Radio settings hierarchy ======================== Service org.ofono Interface org.ofono.RadioSettings Object path [variable prefix]/{modem0,modem1,...} Methods dict GetProperties() Returns all radio access properties. See the properties section for available properties. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments [service].Error.NotImplemented [service].Error.InProgress [service].Error.Failed void SetProperty(string name, variant value) Changes the value of the specified property. Only properties that are listed as readwrite are changeable. On success a PropertyChanged signal will be emitted. Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments [service].Error.DoesNotExist [service].Error.InProgress [service].Error.Failed Signals PropertyChanged(string property, variant value) This signal indicates a changed value of the given property. Properties string TechnologyPreference [readwrite] The current radio access selection mode, also known as network preference. The possible values are: "any" Radio access technology selection is done automatically, based on reception and availability. "gsm" Only GSM used for radio access. "umts" Only UMTS used for radio access. "lte" Only LTE used for radio acccess. string GsmBand [readwrite, optional] Frequency band in which the modem is allowed to operate when using "gsm" mode. Setting this property has an imediate effect on modem only if TechnologyPreference is set to "gsm" or "any". Otherwise the value is kept and applied whenever modem uses this mode. The possible values are: "any" Frequency band is selected automatically by modem. "850" Operate only on 850 MHz. "900P" Operate only on 900 MHz, known as Primary GSM-900 Band "900E" Operate only on 900 MHz, known as Extended GSM-900 Band. "1800" Operate only on 1800 MHz, known as DCS. "1900" Operate only on 1900 MHz, known as PCS. string UmtsBand [readwrite, optional] Frequency band in which the modem is allowed to operate when using "umts" mode. Setting this property has an imediate effect on modem only if TechnologyPreference is set to "umts" or "any". Otherwise the value is kept and applied whenever modem uses this mode. The possible values are: "any" Frequency band is selected automatically by modem. "850" Operate only on 850 MHz, known as CLR (class V). "900" Operate only on 900 MHz, known as GSM (class VII). "1700AWS" Operate only on 1700 MHz, known as AWS (class IV). "1900" Operate only on 1900 MHz, known as PCS (class II). "2100" Operate only on 2100 MHz, known as IMT (class I). boolean FastDormancy [readwrite, optional] This property will enable or disable the fast dormancy feature in the modem. Fast dormancy refers to a modem feature that allows the modem to quickly release radio resources after a burst of data transfer has ended. Normally, radio resources are released by the network after a timeout configured by the network. Fast dormancy allows the modem to release the radio resources more quickly. Fast dormancy is a major power-saving feature for mobile devices. Typically, fast dormancy would be enabled when the device is not being interactively used by a human user and only networking applications with keep-alive traffic are active (e.g. mail client or a presence application). In this case it is desirable to release radio resources quickly after a keep-alive transaction has ended, since typically no network traffic will occur until the next keep-alive transaction. Fast dormancy should not be enabled during interactive use because the release and setup of radio resources introduces perceivable delay for the end user. The fast dormancy implementation in the modem is vendor specific. The implementation should try to release radio resources more quickly, when the situation allows it, but should also take care not to increase the signalling load on the cellular network by releasing and re-establishing radio resources too often. The modem should adjust its behaviour to the 3GPP release supported by the network and the parameters set by the operator. Fast dormancy can be ignored for externally powered modems such as USB sticks or PCI devices. If the modem does not support such a feature the property should never be exposed to the user.