/* * * oFono - Open Source Telephony * * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "smsutil.h" #define uninitialized_var(x) x = x void extract_bcd_number(const unsigned char *buf, int len, char *out) { static const char digit_lut[] = "0123456789*#abc\0"; unsigned char oct; int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { oct = buf[i]; out[i*2] = digit_lut[oct & 0x0f]; out[i*2+1] = digit_lut[(oct & 0xf0) >> 4]; } out[i*2] = '\0'; } static inline int to_semi_oct(char in) { int digit; switch (in) { case '0': digit = 0; break; case '1': digit = 1; break; case '2': digit = 2; break; case '3': digit = 3; break; case '4': digit = 4; break; case '5': digit = 5; break; case '6': digit = 6; break; case '7': digit = 7; break; case '8': digit = 8; break; case '9': digit = 9; break; case '*': digit = 10; break; case '#': digit = 11; break; case 'A': case 'a': digit = 12; break; case 'B': case 'b': digit = 13; break; case 'C': case 'c': digit = 14; break; default: digit = -1; break; } return digit; } void encode_bcd_number(const char *number, unsigned char *out) { while (number[0] != '\0' && number[1] != '\0') { *out = to_semi_oct(*number++); *out++ |= to_semi_oct(*number++) << 4; } if (*number) *out = to_semi_oct(*number) | 0xf0; } /* Returns whether the DCS could be parsed successfully, e.g. no reserved * values were used */ gboolean sms_dcs_decode(guint8 dcs, enum sms_class *cls, enum sms_charset *charset, gboolean *compressed, gboolean *autodelete) { guint8 upper = (dcs & 0xf0) >> 4; enum sms_charset ch; enum sms_class cl; gboolean comp; gboolean autodel; /* MWI DCS types are handled in sms_mwi_dcs_decode */ if (upper >= 0x8 && upper <= 0xE) return FALSE; upper = (dcs & 0xc0) >> 6; switch (upper) { case 0: case 1: autodel = upper; comp = (dcs & 0x20) ? TRUE : FALSE; if (dcs & 0x10) cl = (enum sms_class)(dcs & 0x03); else cl = SMS_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED; if (((dcs & 0x0c) >> 2) < 3) ch = (enum sms_charset) ((dcs & 0x0c) >> 2); else return FALSE; break; case 3: comp = FALSE; autodel = FALSE; if (dcs & 0x4) ch = SMS_CHARSET_8BIT; else ch = SMS_CHARSET_7BIT; cl = (enum sms_class)(dcs & 0x03); break; default: return FALSE; }; if (compressed) *compressed = comp; if (autodelete) *autodelete = autodel; if (cls) *cls = cl; if (charset) *charset = ch; return TRUE; } gboolean sms_mwi_dcs_decode(guint8 dcs, enum sms_mwi_type *type, enum sms_charset *charset, gboolean *active, gboolean *discard) { guint8 upper = (dcs & 0xf0) >> 4; enum sms_mwi_type t; enum sms_charset ch; gboolean dis; gboolean act; if (upper < 0xC || upper > 0xE) return FALSE; upper = (dcs & 0x30) >> 4; if (upper == 0) dis = TRUE; else dis = FALSE; if (upper == 3) ch = SMS_CHARSET_UCS2; else ch = SMS_CHARSET_7BIT; act = dcs & 0x8; t = (enum sms_mwi_type) (dcs & 0x3); if (type) *type = t; if (charset) *charset = ch; if (active) *active = act; if (discard) *discard = dis; return TRUE; } int sms_udl_in_bytes(guint8 ud_len, guint8 dcs) { int len_7bit = (ud_len + 1) * 7 / 8; int len_8bit = ud_len; guint8 upper; if (dcs == 0) return len_7bit; upper = (dcs & 0xc0) >> 6; switch (upper) { case 0: case 1: if (dcs & 0x20) /* compressed */ return len_8bit; switch ((dcs & 0x0c) >> 2) { case 0: return len_7bit; case 1: return len_8bit; case 2: return len_8bit; } return 0; case 2: return 0; case 3: switch ((dcs & 0x30) >> 4) { case 0: case 1: return len_7bit; case 2: return len_8bit; case 3: if (dcs & 0x4) return len_8bit; else return len_7bit; } break; default: break; }; return 0; } static inline gboolean next_octet(const unsigned char *pdu, int len, int *offset, unsigned char *oct) { if (len == *offset) return FALSE; *oct = pdu[*offset]; *offset = *offset + 1; return TRUE; } static inline gboolean set_octet(unsigned char *pdu, int *offset, unsigned char oct) { pdu[*offset] = oct; *offset = *offset + 1; return TRUE; } static gboolean encode_scts(const struct sms_scts *in, unsigned char *pdu, int *offset) { guint timezone; if (in->year > 99) return FALSE; if (in->month > 12) return FALSE; if (in->day > 31) return FALSE; if (in->hour > 23) return FALSE; if (in->minute > 59) return FALSE; if (in->second > 59) return FALSE; if ((in->timezone > 12*4-1) || (in->timezone < -(12*4-1))) return FALSE; pdu = pdu + *offset; pdu[0] = ((in->year / 10) & 0x0f) | (((in->year % 10) & 0x0f) << 4); pdu[1] = ((in->month / 10) & 0x0f) | (((in->month % 10) & 0x0f) << 4); pdu[2] = ((in->day / 10) & 0x0f) | (((in->day % 10) & 0x0f) << 4); pdu[3] = ((in->hour / 10) & 0x0f) | (((in->hour % 10) & 0x0f) << 4); pdu[4] = ((in->minute / 10) & 0x0f) | (((in->minute % 10) & 0x0f) << 4); pdu[5] = ((in->second / 10) & 0x0f) | (((in->second % 10) & 0x0f) << 4); timezone = abs(in->timezone); pdu[6] = ((timezone / 10) & 0x07) | (((timezone % 10) & 0x0f) << 4); if (in->timezone < 0) pdu[6] |= 0x8; *offset += 7; return TRUE; } static gboolean decode_scts(const unsigned char *pdu, int len, int *offset, struct sms_scts *out) { unsigned char oct = 0; if ((len - *offset) < 7) return FALSE; next_octet(pdu, len, offset, &oct); out->year = (oct & 0x0f) * 10 + ((oct & 0xf0) >> 4); next_octet(pdu, len, offset, &oct); out->month = (oct & 0x0f) * 10 + ((oct & 0xf0) >> 4); next_octet(pdu, len, offset, &oct); out->day = (oct & 0x0f) * 10 + ((oct & 0xf0) >> 4); next_octet(pdu, len, offset, &oct); out->hour = (oct & 0x0f) * 10 + ((oct & 0xf0) >> 4); next_octet(pdu, len, offset, &oct); out->minute = (oct & 0x0f) * 10 + ((oct & 0xf0) >> 4); next_octet(pdu, len, offset, &oct); out->second = (oct & 0x0f) * 10 + ((oct & 0xf0) >> 4); next_octet(pdu, len, offset, &oct); /* Time Zone indicates the difference, expressed in quarters * of an hour, between the local time and GMT. In the first of the two * semi‑octets, the first bit (bit 3 of the seventh octet of the * TP‑Service‑Centre‑Time‑Stamp field) represents the algebraic * sign of this difference (0: positive, 1: negative). */ out->timezone = (oct & 0x07) * 10 + ((oct & 0xf0) >> 4); if (oct & 0x08) out->timezone = out->timezone * -1; return TRUE; } static gboolean decode_validity_period(const unsigned char *pdu, int len, int *offset, enum sms_validity_period_format vpf, struct sms_validity_period *vp) { switch (vpf) { case SMS_VALIDITY_PERIOD_FORMAT_ABSENT: return TRUE; case SMS_VALIDITY_PERIOD_FORMAT_RELATIVE: if (!next_octet(pdu, len, offset, &vp->relative)) return FALSE; return TRUE; case SMS_VALIDITY_PERIOD_FORMAT_ABSOLUTE: if (!decode_scts(pdu, len, offset, &vp->absolute)) return FALSE; return TRUE; case SMS_VALIDITY_PERIOD_FORMAT_ENHANCED: /* TODO: Parse out enhanced structure properly * 23.040 Section */ if ((len - *offset) < 7) return FALSE; memcpy(vp->enhanced, pdu + *offset, 7); *offset = *offset + 7; return TRUE; default: break; } return FALSE; } static gboolean encode_validity_period(const struct sms_validity_period *vp, enum sms_validity_period_format vpf, unsigned char *pdu, int *offset) { switch (vpf) { case SMS_VALIDITY_PERIOD_FORMAT_ABSENT: return TRUE; case SMS_VALIDITY_PERIOD_FORMAT_RELATIVE: set_octet(pdu, offset, vp->relative); return TRUE; case SMS_VALIDITY_PERIOD_FORMAT_ABSOLUTE: return encode_scts(&vp->absolute, pdu, offset); case SMS_VALIDITY_PERIOD_FORMAT_ENHANCED: /* TODO: Write out proper enhanced VP structure */ memcpy(pdu + *offset, vp->enhanced, 7); *offset = *offset + 7; return TRUE; default: break; } return FALSE; } gboolean sms_encode_address_field(const struct sms_address *in, gboolean sc, unsigned char *pdu, int *offset) { size_t len = strlen(in->address); unsigned char addr_len = 0; unsigned char p[10]; pdu = pdu + *offset; if (len == 0 && sc) { pdu[0] = 0; *offset = *offset + 1; return TRUE; } if (len == 0) goto out; if (in->number_type == SMS_NUMBER_TYPE_ALPHANUMERIC) { long written; long packed; unsigned char *gsm; unsigned char *r; if (len > 11) return FALSE; gsm = convert_utf8_to_gsm(in->address, len, NULL, &written, 0); if (!gsm) return FALSE; r = pack_7bit_own_buf(gsm, written, 0, FALSE, &packed, 0, p); g_free(gsm); if (r == NULL) return FALSE; if (sc) addr_len = packed + 1; else addr_len = (written * 7 + 3) / 4; } else { int j = 0; int i; int c; if (len > 20) return FALSE; for (i = 0; in->address[i]; i++) { c = to_semi_oct(in->address[i]); if (c < 0) return FALSE; if ((i % 2) == 0) { p[j] = c; } else { p[j] |= c << 4; j++; } } if ((i % 2) == 1) { p[j] |= 0xf0; j++; } if (sc) addr_len = j + 1; else addr_len = i; } out: pdu[0] = addr_len; pdu[1] = (in->number_type << 4) | in->numbering_plan | 0x80; memcpy(pdu+2, p, (sc ? addr_len - 1 : (addr_len + 1) / 2)); *offset = *offset + 2 + (sc ? addr_len - 1 : (addr_len + 1) / 2); return TRUE; } gboolean sms_decode_address_field(const unsigned char *pdu, int len, int *offset, gboolean sc, struct sms_address *out) { unsigned char addr_len; unsigned char addr_type; int byte_len; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, offset, &addr_len)) return FALSE; if (sc && addr_len == 0) { out->address[0] = '\0'; return TRUE; } if (!next_octet(pdu, len, offset, &addr_type)) return FALSE; if (sc) byte_len = addr_len - 1; else byte_len = (addr_len + 1) / 2; if ((len - *offset) < byte_len) return FALSE; out->number_type = bit_field(addr_type, 4, 3); out->numbering_plan = bit_field(addr_type, 0, 4); if (out->number_type != SMS_NUMBER_TYPE_ALPHANUMERIC) { extract_bcd_number(pdu + *offset, byte_len, out->address); *offset += byte_len; } else { int chars; long written; unsigned char *res; char *utf8; if (sc) chars = byte_len * 8 / 7; else chars = addr_len * 4 / 7; /* This cannot happen according to 24.011, however * nothing is said in 23.040 */ if (chars == 0) { out->address[0] = '\0'; return TRUE; } res = unpack_7bit(pdu + *offset, byte_len, 0, FALSE, chars, &written, 0); *offset = *offset + (addr_len + 1) / 2; if (!res) return FALSE; utf8 = convert_gsm_to_utf8(res, written, NULL, NULL, 0); g_free(res); if (!utf8) return FALSE; if (strlen(utf8) > 20) { g_free(utf8); return FALSE; } strcpy(out->address, utf8); g_free(utf8); } return TRUE; } static gboolean encode_deliver(const struct sms_deliver *in, unsigned char *pdu, int *offset) { int ud_oct_len; unsigned char oct; oct = 0; if (!in->mms) oct |= 1 << 2; if (in->sri) oct |= 1 << 5; if (in->rp) oct |= 1 << 7; if (in->udhi) oct |= 1 << 6; set_octet(pdu, offset, oct); if (sms_encode_address_field(&in->oaddr, FALSE, pdu, offset) == FALSE) return FALSE; set_octet(pdu, offset, in->pid); set_octet(pdu, offset, in->dcs); if (encode_scts(&in->scts, pdu, offset) == FALSE) return FALSE; set_octet(pdu, offset, in->udl); ud_oct_len = sms_udl_in_bytes(in->udl, in->dcs); memcpy(pdu + *offset, in->ud, ud_oct_len); *offset = *offset + ud_oct_len; return TRUE; } static gboolean decode_deliver(const unsigned char *pdu, int len, struct sms *out) { int offset = 0; int expected; unsigned char octet; out->type = SMS_TYPE_DELIVER; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &octet)) return FALSE; out->deliver.mms = !is_bit_set(octet, 2); out->deliver.sri = is_bit_set(octet, 5); out->deliver.udhi = is_bit_set(octet, 6); out->deliver.rp = is_bit_set(octet, 7); if (!sms_decode_address_field(pdu, len, &offset, FALSE, &out->deliver.oaddr)) return FALSE; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &out->deliver.pid)) return FALSE; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &out->deliver.dcs)) return FALSE; if (!decode_scts(pdu, len, &offset, &out->deliver.scts)) return FALSE; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &out->deliver.udl)) return FALSE; expected = sms_udl_in_bytes(out->deliver.udl, out->deliver.dcs); if ((len - offset) < expected) return FALSE; memcpy(out->deliver.ud, pdu+offset, expected); return TRUE; } static gboolean encode_submit_ack_report(const struct sms_submit_ack_report *in, unsigned char *pdu, int *offset) { unsigned char oct; oct = 1; if (in->udhi) oct |= 1 << 6; set_octet(pdu, offset, oct); set_octet(pdu, offset, in->pi); if (!encode_scts(&in->scts, pdu, offset)) return FALSE; if (in->pi & 0x1) set_octet(pdu, offset, in->pid); if (in->pi & 0x2) set_octet(pdu, offset, in->dcs); if (in->pi & 0x4) { int ud_oct_len = sms_udl_in_bytes(in->udl, in->dcs); set_octet(pdu, offset, in->udl); memcpy(pdu + *offset, in->ud, ud_oct_len); *offset = *offset + ud_oct_len; } return TRUE; } static gboolean encode_submit_err_report(const struct sms_submit_err_report *in, unsigned char *pdu, int *offset) { unsigned char oct; oct = 0x1; if (in->udhi) oct |= 1 << 6; set_octet(pdu, offset, oct); set_octet(pdu, offset, in->fcs); set_octet(pdu, offset, in->pi); if (!encode_scts(&in->scts, pdu, offset)) return FALSE; if (in->pi & 0x1) set_octet(pdu, offset, in->pid); if (in->pi & 0x2) set_octet(pdu, offset, in->dcs); if (in->pi & 0x4) { int ud_oct_len = sms_udl_in_bytes(in->udl, in->dcs); set_octet(pdu, offset, in->udl); memcpy(pdu + *offset, in->ud, ud_oct_len); *offset = *offset + ud_oct_len; } return TRUE; } static gboolean decode_submit_report(const unsigned char *pdu, int len, struct sms *out) { int offset = 0; unsigned char octet; gboolean udhi; guint8 fcs; guint8 pi; struct sms_scts *scts; guint8 pid = 0; guint8 dcs = 0; guint8 udl = 0; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &octet)) return FALSE; udhi = is_bit_set(octet, 6); if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &octet)) return FALSE; /* At this point we don't know whether this is an ACK or an ERROR. * FCS can only have values 0x80 and above, as 0x00 - 0x7F are reserved * according to 3GPP 23.040. For PI, the values can be only in * bit 0, 1, 2 with the 7th bit reserved as an extension. Since * bits 3-6 are not used, assume no extension is feasible, so if the * value of this octet is >= 0x80, this is an FCS and thus an error * report tpdu. */ if (octet >= 0x80) { out->type = SMS_TYPE_SUBMIT_REPORT_ERROR; fcs = octet; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &octet)) return FALSE; scts = &out->submit_err_report.scts; } else { scts = &out->submit_ack_report.scts; out->type = SMS_TYPE_SUBMIT_REPORT_ACK; } pi = octet & 0x07; if (!decode_scts(pdu, len, &offset, scts)) return FALSE; if (pi & 0x01) { if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &pid)) return FALSE; } if (pi & 0x02) { if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &dcs)) return FALSE; } if (out->type == SMS_TYPE_SUBMIT_REPORT_ERROR) { out->submit_err_report.udhi = udhi; out->submit_err_report.fcs = fcs; out->submit_err_report.pi = pi; out->submit_err_report.pid = pid; out->submit_err_report.dcs = dcs; } else { out->submit_ack_report.udhi = udhi; out->submit_ack_report.pi = pi; out->submit_ack_report.pid = pid; out->submit_ack_report.dcs = dcs; } if (pi & 0x04) { int expected; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &udl)) return FALSE; expected = sms_udl_in_bytes(udl, dcs); if ((len - offset) < expected) return FALSE; if (out->type == SMS_TYPE_SUBMIT_REPORT_ERROR) { out->submit_err_report.udl = udl; memcpy(out->submit_err_report.ud, pdu+offset, expected); } else { out->submit_ack_report.udl = udl; memcpy(out->submit_ack_report.ud, pdu+offset, expected); } } return TRUE; } static gboolean encode_status_report(const struct sms_status_report *in, unsigned char *pdu, int *offset) { unsigned char octet; octet = 0x2; if (!in->mms) octet |= 1 << 2; if (!in->srq) octet |= 1 << 5; if (!in->udhi) octet |= 1 << 6; set_octet(pdu, offset, octet); set_octet(pdu, offset, in->mr); if (!sms_encode_address_field(&in->raddr, FALSE, pdu, offset)) return FALSE; if (!encode_scts(&in->scts, pdu, offset)) return FALSE; if (!encode_scts(&in->dt, pdu, offset)) return FALSE; octet = in->st; set_octet(pdu, offset, octet); if (in->pi == 0) return TRUE; set_octet(pdu, offset, in->pi); if (in->pi & 0x01) set_octet(pdu, offset, in->pid); if (in->pi & 0x02) set_octet(pdu, offset, in->dcs); if (in->pi & 0x4) { int ud_oct_len = sms_udl_in_bytes(in->udl, in->dcs); set_octet(pdu, offset, in->udl); memcpy(pdu + *offset, in->ud, ud_oct_len); *offset = *offset + ud_oct_len; } return TRUE; } static gboolean decode_status_report(const unsigned char *pdu, int len, struct sms *out) { int offset = 0; unsigned char octet; out->type = SMS_TYPE_STATUS_REPORT; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &octet)) return FALSE; out->status_report.mms = !is_bit_set(octet, 2); out->status_report.srq = is_bit_set(octet, 5); out->status_report.udhi = is_bit_set(octet, 6); if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &out->status_report.mr)) return FALSE; if (!sms_decode_address_field(pdu, len, &offset, FALSE, &out->status_report.raddr)) return FALSE; if (!decode_scts(pdu, len, &offset, &out->status_report.scts)) return FALSE; if (!decode_scts(pdu, len, &offset, &out->status_report.dt)) return FALSE; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &octet)) return FALSE; out->status_report.st = octet; /* We have to be careful here, PI is labeled as Optional in 23.040 * which is different from RP-ERR & RP-ACK for both Deliver & Submit * reports */ if ((len - offset) == 0) return TRUE; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &octet)) return FALSE; out->status_report.pi = octet & 0x07; if (out->status_report.pi & 0x01) { if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &out->status_report.pid)) return FALSE; } if (out->status_report.pi & 0x02) { if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &out->status_report.dcs)) return FALSE; } else out->status_report.dcs = 0; if (out->status_report.pi & 0x04) { int expected; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &out->status_report.udl)) return FALSE; expected = sms_udl_in_bytes(out->status_report.udl, out->status_report.dcs); if ((len - offset) < expected) return FALSE; memcpy(out->status_report.ud, pdu+offset, expected); } return TRUE; } static gboolean encode_deliver_ack_report(const struct sms_deliver_ack_report *in, unsigned char *pdu, int *offset) { unsigned char oct; oct = 0; if (in->udhi) oct |= 1 << 6; set_octet(pdu, offset, oct); set_octet(pdu, offset, in->pi); if (in->pi & 0x1) set_octet(pdu, offset, in->pid); if (in->pi & 0x2) set_octet(pdu, offset, in->dcs); if (in->pi & 0x4) { int ud_oct_len = sms_udl_in_bytes(in->udl, in->dcs); set_octet(pdu, offset, in->udl); memcpy(pdu + *offset, in->ud, ud_oct_len); *offset = *offset + ud_oct_len; } return TRUE; } static gboolean encode_deliver_err_report(const struct sms_deliver_err_report *in, unsigned char *pdu, int *offset) { unsigned char oct; oct = 0; if (in->udhi) oct |= 1 << 6; set_octet(pdu, offset, oct); set_octet(pdu, offset, in->fcs); set_octet(pdu, offset, in->pi); if (in->pi & 0x1) set_octet(pdu, offset, in->pid); if (in->pi & 0x2) set_octet(pdu, offset, in->dcs); if (in->pi & 0x4) { int ud_oct_len = sms_udl_in_bytes(in->udl, in->dcs); set_octet(pdu, offset, in->udl); memcpy(pdu + *offset, in->ud, ud_oct_len); *offset = *offset + ud_oct_len; } return TRUE; } static gboolean decode_deliver_report(const unsigned char *pdu, int len, struct sms *out) { int offset = 0; unsigned char octet; gboolean udhi; guint8 fcs; guint8 pi; guint8 pid = 0; guint8 dcs = 0; guint8 udl = 0; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &octet)) return FALSE; udhi = is_bit_set(octet, 6); if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &octet)) return FALSE; /* At this point we don't know whether this is an ACK or an ERROR. * FCS can only have values 0x80 and above, as 0x00 - 0x7F are reserved * according to 3GPP 23.040. For PI, the values can be only in * bit 0, 1, 2 with the 7th bit reserved as an extension. Since * bits 3-6 are not used, assume no extension is feasible, so if the * value of this octet is >= 0x80, this is an FCS and thus an error * report tpdu. */ if (octet >= 0x80) { out->type = SMS_TYPE_DELIVER_REPORT_ERROR; fcs = octet; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &octet)) return FALSE; } else out->type = SMS_TYPE_DELIVER_REPORT_ACK; pi = octet & 0x07; if (pi & 0x01) { if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &pid)) return FALSE; } if (pi & 0x02) { if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &dcs)) return FALSE; } if (out->type == SMS_TYPE_DELIVER_REPORT_ERROR) { out->deliver_err_report.udhi = udhi; out->deliver_err_report.fcs = fcs; out->deliver_err_report.pi = pi; out->deliver_err_report.pid = pid; out->deliver_err_report.dcs = dcs; } else { out->deliver_ack_report.udhi = udhi; out->deliver_ack_report.pi = pi; out->deliver_ack_report.pid = pid; out->deliver_ack_report.dcs = dcs; } if (pi & 0x04) { int expected; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &udl)) return FALSE; expected = sms_udl_in_bytes(udl, dcs); if ((len - offset) < expected) return FALSE; if (out->type == SMS_TYPE_DELIVER_REPORT_ERROR) { out->deliver_err_report.udl = udl; memcpy(out->deliver_err_report.ud, pdu+offset, expected); } else { out->deliver_ack_report.udl = udl; memcpy(out->deliver_ack_report.ud, pdu+offset, expected); } } return TRUE; } static gboolean encode_submit(const struct sms_submit *in, unsigned char *pdu, int *offset) { unsigned char octet; int ud_oct_len; /* SMS Submit */ octet = 0x1; if (in->rd) octet |= 1 << 2; if (in->rp) octet |= 1 << 7; octet |= in->vpf << 3; if (in->udhi) octet |= 1 << 6; if (in->srr) octet |= 1 << 5; set_octet(pdu, offset, octet); set_octet(pdu, offset, in->mr); if (sms_encode_address_field(&in->daddr, FALSE, pdu, offset) == FALSE) return FALSE; set_octet(pdu, offset, in->pid); set_octet(pdu, offset, in->dcs); if (!encode_validity_period(&in->vp, in->vpf, pdu, offset)) return FALSE; set_octet(pdu, offset, in->udl); ud_oct_len = sms_udl_in_bytes(in->udl, in->dcs); memcpy(pdu + *offset, in->ud, ud_oct_len); *offset = *offset + ud_oct_len; return TRUE; } static gboolean decode_submit(const unsigned char *pdu, int len, struct sms *out) { unsigned char octet; int offset = 0; int expected; out->type = SMS_TYPE_SUBMIT; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &octet)) return FALSE; out->submit.rd = is_bit_set(octet, 2); out->submit.vpf = bit_field(octet, 3, 2); out->submit.rp = is_bit_set(octet, 7); out->submit.udhi = is_bit_set(octet, 6); out->submit.srr = is_bit_set(octet, 5); if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &out->submit.mr)) return FALSE; if (!sms_decode_address_field(pdu, len, &offset, FALSE, &out->submit.daddr)) return FALSE; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &out->submit.pid)) return FALSE; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &out->submit.dcs)) return FALSE; if (!decode_validity_period(pdu, len, &offset, out->submit.vpf, &out->submit.vp)) return FALSE; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &out->submit.udl)) return FALSE; expected = sms_udl_in_bytes(out->submit.udl, out->submit.dcs); if ((len - offset) < expected) return FALSE; memcpy(out->submit.ud, pdu+offset, expected); return TRUE; } static gboolean encode_command(const struct sms_command *in, unsigned char *pdu, int *offset) { unsigned char octet; octet = 0x2; if (in->udhi) octet |= 1 << 6; if (in->srr) octet |= 1 << 5; set_octet(pdu, offset, octet); set_octet(pdu, offset, in->mr); set_octet(pdu, offset, in->pid); octet = in->ct; set_octet(pdu, offset, octet); set_octet(pdu, offset, in->mn); if (!sms_encode_address_field(&in->daddr, FALSE, pdu, offset)) return FALSE; set_octet(pdu, offset, in->cdl); memcpy(pdu + *offset, in->cd, in->cdl); *offset = *offset + in->cdl; return TRUE; } static gboolean decode_command(const unsigned char *pdu, int len, struct sms *out) { unsigned char octet; int offset = 0; out->type = SMS_TYPE_COMMAND; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &octet)) return FALSE; out->command.udhi = is_bit_set(octet, 6); out->command.srr = is_bit_set(octet, 5); if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &out->command.mr)) return FALSE; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &out->command.pid)) return FALSE; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &octet)) return FALSE; out->command.ct = octet; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &out->command.mn)) return FALSE; if (!sms_decode_address_field(pdu, len, &offset, FALSE, &out->command.daddr)) return FALSE; if (!next_octet(pdu, len, &offset, &out->command.cdl)) return FALSE; if ((len - offset) < out->command.cdl) return FALSE; memcpy(out->command.cd, pdu+offset, out->command.cdl); return TRUE; } /* Buffer must be at least 164 (tpud) + 12 (SC address) bytes long */ gboolean sms_encode(const struct sms *in, int *len, int *tpdu_len, unsigned char *pdu) { int offset = 0; int tpdu_start; if (in->type == SMS_TYPE_DELIVER || in->type == SMS_TYPE_SUBMIT || in->type == SMS_TYPE_COMMAND) if (!sms_encode_address_field(&in->sc_addr, TRUE, pdu, &offset)) return FALSE; tpdu_start = offset; switch (in->type) { case SMS_TYPE_DELIVER: if (encode_deliver(&in->deliver, pdu, &offset) == FALSE) return FALSE; break; case SMS_TYPE_DELIVER_REPORT_ACK: if (!encode_deliver_ack_report(&in->deliver_ack_report, pdu, &offset)) return FALSE; break; case SMS_TYPE_DELIVER_REPORT_ERROR: if (!encode_deliver_err_report(&in->deliver_err_report, pdu, &offset)) return FALSE; break; case SMS_TYPE_STATUS_REPORT: if (!encode_status_report(&in->status_report, pdu, &offset)) return FALSE; break; case SMS_TYPE_SUBMIT: if (!encode_submit(&in->submit, pdu, &offset)) return FALSE; break; case SMS_TYPE_SUBMIT_REPORT_ACK: if (!encode_submit_ack_report(&in->submit_ack_report, pdu, &offset)) return FALSE; break; case SMS_TYPE_SUBMIT_REPORT_ERROR: if (!encode_submit_err_report(&in->submit_err_report, pdu, &offset)) return FALSE; break; case SMS_TYPE_COMMAND: if (!encode_command(&in->command, pdu, &offset)) return FALSE; break; default: return FALSE; }; if (tpdu_len) *tpdu_len = offset - tpdu_start; if (len) *len = offset; return TRUE; } gboolean sms_decode(const unsigned char *pdu, int len, gboolean outgoing, int tpdu_len, struct sms *out) { unsigned char type; int offset = 0; if (!out) return FALSE; if (len == 0) return FALSE; if (tpdu_len < len) { if (!sms_decode_address_field(pdu, len, &offset, TRUE, &out->sc_addr)) return FALSE; } if ((len - offset) < tpdu_len) return FALSE; /* 23.040 */ type = pdu[offset] & 0x3; if (outgoing) type |= 0x4; pdu = pdu + offset; switch (type) { case 0: return decode_deliver(pdu, tpdu_len, out); case 1: return decode_submit_report(pdu, tpdu_len, out); case 2: return decode_status_report(pdu, tpdu_len, out); case 3: /* According to, Reserved treated as deliver */ return decode_deliver(pdu, tpdu_len, out); case 4: return decode_deliver_report(pdu, tpdu_len, out); case 5: return decode_submit(pdu, tpdu_len, out); case 6: return decode_command(pdu, tpdu_len, out); } return FALSE; } const guint8 *sms_extract_common(const struct sms *sms, gboolean *out_udhi, guint8 *out_dcs, guint8 *out_udl, guint8 *out_max) { const guint8 *ud = NULL; guint8 uninitialized_var(udl); guint8 uninitialized_var(max); gboolean uninitialized_var(udhi); guint8 uninitialized_var(dcs); switch (sms->type) { case SMS_TYPE_DELIVER: udhi = sms->deliver.udhi; ud = sms->deliver.ud; udl = sms->deliver.udl; dcs = sms->deliver.dcs; max = sizeof(sms->deliver.ud); break; case SMS_TYPE_DELIVER_REPORT_ACK: udhi = sms->deliver_ack_report.udhi; ud = sms->deliver_ack_report.ud; udl = sms->deliver_ack_report.udl; dcs = sms->deliver_ack_report.dcs; max = sizeof(sms->deliver_ack_report.ud); break; case SMS_TYPE_DELIVER_REPORT_ERROR: udhi = sms->deliver_err_report.udhi; ud = sms->deliver_err_report.ud; udl = sms->deliver_err_report.udl; dcs = sms->deliver_err_report.dcs; max = sizeof(sms->deliver_err_report.ud); break; case SMS_TYPE_STATUS_REPORT: udhi = sms->status_report.udhi; ud = sms->status_report.ud; udl = sms->status_report.udl; dcs = sms->status_report.dcs; max = sizeof(sms->status_report.ud); break; case SMS_TYPE_SUBMIT: udhi = sms->submit.udhi; ud = sms->submit.ud; udl = sms->submit.udl; dcs = sms->submit.dcs; max = sizeof(sms->submit.ud); break; case SMS_TYPE_SUBMIT_REPORT_ACK: udhi = sms->submit_ack_report.udhi; ud = sms->submit_ack_report.ud; udl = sms->submit_ack_report.udl; dcs = sms->submit_ack_report.dcs; max = sizeof(sms->submit_ack_report.ud); break; case SMS_TYPE_SUBMIT_REPORT_ERROR: udhi = sms->submit_err_report.udhi; ud = sms->submit_err_report.ud; udl = sms->submit_err_report.udl; dcs = sms->submit_err_report.dcs; max = sizeof(sms->submit_err_report.ud); break; case SMS_TYPE_COMMAND: udhi = sms->command.udhi; ud = sms->command.cd; udl = sms->command.cdl; dcs = 0; max = sizeof(sms->command.cd); break; }; if (!ud) return NULL; if (out_udhi) *out_udhi = udhi; if (out_dcs) *out_dcs = dcs; if (out_udl) *out_udl = udl; if (out_max) *out_max = max; return ud; } static gboolean verify_udh(const guint8 *hdr, guint8 max_len) { guint8 max_offset; guint8 offset; /* Must have at least one information-element if udhi is true */ if (hdr[0] < 2) return FALSE; if (hdr[0] >= max_len) return FALSE; /* According to 23.040: If the length of the User Data Header is * such that there are too few or too many octets in the final * Information Element then the whole User Data Header shall be * ignored. */ max_offset = hdr[0] + 1; offset = 1; do { if ((offset + 2) > max_offset) return FALSE; if ((offset + 2 + hdr[offset + 1]) > max_offset) return FALSE; offset = offset + 2 + hdr[offset + 1]; } while (offset < max_offset); if (offset != max_offset) return FALSE; return TRUE; } gboolean sms_udh_iter_init(const struct sms *sms, struct sms_udh_iter *iter) { gboolean udhi = FALSE; const guint8 *hdr; guint8 udl; guint8 dcs; guint8 max_len; guint8 max_ud_len; hdr = sms_extract_common(sms, &udhi, &dcs, &udl, &max_ud_len); if (!hdr) return FALSE; if (!udhi) return FALSE; if (sms->type == SMS_TYPE_COMMAND) max_len = udl; else max_len = sms_udl_in_bytes(udl, dcs); /* Can't actually store the HDL + IEI / IEL */ if (max_len < 3) return FALSE; if (max_len > max_ud_len) return FALSE; if (!verify_udh(hdr, max_len)) return FALSE; iter->data = hdr; iter->offset = 1; return TRUE; } gboolean sms_udh_iter_init_from_cbs(const struct cbs *cbs, struct sms_udh_iter *iter) { gboolean udhi = FALSE; const guint8 *hdr; guint8 max_ud_len; cbs_dcs_decode(cbs->dcs, &udhi, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!udhi) return FALSE; hdr = cbs->ud; max_ud_len = 82; /* Must have at least one information-element if udhi is true */ if (hdr[0] < 2) return FALSE; if (hdr[0] >= max_ud_len) return FALSE; if (!verify_udh(hdr, max_ud_len)) return FALSE; iter->data = hdr; iter->offset = 1; return TRUE; } guint8 sms_udh_iter_get_udh_length(struct sms_udh_iter *iter) { return iter->data[0]; } const guint8 *sms_udh_iter_get_ud_after_header(struct sms_udh_iter *iter) { return iter->data + iter->data[0] + 1; } enum sms_iei sms_udh_iter_get_ie_type(struct sms_udh_iter *iter) { if (iter->offset > iter->data[0]) return SMS_IEI_INVALID; return (enum sms_iei) iter->data[iter->offset]; } guint8 sms_udh_iter_get_ie_length(struct sms_udh_iter *iter) { guint8 ie_len; ie_len = iter->data[iter->offset + 1]; return ie_len; } void sms_udh_iter_get_ie_data(struct sms_udh_iter *iter, guint8 *data) { guint8 ie_len; ie_len = iter->data[iter->offset + 1]; memcpy(data, &iter->data[iter->offset + 2], ie_len); } gboolean sms_udh_iter_has_next(struct sms_udh_iter *iter) { guint8 total_len = iter->data[0]; guint8 cur_ie_len = iter->data[iter->offset + 1]; if ((iter->offset + 2 + cur_ie_len) > total_len) return FALSE; return TRUE; } gboolean sms_udh_iter_next(struct sms_udh_iter *iter) { if (iter->offset > iter->data[0]) return FALSE; iter->offset = iter->offset + 2 + iter->data[iter->offset + 1]; if (iter->offset > iter->data[0]) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* Returns both forms of time. The time_t value returns the time in local * timezone. The struct tm is filled out with the remote time information */ time_t sms_scts_to_time(const struct sms_scts *scts, struct tm *remote) { struct tm t; time_t ret; t.tm_sec = scts->second; t.tm_min = scts->minute; t.tm_hour = scts->hour; t.tm_mday = scts->day; t.tm_mon = scts->month - 1; t.tm_isdst = -1; if (scts->year > 80) t.tm_year = scts->year; else t.tm_year = scts->year + 100; ret = mktime(&t); /* Adjust local time by the local timezone information */ ret += t.tm_gmtoff; /* Set the proper timezone on the remote side */ t.tm_gmtoff = scts->timezone * 15 * 60; /* Now adjust by the remote timezone information */ ret -= t.tm_gmtoff; if (remote) memcpy(remote, &t, sizeof(struct tm)); return ret; } void sms_address_from_string(struct sms_address *addr, const char *str) { addr->numbering_plan = SMS_NUMBERING_PLAN_ISDN; if (str[0] == '+') { addr->number_type = SMS_NUMBER_TYPE_INTERNATIONAL; strcpy(addr->address, str+1); } else { addr->number_type = SMS_NUMBER_TYPE_UNKNOWN; strcpy(addr->address, str); } } const char *sms_address_to_string(const struct sms_address *addr) { static char buffer[64]; if (addr->number_type == SMS_NUMBER_TYPE_INTERNATIONAL && (strlen(addr->address) > 0) && addr->address[0] != '+') { buffer[0] = '+'; strcpy(buffer + 1, addr->address); } else strcpy(buffer, addr->address); return buffer; } static gboolean extract_app_port_common(struct sms_udh_iter *iter, int *dst, int *src, gboolean *is_8bit) { enum sms_iei iei; guint8 addr_hdr[4]; int srcport = -1; int dstport = -1; gboolean uninitialized_var(is_addr_8bit); /* According to the specification, we have to use the last * useable header. Also, we have to ignore ports that are reserved: * A receiving entity shall ignore (i.e. skip over and commence * processing at the next information element) any information element * where the value of the Information-Element-Data is Reserved or not * supported. */ while ((iei = sms_udh_iter_get_ie_type(iter)) != SMS_IEI_INVALID) { switch (iei) { case SMS_IEI_APPLICATION_ADDRESS_8BIT: if (sms_udh_iter_get_ie_length(iter) != 2) break; sms_udh_iter_get_ie_data(iter, addr_hdr); if (addr_hdr[0] < 240) break; if (addr_hdr[1] < 240) break; dstport = addr_hdr[0]; srcport = addr_hdr[1]; is_addr_8bit = TRUE; break; case SMS_IEI_APPLICATION_ADDRESS_16BIT: if (sms_udh_iter_get_ie_length(iter) != 4) break; sms_udh_iter_get_ie_data(iter, addr_hdr); if (((addr_hdr[0] << 8) | addr_hdr[1]) > 49151) break; if (((addr_hdr[2] << 8) | addr_hdr[3]) > 49151) break; dstport = (addr_hdr[0] << 8) | addr_hdr[1]; srcport = (addr_hdr[2] << 8) | addr_hdr[3]; is_addr_8bit = FALSE; break; default: break; } sms_udh_iter_next(iter); } if (dstport == -1 || srcport == -1) return FALSE; if (dst) *dst = dstport; if (src) *src = srcport; if (is_8bit) *is_8bit = is_addr_8bit; return TRUE; } gboolean sms_extract_app_port(const struct sms *sms, int *dst, int *src, gboolean *is_8bit) { struct sms_udh_iter iter; if (!sms_udh_iter_init(sms, &iter)) return FALSE; return extract_app_port_common(&iter, dst, src, is_8bit); } gboolean sms_extract_concatenation(const struct sms *sms, guint16 *ref_num, guint8 *max_msgs, guint8 *seq_num) { struct sms_udh_iter iter; enum sms_iei iei; guint8 concat_hdr[4]; guint16 uninitialized_var(rn); guint8 uninitialized_var(max), uninitialized_var(seq); gboolean concatenated = FALSE; /* We must ignore the entire user_data header here: * If the length of the User Data Header is such that there * are too few or too many octets in the final Information * Element then the whole User Data Header shall be ignored. */ if (!sms_udh_iter_init(sms, &iter)) return FALSE; /* According to the specification, we have to use the last * useable header: * In the event that IEs determined as not repeatable are * duplicated, the last occurrence of the IE shall be used. * In the event that two or more IEs occur which have mutually * exclusive meanings (e.g. an 8bit port address and a 16bit * port address), then the last occurring IE shall be used. */ while ((iei = sms_udh_iter_get_ie_type(&iter)) != SMS_IEI_INVALID) { switch (iei) { case SMS_IEI_CONCATENATED_8BIT: if (sms_udh_iter_get_ie_length(&iter) != 3) break; sms_udh_iter_get_ie_data(&iter, concat_hdr); if (concat_hdr[1] == 0) break; if (concat_hdr[2] == 0 || concat_hdr[2] > concat_hdr[1]) break; rn = concat_hdr[0]; max = concat_hdr[1]; seq = concat_hdr[2]; concatenated = TRUE; break; case SMS_IEI_CONCATENATED_16BIT: if (sms_udh_iter_get_ie_length(&iter) != 4) break; sms_udh_iter_get_ie_data(&iter, concat_hdr); if (concat_hdr[2] == 0) break; if (concat_hdr[3] == 0 || concat_hdr[3] > concat_hdr[2]) break; rn = (concat_hdr[0] << 8) | concat_hdr[1]; max = concat_hdr[2]; seq = concat_hdr[3]; concatenated = TRUE; break; default: break; } sms_udh_iter_next(&iter); } if (!concatenated) return FALSE; if (ref_num) *ref_num = rn; if (max_msgs) *max_msgs = max; if (seq_num) *seq_num = seq; return TRUE; } /*! * Decodes a list of SMSes that contain a datagram. The list must be * sorted in order of the sequence number. This function assumes that * all fragments are coded using 8-bit character set. * * Returns a pointer to a newly allocated array or NULL if the * conversion could not be performed */ unsigned char *sms_decode_datagram(GSList *sms_list, long *out_len) { GSList *l; const struct sms *sms; unsigned char *buf; long len = 0; for (l = sms_list; l; l = l->next) { guint8 taken = 0; guint8 udl; const guint8 *ud; struct sms_udh_iter iter; sms = l->data; ud = sms_extract_common(sms, NULL, NULL, &udl, NULL); if (!ud) return NULL; /* Note we do this because we must check whether the UDH * is properly formatted. If not, the entire UDH is ignored */ if (sms_udh_iter_init(sms, &iter)) taken = sms_udh_iter_get_udh_length(&iter) + 1; len += udl - taken; } /* Data is probably in headers we can't understand */ if (len == 0) return NULL; buf = g_try_new(unsigned char, len); if (!buf) return NULL; len = 0; for (l = sms_list; l; l = l->next) { guint8 taken = 0; guint8 udl; const guint8 *ud; struct sms_udh_iter iter; sms = l->data; ud = sms_extract_common(sms, NULL, NULL, &udl, NULL); if (sms_udh_iter_init(sms, &iter)) taken = sms_udh_iter_get_udh_length(&iter) + 1; memcpy(buf + len, ud + taken, udl - taken); len += udl - taken; } if (out_len) *out_len = len; return buf; } static inline int sms_text_capacity_gsm(int max, int offset) { return max - (offset * 8 + 6) / 7; } /*! * Decodes a list of SMSes that contain a text in either 7bit or UCS2 encoding. * The list must be sorted in order of the sequence number. This function * assumes that all fragments have a proper DCS. * * Returns a pointer to a newly allocated string or NULL if the conversion * failed. */ char *sms_decode_text(GSList *sms_list) { GSList *l; GString *str; const struct sms *sms = sms_list->data; int guess_size = g_slist_length(sms_list); char *utf8; if (guess_size == 1) guess_size = 160; else guess_size = (guess_size - 1) * 160; str = g_string_sized_new(guess_size); for (l = sms_list; l; l = l->next) { guint8 taken = 0; guint8 dcs; guint8 udl; enum sms_charset charset; int udl_in_bytes; const guint8 *ud; struct sms_udh_iter iter; char *converted; sms = l->data; ud = sms_extract_common(sms, NULL, &dcs, &udl, NULL); if (!sms_mwi_dcs_decode(dcs, NULL, &charset, NULL, NULL) && !sms_dcs_decode(dcs, NULL, &charset, NULL, NULL)) continue; if (charset == SMS_CHARSET_8BIT) continue; if (sms_udh_iter_init(sms, &iter)) taken = sms_udh_iter_get_udh_length(&iter) + 1; udl_in_bytes = sms_udl_in_bytes(udl, dcs); if (charset == SMS_CHARSET_7BIT) { unsigned char buf[160]; long written; int max_chars = sms_text_capacity_gsm(udl, taken); unpack_7bit_own_buf(ud + taken, udl_in_bytes - taken, taken, FALSE, max_chars, &written, 0, buf); /* Take care of improperly split fragments */ if (buf[written-1] == 0x1b) written = written - 1; converted = convert_gsm_to_utf8(buf, written, NULL, NULL, 0); } else { const gchar *from = (const gchar *)(ud + taken); /* According to the spec: A UCS2 character shall not be * split in the middle; if the length of the User Data * Header is odd, the maximum length of the whole TP-UD * field is 139 octets */ gssize num_ucs2_chars = (udl_in_bytes - taken) >> 1; num_ucs2_chars = num_ucs2_chars << 1; converted = g_convert(from, num_ucs2_chars, "UTF-8//TRANSLIT", "UCS-2BE", NULL, NULL, NULL); } if (converted) { g_string_append(str, converted); g_free(converted); } } utf8 = g_string_free(str, FALSE); if (strlen(utf8) == 0) { g_free(utf8); return NULL; } return utf8; } struct sms_assembly *sms_assembly_new() { return g_new0(struct sms_assembly, 1); } void sms_assembly_free(struct sms_assembly *assembly) { GSList *l; for (l = assembly->assembly_list; l; l = l->next) { struct sms_assembly_node *node = l->data; g_slist_foreach(node->fragment_list, (GFunc)g_free, 0); g_slist_free(node->fragment_list); g_free(node); } g_slist_free(assembly->assembly_list); g_free(assembly); } GSList *sms_assembly_add_fragment(struct sms_assembly *assembly, const struct sms *sms, time_t ts, const struct sms_address *addr, guint16 ref, guint8 max, guint8 seq) { int offset = seq / 32; int bit = 1 << (seq % 32); GSList *l; GSList *prev; struct sms *newsms; struct sms_assembly_node *node; GSList *completed; int position; int i; int j; prev = NULL; for (l = assembly->assembly_list; l; prev = l, l = l->next) { node = l->data; if (node->addr.number_type != addr->number_type) continue; if (node->addr.numbering_plan != addr->numbering_plan) continue; if (strcmp(node->addr.address, addr->address)) continue; if (ref != node->ref) continue; /* Message Reference and address the same, but max is not * ignore the SMS completely */ if (max != node->max_fragments) return NULL; /* Now check if we already have this seq number */ if (node->bitmap[offset] & bit) return NULL; position = 0; for (i = 0; i < offset; i++) for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) if (node->bitmap[i] & (1 << j)) position += 1; for (j = 1; j < bit; j = j << 1) if (node->bitmap[offset] & j) position += 1; goto out; } node = g_new0(struct sms_assembly_node, 1); memcpy(&node->addr, addr, sizeof(struct sms_address)); node->ts = ts; node->ref = ref; node->max_fragments = max; assembly->assembly_list = g_slist_prepend(assembly->assembly_list, node); prev = NULL; l = assembly->assembly_list; position = 0; out: newsms = g_new(struct sms, 1); memcpy(newsms, sms, sizeof(struct sms)); node->fragment_list = g_slist_insert(node->fragment_list, newsms, position); node->bitmap[offset] |= bit; node->num_fragments += 1; if (node->num_fragments < node->max_fragments) return NULL; completed = node->fragment_list; if (prev) prev->next = l->next; else assembly->assembly_list = l->next; g_free(node); g_slist_free_1(l); return completed; } /*! * Expires all incomplete messages that have been received at time prior * to one given by before argument. The fragment list is freed and the * SMSes are vaporized. */ void sms_assembly_expire(struct sms_assembly *assembly, time_t before) { GSList *cur; GSList *prev; GSList *tmp; prev = NULL; cur = assembly->assembly_list; while (cur) { struct sms_assembly_node *node = cur->data; if (node->ts > before) { prev = cur; cur = cur->next; continue; } g_slist_foreach(node->fragment_list, (GFunc)g_free, 0); g_slist_free(node->fragment_list); g_free(node); if (prev) prev->next = cur->next; else assembly->assembly_list = cur->next; tmp = cur; cur = cur->next; g_slist_free_1(tmp); } } static inline GSList *sms_list_append(GSList *l, const struct sms *in) { struct sms *sms; sms = g_new(struct sms, 1); memcpy(sms, in, sizeof(struct sms)); l = g_slist_prepend(l, sms); return l; } /* Prepares the text for transmission. Breaks up into fragments if * necessary using ref as the concatenated message reference number. * Returns a list of sms messages in order. If ref_offset is given, * then the ref_offset contains the reference number offset or 0 * if no concatenation took place. */ GSList *sms_text_prepare(const char *utf8, guint16 ref, gboolean use_16bit, int *ref_offset) { struct sms template; int offset = 0; unsigned char *gsm_encoded = NULL; char *ucs2_encoded = NULL; long written; long left; guint8 seq; GSList *r = NULL; memset(&template, 0, sizeof(struct sms)); template.type = SMS_TYPE_SUBMIT; template.submit.rd = FALSE; template.submit.vpf = SMS_VALIDITY_PERIOD_FORMAT_RELATIVE; template.submit.rp = FALSE; template.submit.srr = FALSE; template.submit.mr = 0; template.submit.vp.relative = 0xA7; /* 24 Hours */ /* UDHI, UDL, UD and DCS actually depend on what we have in the text */ gsm_encoded = convert_utf8_to_gsm(utf8, -1, NULL, &written, 0); if (!gsm_encoded) { gsize converted; ucs2_encoded = g_convert(utf8, -1, "UCS-2BE//TRANSLIT", "UTF-8", NULL, &converted, NULL); written = converted; } if (!gsm_encoded && !ucs2_encoded) return NULL; if (gsm_encoded) template.submit.dcs = 0x00; /* Class Unspecified, 7 Bit */ else template.submit.dcs = 0x08; /* Class Unspecified, UCS2 */ if (offset != 0) template.submit.udhi = FALSE; if (gsm_encoded && (written <= sms_text_capacity_gsm(160, offset))) { if (ref_offset) *ref_offset = 0; template.submit.udl = written + (offset * 8 + 6) / 7; pack_7bit_own_buf(gsm_encoded, written, offset, FALSE, NULL, 0, template.submit.ud + offset); g_free(gsm_encoded); return sms_list_append(NULL, &template); } if (ucs2_encoded && (written <= (140 - offset))) { if (ref_offset) *ref_offset = 0; template.submit.udl = written + offset; memcpy(template.submit.ud + offset, ucs2_encoded, written); g_free(ucs2_encoded); return sms_list_append(NULL, &template); } template.submit.udhi = TRUE; if (!offset) offset = 1; if (ref_offset) *ref_offset = offset + 2; if (use_16bit) { template.submit.ud[0] += 6; template.submit.ud[offset] = SMS_IEI_CONCATENATED_16BIT; template.submit.ud[offset + 1] = 4; template.submit.ud[offset + 2] = (ref & 0xf0) >> 8; template.submit.ud[offset + 3] = ref & 0xf; offset += 6; } else { template.submit.ud[0] += 5; template.submit.ud[offset] = SMS_IEI_CONCATENATED_8BIT; template.submit.ud[offset + 1] = 3; template.submit.ud[offset + 2] = ref & 0xf; offset += 5; } seq = 0; left = written; written = 0; while (left > 0) { long chunk; seq += 1; if (gsm_encoded) { chunk = sms_text_capacity_gsm(160, offset); if (gsm_encoded[written + chunk - 1] == 0x1b) chunk -= 1; if (left < chunk) chunk = left; template.submit.udl = chunk + (offset * 8 + 6) / 7; pack_7bit_own_buf(gsm_encoded + written, chunk, offset, FALSE, NULL, 0, template.submit.ud + offset); } else { chunk = 140 - offset; chunk &= ~0x1; if (left < chunk) chunk = left; template.submit.udl = chunk + offset; memcpy(template.submit.ud + offset, ucs2_encoded + written, chunk); } written += chunk; left -= chunk; template.submit.ud[offset - 1] = seq; r = sms_list_append(r, &template); if (seq == 255) break; } if (gsm_encoded) g_free(gsm_encoded); if (ucs2_encoded) g_free(ucs2_encoded); if (left > 0) { g_slist_foreach(r, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(r); return NULL; } else { GSList *l; for (l = r; l; l = l->next) { struct sms *sms = l->data; sms->submit.ud[offset - 2] = seq; } } r = g_slist_reverse(r); return r; } gboolean cbs_dcs_decode(guint8 dcs, gboolean *udhi, enum sms_class *cls, enum sms_charset *charset, gboolean *compressed, enum cbs_language *language, gboolean *iso639) { guint8 upper = (dcs & 0xf0) >> 4; guint8 lower = dcs & 0xf; enum sms_charset ch; enum sms_class cl; enum cbs_language lang = CBS_LANGUAGE_UNSPECIFIED; gboolean iso = FALSE; gboolean comp = FALSE; gboolean udh = FALSE; if (upper == 0x3 || upper == 0x8 || (upper >= 0xA && upper <= 0xE)) return FALSE; switch (upper) { case 0: ch = SMS_CHARSET_7BIT; cl = SMS_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED; lang = (enum cbs_language)lower; break; case 1: if (lower > 1) return FALSE; if (lower == 0) ch = SMS_CHARSET_7BIT; else ch = SMS_CHARSET_UCS2; cl = SMS_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED; iso = TRUE; break; case 2: if (lower > 4) return FALSE; ch = SMS_CHARSET_7BIT; cl = SMS_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED; lang = (enum cbs_language)dcs; break; case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: comp = (dcs & 0x20) ? TRUE : FALSE; if (dcs & 0x10) cl = (enum sms_class)(dcs & 0x03); else cl = SMS_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED; if (((dcs & 0x0c) >> 2) < 3) ch = (enum sms_charset)((dcs & 0x0c) >> 2); else return FALSE; case 9: udh = TRUE; cl = (enum sms_class)(dcs & 0x03); if (((dcs & 0x0c) >> 2) < 3) ch = (enum sms_charset)((dcs & 0x0c) >> 2); else return FALSE; break; case 15: if (lower & 0x8) return FALSE; if (lower & 0x4) ch = SMS_CHARSET_8BIT; else ch = SMS_CHARSET_7BIT; if (lower & 0x3) cl = (enum sms_class)(lower & 0x3); else cl = SMS_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED; break; default: return FALSE; }; if (udhi) *udhi = udh; if (cls) *cls = cl; if (charset) *charset = ch; if (compressed) *compressed = comp; if (language) *language = lang; if (iso639) *iso639 = iso; return TRUE; } gboolean cbs_decode(const unsigned char *pdu, int len, struct cbs *out) { /* CBS is always a fixed length of 88 bytes */ if (len != 88) return FALSE; out->gs = (enum cbs_geo_scope) ((pdu[0] >> 6) & 0x03); out->message_code = ((pdu[0] & 0x3f) << 4) | ((pdu[1] >> 4) & 0xf); out->update_number = (pdu[1] & 0xf); out->message_identifier = (pdu[2] << 8) | pdu[3]; out->dcs = pdu[4]; out->max_pages = pdu[5] & 0xf; out->page = (pdu[5] >> 4) & 0xf; /* If a mobile receives the code 0000 in either the first field or * the second field then it shall treat the CBS message exactly the * same as a CBS message with page parameter 0001 0001 (i.e. a single * page message). */ if (out->max_pages == 0 || out->page == 0) { out->max_pages = 1; out->page = 1; } memcpy(out->ud, pdu + 6, 82); return TRUE; } gboolean cbs_encode(const struct cbs *cbs, int *len, unsigned char *pdu) { pdu[0] = (cbs->gs << 6) | ((cbs->message_code >> 4) & 0x3f); pdu[1] = ((cbs->message_code & 0xf) << 4) | cbs->update_number; pdu[2] = cbs->message_identifier >> 8; pdu[3] = cbs->message_identifier & 0xff; pdu[4] = cbs->dcs; pdu[5] = cbs->max_pages | (cbs->page << 4); memcpy(pdu + 6, cbs->ud, 82); if (len) *len = 88; return TRUE; } gboolean cbs_extract_app_port(const struct cbs *cbs, int *dst, int *src, gboolean *is_8bit) { struct sms_udh_iter iter; if (!sms_udh_iter_init_from_cbs(cbs, &iter)) return FALSE; return extract_app_port_common(&iter, dst, src, is_8bit); } static gboolean iso639_2_from_language(enum cbs_language lang, char *iso639) { switch (lang) { case CBS_LANGUAGE_GERMAN: iso639[0] = 'd'; iso639[1] = 'e'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: iso639[0] = 'e'; iso639[1] = 'n'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_ITALIAN: iso639[0] = 'i'; iso639[1] = 't'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_FRENCH: iso639[0] = 'f'; iso639[1] = 'r'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_SPANISH: iso639[0] = 'e'; iso639[1] = 's'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_DUTCH: iso639[0] = 'n'; iso639[1] = 'l'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_SWEDISH: iso639[0] = 's'; iso639[1] = 'v'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_DANISH: iso639[0] = 'd'; iso639[1] = 'a'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_PORTUGESE: iso639[0] = 'p'; iso639[1] = 't'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_FINNISH: iso639[0] = 'f'; iso639[1] = 'i'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_NORWEGIAN: iso639[0] = 'n'; iso639[1] = 'o'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_GREEK: iso639[0] = 'e'; iso639[1] = 'l'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_TURKISH: iso639[0] = 't'; iso639[1] = 'r'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_HUNGARIAN: iso639[0] = 'h'; iso639[1] = 'u'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_POLISH: iso639[0] = 'p'; iso639[1] = 'l'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_CZECH: iso639[0] = 'c'; iso639[1] = 's'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_HEBREW: iso639[0] = 'h'; iso639[1] = 'e'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_ARABIC: iso639[0] = 'a'; iso639[1] = 'r'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN: iso639[0] = 'r'; iso639[1] = 'u'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; case CBS_LANGUAGE_ICELANDIC: iso639[0] = 'i'; iso639[1] = 's'; iso639[2] = '\0'; return TRUE; default: iso639[0] = '\0'; break; } return FALSE; } char *cbs_decode_text(GSList *cbs_list, char *iso639_lang) { GSList *l; const struct cbs *cbs = cbs_list->data; enum sms_charset uninitialized_var(charset); enum cbs_language lang; gboolean uninitialized_var(iso639); int bufsize = 0; unsigned char *buf; char *utf8; if (cbs_list == NULL) return NULL; /* CBS can only come from the network, so we're much less lenient * on what we support. Namely we require the same charset to be * used across all pages. */ for (l = cbs_list; l; l = l->next) { enum sms_charset curch; gboolean curiso; cbs = l->data; if (!cbs_dcs_decode(cbs->dcs, NULL, NULL, &curch, NULL, &lang, &curiso)) return NULL; if (l == cbs_list) { iso639 = curiso; charset = curch; } if (curch != charset) return NULL; if (curiso != iso639) return NULL; if (curch == SMS_CHARSET_8BIT) return NULL; if (curch == SMS_CHARSET_7BIT) { bufsize += CBS_MAX_GSM_CHARS; if (iso639) bufsize -= 3; } else { bufsize += 82; if (iso639) bufsize -= 2; } } if (lang) { cbs = cbs_list->data; if (iso639) { struct sms_udh_iter iter; int taken = 0; if (sms_udh_iter_init_from_cbs(cbs, &iter)) taken = sms_udh_iter_get_udh_length(&iter) + 1; unpack_7bit_own_buf(cbs->ud + taken, 82 - taken, taken, FALSE, 2, NULL, 0, (unsigned char *)iso639_lang); iso639_lang[2] = '\0'; } else iso639_2_from_language(lang, iso639_lang); } buf = g_new(unsigned char, bufsize); bufsize = 0; for (l = cbs_list; l; l = l->next) { const guint8 *ud; struct sms_udh_iter iter; int taken = 0; cbs = l->data; ud = cbs->ud; if (sms_udh_iter_init_from_cbs(cbs, &iter)) taken = sms_udh_iter_get_udh_length(&iter) + 1; if (charset == SMS_CHARSET_7BIT) { unsigned char unpacked[CBS_MAX_GSM_CHARS]; long written; int max_chars; int i; max_chars = sms_text_capacity_gsm(CBS_MAX_GSM_CHARS, taken); unpack_7bit_own_buf(ud + taken, 82 - taken, taken, FALSE, max_chars, &written, 0, unpacked); i = iso639 ? 3 : 0; /* CR is a padding character, which means we can * safely discard everything afterwards */ for (; i < written; i++, bufsize++) { if (unpacked[i] == '\r') break; buf[bufsize] = unpacked[i]; } /* It isn't clear whether extension sequences * (2 septets) must be wholly present in the page * and not broken over multiple pages. The behavior * is probably the same as SMS, but we don't make * the check here since the specification isn't clear */ } else { int num_ucs2_chars = (82 - taken) >> 1; int i = taken; int max_offset = taken + num_ucs2_chars * 2; /* It is completely unclear how UCS2 chars are handled * especially across pages or when the UDH is present. * For now do the best we can */ if (iso639) { i += 2; num_ucs2_chars -= 1; } while (i < max_offset) { if (ud[i] == 0x00 && ud[i] == '\r') break; buf[bufsize] = ud[i]; buf[bufsize + 1] = ud[i+1]; bufsize += 2; i += 2; } } } if (charset == SMS_CHARSET_7BIT) utf8 = convert_gsm_to_utf8(buf, bufsize, NULL, NULL, 0); else utf8 = g_convert((char *)buf, bufsize, "UTF-8//TRANSLIT", "UCS-2BE", NULL, NULL, NULL); g_free(buf); return utf8; } static inline gboolean cbs_is_update_newer(unsigned int n, unsigned int o) { unsigned int old_update = o & 0xf; unsigned int new_update = n & 0xf; if (new_update == old_update) return FALSE; /* Any Update Number eight or less higher (modulo 16) than the last * received Update Number will be considered more recent, and shall be * treated as a new CBS message, provided the mobile has not been * switched off. */ if (new_update <= ((old_update + 8) % 16)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } struct cbs_assembly *cbs_assembly_new() { return g_new0(struct cbs_assembly, 1); } void cbs_assembly_free(struct cbs_assembly *assembly) { GSList *l; for (l = assembly->assembly_list; l; l = l->next) { struct cbs_assembly_node *node = l->data; g_slist_foreach(node->pages, (GFunc)g_free, 0); g_slist_free(node->pages); g_free(node); } g_slist_free(assembly->assembly_list); g_slist_free(assembly->recv_plmn); g_slist_free(assembly->recv_loc); g_slist_free(assembly->recv_cell); g_free(assembly); } static gint cbs_compare_node_by_gs(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const struct cbs_assembly_node *node = a; unsigned int gs = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(b); if (((node->serial >> 14) & 0x3) == gs) return 0; return 1; } static gint cbs_compare_node_by_update(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const struct cbs_assembly_node *node = a; unsigned int serial = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(b); if ((serial & (~0xf)) != (node->serial & (~0xf))) return 1; if (cbs_is_update_newer(node->serial, serial)) return 1; return 0; } static gint cbs_compare_recv_by_serial(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { unsigned int old_serial = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(a); unsigned int new_serial = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(b); if ((old_serial & (~0xf)) == (new_serial & (~0xf))) return 0; return 1; } static void cbs_assembly_expire(struct cbs_assembly *assembly, GCompareFunc func, gconstpointer *userdata) { GSList *l; GSList *prev; GSList *tmp; /* Take care of the case where several updates are being * reassembled at the same time. If the newer one is assembled * first, then the subsequent old update is discarded, make * sure that we're also discarding the assembly node for the * partially assembled ones */ prev = NULL; l = assembly->assembly_list; while (l) { struct cbs_assembly_node *node = l->data; if (func(node, userdata) != 0) { prev = l; l = l->next; continue; } if (prev) prev->next = l->next; else assembly->assembly_list = l->next; g_slist_foreach(node->pages, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(node->pages); g_free(node->pages); tmp = l; l = l->next; g_slist_free_1(tmp); } } void cbs_assembly_location_changed(struct cbs_assembly *assembly, gboolean lac, gboolean ci) { /* Location Area wide (in GSM) (which means that a CBS message with the * same Message Code and Update Number may or may not be "new" in the * next cell according to whether the next cell is in the same Location * Area as the current cell), or * * Service Area Wide (in UMTS) (which means that a CBS message with the * same Message Code and Update Number may or may not be "new" in the * next cell according to whether the next cell is in the same Service * Area as the current cell) * * NOTE 4: According to 3GPP TS 23.003 [2] a Service Area consists of * one cell only. */ if (lac) { /* If LAC changed, then cell id has changed */ ci = TRUE; g_slist_free(assembly->recv_loc); assembly->recv_loc = NULL; cbs_assembly_expire(assembly, cbs_compare_node_by_gs, GUINT_TO_POINTER(CBS_GEO_SCOPE_SERVICE_AREA)); } if (ci) { g_slist_free(assembly->recv_cell); assembly->recv_cell = NULL; cbs_assembly_expire(assembly, cbs_compare_node_by_gs, GUINT_TO_POINTER(CBS_GEO_SCOPE_CELL_IMMEDIATE)); cbs_assembly_expire(assembly, cbs_compare_node_by_gs, GUINT_TO_POINTER(CBS_GEO_SCOPE_CELL_NORMAL)); } } GSList *cbs_assembly_add_page(struct cbs_assembly *assembly, const struct cbs *cbs) { struct cbs *newcbs; struct cbs_assembly_node *node; GSList *completed; unsigned int new_serial; GSList **recv; GSList *l; GSList *prev; int position; new_serial = cbs->gs << 14; new_serial |= cbs->message_code << 4; new_serial |= cbs->update_number; new_serial |= cbs->message_identifier << 16; if (cbs->gs == CBS_GEO_SCOPE_PLMN) recv = &assembly->recv_plmn; else if (cbs->gs == CBS_GEO_SCOPE_SERVICE_AREA) recv = &assembly->recv_loc; else recv = &assembly->recv_cell; /* Have we seen this message before? */ l = g_slist_find_custom(*recv, GUINT_TO_POINTER(new_serial), cbs_compare_recv_by_serial); /* If we have, is the message newer? */ if (l && !cbs_is_update_newer(new_serial, GPOINTER_TO_UINT(l->data))) return NULL; /* Easy case first, page 1 of 1 */ if (cbs->max_pages == 1 && cbs->page == 1) { if (l) l->data = GUINT_TO_POINTER(new_serial); else *recv = g_slist_prepend(*recv, GUINT_TO_POINTER(new_serial)); newcbs = g_new(struct cbs, 1); memcpy(newcbs, cbs, sizeof(struct cbs)); completed = g_slist_append(NULL, newcbs); return completed; } prev = NULL; position = 0; for (l = assembly->assembly_list; l; prev = l, l = l->next) { int j; node = l->data; if (new_serial != node->serial) continue; if (node->bitmap & (1 << cbs->page)) return NULL; for (j = 1; j < cbs->page; j++) if (node->bitmap & (1 << j)) position += 1; goto out; } node = g_new0(struct cbs_assembly_node, 1); node->serial = new_serial; assembly->assembly_list = g_slist_prepend(assembly->assembly_list, node); prev = NULL; l = assembly->assembly_list; position = 0; out: newcbs = g_new(struct cbs, 1); memcpy(newcbs, cbs, sizeof(struct cbs)); node->pages = g_slist_insert(node->pages, newcbs, position); node->bitmap |= 1 << cbs->page; if (g_slist_length(node->pages) < cbs->max_pages) return NULL; completed = node->pages; if (prev) prev->next = l->next; else assembly->assembly_list = l->next; g_free(node); g_slist_free_1(l); cbs_assembly_expire(assembly, cbs_compare_node_by_update, GUINT_TO_POINTER(new_serial)); *recv = g_slist_prepend(*recv, GUINT_TO_POINTER(new_serial)); return completed; }