/* * * oFono - Open Source Telephony * * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define OFONO_API_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bluetooth.h" #include "bluez5.h" #ifndef DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD #define DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD -1 #endif #define HFP_EXT_PROFILE_PATH "/bluetooth/profile/hfp_hf" #define HFP16_HF_DRIVER "hfp16-hf-driver" struct hfp { struct hfp_slc_info info; DBusMessage *msg; struct ofono_handsfree_card *card; }; static GDBusClient *bluez = NULL; static void hfp_debug(const char *str, void *user_data) { const char *prefix = user_data; ofono_info("%s%s", prefix, str); } static void slc_established(gpointer userdata) { struct ofono_modem *modem = userdata; struct hfp *hfp = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); DBusMessage *msg; ofono_modem_set_powered(modem, TRUE); msg = dbus_message_new_method_return(hfp->msg); g_dbus_send_message(ofono_dbus_get_connection(), msg); dbus_message_unref(hfp->msg); hfp->msg = NULL; ofono_info("Service level connection established"); ofono_handsfree_card_register(hfp->card); } static void slc_failed(gpointer userdata) { struct ofono_modem *modem = userdata; struct hfp *hfp = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); struct hfp_slc_info *info = &hfp->info; DBusMessage *msg; msg = g_dbus_create_error(hfp->msg, BLUEZ_ERROR_INTERFACE ".Failed", "HFP Handshake failed"); g_dbus_send_message(ofono_dbus_get_connection(), msg); dbus_message_unref(hfp->msg); hfp->msg = NULL; ofono_error("Service level connection failed"); ofono_modem_set_powered(modem, FALSE); ofono_handsfree_card_remove(hfp->card); hfp->card = NULL; g_at_chat_unref(info->chat); info->chat = NULL; } static void hfp_disconnected_cb(gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_modem *modem = user_data; struct hfp *hfp = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); struct hfp_slc_info *info = &hfp->info; DBG("HFP disconnected"); ofono_modem_set_powered(modem, FALSE); ofono_handsfree_card_remove(hfp->card); hfp->card = NULL; g_at_chat_unref(info->chat); info->chat = NULL; } static int service_level_connection(struct ofono_modem *modem, int fd, guint16 version) { struct hfp *hfp = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); struct hfp_slc_info *info = &hfp->info; GIOChannel *io; GAtSyntax *syntax; GAtChat *chat; io = g_io_channel_unix_new(fd); syntax = g_at_syntax_new_gsm_permissive(); chat = g_at_chat_new(io, syntax); g_at_syntax_unref(syntax); g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref(io, TRUE); g_io_channel_unref(io); if (chat == NULL) return -ENOMEM; g_at_chat_set_disconnect_function(chat, hfp_disconnected_cb, modem); if (getenv("OFONO_AT_DEBUG")) g_at_chat_set_debug(chat, hfp_debug, ""); hfp_slc_info_init(info, version); info->chat = chat; hfp_slc_establish(info, slc_established, slc_failed, modem); return -EINPROGRESS; } static struct ofono_modem *modem_register(const char *device, const char *device_address, const char *alias) { struct ofono_modem *modem; char *path; path = g_strconcat("hfp", device, NULL); modem = ofono_modem_create(path, "hfp"); g_free(path); if (modem == NULL) return NULL; ofono_modem_set_string(modem, "Remote", device_address); ofono_modem_set_string(modem, "DevicePath", device); ofono_modem_set_name(modem, alias); ofono_modem_register(modem); return modem; } static int hfp_probe(struct ofono_modem *modem) { struct hfp *hfp; DBG("modem: %p", modem); hfp = g_new0(struct hfp, 1); ofono_modem_set_data(modem, hfp); return 0; } static void hfp_remove(struct ofono_modem *modem) { struct hfp *hfp = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); struct hfp_slc_info *info = &hfp->info; DBG("modem: %p", modem); if (hfp->msg) dbus_message_unref(hfp->msg); g_at_chat_unref(info->chat); g_free(hfp); ofono_modem_set_data(modem, NULL); } static void connect_cb(gboolean success, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_modem *modem = user_data; if (success) return; ofono_modem_set_powered(modem, FALSE); } /* power up hardware */ static int hfp_enable(struct ofono_modem *modem) { const char *path; DBG("%p", modem); path = ofono_modem_get_string(modem, "DevicePath"); /* * We call Device1.ConnectProfile() with our UUID, and we hope for the * NewConnection() method to be called, if ConnectProfile() fails we * force the modem to powered off */ bt_connect_profile(ofono_dbus_get_connection(), path, HFP_AG_UUID, connect_cb, modem); return -EINPROGRESS; } static int hfp_disable(struct ofono_modem *modem) { struct hfp *hfp = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); struct hfp_slc_info *info = &hfp->info; GIOChannel *channel; int fd; DBG("%p", modem); /* * Instead of triggering two round trips to BlueZ (DisconnectProfile, * RequestDisconnection) simply kill the connection on the RFCOMM fd * we already have. But for this we have to call shutdown(). */ channel = g_at_chat_get_channel(info->chat); fd = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd(channel); shutdown(fd, SHUT_RDWR); ofono_handsfree_card_remove(hfp->card); hfp->card = NULL; g_at_chat_unref(info->chat); info->chat = NULL; return 0; } static void hfp_pre_sim(struct ofono_modem *modem) { struct hfp *hfp = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); char *address = (char *) ofono_modem_get_string(modem, "Remote"); DBG("%p", modem); ofono_devinfo_create(modem, 0, "hfpmodem", address); ofono_voicecall_create(modem, 0, "hfpmodem", &hfp->info); ofono_netreg_create(modem, 0, "hfpmodem", &hfp->info); ofono_handsfree_create(modem, 0, "hfpmodem", &hfp->info); ofono_call_volume_create(modem, 0, "hfpmodem", &hfp->info); } static void hfp_post_sim(struct ofono_modem *modem) { DBG("%p", modem); } static struct ofono_modem_driver hfp_driver = { .name = "hfp", .modem_type = OFONO_MODEM_TYPE_HFP, .probe = hfp_probe, .remove = hfp_remove, .enable = hfp_enable, .disable = hfp_disable, .pre_sim = hfp_pre_sim, .post_sim = hfp_post_sim, }; static int hfp16_card_probe(struct ofono_handsfree_card *card, unsigned int vendor, void *data) { return 0; } static void hfp16_card_remove(struct ofono_handsfree_card *card) { } static void hfp16_card_connect(struct ofono_handsfree_card *card, ofono_handsfree_card_connect_cb_t cb, void *data) { CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, data); } static struct ofono_handsfree_card_driver hfp16_hf_driver = { .name = HFP16_HF_DRIVER, .probe = hfp16_card_probe, .remove = hfp16_card_remove, .connect = hfp16_card_connect, }; static ofono_bool_t device_path_compare(struct ofono_modem *modem, void *userdata) { const char *path = userdata; const char *value = ofono_modem_get_string(modem, "DevicePath"); if (value == NULL) return FALSE; return g_str_equal(path, value); } static DBusMessage *profile_new_connection(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *user_data) { struct hfp *hfp; struct ofono_modem *modem; struct sockaddr_rc saddr; socklen_t optlen; DBusMessageIter entry; const char *device; char local[18], remote[18]; int fd, err; DBG("Profile handler NewConnection"); if (dbus_message_iter_init(msg, &entry) == FALSE) goto invalid; if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&entry) != DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH) goto invalid; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&entry, &device); dbus_message_iter_next(&entry); if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&entry) != DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD) goto invalid; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&entry, &fd); if (fd < 0) goto invalid; modem = ofono_modem_find(device_path_compare, (void *) device); if (modem == NULL) { close(fd); return g_dbus_create_error(msg, BLUEZ_ERROR_INTERFACE ".Rejected", "Unknown Bluetooth device"); } err = service_level_connection(modem, fd, HFP_VERSION_LATEST); if (err < 0 && err != -EINPROGRESS) { close(fd); return g_dbus_create_error(msg, BLUEZ_ERROR_INTERFACE ".Rejected", "Not enough resources"); } memset(&saddr, 0, sizeof(saddr)); optlen = sizeof(saddr); if (getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, &optlen) < 0) { err = errno; ofono_error("RFCOMM getsockname(): %s (%d)", strerror(err), err); close(fd); goto invalid; } bt_ba2str(&saddr.rc_bdaddr, local); memset(&saddr, 0, sizeof(saddr)); optlen = sizeof(saddr); if (getpeername(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, &optlen) < 0) { err = errno; ofono_error("RFCOMM getpeername(): %s (%d)", strerror(err), err); close(fd); goto invalid; } bt_ba2str(&saddr.rc_bdaddr, remote); hfp = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); hfp->msg = dbus_message_ref(msg); hfp->card = ofono_handsfree_card_create(0, NULL, NULL); ofono_handsfree_card_set_local(hfp->card, local); ofono_handsfree_card_set_remote(hfp->card, remote); return NULL; invalid: return g_dbus_create_error(msg, BLUEZ_ERROR_INTERFACE ".Rejected", "Invalid arguments in method call"); } static DBusMessage *profile_release(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *user_data) { DBG("Profile handler Release"); return g_dbus_create_error(msg, BLUEZ_ERROR_INTERFACE ".NotImplemented", "Implementation not provided"); } static DBusMessage *profile_cancel(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *user_data) { DBG("Profile handler Cancel"); return g_dbus_create_error(msg, BLUEZ_ERROR_INTERFACE ".NotImplemented", "Implementation not provided"); } static DBusMessage *profile_disconnection(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *user_data) { struct ofono_modem *modem; struct hfp *hfp; const char *device; struct hfp_slc_info *info; DBusMessageIter entry; DBG("Profile handler RequestDisconnection"); if (dbus_message_iter_init(msg, &entry) == FALSE) goto error; if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&entry) != DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH) goto error; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&entry, &device); modem = ofono_modem_find(device_path_compare, (void *) device); if (modem == NULL) goto error; ofono_modem_set_powered(modem, FALSE); hfp = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); info = &hfp->info; ofono_handsfree_card_remove(hfp->card); hfp->card = NULL; g_at_chat_unref(info->chat); info->chat = NULL; return dbus_message_new_method_return(msg); error: return g_dbus_create_error(msg, BLUEZ_ERROR_INTERFACE ".Rejected", "Invalid arguments in method call"); } static const GDBusMethodTable profile_methods[] = { { GDBUS_ASYNC_METHOD("NewConnection", GDBUS_ARGS({ "device", "o"}, { "fd", "h"}, { "fd_properties", "a{sv}" }), NULL, profile_new_connection) }, { GDBUS_METHOD("Release", NULL, NULL, profile_release) }, { GDBUS_METHOD("Cancel", NULL, NULL, profile_cancel) }, { GDBUS_METHOD("RequestDisconnection", GDBUS_ARGS({"device", "o"}), NULL, profile_disconnection) }, { } }; static void connect_handler(DBusConnection *conn, void *user_data) { DBG("Registering External Profile handler ..."); bt_register_profile(conn, HFP_HS_UUID, HFP_VERSION_1_6, "hfp_hf", HFP_EXT_PROFILE_PATH); } static gboolean has_hfp_ag_uuid(DBusMessageIter *array) { DBusMessageIter value; if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(array) != DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY) return FALSE; dbus_message_iter_recurse(array, &value); while (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&value) == DBUS_TYPE_STRING) { const char *uuid; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&value, &uuid); if (g_str_equal(uuid, HFP_AG_UUID) == TRUE) return TRUE; dbus_message_iter_next(&value); } return FALSE; } static void modem_removed(GDBusProxy *proxy, void *user_data) { struct ofono_modem *modem = user_data; ofono_modem_remove(modem); } static void alias_changed(GDBusProxy *proxy, const char *name, DBusMessageIter *iter, void *user_data) { const char *alias; struct ofono_modem *modem = user_data; if (g_str_equal("Alias", name) == FALSE) return; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(iter, &alias); ofono_modem_set_name(modem, alias); } static void modem_register_from_proxy(GDBusProxy *proxy, const char *path) { const char *alias, *remote; DBusMessageIter iter; dbus_bool_t paired; struct ofono_modem *modem; if (g_dbus_proxy_get_property(proxy, "Paired", &iter) == FALSE) return; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter, &paired); if (paired == FALSE) return; if (g_dbus_proxy_get_property(proxy, "UUIDs", &iter) == FALSE) return; if (has_hfp_ag_uuid(&iter) == FALSE) return; if (g_dbus_proxy_get_property(proxy, "Alias", &iter) == FALSE) return; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter, &alias); if (g_dbus_proxy_get_property(proxy, "Address", &iter) == FALSE) return; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter, &remote); modem = modem_register(path, remote, alias); g_dbus_proxy_set_property_watch(proxy, alias_changed, modem); g_dbus_proxy_set_removed_watch(proxy, modem_removed, modem); } static void proxy_added(GDBusProxy *proxy, void *user_data) { const char *interface, *path; interface = g_dbus_proxy_get_interface(proxy); path = g_dbus_proxy_get_path(proxy); if (g_str_equal(BLUEZ_DEVICE_INTERFACE, interface) == FALSE) return; modem_register_from_proxy(proxy, path); } static void property_changed(GDBusProxy *proxy, const char *name, DBusMessageIter *iter, void *user_data) { const char *interface, *path; interface = g_dbus_proxy_get_interface(proxy); path = g_dbus_proxy_get_path(proxy); if (g_str_equal(BLUEZ_DEVICE_INTERFACE, interface) == FALSE) return; if (g_str_equal("Paired", name) != TRUE) return; modem_register_from_proxy(proxy, path); } static int hfp_init(void) { DBusConnection *conn = ofono_dbus_get_connection(); int err; if (DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD < 0) return -EBADF; /* Registers External Profile handler */ if (!g_dbus_register_interface(conn, HFP_EXT_PROFILE_PATH, BLUEZ_PROFILE_INTERFACE, profile_methods, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { ofono_error("Register Profile interface failed: %s", HFP_EXT_PROFILE_PATH); return -EIO; } err = ofono_handsfree_card_driver_register(&hfp16_hf_driver); if (err < 0) { g_dbus_unregister_interface(conn, HFP_EXT_PROFILE_PATH, BLUEZ_PROFILE_INTERFACE); return err; } err = ofono_modem_driver_register(&hfp_driver); if (err < 0) { g_dbus_unregister_interface(conn, HFP_EXT_PROFILE_PATH, BLUEZ_PROFILE_INTERFACE); return err; } bluez = g_dbus_client_new(conn, BLUEZ_SERVICE, BLUEZ_MANAGER_PATH); if (bluez == NULL) { g_dbus_unregister_interface(conn, HFP_EXT_PROFILE_PATH, BLUEZ_PROFILE_INTERFACE); ofono_modem_driver_unregister(&hfp_driver); return -ENOMEM; } g_dbus_client_set_connect_watch(bluez, connect_handler, NULL); g_dbus_client_set_proxy_handlers(bluez, proxy_added, NULL, property_changed, NULL); ofono_handsfree_audio_ref(); return 0; } static void hfp_exit(void) { DBusConnection *conn = ofono_dbus_get_connection(); bt_unregister_profile(conn, HFP_EXT_PROFILE_PATH); g_dbus_unregister_interface(conn, HFP_EXT_PROFILE_PATH, BLUEZ_PROFILE_INTERFACE); ofono_handsfree_card_driver_unregister(&hfp16_hf_driver); ofono_modem_driver_unregister(&hfp_driver); g_dbus_client_unref(bluez); ofono_handsfree_audio_unref(); } OFONO_PLUGIN_DEFINE(hfp_bluez5, "External Hands-Free Profile Plugin", VERSION, OFONO_PLUGIN_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, hfp_init, hfp_exit)