/* * * oFono - Open Source Telephony * * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ofono.h" #include "common.h" #include "util.h" #include "smsutil.h" #include "simutil.h" #ifdef TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY #define TFR TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY #else #define TFR #endif #define SIM_MANAGER_INTERFACE "org.ofono.SimManager" #define SIM_CACHE_MODE 0600 #define SIM_CACHE_PATH STORAGEDIR "/%s/%04x" #define SIM_CACHE_PATH_LEN(imsilen) (strlen(SIM_CACHE_PATH) - 2 + imsilen) #define SIM_CACHE_HEADER_SIZE 6 static GSList *g_drivers = NULL; static gboolean sim_op_next(gpointer user_data); static gboolean sim_op_retrieve_next(gpointer user); static void sim_own_numbers_update(struct ofono_sim *sim); struct sim_file_op { int id; gboolean cache; enum ofono_sim_file_structure structure; int length; int record_length; int current; gconstpointer cb; gboolean is_read; void *buffer; void *userdata; }; struct ofono_sim { char *imsi; GSList *own_numbers; GSList *new_numbers; gboolean ready; GQueue *simop_q; gint simop_source; unsigned char efmsisdn_length; unsigned char efmsisdn_records; unsigned int next_ready_watch_id; GSList *ready_watches; const struct ofono_sim_driver *driver; void *driver_data; struct ofono_atom *atom; }; struct msisdn_set_request { struct ofono_sim *sim; int pending; int failed; DBusMessage *msg; }; struct sim_ready_watch { unsigned int id; ofono_sim_ready_notify_cb_t notify; void *data; ofono_destroy_func destroy; }; static char **get_own_numbers(GSList *own_numbers) { int nelem = 0; GSList *l; struct ofono_phone_number *num; char **ret; if (own_numbers) nelem = g_slist_length(own_numbers); ret = g_new0(char *, nelem + 1); nelem = 0; for (l = own_numbers; l; l = l->next) { num = l->data; ret[nelem++] = g_strdup(phone_number_to_string(num)); } return ret; } static void sim_file_op_free(struct sim_file_op *node) { g_free(node); } static DBusMessage *sim_get_properties(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { struct ofono_sim *sim = data; DBusMessage *reply; DBusMessageIter iter; DBusMessageIter dict; char **own_numbers; reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(msg); if (!reply) return NULL; dbus_message_iter_init_append(reply, &iter); dbus_message_iter_open_container(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, OFONO_PROPERTIES_ARRAY_SIGNATURE, &dict); if (sim->imsi) ofono_dbus_dict_append(&dict, "SubscriberIdentity", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &sim->imsi); own_numbers = get_own_numbers(sim->own_numbers); ofono_dbus_dict_append_array(&dict, "SubscriberNumbers", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &own_numbers); g_strfreev(own_numbers); dbus_message_iter_close_container(&iter, &dict); return reply; } static void msisdn_set_done(struct msisdn_set_request *req) { DBusMessage *reply; if (req->failed) reply = __ofono_error_failed(req->msg); else reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(req->msg); __ofono_dbus_pending_reply(&req->msg, reply); /* Re-read the numbers and emit signal if needed */ sim_own_numbers_update(req->sim); g_free(req); } static void msisdn_set_cb(int ok, void *data) { struct msisdn_set_request *req = data; if (!ok) req->failed++; req->pending--; if (!req->pending) msisdn_set_done(req); } static gboolean set_own_numbers(struct ofono_sim *sim, GSList *new_numbers, DBusMessage *msg) { struct msisdn_set_request *req; int record; unsigned char efmsisdn[255]; struct ofono_phone_number *number; if (new_numbers && g_slist_length(new_numbers) > sim->efmsisdn_records) return FALSE; req = g_new0(struct msisdn_set_request, 1); req->sim = sim; req->msg = dbus_message_ref(msg); for (record = 1; record <= sim->efmsisdn_records; record++) { if (new_numbers) { number = new_numbers->data; sim_adn_build(efmsisdn, sim->efmsisdn_length, number); new_numbers = new_numbers->next; } else memset(efmsisdn, 0xff, sim->efmsisdn_length); if (ofono_sim_write(req->sim, SIM_EFMSISDN_FILEID, msisdn_set_cb, OFONO_SIM_FILE_STRUCTURE_FIXED, record, efmsisdn, sim->efmsisdn_length, req) == 0) req->pending++; else req->failed++; } if (!req->pending) msisdn_set_done(req); return TRUE; } static DBusMessage *sim_set_property(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { struct ofono_sim *sim = data; DBusMessageIter iter; DBusMessageIter var; DBusMessageIter var_elem; const char *name, *value; if (!dbus_message_iter_init(msg, &iter)) return __ofono_error_invalid_args(msg); if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING) return __ofono_error_invalid_args(msg); dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter, &name); if (!strcmp(name, "SubscriberNumbers")) { gboolean set_ok = FALSE; struct ofono_phone_number *own; GSList *own_numbers = NULL; if (sim->efmsisdn_length == 0) return __ofono_error_busy(msg); dbus_message_iter_next(&iter); if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT) return __ofono_error_invalid_args(msg); dbus_message_iter_recurse(&iter, &var); if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&var) != DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY || dbus_message_iter_get_element_type(&var) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING) return __ofono_error_invalid_args(msg); dbus_message_iter_recurse(&var, &var_elem); /* Empty lists are supported */ while (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&var_elem) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID) { if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&var_elem) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING) goto error; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&var_elem, &value); if (!valid_phone_number_format(value)) goto error; own = g_new0(struct ofono_phone_number, 1); string_to_phone_number(value, own); own_numbers = g_slist_prepend(own_numbers, own); dbus_message_iter_next(&var_elem); } own_numbers = g_slist_reverse(own_numbers); set_ok = set_own_numbers(sim, own_numbers, msg); error: g_slist_foreach(own_numbers, (GFunc) g_free, 0); g_slist_free(own_numbers); if (set_ok) return NULL; } return __ofono_error_invalid_args(msg); } static GDBusMethodTable sim_methods[] = { { "GetProperties", "", "a{sv}", sim_get_properties }, { "SetProperty", "sv", "", sim_set_property, G_DBUS_METHOD_FLAG_ASYNC }, { } }; static GDBusSignalTable sim_signals[] = { { "PropertyChanged", "sv" }, { } }; static gboolean numbers_list_equal(GSList *a, GSList *b) { struct ofono_phone_number *num_a, *num_b; while (a || b) { if (!a || !b) return FALSE; num_a = a->data; num_b = b->data; if (!g_str_equal(num_a->number, num_b->number) || num_a->type != num_b->type) return FALSE; a = a->next; b = b->next; } return TRUE; } static void sim_msisdn_read_cb(int ok, enum ofono_sim_file_structure structure, int length, int record, const unsigned char *data, int record_length, void *userdata) { struct ofono_sim *sim = userdata; int total; struct ofono_phone_number ph; if (!ok) goto check; if (structure != OFONO_SIM_FILE_STRUCTURE_FIXED) return; if (record_length < 14 || length < record_length) return; total = length / record_length; sim->efmsisdn_length = record_length; sim->efmsisdn_records = total; if (sim_adn_parse(data, record_length, &ph) == TRUE) { struct ofono_phone_number *own; own = g_new(struct ofono_phone_number, 1); memcpy(own, &ph, sizeof(struct ofono_phone_number)); sim->new_numbers = g_slist_prepend(sim->new_numbers, own); } if (record != total) return; check: /* All records retrieved */ if (sim->new_numbers) sim->new_numbers = g_slist_reverse(sim->new_numbers); if (!numbers_list_equal(sim->new_numbers, sim->own_numbers)) { const char *path = __ofono_atom_get_path(sim->atom); char **own_numbers; DBusConnection *conn = ofono_dbus_get_connection(); g_slist_foreach(sim->own_numbers, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(sim->own_numbers); sim->own_numbers = sim->new_numbers; own_numbers = get_own_numbers(sim->own_numbers); ofono_dbus_signal_array_property_changed(conn, path, SIM_MANAGER_INTERFACE, "SubscriberNumbers", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &own_numbers); g_strfreev(own_numbers); } else { g_slist_foreach(sim->new_numbers, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(sim->new_numbers); } sim->new_numbers = NULL; } static void sim_own_numbers_update(struct ofono_sim *sim) { ofono_sim_read(sim, SIM_EFMSISDN_FILEID, sim_msisdn_read_cb, sim); } static void sim_ready(void *user) { struct ofono_sim *sim = user; sim_own_numbers_update(sim); } static void sim_imsi_cb(const struct ofono_error *error, const char *imsi, void *data) { struct ofono_sim *sim = data; if (error->type != OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_NO_ERROR) { ofono_error("Unable to read IMSI, emergency calls only"); return; } sim->imsi = g_strdup(imsi); ofono_sim_set_ready(sim); } static void sim_retrieve_imsi(struct ofono_sim *sim) { if (!sim->driver->read_imsi) { ofono_error("IMSI retrieval not implemented," " only emergency calls will be available"); return; } sim->driver->read_imsi(sim, sim_imsi_cb, sim); } static int create_dirs(const char *filename, const mode_t mode) { struct stat st; char *dir; const char *prev, *next; int err; err = stat(filename, &st); if (!err && S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) return 0; dir = g_malloc(strlen(filename) + 1); strcpy(dir, "/"); for (prev = filename; (next = strchr(prev + 1, '/')); prev = next) if (next > prev + 1) { strncat(dir, prev + 1, next - prev); if (mkdir(dir, mode) && errno != EEXIST) { g_free(dir); return -1; } } g_free(dir); return 0; } static void sim_op_error(struct ofono_sim *sim) { struct sim_file_op *op = g_queue_pop_head(sim->simop_q); if (g_queue_get_length(sim->simop_q) > 0) sim->simop_source = g_timeout_add(0, sim_op_next, sim); if (op->is_read == TRUE) ((ofono_sim_file_read_cb_t) op->cb) (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, op->userdata); else ((ofono_sim_file_write_cb_t) op->cb) (0, op->userdata); sim_file_op_free(op); } static gboolean cache_record(const char *path, int current, int record_len, const unsigned char *data) { int r = 0; int fd; fd = TFR(open(path, O_WRONLY)); if (fd == -1) return FALSE; if (lseek(fd, (current - 1) * record_len + SIM_CACHE_HEADER_SIZE, SEEK_SET) != (off_t) -1) r = TFR(write(fd, data, record_len)); TFR(close(fd)); if (r < record_len) { unlink(path); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void sim_op_retrieve_cb(const struct ofono_error *error, const unsigned char *data, int len, void *user) { struct ofono_sim *sim = user; struct sim_file_op *op = g_queue_peek_head(sim->simop_q); int total = op->length / op->record_length; ofono_sim_file_read_cb_t cb = op->cb; char *imsi = sim->imsi; if (error->type != OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_NO_ERROR) { sim_op_error(sim); return; } cb(1, op->structure, op->length, op->current, data, op->record_length, op->userdata); if (op->cache && imsi) { char *path = g_strdup_printf(SIM_CACHE_PATH, imsi, op->id); op->cache = cache_record(path, op->current, op->record_length, data); g_free(path); } if (op->current == total) { op = g_queue_pop_head(sim->simop_q); sim_file_op_free(op); if (g_queue_get_length(sim->simop_q) > 0) sim->simop_source = g_timeout_add(0, sim_op_next, sim); } else { op->current += 1; sim->simop_source = g_timeout_add(0, sim_op_retrieve_next, sim); } } static gboolean sim_op_retrieve_next(gpointer user) { struct ofono_sim *sim = user; struct sim_file_op *op = g_queue_peek_head(sim->simop_q); sim->simop_source = 0; switch (op->structure) { case OFONO_SIM_FILE_STRUCTURE_TRANSPARENT: if (!sim->driver->read_file_transparent) { sim_op_error(sim); return FALSE; } sim->driver->read_file_transparent(sim, op->id, 0, op->length, sim_op_retrieve_cb, sim); break; case OFONO_SIM_FILE_STRUCTURE_FIXED: if (!sim->driver->read_file_linear) { sim_op_error(sim); return FALSE; } sim->driver->read_file_linear(sim, op->id, op->current, op->record_length, sim_op_retrieve_cb, sim); break; case OFONO_SIM_FILE_STRUCTURE_CYCLIC: if (!sim->driver->read_file_cyclic) { sim_op_error(sim); return FALSE; } sim->driver->read_file_cyclic(sim, op->id, op->current, op->record_length, sim_op_retrieve_cb, sim); break; default: ofono_error("Unrecognized file structure, this can't happen"); } return FALSE; } static gboolean cache_info(const char *path, const unsigned char *info, int len) { int fd; int r; if (create_dirs(path, SIM_CACHE_MODE | S_IXUSR) != 0) return FALSE; fd = TFR(open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, SIM_CACHE_MODE)); if (fd == -1) { ofono_debug("Error %i creating cache file %s", errno, path); return FALSE; } r = TFR(write(fd, info, len)); TFR(close(fd)); if (r < len) { unlink(path); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void sim_op_info_cb(const struct ofono_error *error, int length, enum ofono_sim_file_structure structure, int record_length, const unsigned char access[3], void *data) { struct ofono_sim *sim = data; struct sim_file_op *op = g_queue_peek_head(sim->simop_q); char *imsi = sim->imsi; enum sim_file_access update; enum sim_file_access invalidate; enum sim_file_access rehabilitate; if (error->type != OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_NO_ERROR) { sim_op_error(sim); return; } /* TS 11.11, Section 9.3 */ update = file_access_condition_decode(access[0] & 0xf); rehabilitate = file_access_condition_decode((access[2] >> 4) & 0xf); invalidate = file_access_condition_decode(access[2] & 0xf); op->structure = structure; op->length = length; /* Never cache card holder writable files */ op->cache = (update == SIM_FILE_ACCESS_ADM || update == SIM_FILE_ACCESS_NEVER) && (invalidate == SIM_FILE_ACCESS_ADM || invalidate == SIM_FILE_ACCESS_NEVER) && (rehabilitate == SIM_FILE_ACCESS_ADM || rehabilitate == SIM_FILE_ACCESS_NEVER); if (structure == OFONO_SIM_FILE_STRUCTURE_TRANSPARENT) op->record_length = length; else op->record_length = record_length; op->current = 1; sim->simop_source = g_timeout_add(0, sim_op_retrieve_next, sim); if (op->cache && imsi) { char *path = g_strdup_printf(SIM_CACHE_PATH, imsi, op->id); unsigned char fileinfo[6]; fileinfo[0] = error->type; fileinfo[1] = length >> 8; fileinfo[2] = length & 0xff; fileinfo[3] = structure; fileinfo[4] = record_length >> 8; fileinfo[5] = record_length & 0xff; op->cache = cache_info(path, fileinfo, 6); g_free(path); } } static void sim_op_write_cb(const struct ofono_error *error, void *data) { struct ofono_sim *sim = data; struct sim_file_op *op = g_queue_pop_head(sim->simop_q); ofono_sim_file_write_cb_t cb = op->cb; if (g_queue_get_length(sim->simop_q) > 0) sim->simop_source = g_timeout_add(0, sim_op_next, sim); if (error->type == OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_NO_ERROR) cb(1, op->userdata); else cb(0, op->userdata); sim_file_op_free(op); } static gboolean sim_op_check_cached(struct ofono_sim *sim) { char *imsi = sim->imsi; struct sim_file_op *op = g_queue_peek_head(sim->simop_q); ofono_sim_file_read_cb_t cb = op->cb; char *path; int fd; unsigned char fileinfo[SIM_CACHE_HEADER_SIZE]; ssize_t len; int error_type; unsigned int file_length; enum ofono_sim_file_structure structure; unsigned int record_length; unsigned int record; guint8 *buffer = NULL; gboolean ret = FALSE; if (!imsi) return FALSE; path = g_strdup_printf(SIM_CACHE_PATH, imsi, op->id); fd = TFR(open(path, O_RDONLY)); g_free(path); if (fd == -1) { if (errno != ENOENT) ofono_debug("Error %i opening cache file for " "fileid %04x, IMSI %s", errno, op->id, imsi); return FALSE; } len = TFR(read(fd, fileinfo, SIM_CACHE_HEADER_SIZE)); if (len != SIM_CACHE_HEADER_SIZE) goto cleanup; error_type = fileinfo[0]; file_length = (fileinfo[1] << 8) | fileinfo[2]; structure = fileinfo[3]; record_length = (fileinfo[4] << 8) | fileinfo[5]; if (structure == OFONO_SIM_FILE_STRUCTURE_TRANSPARENT) record_length = file_length; if (record_length == 0 || file_length < record_length) goto cleanup; if (error_type != OFONO_ERROR_TYPE_NO_ERROR) { ret = TRUE; cb(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); goto cleanup; } buffer = g_malloc(file_length); len = TFR(read(fd, buffer, file_length)); if (len < (ssize_t)file_length) goto cleanup; for (record = 0; record < file_length / record_length; record++) { cb(1, structure, file_length, record + 1, &buffer[record * record_length], record_length, op->userdata); } ret = TRUE; cleanup: if (buffer) g_free(buffer); TFR(close(fd)); return ret; } static gboolean sim_op_next(gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_sim *sim = user_data; struct sim_file_op *op; sim->simop_source = 0; if (!sim->simop_q) return FALSE; op = g_queue_peek_head(sim->simop_q); if (op->is_read == TRUE) { if (sim_op_check_cached(sim)) { op = g_queue_pop_head(sim->simop_q); sim_file_op_free(op); if (g_queue_get_length(sim->simop_q) > 0) sim->simop_source = g_timeout_add(0, sim_op_next, sim); return FALSE; } sim->driver->read_file_info(sim, op->id, sim_op_info_cb, sim); } else { switch (op->structure) { case OFONO_SIM_FILE_STRUCTURE_TRANSPARENT: sim->driver->write_file_transparent(sim, op->id, 0, op->length, op->buffer, sim_op_write_cb, sim); break; case OFONO_SIM_FILE_STRUCTURE_FIXED: sim->driver->write_file_linear(sim, op->id, op->current, op->length, op->buffer, sim_op_write_cb, sim); break; case OFONO_SIM_FILE_STRUCTURE_CYCLIC: sim->driver->write_file_cyclic(sim, op->id, op->length, op->buffer, sim_op_write_cb, sim); break; default: ofono_error("Unrecognized file structure, " "this can't happen"); } g_free(op->buffer); } return FALSE; } int ofono_sim_read(struct ofono_sim *sim, int id, ofono_sim_file_read_cb_t cb, void *data) { struct sim_file_op *op; if (!cb) return -1; if (sim == NULL) return -1; if (!sim->driver) return -1; if (!sim->driver->read_file_info) return -1; /* TODO: We must first check the EFust table to see whether * this file can be read at all */ if (!sim->simop_q) sim->simop_q = g_queue_new(); op = g_new0(struct sim_file_op, 1); op->id = id; op->cb = cb; op->userdata = data; op->is_read = TRUE; g_queue_push_tail(sim->simop_q, op); if (g_queue_get_length(sim->simop_q) == 1) sim->simop_source = g_timeout_add(0, sim_op_next, sim); return 0; } int ofono_sim_write(struct ofono_sim *sim, int id, ofono_sim_file_write_cb_t cb, enum ofono_sim_file_structure structure, int record, const unsigned char *data, int length, void *userdata) { struct sim_file_op *op; gconstpointer fn = NULL; if (!cb) return -1; if (sim == NULL) return -1; if (!sim->driver) return -1; switch (structure) { case OFONO_SIM_FILE_STRUCTURE_TRANSPARENT: fn = sim->driver->write_file_transparent; break; case OFONO_SIM_FILE_STRUCTURE_FIXED: fn = sim->driver->write_file_linear; break; case OFONO_SIM_FILE_STRUCTURE_CYCLIC: fn = sim->driver->write_file_cyclic; break; default: ofono_error("Unrecognized file structure, this can't happen"); } if (fn == NULL) return -1; if (!sim->simop_q) sim->simop_q = g_queue_new(); op = g_new0(struct sim_file_op, 1); op->id = id; op->cb = cb; op->userdata = userdata; op->is_read = FALSE; op->buffer = g_memdup(data, length); op->structure = structure; op->length = length; op->current = record; g_queue_push_tail(sim->simop_q, op); if (g_queue_get_length(sim->simop_q) == 1) sim->simop_source = g_timeout_add(0, sim_op_next, sim); return 0; } const char *ofono_sim_get_imsi(struct ofono_sim *sim) { if (sim == NULL) return NULL; return sim->imsi; } static void remove_all_watches(struct ofono_sim *sim) { struct sim_ready_watch *watch; GSList *c; for (c = sim->ready_watches; c; c = c->next) { watch = c->data; if (watch->destroy) watch->destroy(watch->data); g_free(watch); } g_slist_free(sim->ready_watches); sim->ready_watches = NULL; } unsigned int ofono_sim_add_ready_watch(struct ofono_sim *sim, ofono_sim_ready_notify_cb_t notify, void *data, ofono_destroy_func destroy) { struct sim_ready_watch *watch; DBG("%p", sim); if (sim == NULL) return 0; if (notify == NULL) return 0; watch = g_new0(struct sim_ready_watch, 1); watch->id = ++sim->next_ready_watch_id; watch->notify = notify; watch->destroy = destroy; watch->data = data; sim->ready_watches = g_slist_prepend(sim->ready_watches, watch); DBG("id: %u", watch->id); return watch->id; } void ofono_sim_remove_ready_watch(struct ofono_sim *sim, unsigned int id) { struct sim_ready_watch *watch; GSList *p; GSList *c; if (sim == NULL) return; DBG("%p, %u", sim, id); p = NULL; c = sim->ready_watches; while (c) { watch = c->data; if (watch->id != id) { p = c; c = c->next; continue; } if (p) p->next = c->next; else sim->ready_watches = c->next; if (watch->destroy) watch->destroy(watch->data); g_free(watch); g_slist_free_1(c); return; } } int ofono_sim_get_ready(struct ofono_sim *sim) { if (sim == NULL) return 0; if (sim->ready == TRUE) return 1; return 0; } void ofono_sim_set_ready(struct ofono_sim *sim) { GSList *l; if (sim == NULL) return; if (sim->ready == TRUE) return; sim->ready = TRUE; for (l = sim->ready_watches; l; l = l->next) { struct sim_ready_watch *watch = l->data; watch->notify(watch->data); } } int ofono_sim_driver_register(const struct ofono_sim_driver *d) { DBG("driver: %p, name: %s", d, d->name); if (d->probe == NULL) return -EINVAL; g_drivers = g_slist_prepend(g_drivers, (void *)d); return 0; } void ofono_sim_driver_unregister(const struct ofono_sim_driver *d) { DBG("driver: %p, name: %s", d, d->name); g_drivers = g_slist_remove(g_drivers, (void *)d); } static void sim_unregister(struct ofono_atom *atom) { DBusConnection *conn = ofono_dbus_get_connection(); struct ofono_modem *modem = __ofono_atom_get_modem(atom); const char *path = __ofono_atom_get_path(atom); remove_all_watches(__ofono_atom_get_data(atom)); g_dbus_unregister_interface(conn, path, SIM_MANAGER_INTERFACE); ofono_modem_remove_interface(modem, SIM_MANAGER_INTERFACE); } static void sim_remove(struct ofono_atom *atom) { struct ofono_sim *sim = __ofono_atom_get_data(atom); DBG("atom: %p", atom); if (sim == NULL) return; if (sim->driver && sim->driver->remove) sim->driver->remove(sim); if (sim->imsi) { g_free(sim->imsi); sim->imsi = NULL; } if (sim->own_numbers) { g_slist_foreach(sim->own_numbers, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(sim->own_numbers); sim->own_numbers = NULL; } if (sim->simop_source) { g_source_remove(sim->simop_source); sim->simop_source = 0; } if (sim->simop_q) { g_queue_foreach(sim->simop_q, (GFunc)sim_file_op_free, NULL); g_queue_free(sim->simop_q); sim->simop_q = NULL; } g_free(sim); } struct ofono_sim *ofono_sim_create(struct ofono_modem *modem, const char *driver, void *data) { struct ofono_sim *sim; GSList *l; if (driver == NULL) return NULL; sim = g_try_new0(struct ofono_sim, 1); if (sim == NULL) return NULL; sim->driver_data = data; sim->atom = __ofono_modem_add_atom(modem, OFONO_ATOM_TYPE_SIM, sim_remove, sim); for (l = g_drivers; l; l = l->next) { const struct ofono_sim_driver *drv = l->data; if (g_strcmp0(drv->name, driver)) continue; if (drv->probe(sim) < 0) continue; sim->driver = drv; break; } return sim; } void ofono_sim_register(struct ofono_sim *sim) { DBusConnection *conn = ofono_dbus_get_connection(); struct ofono_modem *modem = __ofono_atom_get_modem(sim->atom); const char *path = __ofono_atom_get_path(sim->atom); if (!g_dbus_register_interface(conn, path, SIM_MANAGER_INTERFACE, sim_methods, sim_signals, NULL, sim, NULL)) { ofono_error("Could not create %s interface", SIM_MANAGER_INTERFACE); return; } ofono_modem_add_interface(modem, SIM_MANAGER_INTERFACE); __ofono_atom_register(sim->atom, sim_unregister); ofono_sim_add_ready_watch(sim, sim_ready, sim, NULL); /* Perform SIM initialization according to 3GPP 31.102 Section * The assumption here is that if sim manager is being initialized, * then sim commands are implemented, and the sim manager is then * responsible for checking the PIN, reading the IMSI and signaling * SIM ready condition. * * The procedure according to 31.102 is roughly: * Read EFecc * Read EFli and EFpl * SIM Pin check * Read EFust * Read EFest * Read IMSI * * At this point we signal the SIM ready condition and allow * arbitrary files to be written or read, assuming their presence * in the EFust */ sim_retrieve_imsi(sim); } void ofono_sim_remove(struct ofono_sim *sim) { __ofono_atom_free(sim->atom); } void ofono_sim_set_data(struct ofono_sim *sim, void *data) { sim->driver_data = data; } void *ofono_sim_get_data(struct ofono_sim *sim) { return sim->driver_data; }