oFono - Open Source Telephony ***************************** Purpose ======= The purpose of this document is to enumerate all major functionality areas of oFono. In effect, this document will serve as the primary, up to date source of oFono feature information. It is intended for developers, managers and users alike to quickly gauge the progress of the project and feature availability. Sim Toolkit =========== Supported Proactive Commands: - Display Text proactive command support. Upon receiving the proactive command notification oFono decodes it, including performing character conversion from packed/unpacked GSM 7bit and UCS2 to UTF-8 encoded text. The registered agent is then called using the DisplayText method on the SimToolkitAgent interface to handle the user interaction aspects. SIM-specified duration are handled. If immediate response to the SIM is required, oFono sends a terminal response immediately. DisplayText method is still executed normally, until a timeout occurs or a new proactive command arrives from the SIM. - Get Inkey proactive command support. When this command is received, oFono decodes it and checks what "flavor" it is. Depending on this, the SimToolkitAgent is called with a different method call: * If the Get Inkey flavor indicates that this is a simple Yes/No confirmation, then the RequestConfirmation method is called. * If the Get Inkey flavor indicates that the SIM only expects digits, then the RequestDigit method is called. * Otherwise the RequestKey method is called SIM specified durations are handled, if the user agent does not respond in the time allowed, then the 'No Response' Terminal Response is generated automatically. - Get Input proactive command support. When this command is received, oFono decodes it and checks what "flavor" it is. Depending on this, the SimToolkitAgent is called with a different method call: * If the Get Input flavor indicates that the SIM only expects digits, then the RequestDigits method is called. * Otherwise the RequestInput method is called - More Time proactive command support. This command is intended to notify that the SIM is still busy processing a command. For oFono, this proactive command is a no-op. It is always replied to successfully. - Setup Menu proactive command support. When this command is received, oFono parses the new main menu structure and updates its MainMenu and MainMenuTitle properties which reflect the items, icons and the alpha text of the proactive command. Soft key support and menu help system are ignored by oFono. - Select Item proactive command support. When this command is received, oFono decodes it and dispatches it to the SimToolkitAgent by calling the RequestSelection method. This method is passed the menu selection title, the selectable items and the default, if any. - Timer Management proactive command support. oFono supports starting, stopping and querying timer state flavors of this command. Up to eight timers are supported. This proactive command is handled completely inside oFono and no external user interaction is required. - Set Up Idle Mode Text proactive command support. Whenever oFono receives this proactive command, it updates the IdleText property on the main SimToolkit interface. Indications that this property has changed are handled by the usual means. - Send DTMF proactive command. Whenever oFono receives the Send DTMF command, it checks that there are calls in progress and DTMF is possible. If so, DTMF characters are passed to the voicecall atom to be transmitted to the modem. The appropriate terminal response is sent to the SIM once the DTMF tones have been played or the call has been disconnected. NOTE: This command can also be handled by the modem. - Play Tone proactive command. Whenever oFono receives a Play Tone proactive command it checks whether the tone is to be continuous/looped or played once. It then calls the SimToolkitAgent PlayTone or LoopTone method as appropriate. The sound that will be played will be determined based on the sound type that is passed to the agent. It is up to the system integrator to provide the appropriate sounds. - Send USSD proactive command. Whenever oFono receives a Send USSD proactive command it checks whether there are any USSD / SS operations in progress. If an operation is in progress, the appropriate terminal response is sent without performing the Send USSD operation. Otherwise the USSD string is sent to the network, and the response is sent back to the SIM in the terminal response. NOTE: This command can also be handled by the modem. - Language Notification proactive command. Whenever oFono receives a Language Notification proactive command, it prints the language code and sends terminal response to the SIM immediately. - Provide Local Information proactive command. Whenever oFono receives a Provide Local Information proactive command, it checks the type of the information requested. If the information is about the time/date or the language of the terminal, it responds to the command with the appropriate terminal response. The time/date information is obtained using localtime(). The language information is obtained by checking the LANG environment variable. All other information requests are expected to be handled by the modem. - Sim icon support. oFono supports icons that are stored on the SIM. If the SIM notifies oFono that an icon is available for a particular proactive command, oFono passes this information to the UI. The UI is able to obtain the icons by using GetIcon method on the SimManager interface. The icons are read from the SIM and converted into XPM format. - Text attribute support. Whenever oFono detects that text attributes have been given to any text or alpha string, it applies them and converts the resulting text to HTML. The UI is expected to be able to display such HTML formatted text. Envelopes: - Timer Expiration envelope support. Whenever a timer expires (as started by the Timer Management proactive command) oFono forwards, this envelope type to the SIM. No external user interaction is required. - Menu Selection envelope support. The user can initiate a proactive command session by selecting something from the Sim Toolkit main menu. This is done by using the SimToolkit's SelectItem method. As a result, oFono will send the Menu Selection envelope to the SIM. - CBS-PP Download envelope support. When oFono receives a cell broadcast and on a channel listed in EFcbmid, it is dispatched to the SIM using the CBS-PP Download envelope. No user interaction is required or signaled whenever this occurs. - SMS-PP Download envelope support. When oFono receives an sms message addressed to the SIM, it is dispatched to the SIM using the SMS-PP Download envelope. No user interaction is required or signaled whenever this occurs. Please note that many current modems do not support returning RP-ACK and RP-ERROR acknowledgement PDUs back to the network. This is required by the CAT specification for SMS-PP Download. E.g. the sim response to the SMS-PP Download Envelope is to be stored in an RP-ACK / RP-ERROR PDU and returned to the network. It is thus anticipated that modems will transparently handle this feature in the firmware. The following commands are expected to be handled by the modem: - Send SS proactive command. oFono does not explicitly support this proactive command since AT modems do not provide the low level information necessary for oFono to generate a valid response. The modem (or driver) shall handle this command. Optionally the modem (or driver) can inform oFono that the proactive command has been received and is being handled by the modem, as well as when the terminal response has been sent by the modem. oFono will display the necessary user information for this time period if this information is included in the proactive command. Modem ===== - 'silent' modem reset. Sometimes modems get in a bad state and have to reset itself. Now oFono can be notified when a reset happens and do proper work to put the modem back to work restoring the state before the reset. Short Messaging Service ======================= - Unique identifier for incoming and outgoing SMS messages. Whenever a message is received or sent by oFono, a unique ID is generated for that message. The id is relevant to all segments of an SMS and in the case of incoming messages is only generated when the SMS is fully assembled. The hash used is SHA1. This unique identifier is used to identify the SMS message to history plugins as well. - SMS Status Report support. oFono allows requesting of SMS Status Reports via the MessageManager UseDeliveryReports property. If enabled, oFono will set the SRR bit and process incoming status reports. oFono takes care of collating the status reports for multi-fragment messages. Once all status reports are received, the UI is notified either via DBus or history plugin API. - Source / Destination port addressing scheme from 3GPP 23.040. A special header is used to indicate the source / destination port of the application this SMS message belongs to. oFono provides a handler registration framework where plugins can handle the reception of such messages. The handler can be registered to receive messages which contain a specific source and destination port, or a wildcard. When such messages are received, they are matched against the registered handlers and dispatched appropriately. oFono takes care of de-fragmentation of such SMS messages, so the handler is informed only once the entire message has been received, and the data payload has been extracted. - Smart Messaging Service - vCard support. oFono provides the ability to send and receive vCard objects through the SmartMessaging interface. vCards can be sent using the SendBusinessCard method and received using the SmartMessagingAgent framework. - Smart Messaging Service - vCalendar support. oFono provides the ability to send and receive vCalendar objects through the SmartMessaging interface. vCalendars can be sent using the SendAppointment method and received using the SmartMessagingAgent framework. - WAP PUSH notification support. oFono allows the reception of WAP PUSH messages via SMS through the use of the PushNotification interface and the PushNotificationAgent framework. GPRS ==== - GPRS suspension event support. The packet data service may be temporarily suspended while a circuit switched service such as voice call or SMS is active. SIM === - Fixed Dialing support. oFono reads the necessary bits from the SIM to check if FDN support is allocated and enabled in the SIM. If enabled, oFono halts the SIM initialization procedure and the modem remains in the PRESIM state. In this state oFono will only allow emergency calls. - Barred Dialing support. oFono reads the necessary bits from the SIM to check if BDN support is allocated and enabled in the SIM. If enabled, oFono halts the SIM initialization procedure and the modem remains in the PRESIM state. In this state oFono will only allow emergency calls. - Read / Write EFcfis / EFcphs-cff. oFono reads EFcfis/EFcphs-cff SIM files to check if VoiceUnconditional call forwarding rule is enabled. If enabled, ForwardingFlagOnSim will be set and VoiceUnconditional may contain the "forwarded to" number if the number is available. Radio settings ============== - Fast dormancy support. A fast dormancy feature can be enabled in the cellular modem to conserve power when the end user is not actively using the device but some networking applications are online using packet data. Text Telephony ============== - TTY (hearing impaired) support, also known as Cellular Text Modem (CTM). In case it's supported by the modem, oFono allows the user to enabled or disable it through the TextTelephony interface. Emergency Calls =============== - EFecc support. During SIM initialization phase oFono reads EFecc in order to bootstrap the emergency calling codes provides by the SIM. If the SIM is not present or EFecc has not been read yet, the default set of emergency calling codes is used. - Emergency number reporting. The current known list of emergency calling codes is reported by oFono in the EmergencyNumbers property on the VoicecallManager interface. When a voicecall is made to a number present on the EmergencyNumbers list it is automatically flagged as an emergency call. This is done by setting the Emergency property on the Voicecall interface to TRUE. Supplementary Services ====================== - CNAP support. The Calling Name Presentation supplementary service is supported by oFono. One can query whether the service is provisioned in the network by using the CallSettings property. If the network reports the calling name, it is presented on the Voicecall interface using the Name property. If no calling name is given, the Name is empty.