// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 /* Copyright (c) 2020 Facebook */ #include <asm/barrier.h> #include <linux/perf_event.h> #include <linux/ring_buffer.h> #include <sys/epoll.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <argp.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "bench.h" #include "ringbuf_bench.skel.h" #include "perfbuf_bench.skel.h" static struct { bool back2back; int batch_cnt; bool sampled; int sample_rate; int ringbuf_sz; /* per-ringbuf, in bytes */ bool ringbuf_use_output; /* use slower output API */ int perfbuf_sz; /* per-CPU size, in pages */ } args = { .back2back = false, .batch_cnt = 500, .sampled = false, .sample_rate = 500, .ringbuf_sz = 512 * 1024, .ringbuf_use_output = false, .perfbuf_sz = 128, }; enum { ARG_RB_BACK2BACK = 2000, ARG_RB_USE_OUTPUT = 2001, ARG_RB_BATCH_CNT = 2002, ARG_RB_SAMPLED = 2003, ARG_RB_SAMPLE_RATE = 2004, }; static const struct argp_option opts[] = { { "rb-b2b", ARG_RB_BACK2BACK, NULL, 0, "Back-to-back mode"}, { "rb-use-output", ARG_RB_USE_OUTPUT, NULL, 0, "Use bpf_ringbuf_output() instead of bpf_ringbuf_reserve()"}, { "rb-batch-cnt", ARG_RB_BATCH_CNT, "CNT", 0, "Set BPF-side record batch count"}, { "rb-sampled", ARG_RB_SAMPLED, NULL, 0, "Notification sampling"}, { "rb-sample-rate", ARG_RB_SAMPLE_RATE, "RATE", 0, "Notification sample rate"}, {}, }; static error_t parse_arg(int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) { switch (key) { case ARG_RB_BACK2BACK: args.back2back = true; break; case ARG_RB_USE_OUTPUT: args.ringbuf_use_output = true; break; case ARG_RB_BATCH_CNT: args.batch_cnt = strtol(arg, NULL, 10); if (args.batch_cnt < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid batch count."); argp_usage(state); } break; case ARG_RB_SAMPLED: args.sampled = true; break; case ARG_RB_SAMPLE_RATE: args.sample_rate = strtol(arg, NULL, 10); if (args.sample_rate < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid perfbuf sample rate."); argp_usage(state); } break; default: return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN; } return 0; } /* exported into benchmark runner */ const struct argp bench_ringbufs_argp = { .options = opts, .parser = parse_arg, }; /* RINGBUF-LIBBPF benchmark */ static struct counter buf_hits; static inline void bufs_trigger_batch(void) { (void)syscall(__NR_getpgid); } static void bufs_validate(void) { if (env.consumer_cnt != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "rb-libbpf benchmark doesn't support multi-consumer!\n"); exit(1); } if (args.back2back && env.producer_cnt > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "back-to-back mode makes sense only for single-producer case!\n"); exit(1); } } static void *bufs_sample_producer(void *input) { if (args.back2back) { /* initial batch to get everything started */ bufs_trigger_batch(); return NULL; } while (true) bufs_trigger_batch(); return NULL; } static struct ringbuf_libbpf_ctx { struct ringbuf_bench *skel; struct ring_buffer *ringbuf; } ringbuf_libbpf_ctx; static void ringbuf_libbpf_measure(struct bench_res *res) { struct ringbuf_libbpf_ctx *ctx = &ringbuf_libbpf_ctx; res->hits = atomic_swap(&buf_hits.value, 0); res->drops = atomic_swap(&ctx->skel->bss->dropped, 0); } static struct ringbuf_bench *ringbuf_setup_skeleton(void) { struct ringbuf_bench *skel; setup_libbpf(); skel = ringbuf_bench__open(); if (!skel) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open skeleton\n"); exit(1); } skel->rodata->batch_cnt = args.batch_cnt; skel->rodata->use_output = args.ringbuf_use_output ? 1 : 0; if (args.sampled) /* record data + header take 16 bytes */ skel->rodata->wakeup_data_size = args.sample_rate * 16; bpf_map__set_max_entries(skel->maps.ringbuf, args.ringbuf_sz); if (ringbuf_bench__load(skel)) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to load skeleton\n"); exit(1); } return skel; } static int buf_process_sample(void *ctx, void *data, size_t len) { atomic_inc(&buf_hits.value); return 0; } static void ringbuf_libbpf_setup(void) { struct ringbuf_libbpf_ctx *ctx = &ringbuf_libbpf_ctx; struct bpf_link *link; ctx->skel = ringbuf_setup_skeleton(); ctx->ringbuf = ring_buffer__new(bpf_map__fd(ctx->skel->maps.ringbuf), buf_process_sample, NULL, NULL); if (!ctx->ringbuf) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to create ringbuf\n"); exit(1); } link = bpf_program__attach(ctx->skel->progs.bench_ringbuf); if (!link) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to attach program!\n"); exit(1); } } static void *ringbuf_libbpf_consumer(void *input) { struct ringbuf_libbpf_ctx *ctx = &ringbuf_libbpf_ctx; while (ring_buffer__poll(ctx->ringbuf, -1) >= 0) { if (args.back2back) bufs_trigger_batch(); } fprintf(stderr, "ringbuf polling failed!\n"); return NULL; } /* RINGBUF-CUSTOM benchmark */ struct ringbuf_custom { __u64 *consumer_pos; __u64 *producer_pos; __u64 mask; void *data; int map_fd; }; static struct ringbuf_custom_ctx { struct ringbuf_bench *skel; struct ringbuf_custom ringbuf; int epoll_fd; struct epoll_event event; } ringbuf_custom_ctx; static void ringbuf_custom_measure(struct bench_res *res) { struct ringbuf_custom_ctx *ctx = &ringbuf_custom_ctx; res->hits = atomic_swap(&buf_hits.value, 0); res->drops = atomic_swap(&ctx->skel->bss->dropped, 0); } static void ringbuf_custom_setup(void) { struct ringbuf_custom_ctx *ctx = &ringbuf_custom_ctx; const size_t page_size = getpagesize(); struct bpf_link *link; struct ringbuf_custom *r; void *tmp; int err; ctx->skel = ringbuf_setup_skeleton(); ctx->epoll_fd = epoll_create1(EPOLL_CLOEXEC); if (ctx->epoll_fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to create epoll fd: %d\n", -errno); exit(1); } r = &ctx->ringbuf; r->map_fd = bpf_map__fd(ctx->skel->maps.ringbuf); r->mask = args.ringbuf_sz - 1; /* Map writable consumer page */ tmp = mmap(NULL, page_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, r->map_fd, 0); if (tmp == MAP_FAILED) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to mmap consumer page: %d\n", -errno); exit(1); } r->consumer_pos = tmp; /* Map read-only producer page and data pages. */ tmp = mmap(NULL, page_size + 2 * args.ringbuf_sz, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, r->map_fd, page_size); if (tmp == MAP_FAILED) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to mmap data pages: %d\n", -errno); exit(1); } r->producer_pos = tmp; r->data = tmp + page_size; ctx->event.events = EPOLLIN; err = epoll_ctl(ctx->epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, r->map_fd, &ctx->event); if (err < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to epoll add ringbuf: %d\n", -errno); exit(1); } link = bpf_program__attach(ctx->skel->progs.bench_ringbuf); if (!link) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to attach program\n"); exit(1); } } #define RINGBUF_BUSY_BIT (1 << 31) #define RINGBUF_DISCARD_BIT (1 << 30) #define RINGBUF_META_LEN 8 static inline int roundup_len(__u32 len) { /* clear out top 2 bits */ len <<= 2; len >>= 2; /* add length prefix */ len += RINGBUF_META_LEN; /* round up to 8 byte alignment */ return (len + 7) / 8 * 8; } static void ringbuf_custom_process_ring(struct ringbuf_custom *r) { unsigned long cons_pos, prod_pos; int *len_ptr, len; bool got_new_data; cons_pos = smp_load_acquire(r->consumer_pos); while (true) { got_new_data = false; prod_pos = smp_load_acquire(r->producer_pos); while (cons_pos < prod_pos) { len_ptr = r->data + (cons_pos & r->mask); len = smp_load_acquire(len_ptr); /* sample not committed yet, bail out for now */ if (len & RINGBUF_BUSY_BIT) return; got_new_data = true; cons_pos += roundup_len(len); atomic_inc(&buf_hits.value); } if (got_new_data) smp_store_release(r->consumer_pos, cons_pos); else break; } } static void *ringbuf_custom_consumer(void *input) { struct ringbuf_custom_ctx *ctx = &ringbuf_custom_ctx; int cnt; do { if (args.back2back) bufs_trigger_batch(); cnt = epoll_wait(ctx->epoll_fd, &ctx->event, 1, -1); if (cnt > 0) ringbuf_custom_process_ring(&ctx->ringbuf); } while (cnt >= 0); fprintf(stderr, "ringbuf polling failed!\n"); return 0; } /* PERFBUF-LIBBPF benchmark */ static struct perfbuf_libbpf_ctx { struct perfbuf_bench *skel; struct perf_buffer *perfbuf; } perfbuf_libbpf_ctx; static void perfbuf_measure(struct bench_res *res) { struct perfbuf_libbpf_ctx *ctx = &perfbuf_libbpf_ctx; res->hits = atomic_swap(&buf_hits.value, 0); res->drops = atomic_swap(&ctx->skel->bss->dropped, 0); } static struct perfbuf_bench *perfbuf_setup_skeleton(void) { struct perfbuf_bench *skel; setup_libbpf(); skel = perfbuf_bench__open(); if (!skel) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open skeleton\n"); exit(1); } skel->rodata->batch_cnt = args.batch_cnt; if (perfbuf_bench__load(skel)) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to load skeleton\n"); exit(1); } return skel; } static enum bpf_perf_event_ret perfbuf_process_sample_raw(void *input_ctx, int cpu, struct perf_event_header *e) { switch (e->type) { case PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE: atomic_inc(&buf_hits.value); break; case PERF_RECORD_LOST: break; default: return LIBBPF_PERF_EVENT_ERROR; } return LIBBPF_PERF_EVENT_CONT; } static void perfbuf_libbpf_setup(void) { struct perfbuf_libbpf_ctx *ctx = &perfbuf_libbpf_ctx; struct perf_event_attr attr; struct bpf_link *link; ctx->skel = perfbuf_setup_skeleton(); memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr)); attr.config = PERF_COUNT_SW_BPF_OUTPUT, attr.type = PERF_TYPE_SOFTWARE; attr.sample_type = PERF_SAMPLE_RAW; /* notify only every Nth sample */ if (args.sampled) { attr.sample_period = args.sample_rate; attr.wakeup_events = args.sample_rate; } else { attr.sample_period = 1; attr.wakeup_events = 1; } if (args.sample_rate > args.batch_cnt) { fprintf(stderr, "sample rate %d is too high for given batch count %d\n", args.sample_rate, args.batch_cnt); exit(1); } ctx->perfbuf = perf_buffer__new_raw(bpf_map__fd(ctx->skel->maps.perfbuf), args.perfbuf_sz, &attr, perfbuf_process_sample_raw, NULL, NULL); if (!ctx->perfbuf) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to create perfbuf\n"); exit(1); } link = bpf_program__attach(ctx->skel->progs.bench_perfbuf); if (!link) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to attach program\n"); exit(1); } } static void *perfbuf_libbpf_consumer(void *input) { struct perfbuf_libbpf_ctx *ctx = &perfbuf_libbpf_ctx; while (perf_buffer__poll(ctx->perfbuf, -1) >= 0) { if (args.back2back) bufs_trigger_batch(); } fprintf(stderr, "perfbuf polling failed!\n"); return NULL; } /* PERFBUF-CUSTOM benchmark */ /* copies of internal libbpf definitions */ struct perf_cpu_buf { struct perf_buffer *pb; void *base; /* mmap()'ed memory */ void *buf; /* for reconstructing segmented data */ size_t buf_size; int fd; int cpu; int map_key; }; struct perf_buffer { perf_buffer_event_fn event_cb; perf_buffer_sample_fn sample_cb; perf_buffer_lost_fn lost_cb; void *ctx; /* passed into callbacks */ size_t page_size; size_t mmap_size; struct perf_cpu_buf **cpu_bufs; struct epoll_event *events; int cpu_cnt; /* number of allocated CPU buffers */ int epoll_fd; /* perf event FD */ int map_fd; /* BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERF_EVENT_ARRAY BPF map FD */ }; static void *perfbuf_custom_consumer(void *input) { struct perfbuf_libbpf_ctx *ctx = &perfbuf_libbpf_ctx; struct perf_buffer *pb = ctx->perfbuf; struct perf_cpu_buf *cpu_buf; struct perf_event_mmap_page *header; size_t mmap_mask = pb->mmap_size - 1; struct perf_event_header *ehdr; __u64 data_head, data_tail; size_t ehdr_size; void *base; int i, cnt; while (true) { if (args.back2back) bufs_trigger_batch(); cnt = epoll_wait(pb->epoll_fd, pb->events, pb->cpu_cnt, -1); if (cnt <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "perf epoll failed: %d\n", -errno); exit(1); } for (i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { cpu_buf = pb->events[i].data.ptr; header = cpu_buf->base; base = ((void *)header) + pb->page_size; data_head = ring_buffer_read_head(header); data_tail = header->data_tail; while (data_head != data_tail) { ehdr = base + (data_tail & mmap_mask); ehdr_size = ehdr->size; if (ehdr->type == PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE) atomic_inc(&buf_hits.value); data_tail += ehdr_size; } ring_buffer_write_tail(header, data_tail); } } return NULL; } const struct bench bench_rb_libbpf = { .name = "rb-libbpf", .validate = bufs_validate, .setup = ringbuf_libbpf_setup, .producer_thread = bufs_sample_producer, .consumer_thread = ringbuf_libbpf_consumer, .measure = ringbuf_libbpf_measure, .report_progress = hits_drops_report_progress, .report_final = hits_drops_report_final, }; const struct bench bench_rb_custom = { .name = "rb-custom", .validate = bufs_validate, .setup = ringbuf_custom_setup, .producer_thread = bufs_sample_producer, .consumer_thread = ringbuf_custom_consumer, .measure = ringbuf_custom_measure, .report_progress = hits_drops_report_progress, .report_final = hits_drops_report_final, }; const struct bench bench_pb_libbpf = { .name = "pb-libbpf", .validate = bufs_validate, .setup = perfbuf_libbpf_setup, .producer_thread = bufs_sample_producer, .consumer_thread = perfbuf_libbpf_consumer, .measure = perfbuf_measure, .report_progress = hits_drops_report_progress, .report_final = hits_drops_report_final, }; const struct bench bench_pb_custom = { .name = "pb-custom", .validate = bufs_validate, .setup = perfbuf_libbpf_setup, .producer_thread = bufs_sample_producer, .consumer_thread = perfbuf_custom_consumer, .measure = perfbuf_measure, .report_progress = hits_drops_report_progress, .report_final = hits_drops_report_final, };