (req->cancelled) { DBG("Received an SMS submitted callback after the " "proactive command was cancelled"); return; } memset(&rsp, 0, sizeof(rsp)); if (ok == FALSE) rsp.result.type = STK_RESULT_TYPE_NETWORK_UNAVAILABLE; if (stk_respond(stk, &rsp, stk_command_cb)) stk_command_cb(&failure, stk); if (stk->pending_cmd->send_sms.alpha_id && stk->pending_cmd->send_sms.alpha_id[0]) stk_alpha_id_unset(stk); } static gboolean handle_command_send_sms(const struct stk_command *cmd, struct stk_response *rsp, struct ofono_stk *stk) { struct ofono_modem *modem = __ofono_atom_get_modem(stk->atom); struct ofono_atom *sms_atom; struct ofono_sms *sms; GSList msg_list; sms_atom = __ofono_modem_find_atom(modem, OFONO_ATOM_TYPE_SMS); if (!sms_atom || !__ofono_atom_get_registered(sms_atom)) { rsp->result.type = STK_RESULT_TYPE_NOT_CAPABLE; return TRUE; } sms = __ofono_atom_get_data(sms_atom); stk->sms_submit_req = g_new0(struct sms_submit_req, 1); stk->sms_submit_req->stk = stk; msg_list.data = (void *) &cmd->send_sms.gsm_sms; msg_list.next = NULL; __ofono_sms_txq_submit(sms, &msg_list, 0, send_sms_submit_cb, stk->sms_submit_req, g_free); stk->cancel_cmd = send_sms_cancel; if (cmd->send_sms.alpha_id && cmd->send_sms.alpha_id[0]) stk_alpha_id_set(stk, cmd->send_sms.alpha_id); return FALSE; } static gboolean handle_command_set_idle_text(const struct stk_command *cmd, struct stk_response *rsp, struct ofono_stk *stk) { DBusConnection *conn = ofono_dbus_get_connection(); const char *path = __ofono_atom_get_path(stk->atom); const char *idle_mode_text; if (stk->idle_mode_text) { g_free(stk->idle_mode_text); stk->idle_mode_text = NULL; } if (cmd->setup_idle_mode_text.text) stk->idle_mode_text = g_strdup(cmd->setup_idle_mode_text.text); idle_mode_text = stk->idle_mode_text ? stk->idle_mode_text : ""; ofono_dbus_signal_property_changed(conn, path, OFONO_STK_INTERFACE, "IdleModeText", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &idle_mode_text); return TRUE; } static void timer_expiration_cb(struct ofono_stk *stk, gboolean ok, const unsigned char *data, int len) { if (!ok) { ofono_error("Timer Expiration reporting failed"); return; } if (len) ofono_error("Timer Expiration returned %i bytes of data", len); DBG("Timer Expiration reporting to UICC reported no error"); } static gboolean timers_cb(gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_stk *stk = user_data; stk->timers_source = 0; timers_update(stk); return FALSE; } static void timer_value_from_seconds(struct stk_timer_value *val, int seconds) { val->has_value = TRUE; val->hour = seconds / 3600; seconds -= val->hour * 3600; val->minute = seconds / 60; seconds -= val->minute * 60; val->second = seconds; } static void timers_update(struct ofono_stk *stk) { time_t min = 0, now = time(NULL); int i; if (stk->timers_source) { g_source_remove(stk->timers_source); stk->timers_source = 0; } for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (!stk->timers[i].expiry) continue; if (stk->timers[i].expiry <= now) { struct stk_envelope e; int seconds = now - stk->timers[i].start; stk->timers[i].expiry = 0; memset(&e, 0, sizeof(e)); e.type = STK_ENVELOPE_TYPE_TIMER_EXPIRATION; e.src = STK_DEVICE_IDENTITY_TYPE_TERMINAL, e.timer_expiration.id = i + 1; timer_value_from_seconds(&e.timer_expiration.value, seconds); /* * TODO: resubmit until success, providing current * time difference every time we re-send. */ if (stk_send_envelope(stk, &e, timer_expiration_cb, 0)) timer_expiration_cb(stk, FALSE, NULL, -1); continue; } if (stk->timers[i].expiry < now + min || min == 0) min = stk->timers[i].expiry - now; } if (min) stk->timers_source = g_timeout_add_seconds(min, timers_cb, stk); } static gboolean handle_command_timer_mgmt(const struct stk_command *cmd, struct stk_response *rsp, struct ofono_stk *stk) { int op = cmd->qualifier & 3; time_t seconds, now = time(NULL); struct stk_timer *tmr; if (cmd->timer_mgmt.timer_id < 1 || cmd->timer_mgmt.timer_id > 8) { rsp->result.type = STK_RESULT_TYPE_DATA_NOT_UNDERSTOOD; return TRUE; } tmr = &stk->timers[cmd->timer_mgmt.timer_id - 1]; switch (op) { case 0: /* Start */ seconds = cmd->timer_mgmt.timer_value.second + cmd->timer_mgmt.timer_value.minute * 60 + cmd->timer_mgmt.timer_value.hour * 3600; tmr->expiry = now + seconds; tmr->start = now; timers_update(stk); break; case 1: /* Deactivate */ if (!tmr->expiry) { rsp->result.type = STK_RESULT_TYPE_TIMER_CONFLICT; return TRUE; } seconds = MAX(0, tmr->expiry - now); tmr->expiry = 0; timers_update(stk); timer_value_from_seconds(&rsp->timer_mgmt.value, seconds); break; case 2: /* Get current value */ if (!tmr->expiry) { rsp->result.type = STK_RESULT_TYPE_TIMER_CONFLICT; return TRUE; } seconds = MAX(0, tmr->expiry - now); timer_value_from_seconds(&rsp->timer_mgmt.value, seconds); break; default: rsp->result.type = STK_RESULT_TYPE_DATA_NOT_UNDERSTOOD; return TRUE; } rsp->timer_mgmt.id = cmd->timer_mgmt.timer_id; return TRUE; } static gboolean handle_command_poll_interval(const struct stk_command *cmd, struct stk_response *rsp, struct ofono_stk *stk) { struct ofono_modem *modem = __ofono_atom_get_modem(stk->atom); int seconds; switch (cmd->poll_interval.duration.unit) { case STK_DURATION_TYPE_MINUTES: seconds = cmd->poll_interval.duration.interval * 60; break; case STK_DURATION_TYPE_SECONDS: seconds = cmd->poll_interval.duration.interval; break; case STK_DURATION_TYPE_SECOND_TENTHS: seconds = (4 + cmd->poll_interval.duration.interval) / 10; if (seconds < 1) seconds = 1; break; default: rsp->result.type = STK_RESULT_TYPE_DATA_NOT_UNDERSTOOD; return TRUE; } ofono_modem_set_integer(modem, "status-poll-interval", seconds); if (seconds > 255) { rsp->poll_interval.max_interval.unit = STK_DURATION_TYPE_MINUTES; rsp->poll_interval.max_interval.interval = seconds / 60; } else { rsp->poll_interval.max_interval.unit = STK_DURATION_TYPE_SECONDS; rsp->poll_interval.max_interval.interval = seconds; } return TRUE; } static gboolean handle_command_set_up_menu(const struct stk_command *cmd, struct stk_response *rsp, struct ofono_stk *stk) { gboolean modified = FALSE; if (stk->main_menu) { stk_menu_free(stk->main_menu); stk->main_menu = NULL; modified = TRUE; } if (cmd->setup_menu.items) { stk->main_menu = stk_menu_create_from_set_up_menu(cmd); if (stk->main_menu) modified = TRUE; else rsp->result.type = STK_RESULT_TYPE_DATA_NOT_UNDERSTOOD; } if (modified) emit_menu_changed(stk); return TRUE; } static void request_selection_destroy(void *user_data) { struct ofono_stk *stk = user_data; stk_menu_free(stk->select_item_menu); stk->select_item_menu = NULL; } static void request_selection_cb(enum stk_agent_result result, uint8_t id, void *user_data) { struct ofono_stk *stk = user_data; switch (result) { case STK_AGENT_RESULT_OK: { static struct ofono_error error = { .type = OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_FAILURE }; struct stk_response rsp; memset(&rsp, 0, sizeof(rsp)); rsp.result.type = STK_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS; rsp.select_item.item_id = id; if (stk_respond(stk, &rsp, stk_command_cb)) stk_command_cb(&error, stk); break; } case STK_AGENT_RESULT_BACK: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_GO_BACK); break; case STK_AGENT_RESULT_TIMEOUT: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_NO_RESPONSE); break; case STK_AGENT_RESULT_TERMINATE: default: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_USER_TERMINATED); break; } } static gboolean handle_command_select_item(const struct stk_command *cmd, struct stk_response *rsp, struct ofono_stk *stk) { stk->select_item_menu = stk_menu_create_from_select_item(cmd); if (!stk->select_item_menu) { rsp->result.type = STK_RESULT_TYPE_DATA_NOT_UNDERSTOOD; return TRUE; } stk->cancel_cmd = stk_request_cancel; /* We most likely got an out of memory error, tell SIM to retry */ if (stk_agent_request_selection(stk->current_agent, stk->select_item_menu, request_selection_cb, stk, request_selection_destroy, stk->timeout * 1000) < 0) { rsp->result.type = STK_RESULT_TYPE_TERMINAL_BUSY; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void display_text_destroy(void *user_data) { struct ofono_stk *stk = user_data; stk->immediate_response = FALSE; } static void display_text_cb(enum stk_agent_result result, void *user_data) { struct ofono_stk *stk = user_data; gboolean confirm; /* * There are four possible paths for DisplayText with immediate * response flag set: * 1. Agent drops off the bus. In that case regular removal * semantics apply and the agent is removed. * * 2. A new SIM command arrives. In this case the agent is * canceled and a new command is processed. This function is * not called in this case. * * 3. The session is ended by the SIM. This case is ignored, * and will result in either case 1, 2 or 4 occurring. * * 4. Agent reports an error or success. This function is called * with the result. * * NOTE: If the agent reports a TERMINATE result, the agent will * be removed. Since the response has been already sent, there * is no way to signal the end of session to the SIM. Hence * it is assumed that immediate response flagged commands will * only occur at the end of session. */ if (stk->immediate_response) { if (stk->session_agent) session_agent_remove(stk); return; } switch (result) { case STK_AGENT_RESULT_OK: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS); break; case STK_AGENT_RESULT_BACK: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_GO_BACK); break; case STK_AGENT_RESULT_TIMEOUT: confirm = (stk->pending_cmd->qualifier & (1 << 7)) != 0; send_simple_response(stk, confirm ? STK_RESULT_TYPE_NO_RESPONSE : STK_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS); break; case STK_AGENT_RESULT_TERMINATE: default: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_USER_TERMINATED); break; } } static gboolean handle_command_display_text(const struct stk_command *cmd, struct stk_response *rsp, struct ofono_stk *stk) { int timeout = stk->short_timeout * 1000; struct stk_command_display_text *dt = &stk->pending_cmd->display_text; uint8_t qualifier = stk->pending_cmd->qualifier; ofono_bool_t priority = (qualifier & (1 << 0)) != 0; if (dt->duration.interval) { timeout = dt->duration.interval; switch (dt->duration.unit) { case STK_DURATION_TYPE_MINUTES: timeout *= 60; case STK_DURATION_TYPE_SECONDS: timeout *= 10; case STK_DURATION_TYPE_SECOND_TENTHS: timeout *= 100; } } stk->cancel_cmd = stk_request_cancel; /* We most likely got an out of memory error, tell SIM to retry */ if (stk_agent_display_text(stk->current_agent, dt->text, 0, priority, display_text_cb, stk, display_text_destroy, timeout) < 0) { rsp->result.type = STK_RESULT_TYPE_TERMINAL_BUSY; return TRUE; } if (cmd->display_text.immediate_response) stk->immediate_response = TRUE; DBG("Immediate Response: %d", stk->immediate_response); return stk->immediate_response; } static void set_get_inkey_duration(struct stk_duration *duration, struct timeval *start_ts) { struct timeval end_ts; int interval; gettimeofday(&end_ts, NULL); interval = (end_ts.tv_usec + 1099999 - start_ts->tv_usec) / 100000; interval += (end_ts.tv_sec - start_ts->tv_sec) * 10; interval -= 10; switch (duration->unit) { case STK_DURATION_TYPE_MINUTES: interval = (interval + 59) / 60; case STK_DURATION_TYPE_SECONDS: interval = (interval + 9) / 10; case STK_DURATION_TYPE_SECOND_TENTHS: break; } duration->interval = interval; } static void request_confirmation_cb(enum stk_agent_result result, gboolean confirm, void *user_data) { struct ofono_stk *stk = user_data; static struct ofono_error error = { .type = OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_FAILURE }; struct stk_command_get_inkey *cmd = &stk->pending_cmd->get_inkey; struct stk_response rsp; switch (result) { case STK_AGENT_RESULT_OK: memset(&rsp, 0, sizeof(rsp)); rsp.result.type = STK_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS; rsp.get_inkey.text.text = confirm ? "" : NULL; rsp.get_inkey.text.yesno = TRUE; if (cmd->duration.interval) { rsp.get_inkey.duration.unit = cmd->duration.unit; set_get_inkey_duration(&rsp.get_inkey.duration, &stk->get_inkey_start_ts); } if (stk_respond(stk, &rsp, stk_command_cb)) stk_command_cb(&error, stk); break; case STK_AGENT_RESULT_BACK: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_GO_BACK); break; case STK_AGENT_RESULT_TIMEOUT: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_NO_RESPONSE); break; case STK_AGENT_RESULT_TERMINATE: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_USER_TERMINATED); break; } } static void request_key_cb(enum stk_agent_result result, char *string, void *user_data) { struct ofono_stk *stk = user_data; static struct ofono_error error = { .type = OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_FAILURE }; struct stk_command_get_inkey *cmd = &stk->pending_cmd->get_inkey; struct stk_response rsp; switch (result) { case STK_AGENT_RESULT_OK: memset(&rsp, 0, sizeof(rsp)); rsp.result.type = STK_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS; rsp.get_inkey.text.text = string; if (cmd->duration.interval) { rsp.get_inkey.duration.unit = cmd->duration.unit; set_get_inkey_duration(&rsp.get_inkey.duration, &stk->get_inkey_start_ts); } if (stk_respond(stk, &rsp, stk_command_cb)) stk_command_cb(&error, stk); break; case STK_AGENT_RESULT_BACK: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_GO_BACK); break; case STK_AGENT_RESULT_TIMEOUT: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_NO_RESPONSE); break; case STK_AGENT_RESULT_TERMINATE: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_USER_TERMINATED); break; } } static gboolean handle_command_get_inkey(const struct stk_command *cmd, struct stk_response *rsp, struct ofono_stk *stk) { int timeout = stk->timeout * 1000; const struct stk_command_get_inkey *gi = &cmd->get_inkey; uint8_t qualifier = stk->pending_cmd->qualifier; gboolean alphabet = (qualifier & (1 << 0)) != 0; gboolean ucs2 = (qualifier & (1 << 1)) != 0; gboolean yesno = (qualifier & (1 << 2)) != 0; /* * Note: immediate response and help parameter values are not * provided by current api. */ uint8_t icon_id = 0; int err; if (gi->duration.interval) { timeout = gi->duration.interval; switch (gi->duration.unit) { case STK_DURATION_TYPE_MINUTES: timeout *= 60; case STK_DURATION_TYPE_SECONDS: timeout *= 10; case STK_DURATION_TYPE_SECOND_TENTHS: timeout *= 100; } } gettimeofday(&stk->get_inkey_start_ts, NULL); stk->cancel_cmd = stk_request_cancel; if (yesno) err = stk_agent_request_confirmation(stk->current_agent, gi->text, icon_id, request_confirmation_cb, stk, NULL, timeout); else if (alphabet) err = stk_agent_request_key(stk->current_agent, gi->text, icon_id, ucs2, request_key_cb, stk, NULL, timeout); else err = stk_agent_request_digit(stk->current_agent, gi->text, icon_id, request_key_cb, stk, NULL, timeout); if (err < 0) { /* * We most likely got an out of memory error, tell SIM * to retry */ rsp->result.type = STK_RESULT_TYPE_TERMINAL_BUSY; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void request_string_cb(enum stk_agent_result result, char *string, void *user_data) { struct ofono_stk *stk = user_data; static struct ofono_error error = { .type = OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_FAILURE }; uint8_t qualifier = stk->pending_cmd->qualifier; gboolean packed = (qualifier & (1 << 3)) != 0; struct stk_response rsp; switch (result) { case STK_AGENT_RESULT_OK: memset(&rsp, 0, sizeof(rsp)); rsp.result.type = STK_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS; rsp.get_input.text.text = string; rsp.get_input.text.packed = packed; if (stk_respond(stk, &rsp, stk_command_cb)) stk_command_cb(&error, stk); break; case STK_AGENT_RESULT_BACK: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_GO_BACK); break; case STK_AGENT_RESULT_TIMEOUT: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_NO_RESPONSE); break; case STK_AGENT_RESULT_TERMINATE: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_USER_TERMINATED); break; } } static gboolean handle_command_get_input(const struct stk_command *cmd, struct stk_response *rsp, struct ofono_stk *stk) { int timeout = stk->timeout * 1000; const struct stk_command_get_input *gi = &cmd->get_input; uint8_t qualifier = stk->pending_cmd->qualifier; gboolean alphabet = (qualifier & (1 << 0)) != 0; gboolean ucs2 = (qualifier & (1 << 1)) != 0; gboolean hidden = (qualifier & (1 << 2)) != 0; uint8_t icon_id = 0; int err; stk->cancel_cmd = stk_request_cancel; if (alphabet) err = stk_agent_request_input(stk->current_agent, gi->text, icon_id, gi->default_text, ucs2, gi->resp_len.min, gi->resp_len.max, hidden, request_string_cb, stk, NULL, timeout); else err = stk_agent_request_digits(stk->current_agent, gi->text, icon_id, gi->default_text, gi->resp_len.min, gi->resp_len.max, hidden, request_string_cb, stk, NULL, timeout); if (err < 0) { /* * We most likely got an out of memory error, tell SIM * to retry */ rsp->result.type = STK_RESULT_TYPE_TERMINAL_BUSY; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void stk_proactive_command_cancel(struct ofono_stk *stk) { if (stk->immediate_response) stk_request_cancel(stk); if (stk->pending_cmd) { stk->cancel_cmd(stk); stk_command_free(stk->pending_cmd); stk->pending_cmd = NULL; } } void ofono_stk_proactive_session_end_notify(struct ofono_stk *stk) { /* Wait until we receive the next command */ if (stk->immediate_response) return; stk_proactive_command_cancel(stk); if (stk->session_agent) stk_agent_free(stk->session_agent); } void ofono_stk_proactive_command_notify(struct ofono_stk *stk, int length, const unsigned char *pdu) { struct ofono_error error = { .type = OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_FAILURE }; struct stk_response rsp; int err; gboolean respond = TRUE; /* * Depending on the hardware we may have received a new * command before we managed to send a TERMINAL RESPONSE to * the previous one. 3GPP says in the current revision only * one command can be executing at any time, so assume that * the previous one is being cancelled and the card just * expects a response to the new one. */ stk_proactive_command_cancel(stk); stk->pending_cmd = stk_command_new_from_pdu(pdu, length); if (!stk->pending_cmd) { ofono_error("Can't parse proactive command"); /* * Nothing we can do, we'd need at least Command Details * to be able to respond with an error. */ return; } switch (stk->pending_cmd->status) { case STK_PARSE_RESULT_OK: break; case STK_PARSE_RESULT_MISSING_VALUE: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_MINIMUM_NOT_MET); return; case STK_PARSE_RESULT_DATA_NOT_UNDERSTOOD: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_DATA_NOT_UNDERSTOOD); return; case STK_PARSE_RESULT_TYPE_NOT_UNDERSTOOD: default: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_COMMAND_NOT_UNDERSTOOD); return; } /* * In case no agent is registered, we should reject commands destined * to the Agent with a NOT_CAPABLE error. */ if (stk->current_agent == NULL) { switch (stk->pending_cmd->type) { case STK_COMMAND_TYPE_SELECT_ITEM: case STK_COMMAND_TYPE_DISPLAY_TEXT: case STK_COMMAND_TYPE_GET_INKEY: case STK_COMMAND_TYPE_GET_INPUT: case STK_COMMAND_TYPE_PLAY_TONE: send_simple_response(stk, STK_RESULT_TYPE_NOT_CAPABLE); return; default: break; } } memset(&rsp, 0, sizeof(rsp)); switch (stk->pending_cmd->type) { case STK_COMMAND_TYPE_MORE_TIME: respond = handle_command_more_time(stk->pending_cmd, &rsp, stk); break; case STK_COMMAND_TYPE_SEND_SMS: respond = handle_command_send_sms(stk->pending_cmd, &rsp, stk); break; case STK_COMMAND_TYPE_SETUP_IDLE_MODE_TEXT: respond = handle_command_set_idle_text(stk->pending_cmd, &rsp, stk); break; case STK_COMMAND_TYPE_TIMER_MANAGEMENT: respond = handle_command_timer_mgmt(stk->pending_cmd, &rsp, stk); break; case STK_COMMAND_TYPE_POLL_INTERVAL: respond = handle_command_poll_interval(stk->pending_cmd, &rsp, stk); break; case STK_COMMAND_TYPE_SETUP_MENU: respond = handle_command_set_up_menu(stk->pending_cmd, &rsp, stk); break; case STK_COMMAND_TYPE_SELECT_ITEM: respond = handle_command_select_item(stk->pending_cmd, &rsp, stk); break; case STK_COMMAND_TYPE_DISPLAY_TEXT: respond = handle_command_display_text(stk->pending_cmd, &rsp, stk); break; case STK_COMMAND_TYPE_GET_INKEY: respond = handle_command_get_inkey(stk->pending_cmd, &rsp, stk); break; case STK_COMMAND_TYPE_GET_INPUT: respond = handle_command_get_input(stk->pending_cmd, &rsp, stk); break; default: rsp.result.type = STK_RESULT_TYPE_COMMAND_NOT_UNDERSTOOD; break; } if (respond == FALSE) return; err = stk_respond(stk, &rsp, stk_command_cb); if (err) stk_command_cb(&error, stk); } int ofono_stk_driver_register(const struct ofono_stk_driver *d) { DBG("driver: %p, name: %s", d, d->name); if (d->probe == NULL) return -EINVAL; g_drivers = g_slist_prepend(g_drivers, (void *)d); return 0; } void ofono_stk_driver_unregister(const struct ofono_stk_driver *d) { DBG("driver: %p, name: %s", d, d->name); g_drivers = g_slist_remove(g_drivers, (void *)d); } static void stk_unregister(struct ofono_atom *atom) { struct ofono_stk *stk = __ofono_atom_get_data(atom); DBusConnection *conn = ofono_dbus_get_connection(); struct ofono_modem *modem = __ofono_atom_get_modem(atom); const char *path = __ofono_atom_get_path(atom); if (stk->session_agent) stk_agent_free(stk->session_agent); if (stk->default_agent) stk_agent_free(stk->default_agent); if (stk->pending_cmd) { stk_command_free(stk->pending_cmd); stk->pending_cmd = NULL; } if (stk->idle_mode_text) { g_free(stk->idle_mode_text); stk->idle_mode_text = NULL; } if (stk->timers_source) { g_source_remove(stk->timers_source); stk->timers_source = 0; } if (stk->main_menu) { stk_menu_free(stk->main_menu); stk->main_menu = NULL; } g_queue_foreach(stk->envelope_q, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_queue_free(stk->envelope_q); ofono_modem_remove_interface(modem, OFONO_STK_INTERFACE); g_dbus_unregister_interface(conn, path, OFONO_STK_INTERFACE); } static void stk_remove(struct ofono_atom *atom) { struct ofono_stk *stk = __ofono_atom_get_data(atom); DBG("atom: %p", atom); if (stk == NULL) return; if (stk->driver && stk->driver->remove) stk->driver->remove(stk); g_free(stk); } struct ofono_stk *ofono_stk_create(struct ofono_modem *modem, unsigned int vendor, const char *driver, void *data) { struct ofono_stk *stk; GSList *l; if (driver == NULL) return NULL; stk = g_try_new0(struct ofono_stk, 1); if (stk == NULL) return NULL; stk->atom = __ofono_modem_add_atom(modem, OFONO_ATOM_TYPE_STK, stk_remove, stk); for (l = g_drivers; l; l = l->next) { const struct ofono_stk_driver *drv = l->data; if (g_strcmp0(drv->name, driver)) continue; if (drv->probe(stk, vendor, data) < 0) continue; stk->driver = drv; break; } return stk; } void ofono_stk_register(struct ofono_stk *stk) { DBusConnection *conn = ofono_dbus_get_connection(); struct ofono_modem *modem = __ofono_atom_get_modem(stk->atom); const char *path = __ofono_atom_get_path(stk->atom); if (!g_dbus_register_interface(conn, path, OFONO_STK_INTERFACE, stk_methods, stk_signals, NULL, stk, NULL)) { ofono_error("Could not create %s interface", OFONO_STK_INTERFACE); return; } ofono_modem_add_interface(modem, OFONO_STK_INTERFACE); __ofono_atom_register(stk->atom, stk_unregister); stk->timeout = 600; /* 10 minutes */ stk->short_timeout = 20; /* 20 seconds */ stk->envelope_q = g_queue_new(); } void ofono_stk_remove(struct ofono_stk *stk) { __ofono_atom_free(stk->atom); } void ofono_stk_set_data(struct ofono_stk *stk, void *data) { stk->driver_data = data; } void *ofono_stk_get_data(struct ofono_stk *stk) { return stk->driver_data; }