/* * * oFono - Open Source Telephony * * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2010 ProFUSION embedded systems * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define OFONO_API_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bluetooth.h" #define BLUEZ_GATEWAY_INTERFACE BLUEZ_SERVICE ".HandsfreeGateway" #define HFP_AGENT_INTERFACE "org.bluez.HandsfreeAgent" #define HFP_AGENT_ERROR_INTERFACE "org.bluez.Error" #ifndef DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD #define DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD -1 #endif static const char *brsf_prefix[] = { "+BRSF:", NULL }; static const char *cind_prefix[] = { "+CIND:", NULL }; static const char *cmer_prefix[] = { "+CMER:", NULL }; static const char *chld_prefix[] = { "+CHLD:", NULL }; static DBusConnection *connection; static GHashTable *modem_hash = NULL; static void hfp_debug(const char *str, void *user_data) { const char *prefix = user_data; ofono_info("%s%s", prefix, str); } static void clear_data(struct ofono_modem *modem) { struct hfp_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); if (!data->chat) return; g_at_chat_unref(data->chat); data->chat = NULL; memset(data->cind_val, 0, sizeof(data->cind_val)); memset(data->cind_pos, 0, sizeof(data->cind_pos)); } static void service_level_conn_established(struct ofono_modem *modem) { DBusMessage *msg; struct hfp_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); ofono_modem_set_powered(modem, TRUE); msg = dbus_message_new_method_return(data->slc_msg); g_dbus_send_message(connection, msg); dbus_message_unref(data->slc_msg); data->slc_msg = NULL; ofono_info("Service level connection established"); g_at_chat_send(data->chat, "AT+CMEE=1", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } static void service_level_conn_failed(struct ofono_modem *modem) { struct hfp_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); DBusMessage *msg; msg = g_dbus_create_error(data->slc_msg, HFP_AGENT_ERROR_INTERFACE ".Failed", "HFP Handshake failed"); g_dbus_send_message(connection, msg); dbus_message_unref(data->slc_msg); data->slc_msg = NULL; ofono_error("Service level connection failed"); ofono_modem_set_powered(modem, FALSE); clear_data(modem); } static void chld_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_modem *modem = user_data; struct hfp_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); unsigned int ag_mpty_feature = 0; GAtResultIter iter; const char *str; if (!ok) return; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CHLD:")) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_open_list(&iter)) return; while (g_at_result_iter_next_unquoted_string(&iter, &str)) { if (!strcmp(str, "0")) ag_mpty_feature |= AG_CHLD_0; else if (!strcmp(str, "1")) ag_mpty_feature |= AG_CHLD_1; else if (!strcmp(str, "1x")) ag_mpty_feature |= AG_CHLD_1x; else if (!strcmp(str, "2")) ag_mpty_feature |= AG_CHLD_2; else if (!strcmp(str, "2x")) ag_mpty_feature |= AG_CHLD_2x; else if (!strcmp(str, "3")) ag_mpty_feature |= AG_CHLD_3; else if (!strcmp(str, "4")) ag_mpty_feature |= AG_CHLD_4; } if (!g_at_result_iter_close_list(&iter)) return; data->ag_mpty_features = ag_mpty_feature; service_level_conn_established(modem); } static void cmer_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_modem *modem = user_data; struct hfp_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); if (!ok) { service_level_conn_failed(modem); return; } if (data->ag_features & AG_FEATURE_3WAY) g_at_chat_send(data->chat, "AT+CHLD=?", chld_prefix, chld_cb, modem, NULL); else service_level_conn_established(modem); } static void cind_status_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_modem *modem = user_data; struct hfp_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); GAtResultIter iter; int index; int value; if (!ok) goto error; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CIND:")) goto error; index = 1; while (g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &value)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < HFP_INDICATOR_LAST; i++) { if (index != data->cind_pos[i]) continue; data->cind_val[i] = value; } index += 1; } g_at_chat_send(data->chat, "AT+CMER=3,0,0,1", cmer_prefix, cmer_cb, modem, NULL); return; error: service_level_conn_failed(modem); } static void cind_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_modem *modem = user_data; struct hfp_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); GAtResultIter iter; const char *str; int index; int min, max; if (!ok) goto error; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CIND:")) goto error; index = 1; while (g_at_result_iter_open_list(&iter)) { if (!g_at_result_iter_next_string(&iter, &str)) goto error; if (!g_at_result_iter_open_list(&iter)) goto error; while (g_at_result_iter_next_range(&iter, &min, &max)) ; if (!g_at_result_iter_close_list(&iter)) goto error; if (!g_at_result_iter_close_list(&iter)) goto error; if (g_str_equal("service", str) == TRUE) data->cind_pos[HFP_INDICATOR_SERVICE] = index; else if (g_str_equal("call", str) == TRUE) data->cind_pos[HFP_INDICATOR_CALL] = index; else if (g_str_equal("callsetup", str) == TRUE) data->cind_pos[HFP_INDICATOR_CALLSETUP] = index; else if (g_str_equal("callheld", str) == TRUE) data->cind_pos[HFP_INDICATOR_CALLHELD] = index; else if (g_str_equal("signal", str) == TRUE) data->cind_pos[HFP_INDICATOR_SIGNAL] = index; else if (g_str_equal("roam", str) == TRUE) data->cind_pos[HFP_INDICATOR_ROAM] = index; else if (g_str_equal("battchg", str) == TRUE) data->cind_pos[HFP_INDICATOR_BATTCHG] = index; index += 1; } g_at_chat_send(data->chat, "AT+CIND?", cind_prefix, cind_status_cb, modem, NULL); return; error: service_level_conn_failed(modem); } static void brsf_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_modem *modem = user_data; struct hfp_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); GAtResultIter iter; if (!ok) goto error; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+BRSF:")) goto error; g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, (gint *)&data->ag_features); g_at_chat_send(data->chat, "AT+CIND=?", cind_prefix, cind_cb, modem, NULL); return; error: service_level_conn_failed(modem); } static void hfp_disconnected_cb(gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_modem *modem = user_data; ofono_modem_set_powered(modem, FALSE); clear_data(modem); } /* either oFono or Phone could request SLC connection */ static int service_level_connection(struct ofono_modem *modem, int fd) { struct hfp_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); GIOChannel *io; GAtSyntax *syntax; GAtChat *chat; char buf[64]; io = g_io_channel_unix_new(fd); if (!io) { ofono_error("Service level connection failed: %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno); return -EIO; } syntax = g_at_syntax_new_gsmv1(); chat = g_at_chat_new(io, syntax); g_at_syntax_unref(syntax); g_io_channel_unref(io); if (!chat) return -ENOMEM; g_at_chat_set_disconnect_function(chat, hfp_disconnected_cb, modem); if (getenv("OFONO_AT_DEBUG")) g_at_chat_set_debug(chat, hfp_debug, ""); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "AT+BRSF=%d", data->hf_features); g_at_chat_send(chat, buf, brsf_prefix, brsf_cb, modem, NULL); data->chat = chat; return -EINPROGRESS; } static DBusMessage *hfp_agent_new_connection(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { int fd, err; struct ofono_modem *modem = data; struct hfp_data *hfp_data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); if (!dbus_message_get_args(msg, NULL, DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD, &fd, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) return __ofono_error_invalid_args(msg); err = service_level_connection(modem, fd); if (err < 0 && err != -EINPROGRESS) return __ofono_error_failed(msg); hfp_data->slc_msg = msg; dbus_message_ref(msg); return NULL; } static DBusMessage *hfp_agent_release(DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, void *data) { struct ofono_modem *modem = data; struct hfp_data *hfp_data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); const char *obj_path = ofono_modem_get_path(modem); g_dbus_unregister_interface(connection, obj_path, HFP_AGENT_INTERFACE); hfp_data->agent_registered = FALSE; ofono_modem_remove(modem); return dbus_message_new_method_return(msg); } static GDBusMethodTable agent_methods[] = { { "NewConnection", "h", "", hfp_agent_new_connection, G_DBUS_METHOD_FLAG_ASYNC }, { "Release", "", "", hfp_agent_release }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static int hfp_create_modem(const char *device, const char *dev_addr, const char *adapter_addr, const char *alias) { struct ofono_modem *modem; struct hfp_data *data; char buf[256]; /* We already have this device in our hash, ignore */ if (g_hash_table_lookup(modem_hash, device) != NULL) return -EALREADY; ofono_info("Using device: %s, devaddr: %s, adapter: %s", device, dev_addr, adapter_addr); strcpy(buf, "hfp/"); bluetooth_create_path(dev_addr, adapter_addr, buf + 4, sizeof(buf) - 4); modem = ofono_modem_create(buf, "hfp"); if (modem == NULL) return -ENOMEM; data = g_try_new0(struct hfp_data, 1); if (!data) goto free; data->hf_features |= HF_FEATURE_3WAY; data->hf_features |= HF_FEATURE_CLIP; data->hf_features |= HF_FEATURE_REMOTE_VOLUME_CONTROL; data->hf_features |= HF_FEATURE_ENHANCED_CALL_STATUS; data->hf_features |= HF_FEATURE_ENHANCED_CALL_CONTROL; data->handsfree_path = g_strdup(device); if (data->handsfree_path == NULL) goto free; ofono_modem_set_data(modem, data); ofono_modem_set_name(modem, alias); ofono_modem_register(modem); g_hash_table_insert(modem_hash, g_strdup(device), modem); return 0; free: g_free(data); ofono_modem_remove(modem); return -ENOMEM; } static gboolean hfp_remove_each_modem(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_modem *modem = value; ofono_modem_remove(modem); return TRUE; } static void hfp_remove_all_modem() { if (modem_hash == NULL) return; g_hash_table_foreach_remove(modem_hash, hfp_remove_each_modem, NULL); } static void hfp_set_alias(const char *device, const char *alias) { struct ofono_modem *modem; if (!device || !alias) return; modem = g_hash_table_lookup(modem_hash, device); if (!modem) return; ofono_modem_set_name(modem, alias); } static int hfp_register_ofono_handsfree(struct ofono_modem *modem) { const char *obj_path = ofono_modem_get_path(modem); struct hfp_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); DBusMessage *msg; DBG("Registering oFono Agent to bluetooth daemon"); msg = dbus_message_new_method_call(BLUEZ_SERVICE, data->handsfree_path, BLUEZ_GATEWAY_INTERFACE, "RegisterAgent"); if (!msg) return -ENOMEM; dbus_message_append_args(msg, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &obj_path, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); g_dbus_send_message(connection, msg); return 0; } static int hfp_unregister_ofono_handsfree(struct ofono_modem *modem) { const char *obj_path = ofono_modem_get_path(modem); struct hfp_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); DBusMessage *msg; DBG("Unregistering oFono Agent from bluetooth daemon"); msg = dbus_message_new_method_call(BLUEZ_SERVICE, data->handsfree_path, BLUEZ_GATEWAY_INTERFACE, "UnregisterAgent"); if (!msg) return -ENOMEM; dbus_message_append_args(msg, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &obj_path, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); g_dbus_send_message(connection, msg); return 0; } static int hfp_probe(struct ofono_modem *modem) { const char *obj_path = ofono_modem_get_path(modem); struct hfp_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); if (!data) return -EINVAL; g_dbus_register_interface(connection, obj_path, HFP_AGENT_INTERFACE, agent_methods, NULL, NULL, modem, NULL); data->agent_registered = TRUE; if (hfp_register_ofono_handsfree(modem) != 0) return -EINVAL; return 0; } static void hfp_remove(struct ofono_modem *modem) { struct hfp_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); const char *obj_path = ofono_modem_get_path(modem); if (g_dbus_unregister_interface(connection, obj_path, HFP_AGENT_INTERFACE)) hfp_unregister_ofono_handsfree(modem); g_hash_table_remove(modem_hash, data->handsfree_path); g_free(data->handsfree_path); g_free(data); ofono_modem_set_data(modem, NULL); } static void hfp_connect_reply(DBusPendingCall *call, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_modem *modem = user_data; struct hfp_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); DBusError derr; DBusMessage *reply, *msg; reply = dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(call); if (ofono_modem_get_powered(modem)) goto done; dbus_error_init(&derr); if (!dbus_set_error_from_message(&derr, reply)) goto done; DBG("Connect reply: %s", derr.message); if (dbus_error_has_name(&derr, DBUS_ERROR_NO_REPLY)) { msg = dbus_message_new_method_call(BLUEZ_SERVICE, data->handsfree_path, BLUEZ_GATEWAY_INTERFACE, "Disconnect"); if (!msg) ofono_error("Disconnect failed"); else g_dbus_send_message(connection, msg); } ofono_modem_set_powered(modem, FALSE); dbus_error_free(&derr); done: dbus_message_unref(reply); } /* power up hardware */ static int hfp_enable(struct ofono_modem *modem) { struct hfp_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); int status; DBG("%p", modem); status = bluetooth_send_with_reply(data->handsfree_path, BLUEZ_GATEWAY_INTERFACE, "Connect", hfp_connect_reply, modem, NULL, DBUS_TIMEOUT, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); if (status < 0) return -EINVAL; return -EINPROGRESS; } static void hfp_power_down(DBusPendingCall *call, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_modem *modem = user_data; DBusMessage *reply; DBusError derr; reply = dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(call); dbus_error_init(&derr); if (dbus_set_error_from_message(&derr, reply)) { DBG("Disconnect reply: %s", derr.message); dbus_error_free(&derr); goto done; } ofono_modem_set_powered(modem, FALSE); done: dbus_message_unref(reply); } static int hfp_disable(struct ofono_modem *modem) { struct hfp_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); int status; DBG("%p", modem); clear_data(modem); if (data->agent_registered) { status = bluetooth_send_with_reply(data->handsfree_path, BLUEZ_GATEWAY_INTERFACE, "Disconnect", hfp_power_down, modem, NULL, DBUS_TIMEOUT, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); if (status < 0) return -EINVAL; } return -EINPROGRESS; } static void hfp_pre_sim(struct ofono_modem *modem) { struct hfp_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); DBG("%p", modem); ofono_voicecall_create(modem, 0, "hfpmodem", data); ofono_netreg_create(modem, 0, "hfpmodem", data); ofono_call_volume_create(modem, 0, "hfpmodem", data); } static void hfp_post_sim(struct ofono_modem *modem) { DBG("%p", modem); } static struct ofono_modem_driver hfp_driver = { .name = "hfp", .probe = hfp_probe, .remove = hfp_remove, .enable = hfp_enable, .disable = hfp_disable, .pre_sim = hfp_pre_sim, .post_sim = hfp_post_sim, }; static struct bluetooth_profile hfp_profile = { .name = "hfp", .create = hfp_create_modem, .remove_all = hfp_remove_all_modem, .set_alias = hfp_set_alias, }; static int hfp_init() { int err; if (DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD < 0) return -EBADF; connection = ofono_dbus_get_connection(); err = ofono_modem_driver_register(&hfp_driver); if (err < 0) return err; err = bluetooth_register_uuid(HFP_AG_UUID, &hfp_profile); if (err < 0) { ofono_modem_driver_unregister(&hfp_driver); return err; } modem_hash = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL); return 0; } static void hfp_exit() { bluetooth_unregister_uuid(HFP_AG_UUID); ofono_modem_driver_unregister(&hfp_driver); g_hash_table_destroy(modem_hash); } OFONO_PLUGIN_DEFINE(hfp, "Hands-Free Profile Plugins", VERSION, OFONO_PLUGIN_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, hfp_init, hfp_exit)