/* * * oFono - Open Source Telephony * * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "ofono.h" #include "common.h" #include "util.h" #include "smsutil.h" #include "storage.h" #include "simutil.h" #include "message.h" #define uninitialized_var(x) x = x #define MESSAGE_MANAGER_FLAG_CACHED 0x1 #define MESSAGE_MANAGER_FLAG_TXQ_ACTIVE 0x2 #define SETTINGS_STORE "sms" #define SETTINGS_GROUP "Settings" #define TXQ_MAX_RETRIES 4 #define NETWORK_TIMEOUT 332 static gboolean tx_next(gpointer user_data); static GSList *g_drivers = NULL; struct sms_handler { struct ofono_watchlist_item item; int dst; int src; }; struct ofono_sms { int flags; DBusMessage *pending; struct ofono_phone_number sca; struct sms_assembly *assembly; guint ref; GQueue *txq; unsigned long tx_counter; guint tx_source; struct ofono_message_waiting *mw; unsigned int mw_watch; ofono_bool_t registered; struct ofono_netreg *netreg; unsigned int netreg_watch; unsigned int status_watch; struct ofono_sim *sim; GKeyFile *settings; char *imsi; int bearer; enum sms_alphabet alphabet; const struct ofono_sms_driver *driver; void *driver_data; struct ofono_atom *atom; ofono_bool_t use_delivery_reports; struct status_report_assembly *sr_assembly; GHashTable *messages; struct ofono_watchlist *text_handlers; struct ofono_watchlist *datagram_handlers; }; struct pending_pdu { unsigned char pdu[176]; int tpdu_len; int pdu_len; }; struct tx_queue_entry { struct pending_pdu *pdus; unsigned char num_pdus; unsigned char cur_pdu; struct sms_address receiver; struct ofono_uuid uuid; unsigned int retry; unsigned int flags; ofono_sms_txq_submit_cb_t cb; void *data; ofono_destroy_func destroy; unsigned long id; }; static gboolean uuid_equal(gconstpointer v1, gconstpointer v2) { return memcmp(v1, v2, OFONO_SHA1_UUID_LEN) == 0; } static gboolean port_equal(int received, int expected) { return expected == -1 || received == expected; } static guint uuid_hash(gconstpointer v) { const struct ofono_uuid *uuid = v; guint h; memcpy(&h, uuid->uuid, sizeof(h)); return h; } static const char *sms_bearer_to_string(int bearer) { switch (bearer) { case 0: return "ps-only"; case 1: return "cs-only"; case 2: return "ps-preferred"; case 3: return "cs-preferred"; }; return NULL; } static gboolean sms_bearer_from_string(const char *str, int *bearer) { if (g_str_equal(str, "ps-only")) *bearer = 0; else if (g_str_equal(str, "cs-only")) *bearer = 1; else if (g_str_equal(str, "ps-preferred")) *bearer = 2; else if (g_str_equal(str, "cs-preferred")) *bearer = 3; else return FALSE; return TRUE; } static const char *sms_alphabet_to_string(enum sms_alphabet alphabet) { switch (alphabet) { case SMS_ALPHABET_TURKISH: return "turkish"; case SMS_ALPHABET_SPANISH: return "spanish"; case SMS_ALPHABET_PORTUGUESE: return "portuguese"; case SMS_ALPHABET_DEFAULT: return "default"; } return NULL; } static gboolean sms_alphabet_from_string(const char *str, enum sms_alphabet *alphabet) { if (g_str_equal(str, "default")) *alphabet = SMS_ALPHABET_DEFAULT; else if (g_str_equal(str, "turkish")) *alphabet = SMS_ALPHABET_TURKISH; else if (g_str_equal(str, "spanish")) *alphabet = SMS_ALPHABET_SPANISH; else if (g_str_equal(str, "portuguese")) *alphabet = SMS_ALPHABET_PORTUGUESE; else return FALSE; return TRUE; } static unsigned int add_sms_handler(struct ofono_watchlist *watchlist, int dst, int src, void *notify, void *data, ofono_destroy_func destroy) { struct sms_handler *handler; if (notify == NULL) return 0; handler = g_try_new0(struct sms_handler, 1); if (handler == NULL) return 0; handler->dst = dst; handler->src = src; handler->item.notify = notify; handler->item.notify_data = data; handler->item.destroy = destroy; return __ofono_watchlist_add_item(watchlist, (struct ofono_watchlist_item *) handler); } unsigned int __ofono_sms_text_watch_add(struct ofono_sms *sms, ofono_sms_text_notify_cb_t cb, void *data, ofono_destroy_func destroy) { if (sms == NULL) return 0; DBG("%p", sms); return add_sms_handler(sms->text_handlers, -1, -1, cb, data, destroy); } gboolean __ofono_sms_text_watch_remove(struct ofono_sms *sms, unsigned int id) { if (sms == NULL) return FALSE; DBG("%p", sms); return __ofono_watchlist_remove_item(sms->text_handlers, id); } unsigned int __ofono_sms_datagram_watch_add(struct ofono_sms *sms, ofono_sms_datagram_notify_cb_t cb, int dst, int src, void *data, ofono_destroy_func destroy) { if (sms == NULL) return 0; DBG("%p: dst %d, src %d", sms, dst, src); return add_sms_handler(sms->datagram_handlers, dst, src, cb, data, destroy); } gboolean __ofono_sms_datagram_watch_remove(struct ofono_sms *sms, unsigned int id) { if (sms == NULL) return FALSE; DBG("%p", sms); return __ofono_watchlist_remove_item(sms->datagram_handlers, id); } const char *__ofono_sms_message_path_from_uuid(struct ofono_sms *sms, const struct ofono_uuid *uuid) { return message_path_from_uuid(sms->atom, uuid); } static void set_bearer(struct ofono_sms *sms, int bearer) { DBusConnection *conn = ofono_dbus_get_connection(); const char *path = __ofono_atom_get_path(sms->atom); const char *value; if (sms->bearer == bearer) return; sms->bearer = bearer; value = sms_bearer_to_string(sms->bearer); ofono_dbus_signal_property_changed(conn, path, OFONO_MESSAGE_MANAGER_INTERFACE, "Bearer", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &value); } static void set_alphabet(struct ofono_sms *sms, enum sms_alphabet alphabet) { DBusConnection *conn = ofono_dbus_get_connection(); const char *path = __ofono_atom_get_path(sms->atom); const char *value; if (sms->alphabet == alphabet) return; sms->alphabet = alphabet; value = sms_alphabet_to_string(sms->alphabet); ofono_dbus_signal_property_changed(conn, path, OFONO_MESSAGE_MANAGER_INTERFACE, "Alphabet", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &value); } static void set_sca(struct ofono_sms *sms, const struct ofono_phone_number *sca) { DBusConnection *conn = ofono_dbus_get_connection(); const char *path = __ofono_atom_get_path(sms->atom); const char *value; if (sms->sca.type == sca->type && !strcmp(sms->sca.number, sca->number)) return; sms->sca.type = sca->type; strncpy(sms->sca.number, sca->number, OFONO_MAX_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH); sms->sca.number[OFONO_MAX_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH] = '\0'; value = phone_number_to_string(&sms->sca); ofono_dbus_signal_property_changed(conn, path, OFONO_MESSAGE_MANAGER_INTERFACE, "ServiceCenterAddress", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &value); } static DBusMessage *generate_get_properties_reply(struct ofono_sms *sms, DBusMessage *msg) { DBusMessage *reply; DBusMessageIter iter; DBusMessageIter dict; const char *sca; const char *bearer; const char *alphabet; reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(msg); if (reply == NULL) return NULL; dbus_message_iter_init_append(reply, &iter); dbus_message_iter_open_container(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, OFONO_PROPERTIES_ARRAY_SIGNATURE, &dict); sca = phone_number_to_string(&sms->sca); ofono_dbus_dict_append(&dict, "ServiceCenterAddress", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &sca); ofono_dbus_dict_append(&dict, "UseDeliveryReports", DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &sms->use_delivery_reports); bearer = sms_bearer_to_string(sms->bearer); ofono_dbus_dict_append(&dict, "Bearer", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &bearer); alphabet = sms_alphabet_to_string(sms->alphabet); ofono_dbus_dict_append(&dict, "Alphabet", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &alphabet); dbus_message_iter_close_container(&iter, &dict); return reply; } static void sms_sca_query_cb(const struct ofono_error *error, const struct ofono_phone_number *sca, void *data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = data; if (error->type != OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_NO_ERROR) goto out; set_sca(sms, sca); sms->flags |= MESSAGE_MANAGER_FLAG_CACHED; out: if (sms->pending) { DBusMessage *reply = generate_get_properties_reply(sms, sms->pending); __ofono_dbus_pending_reply(&sms->pending, reply); } } static DBusMessage *sms_get_properties(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = data; if (sms->flags & MESSAGE_MANAGER_FLAG_CACHED) return generate_get_properties_reply(sms, msg); if (sms->pending) return __ofono_error_busy(msg); if (sms->driver->sca_query == NULL) return __ofono_error_not_implemented(msg); sms->pending = dbus_message_ref(msg); sms->driver->sca_query(sms, sms_sca_query_cb, sms); return NULL; } static void bearer_set_query_callback(const struct ofono_error *error, int bearer, void *data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = data; DBusMessage *reply; if (error->type != OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_NO_ERROR) { ofono_error("Set Bearer succeeded, but query failed"); reply = __ofono_error_failed(sms->pending); __ofono_dbus_pending_reply(&sms->pending, reply); return; } reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(sms->pending); __ofono_dbus_pending_reply(&sms->pending, reply); set_bearer(sms, bearer); } static void bearer_set_callback(const struct ofono_error *error, void *data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = data; if (error->type != OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_NO_ERROR) { DBG("Setting Bearer failed"); __ofono_dbus_pending_reply(&sms->pending, __ofono_error_failed(sms->pending)); return; } sms->driver->bearer_query(sms, bearer_set_query_callback, sms); } static void sca_set_query_callback(const struct ofono_error *error, const struct ofono_phone_number *sca, void *data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = data; DBusMessage *reply; if (error->type != OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_NO_ERROR) { ofono_error("Set SCA succeeded, but query failed"); sms->flags &= ~MESSAGE_MANAGER_FLAG_CACHED; reply = __ofono_error_failed(sms->pending); __ofono_dbus_pending_reply(&sms->pending, reply); return; } set_sca(sms, sca); reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(sms->pending); __ofono_dbus_pending_reply(&sms->pending, reply); } static void sca_set_callback(const struct ofono_error *error, void *data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = data; if (error->type != OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_NO_ERROR) { DBG("Setting SCA failed"); __ofono_dbus_pending_reply(&sms->pending, __ofono_error_failed(sms->pending)); return; } sms->driver->sca_query(sms, sca_set_query_callback, sms); } static DBusMessage *sms_set_property(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = data; DBusMessageIter iter; DBusMessageIter var; const char *property; if (sms->pending) return __ofono_error_busy(msg); if (!dbus_message_iter_init(msg, &iter)) return __ofono_error_invalid_args(msg); if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING) return __ofono_error_invalid_args(msg); dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter, &property); dbus_message_iter_next(&iter); if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT) return __ofono_error_invalid_args(msg); dbus_message_iter_recurse(&iter, &var); if (!strcmp(property, "ServiceCenterAddress")) { const char *value; struct ofono_phone_number sca; if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&var) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING) return __ofono_error_invalid_args(msg); dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&var, &value); if (strlen(value) == 0 || !valid_phone_number_format(value)) return __ofono_error_invalid_format(msg); if (sms->driver->sca_set == NULL || sms->driver->sca_query == NULL) return __ofono_error_not_implemented(msg); string_to_phone_number(value, &sca); sms->pending = dbus_message_ref(msg); sms->driver->sca_set(sms, &sca, sca_set_callback, sms); return NULL; } if (!strcmp(property, "Bearer")) { const char *value; int bearer; if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&var) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING) return __ofono_error_invalid_args(msg); dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&var, &value); if (sms_bearer_from_string(value, &bearer) != TRUE) return __ofono_error_invalid_format(msg); if (sms->driver->bearer_set == NULL || sms->driver->bearer_query == NULL) return __ofono_error_not_implemented(msg); sms->pending = dbus_message_ref(msg); sms->driver->bearer_set(sms, bearer, bearer_set_callback, sms); return NULL; } if (!strcmp(property, "UseDeliveryReports")) { const char *path = __ofono_atom_get_path(sms->atom); dbus_bool_t value; if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&var) != DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN) return __ofono_error_invalid_args(msg); dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&var, &value); g_dbus_send_reply(conn, msg, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); if (sms->use_delivery_reports != (ofono_bool_t) value) { sms->use_delivery_reports = value; ofono_dbus_signal_property_changed(conn, path, OFONO_MESSAGE_MANAGER_INTERFACE, "UseDeliveryReports", DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &value); } return NULL; } if (!strcmp(property, "Alphabet")) { const char *value; enum sms_alphabet alphabet; if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&var) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING) return __ofono_error_invalid_args(msg); dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&var, &value); if (!sms_alphabet_from_string(value, &alphabet)) return __ofono_error_invalid_format(msg); set_alphabet(sms, alphabet); g_dbus_send_reply(conn, msg, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); return NULL; } return __ofono_error_invalid_args(msg); } /* * Destroy/release the contents of a 'struct tx_queue_entry' * * This releases resources allocated *inside* @entry and @entry * itself. */ static void tx_queue_entry_destroy(struct tx_queue_entry *entry) { if (entry->destroy) entry->destroy(entry->data); g_free(entry->pdus); g_free(entry); } static void tx_queue_entry_destroy_foreach(gpointer _entry, gpointer unused) { tx_queue_entry_destroy(_entry); } static void sms_tx_queue_remove_entry(struct ofono_sms *sms, GList *entry_list, enum message_state tx_state) { struct tx_queue_entry *entry = entry_list->data; struct ofono_modem *modem = __ofono_atom_get_modem(sms->atom); g_queue_delete_link(sms->txq, entry_list); DBG("%p", entry); if (entry->cb) entry->cb(tx_state == MESSAGE_STATE_SENT, entry->data); if (entry->flags & OFONO_SMS_SUBMIT_FLAG_RECORD_HISTORY) { enum ofono_history_sms_status hs; switch(tx_state) { case MESSAGE_STATE_SENT: hs = OFONO_HISTORY_SMS_STATUS_SUBMITTED; break; case MESSAGE_STATE_FAILED: hs = OFONO_HISTORY_SMS_STATUS_SUBMIT_FAILED; break; case MESSAGE_STATE_CANCELLED: hs = OFONO_HISTORY_SMS_STATUS_SUBMIT_CANCELLED; break; default: ofono_error("Unexpected sms state %d", tx_state); goto done; } __ofono_history_sms_send_status(modem, &entry->uuid, time(NULL), hs); } if (entry->flags & OFONO_SMS_SUBMIT_FLAG_EXPOSE_DBUS) { struct message *m; sms_tx_backup_free(sms->imsi, entry->id, entry->flags, ofono_uuid_to_str(&entry->uuid)); m = g_hash_table_lookup(sms->messages, &entry->uuid); if (m != NULL) { message_set_state(m, tx_state); g_hash_table_remove(sms->messages, &entry->uuid); message_emit_removed(m, OFONO_MESSAGE_MANAGER_INTERFACE); message_dbus_unregister(m); } } done: tx_queue_entry_destroy(entry); } static void tx_finished(const struct ofono_error *error, int mr, void *data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = data; struct tx_queue_entry *entry = g_queue_peek_head(sms->txq); gboolean ok = error->type == OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_NO_ERROR; enum message_state tx_state; DBG("tx_finished %p", entry); sms->flags &= ~MESSAGE_MANAGER_FLAG_TXQ_ACTIVE; if (ok == FALSE) { /* Retry again when back in online mode */ /* Note this does not increment retry count */ if (sms->registered == FALSE) return; tx_state = MESSAGE_STATE_FAILED; /* Retry done only for Network Timeout failure */ if (error->type == OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_CMS && error->error != NETWORK_TIMEOUT) goto next_q; if (!(entry->flags & OFONO_SMS_SUBMIT_FLAG_RETRY)) goto next_q; entry->retry += 1; if (entry->retry < TXQ_MAX_RETRIES) { DBG("Sending failed, retry in %d secs", entry->retry * 5); sms->tx_source = g_timeout_add_seconds(entry->retry * 5, tx_next, sms); return; } DBG("Max retries reached, giving up"); goto next_q; } if (entry->flags & OFONO_SMS_SUBMIT_FLAG_EXPOSE_DBUS) sms_tx_backup_remove(sms->imsi, entry->id, entry->flags, ofono_uuid_to_str(&entry->uuid), entry->cur_pdu); entry->cur_pdu += 1; entry->retry = 0; if (entry->flags & OFONO_SMS_SUBMIT_FLAG_REQUEST_SR) status_report_assembly_add_fragment(sms->sr_assembly, entry->uuid.uuid, &entry->receiver, mr, time(NULL), entry->num_pdus); if (entry->cur_pdu < entry->num_pdus) { sms->tx_source = g_timeout_add(0, tx_next, sms); return; } tx_state = MESSAGE_STATE_SENT; next_q: sms_tx_queue_remove_entry(sms, g_queue_peek_head_link(sms->txq), tx_state); if (sms->registered == FALSE) return; if (g_queue_peek_head(sms->txq)) { DBG("Scheduling next"); sms->tx_source = g_timeout_add(0, tx_next, sms); } } static gboolean tx_next(gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = user_data; int send_mms = 0; struct tx_queue_entry *entry = g_queue_peek_head(sms->txq); struct pending_pdu *pdu = &entry->pdus[entry->cur_pdu]; struct ofono_error error; error.type = OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_NO_ERROR; DBG("tx_next: %p", entry); sms->tx_source = 0; if (sms->registered == FALSE) return FALSE; if (g_queue_get_length(sms->txq) > 1 || (entry->num_pdus - entry->cur_pdu) > 1) send_mms = 1; sms->flags |= MESSAGE_MANAGER_FLAG_TXQ_ACTIVE; sms->driver->submit(sms, pdu->pdu, pdu->pdu_len, pdu->tpdu_len, send_mms, tx_finished, sms); return FALSE; } static void netreg_status_watch(int status, int lac, int ci, int tech, const char *mcc, const char *mnc, void *data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = data; switch (status) { case NETWORK_REGISTRATION_STATUS_REGISTERED: case NETWORK_REGISTRATION_STATUS_ROAMING: sms->registered = TRUE; break; default: sms->registered = FALSE; break; } if (sms->registered == FALSE) return; if (sms->tx_source > 0) return; if (g_queue_get_length(sms->txq)) sms->tx_source = g_timeout_add(0, tx_next, sms); } static void netreg_watch(struct ofono_atom *atom, enum ofono_atom_watch_condition cond, void *data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = data; int status; if (cond == OFONO_ATOM_WATCH_CONDITION_UNREGISTERED) { sms->registered = FALSE; sms->status_watch = 0; sms->netreg = NULL; return; } sms->netreg = __ofono_atom_get_data(atom); sms->status_watch = __ofono_netreg_add_status_watch(sms->netreg, netreg_status_watch, sms, NULL); status = ofono_netreg_get_status(sms->netreg); netreg_status_watch(status, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, sms); } /** * Generate a UUID from an SMS PDU List * * @param pdu Pointer to array of PDUs data to generate the ID from * @param pdus Number of entries in the \e pdu array * @return 0 in error (no memory or serious code inconsistency in the * input data structures), otherwise the SMS UUID. * * @internal * * The current time is added to avoid the UUID being the same when the * same message is sent to the same destination repeatedly. Note we * need a high resolution time (not just seconds), otherwise resending * in the same second (not that rare) could yield the same UUID. */ static gboolean sms_uuid_from_pdus(const struct pending_pdu *pdu, unsigned char pdus, struct ofono_uuid *uuid) { GChecksum *checksum; gsize uuid_size = sizeof(uuid->uuid); unsigned int cnt; struct timeval now; checksum = g_checksum_new(G_CHECKSUM_SHA1); if (checksum == NULL) return FALSE; for (cnt = 0; cnt < pdus; cnt++) g_checksum_update(checksum, pdu[cnt].pdu, pdu[cnt].pdu_len); gettimeofday(&now, NULL); g_checksum_update(checksum, (void *) &now, sizeof(now)); g_checksum_get_digest(checksum, uuid->uuid, &uuid_size); g_checksum_free(checksum); return TRUE; } static struct tx_queue_entry *tx_queue_entry_new(GSList *msg_list, unsigned int flags) { struct tx_queue_entry *entry; int i = 0; GSList *l; entry = g_try_new0(struct tx_queue_entry, 1); if (entry == NULL) return NULL; entry->num_pdus = g_slist_length(msg_list); entry->pdus = g_try_new0(struct pending_pdu, entry->num_pdus); if (entry->pdus == NULL) goto error; if (flags & OFONO_SMS_SUBMIT_FLAG_REQUEST_SR) { struct sms *head = msg_list->data; memcpy(&entry->receiver, &head->submit.daddr, sizeof(entry->receiver)); } entry->flags = flags; for (l = msg_list; l; l = l->next) { struct pending_pdu *pdu = &entry->pdus[i++]; struct sms *s = l->data; sms_encode(s, &pdu->pdu_len, &pdu->tpdu_len, pdu->pdu); DBG("pdu_len: %d, tpdu_len: %d", pdu->pdu_len, pdu->tpdu_len); } if (flags & OFONO_SMS_SUBMIT_FLAG_REUSE_UUID) return entry; if (sms_uuid_from_pdus(entry->pdus, entry->num_pdus, &entry->uuid)) return entry; error: g_free(entry->pdus); g_free(entry); return NULL; } static void tx_queue_entry_set_submit_notify(struct tx_queue_entry *entry, ofono_sms_txq_submit_cb_t cb, void *data, ofono_destroy_func destroy) { entry->cb = cb; entry->data = data; entry->destroy = destroy; } static void message_queued(struct ofono_sms *sms, const struct ofono_uuid *uuid, void *data) { DBusConnection *conn = ofono_dbus_get_connection(); DBusMessage *msg = data; const char *path; path = __ofono_sms_message_path_from_uuid(sms, uuid); g_dbus_send_reply(conn, msg, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &path, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); } /* * Pre-process a SMS text message and deliver it [D-Bus SendMessage()] * * @conn: D-Bus connection * @msg: message data (telephone number and text) * @data: SMS object to use for transmision * * An alphabet is chosen for the text and it (might be) segmented in * fragments by sms_text_prepare() into @msg_list. A queue list @entry * is created by tx_queue_entry_new() and g_queue_push_tail() * appends that entry to the SMS transmit queue. Then the tx_next() * function is scheduled to run to process the queue. */ static DBusMessage *sms_send_message(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = data; const char *to; const char *text; GSList *msg_list; struct ofono_modem *modem; unsigned int flags; gboolean use_16bit_ref = FALSE; int err; struct ofono_uuid uuid; if (!dbus_message_get_args(msg, NULL, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &to, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &text, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) return __ofono_error_invalid_args(msg); if (valid_phone_number_format(to) == FALSE) return __ofono_error_invalid_format(msg); msg_list = sms_text_prepare_with_alphabet(to, text, sms->ref, use_16bit_ref, sms->use_delivery_reports, sms->alphabet); if (msg_list == NULL) return __ofono_error_invalid_format(msg); flags = OFONO_SMS_SUBMIT_FLAG_RECORD_HISTORY; flags |= OFONO_SMS_SUBMIT_FLAG_RETRY; flags |= OFONO_SMS_SUBMIT_FLAG_EXPOSE_DBUS; if (sms->use_delivery_reports) flags |= OFONO_SMS_SUBMIT_FLAG_REQUEST_SR; err = __ofono_sms_txq_submit(sms, msg_list, flags, &uuid, message_queued, msg); g_slist_foreach(msg_list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(msg_list); if (err < 0) return __ofono_error_failed(msg); modem = __ofono_atom_get_modem(sms->atom); __ofono_history_sms_send_pending(modem, &uuid, to, time(NULL), text); return NULL; } static DBusMessage *sms_get_messages(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = data; DBusMessage *reply; DBusMessageIter iter; DBusMessageIter array; DBusMessageIter entry, dict; const char *path; GHashTableIter hashiter; gpointer key, value; struct message *m; const struct ofono_uuid *uuid; reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(msg); if (reply == NULL) return NULL; dbus_message_iter_init_append(reply, &iter); dbus_message_iter_open_container(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, DBUS_STRUCT_BEGIN_CHAR_AS_STRING DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH_AS_STRING DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY_AS_STRING DBUS_DICT_ENTRY_BEGIN_CHAR_AS_STRING DBUS_TYPE_STRING_AS_STRING DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT_AS_STRING DBUS_DICT_ENTRY_END_CHAR_AS_STRING DBUS_STRUCT_END_CHAR_AS_STRING, &array); g_hash_table_iter_init(&hashiter, sms->messages); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&hashiter, &key, &value)) { m = value; uuid = message_get_uuid(m); path = __ofono_sms_message_path_from_uuid(sms, uuid); dbus_message_iter_open_container(&array, DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT, NULL, &entry); dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&entry, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &path); dbus_message_iter_open_container(&entry, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, OFONO_PROPERTIES_ARRAY_SIGNATURE, &dict); message_append_properties(m, &dict); dbus_message_iter_close_container(&entry, &dict); dbus_message_iter_close_container(&array, &entry); } dbus_message_iter_close_container(&iter, &array); return reply; } static gint entry_compare_by_uuid(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const struct tx_queue_entry *entry = a; const struct ofono_uuid *uuid = b; return memcmp(&entry->uuid, uuid, sizeof(entry->uuid)); } int __ofono_sms_txq_cancel(struct ofono_sms *sms, const struct ofono_uuid *uuid) { GList *l; struct tx_queue_entry *entry; l = g_queue_find_custom(sms->txq, uuid, entry_compare_by_uuid); if (l == NULL) return -ENOENT; entry = l->data; if (entry == g_queue_peek_head(sms->txq)) { /* * Fail if any pdu was already transmitted or if we are * waiting the answer from driver. */ if (entry->cur_pdu > 0) return -EPERM; if (sms->flags & MESSAGE_MANAGER_FLAG_TXQ_ACTIVE) return -EPERM; /* * Make sure we don't call tx_next() if there are no entries * and that next entry doesn't have to wait a 'retry time' * from this one. */ if (sms->tx_source) { g_source_remove(sms->tx_source); sms->tx_source = 0; if (g_queue_get_length(sms->txq) > 1) sms->tx_source = g_timeout_add(0, tx_next, sms); } } sms_tx_queue_remove_entry(sms, l, MESSAGE_STATE_CANCELLED); return 0; } static GDBusMethodTable sms_manager_methods[] = { { "GetProperties", "", "a{sv}", sms_get_properties, G_DBUS_METHOD_FLAG_ASYNC }, { "SetProperty", "sv", "", sms_set_property, G_DBUS_METHOD_FLAG_ASYNC }, { "SendMessage", "ss", "o", sms_send_message, G_DBUS_METHOD_FLAG_ASYNC }, { "GetMessages", "", "a(oa{sv})", sms_get_messages }, { } }; static GDBusSignalTable sms_manager_signals[] = { { "PropertyChanged", "sv" }, { "IncomingMessage", "sa{sv}" }, { "ImmediateMessage", "sa{sv}" }, { "MessageAdded", "oa{sv}" }, { "MessageRemoved", "o" }, { } }; static gboolean compute_incoming_msgid(GSList *sms_list, struct ofono_uuid *uuid) { GChecksum *checksum; GSList *l; const struct sms *s; unsigned char buf[176]; gsize uuid_size = sizeof(uuid->uuid); int len; checksum = g_checksum_new(G_CHECKSUM_SHA1); if (checksum == NULL) return FALSE; for (l = sms_list; l; l = l->next) { s = l->data; if (sms_encode(s, &len, NULL, buf) == FALSE) { g_checksum_free(checksum); return FALSE; } g_checksum_update(checksum, buf, len); } g_checksum_get_digest(checksum, uuid->uuid, &uuid_size); g_checksum_free(checksum); return TRUE; } static void dispatch_app_datagram(struct ofono_sms *sms, const struct ofono_uuid *uuid, int dst, int src, unsigned char *buf, unsigned len, const struct sms_address *addr, const struct sms_scts *scts) { const char *sender = sms_address_to_string(addr); time_t ts; struct tm remote; struct tm local; ofono_sms_datagram_notify_cb_t notify; struct sms_handler *h; GSList *l; ts = sms_scts_to_time(scts, &remote); localtime_r(&ts, &local); for (l = sms->datagram_handlers->items; l; l = l->next) { h = l->data; notify = h->item.notify; if (!port_equal(dst, h->dst) || !port_equal(src, h->src)) continue; notify(sender, &remote, &local, dst, src, buf, len, h->item.notify_data); } } static void dispatch_text_message(struct ofono_sms *sms, const struct ofono_uuid *uuid, const char *message, enum sms_class cls, const struct sms_address *addr, const struct sms_scts *scts) { struct ofono_modem *modem = __ofono_atom_get_modem(sms->atom); DBusConnection *conn = ofono_dbus_get_connection(); const char *path = __ofono_atom_get_path(sms->atom); DBusMessage *signal; DBusMessageIter iter; DBusMessageIter dict; char buf[128]; const char *signal_name; time_t ts; struct tm remote; struct tm local; const char *str = buf; ofono_sms_text_notify_cb_t notify; struct sms_handler *h; GSList *l; if (message == NULL) return; if (cls == SMS_CLASS_0) signal_name = "ImmediateMessage"; else signal_name = "IncomingMessage"; signal = dbus_message_new_signal(path, OFONO_MESSAGE_MANAGER_INTERFACE, signal_name); if (signal == NULL) return; dbus_message_iter_init_append(signal, &iter); dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &message); dbus_message_iter_open_container(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, OFONO_PROPERTIES_ARRAY_SIGNATURE, &dict); ts = sms_scts_to_time(scts, &remote); localtime_r(&ts, &local); strftime(buf, 127, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", &local); buf[127] = '\0'; ofono_dbus_dict_append(&dict, "LocalSentTime", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &str); strftime(buf, 127, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", &remote); buf[127] = '\0'; ofono_dbus_dict_append(&dict, "SentTime", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &str); str = sms_address_to_string(addr); ofono_dbus_dict_append(&dict, "Sender", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &str); dbus_message_iter_close_container(&iter, &dict); g_dbus_send_message(conn, signal); if (cls == SMS_CLASS_0) return; for (l = sms->text_handlers->items; l; l = l->next) { h = l->data; notify = h->item.notify; notify(str, &remote, &local, message, h->item.notify_data); } __ofono_history_sms_received(modem, uuid, str, &remote, &local, message); } static void sms_dispatch(struct ofono_sms *sms, GSList *sms_list) { GSList *l; const struct sms *s; struct ofono_uuid uuid; enum sms_charset uninitialized_var(old_charset); enum sms_class cls; int srcport = -1; int dstport = -1; DBG(""); if (sms_list == NULL) return; /* * Qutoting 23.040: The TP elements in the SMS‑SUBMIT PDU, apart from * TP‑MR, TP-SRR, TP‑UDL and TP‑UD, should remain unchanged for each * SM which forms part of a concatenated SM, otherwise this may lead * to irrational behaviour * * This means that we assume that at least the charset is the same * across all parts of the SMS in the case of 8-bit data. Other * cases can be handled by converting to UTF8. * * We also check that if 8-bit or 16-bit application addressing is * used, the addresses are the same across all segments. */ for (l = sms_list; l; l = l->next) { guint8 dcs; gboolean comp = FALSE; enum sms_charset charset; int cdst = -1; int csrc = -1; gboolean is_8bit; s = l->data; dcs = s->deliver.dcs; if (sms_mwi_dcs_decode(dcs, NULL, &charset, NULL, NULL)) cls = SMS_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED; else if (!sms_dcs_decode(dcs, &cls, &charset, &comp, NULL)) { ofono_error("The deliver DCS is not recognized"); return; } if (comp) { ofono_error("Compressed data not supported"); return; } if (l == sms_list) old_charset = charset; if (charset == SMS_CHARSET_8BIT && charset != old_charset) { ofono_error("Can't concatenate disparate charsets"); return; } if (sms_extract_app_port(s, &cdst, &csrc, &is_8bit)) { csrc = is_8bit ? (csrc << 16) : csrc; cdst = is_8bit ? (cdst << 16) : cdst; if (l == sms_list) { srcport = csrc; dstport = cdst; } } DBG("dst %d src %d 8bit %u", cdst, csrc, is_8bit); if (srcport != csrc || dstport != cdst) { ofono_error("Source / Destination ports across " "concatenated message are not the " "same, ignoring"); return; } } if (!compute_incoming_msgid(sms_list, &uuid)) return; s = sms_list->data; /* Handle datagram */ if (old_charset == SMS_CHARSET_8BIT) { unsigned char *buf; long len; if (srcport == -1 || dstport == -1) { ofono_error("Got an 8-bit encoded message, however " "no valid src/address port, ignore"); return; } buf = sms_decode_datagram(sms_list, &len); if (buf == NULL) return; dispatch_app_datagram(sms, &uuid, dstport, srcport, buf, len, &s->deliver.oaddr, &s->deliver.scts); g_free(buf); } else { char *message = sms_decode_text(sms_list); if (message == NULL) return; dispatch_text_message(sms, &uuid, message, cls, &s->deliver.oaddr, &s->deliver.scts); g_free(message); } } static void handle_deliver(struct ofono_sms *sms, const struct sms *incoming) { GSList *l; guint16 ref; guint8 max; guint8 seq; DBG(""); if (sms_extract_concatenation(incoming, &ref, &max, &seq)) { GSList *sms_list; if (sms->assembly == NULL) return; sms_list = sms_assembly_add_fragment(sms->assembly, incoming, time(NULL), &incoming->deliver.oaddr, ref, max, seq); if (sms_list == NULL) return; sms_dispatch(sms, sms_list); g_slist_foreach(sms_list, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(sms_list); return; } l = g_slist_append(NULL, (void *) incoming); sms_dispatch(sms, l); g_slist_free(l); } static void handle_sms_status_report(struct ofono_sms *sms, const struct sms *incoming) { struct ofono_modem *modem = __ofono_atom_get_modem(sms->atom); gboolean delivered; struct ofono_uuid uuid; DBG(""); if (status_report_assembly_report(sms->sr_assembly, incoming, uuid.uuid, &delivered) == FALSE) return; __ofono_history_sms_send_status(modem, &uuid, time(NULL), delivered ? OFONO_HISTORY_SMS_STATUS_DELIVERED : OFONO_HISTORY_SMS_STATUS_DELIVER_FAILED); } static inline gboolean handle_mwi(struct ofono_sms *sms, struct sms *s) { gboolean discard; DBG(""); if (sms->mw == NULL) return FALSE; __ofono_message_waiting_mwi(sms->mw, s, &discard); return discard; } void ofono_sms_deliver_notify(struct ofono_sms *sms, unsigned char *pdu, int len, int tpdu_len) { struct ofono_modem *modem = __ofono_atom_get_modem(sms->atom); struct ofono_atom *stk_atom; struct ofono_atom *sim_atom; struct sms s; enum sms_class cls; DBG("len %d tpdu len %d", len, tpdu_len); if (!sms_decode(pdu, len, FALSE, tpdu_len, &s)) { ofono_error("Unable to decode PDU"); return; } if (s.type != SMS_TYPE_DELIVER) { ofono_error("Expecting a DELIVER pdu"); return; } if (s.deliver.pid == SMS_PID_TYPE_SM_TYPE_0) { DBG("Explicitly ignoring type 0 SMS"); return; } /* * This is an older style MWI notification, process MWI * headers and handle it like any other message */ if (s.deliver.pid == SMS_PID_TYPE_RETURN_CALL) { if (handle_mwi(sms, &s)) return; goto out; } /* * The DCS indicates this is an MWI notification, process it * and then handle the User-Data as any other message */ if (sms_mwi_dcs_decode(s.deliver.dcs, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { if (handle_mwi(sms, &s)) return; goto out; } if (!sms_dcs_decode(s.deliver.dcs, &cls, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { ofono_error("Unknown / Reserved DCS. Ignoring"); return; } switch (s.deliver.pid) { case SMS_PID_TYPE_ME_DOWNLOAD: if (cls == SMS_CLASS_1) { ofono_error("ME Download message ignored"); return; } break; case SMS_PID_TYPE_ME_DEPERSONALIZATION: if (s.deliver.dcs == 0x11) { ofono_error("ME Depersonalization message ignored"); return; } break; case SMS_PID_TYPE_USIM_DOWNLOAD: case SMS_PID_TYPE_ANSI136: /* If not Class 2, handle in a "normal" way */ if (cls != SMS_CLASS_2) break; sim_atom = __ofono_modem_find_atom(modem, OFONO_ATOM_TYPE_SIM); if (sim_atom == NULL) return; if (!__ofono_sim_service_available( __ofono_atom_get_data(sim_atom), SIM_UST_SERVICE_DATA_DOWNLOAD_SMS_PP, SIM_SST_SERVICE_DATA_DOWNLOAD_SMS_PP)) return; stk_atom = __ofono_modem_find_atom(modem, OFONO_ATOM_TYPE_STK); if (stk_atom == NULL) return; __ofono_sms_sim_download(__ofono_atom_get_data(stk_atom), &s, NULL, sms); /* * Passing the USIM response back to network is not * currently supported * * TODO: store in EFsms if not handled */ return; default: break; } /* * Check to see if the SMS has any other MWI related headers, * as sometimes they are "tacked on" by the SMSC. * While we're doing this we also check for messages containing * WCMP headers or headers that can't possibly be in a normal * message. If we find messages like that, we ignore them. */ if (s.deliver.udhi) { struct sms_udh_iter iter; enum sms_iei iei; if (!sms_udh_iter_init(&s, &iter)) goto out; while ((iei = sms_udh_iter_get_ie_type(&iter)) != SMS_IEI_INVALID) { if (iei > 0x25) { ofono_error("Reserved / Unknown / USAT" "header in use, ignore"); return; } switch (iei) { case SMS_IEI_SPECIAL_MESSAGE_INDICATION: case SMS_IEI_ENHANCED_VOICE_MAIL_INFORMATION: /* * TODO: ignore if not in the very first * segment of a concatenated SM so as not * to repeat the indication. */ if (handle_mwi(sms, &s)) return; goto out; case SMS_IEI_WCMP: ofono_error("No support for WCMP, ignoring"); return; default: sms_udh_iter_next(&iter); } } } out: handle_deliver(sms, &s); } void ofono_sms_status_notify(struct ofono_sms *sms, unsigned char *pdu, int len, int tpdu_len) { struct sms s; enum sms_class cls; DBG("len %d tpdu len %d", len, tpdu_len); if (!sms_decode(pdu, len, FALSE, tpdu_len, &s)) { ofono_error("Unable to decode PDU"); return; } if (s.type != SMS_TYPE_STATUS_REPORT) { ofono_error("Expecting a STATUS REPORT pdu"); return; } if (s.status_report.srq) { ofono_error("Waiting an answer to SMS-SUBMIT, not SMS-COMMAND"); return; } if (!sms_dcs_decode(s.status_report.dcs, &cls, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { ofono_error("Unknown / Reserved DCS. Ignoring"); return; } handle_sms_status_report(sms, &s); } int ofono_sms_driver_register(const struct ofono_sms_driver *d) { DBG("driver: %p, name: %s", d, d->name); if (d->probe == NULL) return -EINVAL; g_drivers = g_slist_prepend(g_drivers, (void *) d); return 0; } void ofono_sms_driver_unregister(const struct ofono_sms_driver *d) { DBG("driver: %p, name: %s", d, d->name); g_drivers = g_slist_remove(g_drivers, (void *) d); } static void sms_unregister(struct ofono_atom *atom) { struct ofono_sms *sms = __ofono_atom_get_data(atom); DBusConnection *conn = ofono_dbus_get_connection(); struct ofono_modem *modem = __ofono_atom_get_modem(atom); const char *path = __ofono_atom_get_path(atom); g_dbus_unregister_interface(conn, path, OFONO_MESSAGE_MANAGER_INTERFACE); ofono_modem_remove_interface(modem, OFONO_MESSAGE_MANAGER_INTERFACE); if (sms->mw_watch) { __ofono_modem_remove_atom_watch(modem, sms->mw_watch); sms->mw_watch = 0; sms->mw = NULL; } if (sms->status_watch) { __ofono_netreg_remove_status_watch(sms->netreg, sms->status_watch); sms->status_watch = 0; } if (sms->netreg_watch) { __ofono_modem_remove_atom_watch(modem, sms->netreg_watch); sms->netreg_watch = 0; } sms->netreg = NULL; if (sms->messages) { GHashTableIter iter; struct message *m; gpointer key, value; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, sms->messages); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { m = value; message_dbus_unregister(m); } g_hash_table_destroy(sms->messages); sms->messages = NULL; } __ofono_watchlist_free(sms->text_handlers); sms->text_handlers = NULL; __ofono_watchlist_free(sms->datagram_handlers); sms->datagram_handlers = NULL; } static void sms_remove(struct ofono_atom *atom) { struct ofono_sms *sms = __ofono_atom_get_data(atom); DBG("atom: %p", atom); if (sms == NULL) return; if (sms->driver && sms->driver->remove) sms->driver->remove(sms); if (sms->tx_source) { g_source_remove(sms->tx_source); sms->tx_source = 0; } if (sms->assembly) { sms_assembly_free(sms->assembly); sms->assembly = NULL; } if (sms->txq) { g_queue_foreach(sms->txq, tx_queue_entry_destroy_foreach, NULL); g_queue_free(sms->txq); sms->txq = NULL; } if (sms->settings) { g_key_file_set_integer(sms->settings, SETTINGS_GROUP, "NextReference", sms->ref); g_key_file_set_boolean(sms->settings, SETTINGS_GROUP, "UseDeliveryReports", sms->use_delivery_reports); g_key_file_set_integer(sms->settings, SETTINGS_GROUP, "Bearer", sms->bearer); g_key_file_set_integer(sms->settings, SETTINGS_GROUP, "Alphabet", sms->alphabet); storage_close(sms->imsi, SETTINGS_STORE, sms->settings, TRUE); g_free(sms->imsi); sms->imsi = NULL; sms->settings = NULL; } if (sms->sr_assembly) { status_report_assembly_free(sms->sr_assembly); sms->sr_assembly = NULL; } g_free(sms); } /* * Create a SMS driver * * This creates a SMS driver that is hung off a @modem * object. However, for the driver to be used by the system, it has to * be registered with the oFono core using ofono_sms_register(). * * This is done once the modem driver determines that SMS is properly * supported by the hardware. */ struct ofono_sms *ofono_sms_create(struct ofono_modem *modem, unsigned int vendor, const char *driver, void *data) { struct ofono_sms *sms; GSList *l; if (driver == NULL) return NULL; sms = g_try_new0(struct ofono_sms, 1); if (sms == NULL) return NULL; sms->sca.type = 129; sms->ref = 1; sms->txq = g_queue_new(); sms->messages = g_hash_table_new(uuid_hash, uuid_equal); sms->atom = __ofono_modem_add_atom(modem, OFONO_ATOM_TYPE_SMS, sms_remove, sms); for (l = g_drivers; l; l = l->next) { const struct ofono_sms_driver *drv = l->data; if (g_strcmp0(drv->name, driver)) continue; if (drv->probe(sms, vendor, data) < 0) continue; sms->driver = drv; break; } return sms; } static void mw_watch(struct ofono_atom *atom, enum ofono_atom_watch_condition cond, void *data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = data; if (cond == OFONO_ATOM_WATCH_CONDITION_UNREGISTERED) { sms->mw = NULL; return; } sms->mw = __ofono_atom_get_data(atom); } static void sms_load_settings(struct ofono_sms *sms, const char *imsi) { GError *error; sms->settings = storage_open(imsi, SETTINGS_STORE); if (sms->settings == NULL) return; sms->imsi = g_strdup(imsi); error = NULL; sms->ref = g_key_file_get_integer(sms->settings, SETTINGS_GROUP, "NextReference", &error); if (error || sms->ref > 65536) { g_error_free(error); sms->ref = 1; g_key_file_set_integer(sms->settings, SETTINGS_GROUP, "NextReference", sms->ref); } error = NULL; sms->use_delivery_reports = g_key_file_get_boolean(sms->settings, SETTINGS_GROUP, "UseDeliveryReports", &error); if (error) { g_error_free(error); g_key_file_set_boolean(sms->settings, SETTINGS_GROUP, "UseDeliveryReports", sms->use_delivery_reports); } error = NULL; sms->bearer = g_key_file_get_integer(sms->settings, SETTINGS_GROUP, "Bearer", &error); if (error || sms_bearer_to_string(sms->bearer) == NULL) { g_error_free(error); sms->bearer = 3; /* Default to CS then PS */ g_key_file_set_integer(sms->settings, SETTINGS_GROUP, "Bearer", sms->bearer); } error = NULL; sms->alphabet = g_key_file_get_integer(sms->settings, SETTINGS_GROUP, "Alphabet", &error); if (error || sms_alphabet_to_string(sms->alphabet) == NULL) { g_error_free(error); sms->alphabet = SMS_ALPHABET_DEFAULT; g_key_file_set_integer(sms->settings, SETTINGS_GROUP, "Alphabet", sms->alphabet); } } static void bearer_init_callback(const struct ofono_error *error, void *data) { if (error->type != OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_NO_ERROR) ofono_error("Error bootstrapping SMS Bearer Preference"); } static void sms_restore_tx_queue(struct ofono_sms *sms) { GQueue *backupq; struct txq_backup_entry *backup_entry; DBG(""); backupq = sms_tx_queue_load(sms->imsi); if (backupq == NULL) return; while ((backup_entry = g_queue_pop_head(backupq))) { struct message *m; struct tx_queue_entry *txq_entry; backup_entry->flags |= OFONO_SMS_SUBMIT_FLAG_REUSE_UUID; txq_entry = tx_queue_entry_new(backup_entry->msg_list, backup_entry->flags); if (txq_entry == NULL) goto loop_out; txq_entry->flags &= ~OFONO_SMS_SUBMIT_FLAG_REUSE_UUID; memcpy(&txq_entry->uuid.uuid, &backup_entry->uuid, SMS_MSGID_LEN); m = message_create(&txq_entry->uuid, sms->atom); if (m == NULL) { tx_queue_entry_destroy(txq_entry); goto loop_out; } if (message_dbus_register(m) == FALSE) { tx_queue_entry_destroy(txq_entry); goto loop_out; } message_set_data(m, txq_entry); g_hash_table_insert(sms->messages, &txq_entry->uuid, m); txq_entry->id = sms->tx_counter++; g_queue_push_tail(sms->txq, txq_entry); loop_out: g_slist_foreach(backup_entry->msg_list, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(backup_entry->msg_list); g_free(backup_entry); } if (g_queue_get_length(sms->txq) > 0) sms->tx_source = g_timeout_add(0, tx_next, sms); g_queue_free(backupq); } /* * Indicate oFono that a SMS driver is ready for operation * * This is called after ofono_sms_create() was done and the modem * driver determined that a modem supports SMS correctly. Once this * call succeeds, the D-BUS interface for SMS goes live. */ void ofono_sms_register(struct ofono_sms *sms) { DBusConnection *conn = ofono_dbus_get_connection(); struct ofono_modem *modem = __ofono_atom_get_modem(sms->atom); const char *path = __ofono_atom_get_path(sms->atom); struct ofono_atom *sim_atom; if (!g_dbus_register_interface(conn, path, OFONO_MESSAGE_MANAGER_INTERFACE, sms_manager_methods, sms_manager_signals, NULL, sms, NULL)) { ofono_error("Could not create %s interface", OFONO_MESSAGE_MANAGER_INTERFACE); return; } ofono_modem_add_interface(modem, OFONO_MESSAGE_MANAGER_INTERFACE); sms->mw_watch = __ofono_modem_add_atom_watch(modem, OFONO_ATOM_TYPE_MESSAGE_WAITING, mw_watch, sms, NULL); sms->netreg_watch = __ofono_modem_add_atom_watch(modem, OFONO_ATOM_TYPE_NETREG, netreg_watch, sms, NULL); sim_atom = __ofono_modem_find_atom(modem, OFONO_ATOM_TYPE_SIM); /* * If we have a sim atom, we can uniquely identify the SIM, * otherwise create an sms assembly which doesn't backup the fragment * store. */ if (sim_atom) { const char *imsi; sms->sim = __ofono_atom_get_data(sim_atom); imsi = ofono_sim_get_imsi(sms->sim); sms->assembly = sms_assembly_new(imsi); sms->sr_assembly = status_report_assembly_new(imsi); sms_load_settings(sms, imsi); } else { sms->assembly = sms_assembly_new(NULL); sms->sr_assembly = status_report_assembly_new(NULL); sms->bearer = 3; /* Default to CS then PS */ } if (sms->driver->bearer_set) sms->driver->bearer_set(sms, sms->bearer, bearer_init_callback, sms); sms_restore_tx_queue(sms); sms->text_handlers = __ofono_watchlist_new(g_free); sms->datagram_handlers = __ofono_watchlist_new(g_free); __ofono_atom_register(sms->atom, sms_unregister); } void ofono_sms_remove(struct ofono_sms *sms) { __ofono_atom_free(sms->atom); } void ofono_sms_set_data(struct ofono_sms *sms, void *data) { sms->driver_data = data; } void *ofono_sms_get_data(struct ofono_sms *sms) { return sms->driver_data; } unsigned short __ofono_sms_get_next_ref(struct ofono_sms *sms) { return sms->ref; } int __ofono_sms_txq_submit(struct ofono_sms *sms, GSList *list, unsigned int flags, struct ofono_uuid *uuid, ofono_sms_txq_queued_cb_t cb, void *data) { struct message *m = NULL; struct tx_queue_entry *entry; entry = tx_queue_entry_new(list, flags); if (entry == NULL) return -ENOMEM; if (flags & OFONO_SMS_SUBMIT_FLAG_EXPOSE_DBUS) { m = message_create(&entry->uuid, sms->atom); if (m == NULL) goto err; if (message_dbus_register(m) == FALSE) goto err; message_set_data(m, entry); g_hash_table_insert(sms->messages, &entry->uuid, m); } if (list->next != NULL) { if (sms->ref == 65536) sms->ref = 1; else sms->ref = sms->ref + 1; } entry->id = sms->tx_counter++; g_queue_push_tail(sms->txq, entry); if (sms->registered && g_queue_get_length(sms->txq) == 1) sms->tx_source = g_timeout_add(0, tx_next, sms); if (uuid) memcpy(uuid, &entry->uuid, sizeof(*uuid)); if (flags & OFONO_SMS_SUBMIT_FLAG_EXPOSE_DBUS) { const char *uuid_str; unsigned char i; uuid_str = ofono_uuid_to_str(&entry->uuid); for (i = 0; i < entry->num_pdus; i++) { struct pending_pdu *pdu; pdu = &entry->pdus[i]; sms_tx_backup_store(sms->imsi, entry->id, entry->flags, uuid_str, i, pdu->pdu, pdu->pdu_len, pdu->tpdu_len); } } if (cb) cb(sms, &entry->uuid, data); if (m && (flags & OFONO_SMS_SUBMIT_FLAG_EXPOSE_DBUS)) message_emit_added(m, OFONO_MESSAGE_MANAGER_INTERFACE); return 0; err: tx_queue_entry_destroy(entry); return -EINVAL; } int __ofono_sms_txq_set_submit_notify(struct ofono_sms *sms, struct ofono_uuid *uuid, ofono_sms_txq_submit_cb_t cb, void *data, ofono_destroy_func destroy) { struct message *m; struct tx_queue_entry *entry; m = g_hash_table_lookup(sms->messages, uuid); if (m == NULL) return -ENOENT; entry = message_get_data(m); if (entry == NULL) return -ENOTSUP; tx_queue_entry_set_submit_notify(entry, cb, data, destroy); return 0; }