/* * * AT chat library with GLib integration * * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ringbuffer.h" #include "gatchat.h" #include "gatio.h" /* #define WRITE_SCHEDULER_DEBUG 1 */ #define COMMAND_FLAG_EXPECT_PDU 0x1 #define COMMAND_FLAG_EXPECT_SHORT_PROMPT 0x2 struct at_chat; static void chat_wakeup_writer(struct at_chat *chat); static const char *none_prefix[] = { NULL }; struct at_command { char *cmd; char **prefixes; guint flags; guint id; guint gid; GAtResultFunc callback; GAtNotifyFunc listing; gpointer user_data; GDestroyNotify notify; }; struct at_notify_node { guint id; guint gid; GAtNotifyFunc callback; gpointer user_data; GDestroyNotify notify; gboolean destroyed; }; typedef gboolean (*node_remove_func)(struct at_notify_node *node, gpointer user_data); struct at_notify { GSList *nodes; gboolean pdu; }; struct at_chat { gint ref_count; /* Ref count */ guint next_cmd_id; /* Next command id */ guint next_notify_id; /* Next notify id */ guint next_gid; /* Next group id */ GAtIO *io; /* AT IO */ GQueue *command_queue; /* Command queue */ guint cmd_bytes_written; /* bytes written from cmd */ GHashTable *notify_list; /* List of notification reg */ GAtDisconnectFunc user_disconnect; /* user disconnect func */ gpointer user_disconnect_data; /* user disconnect data */ guint read_so_far; /* Number of bytes processed */ gboolean suspended; /* Are we suspended? */ GAtDebugFunc debugf; /* debugging output function */ gpointer debug_data; /* Data to pass to debug func */ char *pdu_notify; /* Unsolicited Resp w/ PDU */ GSList *response_lines; /* char * lines of the response */ char *wakeup; /* command sent to wakeup modem */ gint timeout_source; gdouble inactivity_time; /* Period of inactivity */ guint wakeup_timeout; /* How long to wait for resp */ GTimer *wakeup_timer; /* Keep track of elapsed time */ GAtSyntax *syntax; gboolean destroyed; /* Re-entrancy guard */ gboolean in_read_handler; /* Re-entrancy guard */ gboolean in_notify; GSList *terminator_list; /* Non-standard terminator */ guint16 terminator_blacklist; /* Blacklisted terinators */ }; struct _GAtChat { gint ref_count; struct at_chat *parent; guint group; GAtChat *slave; }; struct terminator_info { char *terminator; int len; gboolean success; }; static gboolean node_is_destroyed(struct at_notify_node *node, gpointer user) { return node->destroyed; } static gint at_notify_node_compare_by_id(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const struct at_notify_node *node = a; guint id = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(b); if (node->id < id) return -1; if (node->id > id) return 1; return 0; } static void at_notify_node_destroy(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { struct at_notify_node *node = data; if (node->notify) node->notify(node->user_data); g_free(node); } static void at_notify_destroy(gpointer user_data) { struct at_notify *notify = user_data; g_slist_foreach(notify->nodes, at_notify_node_destroy, NULL); g_slist_free(notify->nodes); g_free(notify); } static gint at_command_compare_by_id(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const struct at_command *command = a; guint id = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(b); if (command->id < id) return -1; if (command->id > id) return 1; return 0; } static gboolean at_chat_unregister_all(struct at_chat *chat, gboolean mark_only, node_remove_func func, gpointer userdata) { GHashTableIter iter; struct at_notify *notify; struct at_notify_node *node; gpointer key, value; GSList *p; GSList *c; GSList *t; if (chat->notify_list == NULL) return FALSE; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, chat->notify_list); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { notify = value; p = NULL; c = notify->nodes; while (c) { node = c->data; if (func(node, userdata) != TRUE) { p = c; c = c->next; continue; } if (mark_only) { node->destroyed = TRUE; p = c; c = c->next; continue; } if (p) p->next = c->next; else notify->nodes = c->next; at_notify_node_destroy(node, NULL); t = c; c = c->next; g_slist_free_1(t); } if (notify->nodes == NULL) g_hash_table_iter_remove(&iter); } return TRUE; } static struct at_command *at_command_create(guint gid, const char *cmd, const char **prefix_list, guint flags, GAtNotifyFunc listing, GAtResultFunc func, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify notify, gboolean wakeup) { struct at_command *c; gsize len; char **prefixes = NULL; if (prefix_list) { int num_prefixes = 0; int i; while (prefix_list[num_prefixes]) num_prefixes += 1; prefixes = g_new(char *, num_prefixes + 1); for (i = 0; i < num_prefixes; i++) prefixes[i] = strdup(prefix_list[i]); prefixes[num_prefixes] = NULL; } c = g_try_new0(struct at_command, 1); if (c == NULL) return 0; len = strlen(cmd); c->cmd = g_try_new(char, len + 2); if (c->cmd == NULL) { g_free(c); return 0; } memcpy(c->cmd, cmd, len); /* If we have embedded '\r' then this is a command expecting a prompt * from the modem. Embed Ctrl-Z at the very end automatically */ if (wakeup == FALSE) { if (strchr(cmd, '\r')) c->cmd[len] = 26; else c->cmd[len] = '\r'; len += 1; } c->cmd[len] = '\0'; c->gid = gid; c->flags = flags; c->prefixes = prefixes; c->callback = func; c->listing = listing; c->user_data = user_data; c->notify = notify; return c; } static void at_command_destroy(struct at_command *cmd) { if (cmd->notify) cmd->notify(cmd->user_data); g_strfreev(cmd->prefixes); g_free(cmd->cmd); g_free(cmd); } static void free_terminator(struct terminator_info *info) { g_free(info->terminator); info->terminator = NULL; g_free(info); info = NULL; } static void chat_cleanup(struct at_chat *chat) { struct at_command *c; /* Cleanup pending commands */ while ((c = g_queue_pop_head(chat->command_queue))) at_command_destroy(c); g_queue_free(chat->command_queue); chat->command_queue = NULL; /* Cleanup any response lines we have pending */ g_slist_foreach(chat->response_lines, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(chat->response_lines); chat->response_lines = NULL; /* Cleanup registered notifications */ g_hash_table_destroy(chat->notify_list); chat->notify_list = NULL; if (chat->pdu_notify) { g_free(chat->pdu_notify); chat->pdu_notify = NULL; } if (chat->wakeup) { g_free(chat->wakeup); chat->wakeup = NULL; } if (chat->wakeup_timer) { g_timer_destroy(chat->wakeup_timer); chat->wakeup_timer = 0; } if (chat->timeout_source) { g_source_remove(chat->timeout_source); chat->timeout_source = 0; } g_at_syntax_unref(chat->syntax); chat->syntax = NULL; if (chat->terminator_list) { g_slist_foreach(chat->terminator_list, (GFunc)free_terminator, NULL); g_slist_free(chat->terminator_list); chat->terminator_list = NULL; } } static void io_disconnect(gpointer user_data) { struct at_chat *chat = user_data; chat_cleanup(chat); g_at_io_unref(chat->io); chat->io = NULL; if (chat->user_disconnect) chat->user_disconnect(chat->user_disconnect_data); } static void at_notify_call_callback(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { struct at_notify_node *node = data; GAtResult *result = user_data; node->callback(result, node->user_data); } static gboolean at_chat_match_notify(struct at_chat *chat, char *line) { GHashTableIter iter; struct at_notify *notify; gpointer key, value; gboolean ret = FALSE; GAtResult result; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, chat->notify_list); result.lines = 0; result.final_or_pdu = 0; chat->in_notify = TRUE; while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { notify = value; if (!g_str_has_prefix(line, key)) continue; if (notify->pdu) { chat->pdu_notify = line; if (chat->syntax->set_hint) chat->syntax->set_hint(chat->syntax, G_AT_SYNTAX_EXPECT_PDU); return TRUE; } if (result.lines == NULL) result.lines = g_slist_prepend(NULL, line); g_slist_foreach(notify->nodes, at_notify_call_callback, &result); ret = TRUE; } chat->in_notify = FALSE; if (ret) { g_slist_free(result.lines); g_free(line); at_chat_unregister_all(chat, FALSE, node_is_destroyed, NULL); } return ret; } static void at_chat_finish_command(struct at_chat *p, gboolean ok, char *final) { struct at_command *cmd = g_queue_pop_head(p->command_queue); GSList *response_lines; /* Cannot happen, but lets be paranoid */ if (cmd == NULL) return; p->cmd_bytes_written = 0; if (g_queue_peek_head(p->command_queue)) chat_wakeup_writer(p); response_lines = p->response_lines; p->response_lines = NULL; if (cmd->callback) { GAtResult result; response_lines = g_slist_reverse(response_lines); result.final_or_pdu = final; result.lines = response_lines; cmd->callback(ok, &result, cmd->user_data); } g_slist_foreach(response_lines, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(response_lines); g_free(final); at_command_destroy(cmd); } static struct terminator_info terminator_table[] = { { "OK", -1, TRUE }, { "ERROR", -1, FALSE }, { "NO DIALTONE", -1, FALSE }, { "BUSY", -1, FALSE }, { "NO CARRIER", -1, FALSE }, { "CONNECT", 7, TRUE }, { "NO ANSWER", -1, FALSE }, { "+CMS ERROR:", 11, FALSE }, { "+CME ERROR:", 11, FALSE }, { "+EXT ERROR:", 11, FALSE } }; static void at_chat_add_terminator(struct at_chat *chat, char *terminator, int len, gboolean success) { struct terminator_info *info = g_new0(struct terminator_info, 1); info->terminator = g_strdup(terminator); info->len = len; info->success = success; chat->terminator_list = g_slist_prepend(chat->terminator_list, info); } static void at_chat_blacklist_terminator(struct at_chat *chat, GAtChatTerminator terminator) { chat->terminator_blacklist |= 1 << terminator; } static gboolean check_terminator(struct terminator_info *info, char *line) { if (info->len == -1 && !strcmp(line, info->terminator)) return TRUE; if (info->len > 0 && !strncmp(line, info->terminator, info->len)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static gboolean at_chat_handle_command_response(struct at_chat *p, struct at_command *cmd, char *line) { int i; int size = sizeof(terminator_table) / sizeof(struct terminator_info); int hint; GSList *l; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { struct terminator_info *info = &terminator_table[i]; if (check_terminator(info, line) && (p->terminator_blacklist & 1 << i) == 0) { at_chat_finish_command(p, info->success, line); return TRUE; } } for (l = p->terminator_list; l; l = l->next) { struct terminator_info *info = l->data; if (check_terminator(info, line)) { at_chat_finish_command(p, info->success, line); return TRUE; } } if (cmd->prefixes) { int i; for (i = 0; cmd->prefixes[i]; i++) if (g_str_has_prefix(line, cmd->prefixes[i])) goto out; return FALSE; } out: if (cmd->listing && (cmd->flags & COMMAND_FLAG_EXPECT_PDU)) hint = G_AT_SYNTAX_EXPECT_PDU; else hint = G_AT_SYNTAX_EXPECT_MULTILINE; if (p->syntax->set_hint) p->syntax->set_hint(p->syntax, hint); if (cmd->listing && (cmd->flags & COMMAND_FLAG_EXPECT_PDU)) { p->pdu_notify = line; return TRUE; } if (cmd->listing) { GAtResult result; result.lines = g_slist_prepend(NULL, line); result.final_or_pdu = NULL; cmd->listing(&result, cmd->user_data); g_slist_free(result.lines); g_free(line); } else p->response_lines = g_slist_prepend(p->response_lines, line); return TRUE; } static void have_line(struct at_chat *p, char *str) { /* We're not going to copy terminal */ struct at_command *cmd; if (str == NULL) return; /* Check for echo, this should not happen, but lets be paranoid */ if (!strncmp(str, "AT", 2) == TRUE) goto done; cmd = g_queue_peek_head(p->command_queue); if (cmd && p->cmd_bytes_written > 0) { char c = cmd->cmd[p->cmd_bytes_written - 1]; /* We check that we have submitted a terminator, in which case * a command might have failed or completed successfully * * In the generic case, \r is at the end of the command, so we * know the entire command has been submitted. In the case of * commands like CMGS, every \r or Ctrl-Z might result in a * final response from the modem, so we check this as well. */ if ((c == '\r' || c == 26) && at_chat_handle_command_response(p, cmd, str)) return; } if (at_chat_match_notify(p, str) == TRUE) return; done: /* No matches & no commands active, ignore line */ g_free(str); } static void have_notify_pdu(struct at_chat *p, char *pdu, GAtResult *result) { GHashTableIter iter; struct at_notify *notify; char *prefix; gpointer key, value; gboolean called = FALSE; p->in_notify = TRUE; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, p->notify_list); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { prefix = key; notify = value; if (!g_str_has_prefix(p->pdu_notify, prefix)) continue; if (!notify->pdu) continue; g_slist_foreach(notify->nodes, at_notify_call_callback, result); called = TRUE; } p->in_notify = FALSE; if (called) at_chat_unregister_all(p, FALSE, node_is_destroyed, NULL); } static void have_pdu(struct at_chat *p, char *pdu) { struct at_command *cmd; GAtResult result; gboolean listing_pdu = FALSE; if (pdu == NULL) goto error; result.lines = g_slist_prepend(NULL, p->pdu_notify); result.final_or_pdu = pdu; cmd = g_queue_peek_head(p->command_queue); if (cmd && (cmd->flags & COMMAND_FLAG_EXPECT_PDU) && p->cmd_bytes_written > 0) { char c = cmd->cmd[p->cmd_bytes_written - 1]; if (c == '\r') listing_pdu = TRUE; } if (listing_pdu) { cmd->listing(&result, cmd->user_data); if (p->syntax->set_hint) p->syntax->set_hint(p->syntax, G_AT_SYNTAX_EXPECT_MULTILINE); } else have_notify_pdu(p, pdu, &result); g_slist_free(result.lines); error: g_free(p->pdu_notify); p->pdu_notify = NULL; if (pdu) g_free(pdu); } static char *extract_line(struct at_chat *p, struct ring_buffer *rbuf) { unsigned int wrap = ring_buffer_len_no_wrap(rbuf); unsigned int pos = 0; unsigned char *buf = ring_buffer_read_ptr(rbuf, pos); gboolean in_string = FALSE; int strip_front = 0; int line_length = 0; char *line; while (pos < p->read_so_far) { if (in_string == FALSE && (*buf == '\r' || *buf == '\n')) { if (!line_length) strip_front += 1; else break; } else { if (*buf == '"') in_string = !in_string; line_length += 1; } buf += 1; pos += 1; if (pos == wrap) buf = ring_buffer_read_ptr(rbuf, pos); } line = g_try_new(char, line_length + 1); if (line == NULL) { ring_buffer_drain(rbuf, p->read_so_far); return NULL; } ring_buffer_drain(rbuf, strip_front); ring_buffer_read(rbuf, line, line_length); ring_buffer_drain(rbuf, p->read_so_far - strip_front - line_length); line[line_length] = '\0'; return line; } static void new_bytes(struct ring_buffer *rbuf, gpointer user_data) { struct at_chat *p = user_data; unsigned int len = ring_buffer_len(rbuf); unsigned int wrap = ring_buffer_len_no_wrap(rbuf); unsigned char *buf = ring_buffer_read_ptr(rbuf, p->read_so_far); GAtSyntaxResult result; p->in_read_handler = TRUE; while (p->suspended == FALSE && (p->read_so_far < len)) { gsize rbytes = MIN(len - p->read_so_far, wrap - p->read_so_far); result = p->syntax->feed(p->syntax, (char *)buf, &rbytes); buf += rbytes; p->read_so_far += rbytes; if (p->read_so_far == wrap) { buf = ring_buffer_read_ptr(rbuf, p->read_so_far); wrap = len; } if (result == G_AT_SYNTAX_RESULT_UNSURE) continue; switch (result) { case G_AT_SYNTAX_RESULT_LINE: case G_AT_SYNTAX_RESULT_MULTILINE: have_line(p, extract_line(p, rbuf)); break; case G_AT_SYNTAX_RESULT_PDU: have_pdu(p, extract_line(p, rbuf)); break; case G_AT_SYNTAX_RESULT_PROMPT: chat_wakeup_writer(p); ring_buffer_drain(rbuf, p->read_so_far); break; default: ring_buffer_drain(rbuf, p->read_so_far); break; } len -= p->read_so_far; wrap -= p->read_so_far; p->read_so_far = 0; } p->in_read_handler = FALSE; if (p->destroyed) g_free(p); } static void wakeup_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct at_chat *chat = user_data; if (ok == FALSE) return; if (chat->debugf) chat->debugf("Finally woke up the modem\n", chat->debug_data); g_source_remove(chat->timeout_source); chat->timeout_source = 0; } static gboolean wakeup_no_response(gpointer user_data) { struct at_chat *chat = user_data; struct at_command *cmd = g_queue_peek_head(chat->command_queue); if (chat->debugf) chat->debugf("Wakeup got no response\n", chat->debug_data); if (cmd == NULL) return FALSE; at_chat_finish_command(chat, FALSE, NULL); cmd = at_command_create(0, chat->wakeup, none_prefix, 0, NULL, wakeup_cb, chat, NULL, TRUE); if (cmd == NULL) { chat->timeout_source = 0; return FALSE; } g_queue_push_head(chat->command_queue, cmd); return TRUE; } static gboolean can_write_data(gpointer data) { struct at_chat *chat = data; struct at_command *cmd; gsize bytes_written; gsize towrite; gsize len; char *cr; gboolean wakeup_first = FALSE; /* Grab the first command off the queue and write as * much of it as we can */ cmd = g_queue_peek_head(chat->command_queue); /* For some reason command queue is empty, cancel write watcher */ if (cmd == NULL) return FALSE; len = strlen(cmd->cmd); /* For some reason write watcher fired, but we've already * written the entire command out to the io channel, * cancel write watcher */ if (chat->cmd_bytes_written >= len) return FALSE; if (chat->wakeup) { if (chat->wakeup_timer == NULL) { wakeup_first = TRUE; chat->wakeup_timer = g_timer_new(); } else if (g_timer_elapsed(chat->wakeup_timer, NULL) > chat->inactivity_time) wakeup_first = TRUE; } if (chat->cmd_bytes_written == 0 && wakeup_first == TRUE) { cmd = at_command_create(0, chat->wakeup, none_prefix, 0, NULL, wakeup_cb, chat, NULL, TRUE); if (cmd == NULL) return FALSE; g_queue_push_head(chat->command_queue, cmd); len = strlen(chat->wakeup); chat->timeout_source = g_timeout_add(chat->wakeup_timeout, wakeup_no_response, chat); } towrite = len - chat->cmd_bytes_written; cr = strchr(cmd->cmd + chat->cmd_bytes_written, '\r'); if (cr) towrite = cr - (cmd->cmd + chat->cmd_bytes_written) + 1; #ifdef WRITE_SCHEDULER_DEBUG if (towrite > 5) towrite = 5; #endif bytes_written = g_at_io_write(chat->io, cmd->cmd + chat->cmd_bytes_written, towrite); if (bytes_written == 0) return FALSE; chat->cmd_bytes_written += bytes_written; if (bytes_written < towrite) return TRUE; /* * If we're expecting a short prompt, set the hint for all lines * sent to the modem except the last */ if ((cmd->flags & COMMAND_FLAG_EXPECT_SHORT_PROMPT) && chat->cmd_bytes_written < len && chat->syntax->set_hint) chat->syntax->set_hint(chat->syntax, G_AT_SYNTAX_EXPECT_SHORT_PROMPT); /* Full command submitted, update timer */ if (chat->wakeup_timer) g_timer_start(chat->wakeup_timer); return FALSE; } static void chat_wakeup_writer(struct at_chat *chat) { g_at_io_set_write_handler(chat->io, can_write_data, chat); } static void at_chat_suspend(struct at_chat *chat) { chat->suspended = TRUE; g_at_io_set_write_handler(chat->io, NULL, NULL); g_at_io_set_read_handler(chat->io, NULL, NULL); g_at_io_set_debug(chat->io, NULL, NULL); } static void at_chat_resume(struct at_chat *chat) { chat->suspended = FALSE; if (g_at_io_get_channel(chat->io) == NULL) { io_disconnect(chat); return; } g_at_io_set_disconnect_function(chat->io, io_disconnect, chat); g_at_io_set_debug(chat->io, chat->debugf, chat->debug_data); g_at_io_set_read_handler(chat->io, new_bytes, chat); if (g_queue_get_length(chat->command_queue) > 0) chat_wakeup_writer(chat); } static void at_chat_unref(struct at_chat *chat) { gboolean is_zero; is_zero = g_atomic_int_dec_and_test(&chat->ref_count); if (is_zero == FALSE) return; if (chat->io) { at_chat_suspend(chat); g_at_io_unref(chat->io); chat->io = NULL; chat_cleanup(chat); } if (chat->in_read_handler) chat->destroyed = TRUE; else g_free(chat); } static gboolean at_chat_set_disconnect_function(struct at_chat *chat, GAtDisconnectFunc disconnect, gpointer user_data) { chat->user_disconnect = disconnect; chat->user_disconnect_data = user_data; return TRUE; } static gboolean at_chat_set_debug(struct at_chat *chat, GAtDebugFunc func, gpointer user_data) { chat->debugf = func; chat->debug_data = user_data; if (chat->io) g_at_io_set_debug(chat->io, func, user_data); return TRUE; } static gboolean at_chat_set_wakeup_command(struct at_chat *chat, const char *cmd, unsigned int timeout, unsigned int msec) { if (chat->wakeup) g_free(chat->wakeup); chat->wakeup = g_strdup(cmd); chat->inactivity_time = (gdouble)msec / 1000; chat->wakeup_timeout = timeout; return TRUE; } static guint at_chat_send_common(struct at_chat *chat, guint gid, const char *cmd, const char **prefix_list, guint flags, GAtNotifyFunc listing, GAtResultFunc func, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify notify) { struct at_command *c; if (chat == NULL || chat->command_queue == NULL) return 0; c = at_command_create(gid, cmd, prefix_list, flags, listing, func, user_data, notify, FALSE); if (c == NULL) return 0; c->id = chat->next_cmd_id++; g_queue_push_tail(chat->command_queue, c); if (g_queue_get_length(chat->command_queue) == 1) chat_wakeup_writer(chat); return c->id; } static struct at_notify *at_notify_create(struct at_chat *chat, const char *prefix, gboolean pdu) { struct at_notify *notify; char *key; key = g_strdup(prefix); if (key == NULL) return 0; notify = g_try_new0(struct at_notify, 1); if (notify == NULL) { g_free(key); return 0; } notify->pdu = pdu; g_hash_table_insert(chat->notify_list, key, notify); return notify; } static gboolean at_chat_cancel(struct at_chat *chat, guint group, guint id) { GList *l; struct at_command *c; if (chat->command_queue == NULL) return FALSE; l = g_queue_find_custom(chat->command_queue, GUINT_TO_POINTER(id), at_command_compare_by_id); if (l == NULL) return FALSE; c = l->data; if (c->gid != group) return FALSE; if (c == g_queue_peek_head(chat->command_queue) && chat->cmd_bytes_written > 0) { /* We can't actually remove it since it is most likely * already in progress, just null out the callback * so it won't be called */ c->callback = NULL; } else { at_command_destroy(c); g_queue_remove(chat->command_queue, c); } return TRUE; } static gboolean at_chat_cancel_group(struct at_chat *chat, guint group) { int n = 0; struct at_command *c; if (chat->command_queue == NULL) return FALSE; while ((c = g_queue_peek_nth(chat->command_queue, n)) != NULL) { if (c->id == 0 || c->gid != group) { n += 1; continue; } if (n == 0 && chat->cmd_bytes_written > 0) { c->callback = NULL; n += 1; continue; } at_command_destroy(c); g_queue_remove(chat->command_queue, c); } return TRUE; } static guint at_chat_register(struct at_chat *chat, guint group, const char *prefix, GAtNotifyFunc func, gboolean expect_pdu, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify destroy_notify) { struct at_notify *notify; struct at_notify_node *node; if (chat->notify_list == NULL) return 0; if (func == NULL) return 0; if (prefix == NULL || strlen(prefix) == 0) return 0; notify = g_hash_table_lookup(chat->notify_list, prefix); if (notify == NULL) notify = at_notify_create(chat, prefix, expect_pdu); if (notify == NULL || notify->pdu != expect_pdu) return 0; node = g_try_new0(struct at_notify_node, 1); if (node == NULL) return 0; node->id = chat->next_notify_id++; node->gid = group; node->callback = func; node->user_data = user_data; node->notify = destroy_notify; notify->nodes = g_slist_prepend(notify->nodes, node); return node->id; } static gboolean at_chat_unregister(struct at_chat *chat, gboolean mark_only, guint group, guint id) { GHashTableIter iter; struct at_notify *notify; struct at_notify_node *node; gpointer key, value; GSList *l; if (chat->notify_list == NULL) return FALSE; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, chat->notify_list); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { notify = value; l = g_slist_find_custom(notify->nodes, GUINT_TO_POINTER(id), at_notify_node_compare_by_id); if (l == NULL) continue; node = l->data; if (node->gid != group) return FALSE; if (mark_only) { node->destroyed = TRUE; return TRUE; } at_notify_node_destroy(node, NULL); notify->nodes = g_slist_remove(notify->nodes, node); if (notify->nodes == NULL) g_hash_table_iter_remove(&iter); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static gboolean node_compare_by_group(struct at_notify_node *node, gpointer userdata) { guint group = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(userdata); if (node->gid == group) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static struct at_chat *create_chat(GIOChannel *channel, GIOFlags flags, GAtSyntax *syntax) { struct at_chat *chat; if (channel == NULL) return NULL; if (syntax == NULL) return NULL; chat = g_try_new0(struct at_chat, 1); if (chat == NULL) return chat; chat->ref_count = 1; chat->next_cmd_id = 1; chat->next_notify_id = 1; chat->debugf = NULL; if (flags & G_IO_FLAG_NONBLOCK) chat->io = g_at_io_new(channel); else chat->io = g_at_io_new_blocking(channel); if (chat->io == NULL) goto error; g_at_io_set_disconnect_function(chat->io, io_disconnect, chat); chat->command_queue = g_queue_new(); if (chat->command_queue == NULL) goto error; chat->notify_list = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, at_notify_destroy); g_at_io_set_read_handler(chat->io, new_bytes, chat); chat->syntax = g_at_syntax_ref(syntax); return chat; error: g_at_io_unref(chat->io); if (chat->command_queue) g_queue_free(chat->command_queue); if (chat->notify_list) g_hash_table_destroy(chat->notify_list); g_free(chat); return NULL; } static GAtChat *g_at_chat_new_common(GIOChannel *channel, GIOFlags flags, GAtSyntax *syntax) { GAtChat *chat; chat = g_try_new0(GAtChat, 1); if (chat == NULL) return NULL; chat->parent = create_chat(channel, flags, syntax); if (chat->parent == NULL) { g_free(chat); return NULL; } chat->group = chat->parent->next_gid++; chat->ref_count = 1; return chat; } GAtChat *g_at_chat_new(GIOChannel *channel, GAtSyntax *syntax) { return g_at_chat_new_common(channel, G_IO_FLAG_NONBLOCK, syntax); } GAtChat *g_at_chat_new_blocking(GIOChannel *channel, GAtSyntax *syntax) { return g_at_chat_new_common(channel, 0, syntax); } GAtChat *g_at_chat_clone(GAtChat *clone) { GAtChat *chat; if (clone == NULL) return NULL; chat = g_try_new0(GAtChat, 1); if (chat == NULL) return NULL; chat->parent = clone->parent; chat->group = chat->parent->next_gid++; chat->ref_count = 1; g_atomic_int_inc(&chat->parent->ref_count); if (clone->slave != NULL) chat->slave = g_at_chat_clone(clone->slave); return chat; } GAtChat *g_at_chat_set_slave(GAtChat *chat, GAtChat *slave) { if (chat == NULL) return NULL; if (chat->slave != NULL) g_at_chat_unref(chat->slave); if (slave != NULL) chat->slave = g_at_chat_ref(slave); else chat->slave = NULL; return chat->slave; } GAtChat *g_at_chat_get_slave(GAtChat *chat) { if (chat == NULL) return NULL; return chat->slave; } GIOChannel *g_at_chat_get_channel(GAtChat *chat) { if (chat == NULL || chat->parent->io == NULL) return NULL; return g_at_io_get_channel(chat->parent->io); } GAtIO *g_at_chat_get_io(GAtChat *chat) { if (chat == NULL) return NULL; return chat->parent->io; } GAtChat *g_at_chat_ref(GAtChat *chat) { if (chat == NULL) return NULL; g_atomic_int_inc(&chat->ref_count); return chat; } void g_at_chat_suspend(GAtChat *chat) { if (chat == NULL) return; at_chat_suspend(chat->parent); } void g_at_chat_resume(GAtChat *chat) { if (chat == NULL) return; at_chat_resume(chat->parent); } void g_at_chat_unref(GAtChat *chat) { gboolean is_zero; if (chat == NULL) return; is_zero = g_atomic_int_dec_and_test(&chat->ref_count); if (is_zero == FALSE) return; if (chat->slave != NULL) g_at_chat_unref(chat->slave); at_chat_cancel_group(chat->parent, chat->group); g_at_chat_unregister_all(chat); at_chat_unref(chat->parent); g_free(chat); } gboolean g_at_chat_set_disconnect_function(GAtChat *chat, GAtDisconnectFunc disconnect, gpointer user_data) { if (chat == NULL || chat->group != 0) return FALSE; return at_chat_set_disconnect_function(chat->parent, disconnect, user_data); } gboolean g_at_chat_set_debug(GAtChat *chat, GAtDebugFunc func, gpointer user_data) { if (chat == NULL || chat->group != 0) return FALSE; return at_chat_set_debug(chat->parent, func, user_data); } void g_at_chat_add_terminator(GAtChat *chat, char *terminator, int len, gboolean success) { if (chat == NULL || chat->group != 0) return; at_chat_add_terminator(chat->parent, terminator, len, success); } void g_at_chat_blacklist_terminator(GAtChat *chat, GAtChatTerminator terminator) { if (chat == NULL || chat->group != 0) return; at_chat_blacklist_terminator(chat->parent, terminator); } gboolean g_at_chat_set_wakeup_command(GAtChat *chat, const char *cmd, unsigned int timeout, unsigned int msec) { if (chat == NULL || chat->group != 0) return FALSE; return at_chat_set_wakeup_command(chat->parent, cmd, timeout, msec); } guint g_at_chat_send(GAtChat *chat, const char *cmd, const char **prefix_list, GAtResultFunc func, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify notify) { return at_chat_send_common(chat->parent, chat->group, cmd, prefix_list, 0, NULL, func, user_data, notify); } guint g_at_chat_send_listing(GAtChat *chat, const char *cmd, const char **prefix_list, GAtNotifyFunc listing, GAtResultFunc func, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify notify) { if (listing == NULL) return 0; return at_chat_send_common(chat->parent, chat->group, cmd, prefix_list, 0, listing, func, user_data, notify); } guint g_at_chat_send_pdu_listing(GAtChat *chat, const char *cmd, const char **prefix_list, GAtNotifyFunc listing, GAtResultFunc func, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify notify) { if (listing == NULL) return 0; return at_chat_send_common(chat->parent, chat->group, cmd, prefix_list, COMMAND_FLAG_EXPECT_PDU, listing, func, user_data, notify); } guint g_at_chat_send_and_expect_short_prompt(GAtChat *chat, const char *cmd, const char **prefix_list, GAtResultFunc func, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify notify) { return at_chat_send_common(chat->parent, chat->group, cmd, prefix_list, COMMAND_FLAG_EXPECT_SHORT_PROMPT, NULL, func, user_data, notify); } gboolean g_at_chat_cancel(GAtChat *chat, guint id) { /* We use id 0 for wakeup commands */ if (chat == NULL || id == 0) return FALSE; return at_chat_cancel(chat->parent, chat->group, id); } gboolean g_at_chat_cancel_all(GAtChat *chat) { if (chat == NULL) return FALSE; return at_chat_cancel_group(chat->parent, chat->group); } guint g_at_chat_register(GAtChat *chat, const char *prefix, GAtNotifyFunc func, gboolean expect_pdu, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify destroy_notify) { if (chat == NULL) return 0; return at_chat_register(chat->parent, chat->group, prefix, func, expect_pdu, user_data, destroy_notify); } gboolean g_at_chat_unregister(GAtChat *chat, guint id) { if (chat == NULL) return FALSE; return at_chat_unregister(chat->parent, chat->parent->in_notify, chat->group, id); } gboolean g_at_chat_unregister_all(GAtChat *chat) { if (chat == NULL) return FALSE; return at_chat_unregister_all(chat->parent, chat->parent->in_notify, node_compare_by_group, GUINT_TO_POINTER(chat->group)); }