# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# exported-sql-viewer.py: view data from sql database
# Copyright (c) 2014-2018, Intel Corporation.

# To use this script you will need to have exported data using either the
# export-to-sqlite.py or the export-to-postgresql.py script.  Refer to those
# scripts for details.
# Following on from the example in the export scripts, a
# call-graph can be displayed for the pt_example database like this:
#	python tools/perf/scripts/python/call-graph-from-sql.py pt_example
# Note that for PostgreSQL, this script supports connecting to remote databases
# by setting hostname, port, username, password, and dbname e.g.
#	python tools/perf/scripts/python/call-graph-from-sql.py "hostname=myhost username=myuser password=mypassword dbname=pt_example"
# The result is a GUI window with a tree representing a context-sensitive
# call-graph.  Expanding a couple of levels of the tree and adjusting column
# widths to suit will display something like:
#                                         Call Graph: pt_example
# Call Path                          Object      Count   Time(ns)  Time(%)  Branch Count   Branch Count(%)
# v- ls
#     v- 2638:2638
#         v- _start                  ld-2.19.so    1     10074071   100.0         211135            100.0
#           |- unknown               unknown       1        13198     0.1              1              0.0
#           >- _dl_start             ld-2.19.so    1      1400980    13.9          19637              9.3
#           >- _d_linit_internal     ld-2.19.so    1       448152     4.4          11094              5.3
#           v-__libc_start_main@plt  ls            1      8211741    81.5         180397             85.4
#              >- _dl_fixup          ld-2.19.so    1         7607     0.1            108              0.1
#              >- __cxa_atexit       libc-2.19.so  1        11737     0.1             10              0.0
#              >- __libc_csu_init    ls            1        10354     0.1             10              0.0
#              |- _setjmp            libc-2.19.so  1            0     0.0              4              0.0
#              v- main               ls            1      8182043    99.6         180254             99.9
# Points to note:
#	The top level is a command name (comm)
#	The next level is a thread (pid:tid)
#	Subsequent levels are functions
#	'Count' is the number of calls
#	'Time' is the elapsed time until the function returns
#	Percentages are relative to the level above
#	'Branch Count' is the total number of branches for that function and all
#       functions that it calls

import sys
from PySide.QtCore import *
from PySide.QtGui import *
from PySide.QtSql import *
from decimal import *

# Data formatting helpers

def dsoname(name):
	if name == "[kernel.kallsyms]":
		return "[kernel]"
	return name

# Percent to one decimal place

def PercentToOneDP(n, d):
	if not d:
		return "0.0"
	x = (n * Decimal(100)) / d
	return str(x.quantize(Decimal(".1"), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP))

# Helper for queries that must not fail

def QueryExec(query, stmt):
	ret = query.exec_(stmt)
	if not ret:
		raise Exception("Query failed: " + query.lastError().text())

# Tree data model

class TreeModel(QAbstractItemModel):

	def __init__(self, root, parent=None):
		super(TreeModel, self).__init__(parent)
		self.root = root
		self.last_row_read = 0

	def Item(self, parent):
		if parent.isValid():
			return parent.internalPointer()
			return self.root

	def rowCount(self, parent):
		result = self.Item(parent).childCount()
		if result < 0:
			result = 0
			self.dataChanged.emit(parent, parent)
		return result

	def hasChildren(self, parent):
		return self.Item(parent).hasChildren()

	def headerData(self, section, orientation, role):
		if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
			return self.columnAlignment(section)
		if role != Qt.DisplayRole:
			return None
		if orientation != Qt.Horizontal:
			return None
		return self.columnHeader(section)

	def parent(self, child):
		child_item = child.internalPointer()
		if child_item is self.root:
			return QModelIndex()
		parent_item = child_item.getParentItem()
		return self.createIndex(parent_item.getRow(), 0, parent_item)

	def index(self, row, column, parent):
		child_item = self.Item(parent).getChildItem(row)
		return self.createIndex(row, column, child_item)

	def DisplayData(self, item, index):
		return item.getData(index.column())

	def columnAlignment(self, column):
		return Qt.AlignLeft

	def columnFont(self, column):
		return None

	def data(self, index, role):
		if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
			return self.columnAlignment(index.column())
		if role == Qt.FontRole:
			return self.columnFont(index.column())
		if role != Qt.DisplayRole:
			return None
		item = index.internalPointer()
		return self.DisplayData(item, index)

# Context-sensitive call graph data model item base

class CallGraphLevelItemBase(object):

	def __init__(self, glb, row, parent_item):
		self.glb = glb
		self.row = row
		self.parent_item = parent_item
		self.query_done = False;
		self.child_count = 0
		self.child_items = []

	def getChildItem(self, row):
		return self.child_items[row]

	def getParentItem(self):
		return self.parent_item

	def getRow(self):
		return self.row

	def childCount(self):
		if not self.query_done:
			if not self.child_count:
				return -1
		return self.child_count

	def hasChildren(self):
		if not self.query_done:
			return True
		return self.child_count > 0

	def getData(self, column):
		return self.data[column]

# Context-sensitive call graph data model level 2+ item base

class CallGraphLevelTwoPlusItemBase(CallGraphLevelItemBase):

	def __init__(self, glb, row, comm_id, thread_id, call_path_id, time, branch_count, parent_item):
		super(CallGraphLevelTwoPlusItemBase, self).__init__(glb, row, parent_item)
		self.comm_id = comm_id
		self.thread_id = thread_id
		self.call_path_id = call_path_id
		self.branch_count = branch_count
		self.time = time

	def Select(self):
		self.query_done = True;
		query = QSqlQuery(self.glb.db)
		QueryExec(query, "SELECT call_path_id, name, short_name, COUNT(calls.id), SUM(return_time - call_time), SUM(branch_count)"
					" FROM calls"
					" INNER JOIN call_paths ON calls.call_path_id = call_paths.id"
					" INNER JOIN symbols ON call_paths.symbol_id = symbols.id"
					" INNER JOIN dsos ON symbols.dso_id = dsos.id"
					" WHERE parent_call_path_id = " + str(self.call_path_id) +
					" AND comm_id = " + str(self.comm_id) +
					" AND thread_id = " + str(self.thread_id) +
					" GROUP BY call_path_id, name, short_name"
					" ORDER BY call_path_id")
		while query.next():
			child_item = CallGraphLevelThreeItem(self.glb, self.child_count, self.comm_id, self.thread_id, query.value(0), query.value(1), query.value(2), query.value(3), int(query.value(4)), int(query.value(5)), self)
			self.child_count += 1

# Context-sensitive call graph data model level three item

class CallGraphLevelThreeItem(CallGraphLevelTwoPlusItemBase):

	def __init__(self, glb, row, comm_id, thread_id, call_path_id, name, dso, count, time, branch_count, parent_item):
		super(CallGraphLevelThreeItem, self).__init__(glb, row, comm_id, thread_id, call_path_id, time, branch_count, parent_item)
		dso = dsoname(dso)
		self.data = [ name, dso, str(count), str(time), PercentToOneDP(time, parent_item.time), str(branch_count), PercentToOneDP(branch_count, parent_item.branch_count) ]
		self.dbid = call_path_id

# Context-sensitive call graph data model level two item

class CallGraphLevelTwoItem(CallGraphLevelTwoPlusItemBase):

	def __init__(self, glb, row, comm_id, thread_id, pid, tid, parent_item):
		super(CallGraphLevelTwoItem, self).__init__(glb, row, comm_id, thread_id, 1, 0, 0, parent_item)
		self.data = [str(pid) + ":" + str(tid), "", "", "", "", "", ""]
		self.dbid = thread_id

	def Select(self):
		super(CallGraphLevelTwoItem, self).Select()
		for child_item in self.child_items:
			self.time += child_item.time
			self.branch_count += child_item.branch_count
		for child_item in self.child_items:
			child_item.data[4] = PercentToOneDP(child_item.time, self.time)
			child_item.data[6] = PercentToOneDP(child_item.branch_count, self.branch_count)

# Context-sensitive call graph data model level one item

class CallGraphLevelOneItem(CallGraphLevelItemBase):

	def __init__(self, glb, row, comm_id, comm, parent_item):
		super(CallGraphLevelOneItem, self).__init__(glb, row, parent_item)
		self.data = [comm, "", "", "", "", "", ""]
		self.dbid = comm_id

	def Select(self):
		self.query_done = True;
		query = QSqlQuery(self.glb.db)
		QueryExec(query, "SELECT thread_id, pid, tid"
					" FROM comm_threads"
					" INNER JOIN threads ON thread_id = threads.id"
					" WHERE comm_id = " + str(self.dbid))
		while query.next():
			child_item = CallGraphLevelTwoItem(self.glb, self.child_count, self.dbid, query.value(0), query.value(1), query.value(2), self)
			self.child_count += 1

# Context-sensitive call graph data model root item

class CallGraphRootItem(CallGraphLevelItemBase):

	def __init__(self, glb):
		super(CallGraphRootItem, self).__init__(glb, 0, None)
		self.dbid = 0
		self.query_done = True;
		query = QSqlQuery(glb.db)
		QueryExec(query, "SELECT id, comm FROM comms")
		while query.next():
			if not query.value(0):
			child_item = CallGraphLevelOneItem(glb, self.child_count, query.value(0), query.value(1), self)
			self.child_count += 1

# Context-sensitive call graph data model

class CallGraphModel(TreeModel):

	def __init__(self, glb, parent=None):
		super(CallGraphModel, self).__init__(CallGraphRootItem(glb), parent)
		self.glb = glb

	def columnCount(self, parent=None):
		return 7

	def columnHeader(self, column):
		headers = ["Call Path", "Object", "Count ", "Time (ns) ", "Time (%) ", "Branch Count ", "Branch Count (%) "]
		return headers[column]

	def columnAlignment(self, column):
		alignment = [ Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignRight, Qt.AlignRight, Qt.AlignRight, Qt.AlignRight, Qt.AlignRight ]
		return alignment[column]

# Main window

class MainWindow(QMainWindow):

	def __init__(self, glb, parent=None):
		super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent)

		self.glb = glb

		self.setWindowTitle("Call Graph: " + glb.dbname)
		self.move(100, 100)
		self.resize(800, 600)
		self.setMinimumSize(200, 100)

		self.model = CallGraphModel(glb)

		self.view = QTreeView()

		for c, w in ((0, 250), (1, 100), (2, 60), (3, 70), (4, 70), (5, 100)):
			self.view.setColumnWidth(c, w)


# Global data

class Glb():

	def __init__(self, dbref, db, dbname):
		self.dbref = dbref
		self.db = db
		self.dbname = dbname
		self.app = None
		self.mainwindow = None

# Database reference

class DBRef():

	def __init__(self, is_sqlite3, dbname):
		self.is_sqlite3 = is_sqlite3
		self.dbname = dbname

	def Open(self, connection_name):
		dbname = self.dbname
		if self.is_sqlite3:
			db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QSQLITE", connection_name)
			db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QPSQL", connection_name)
			opts = dbname.split()
			for opt in opts:
				if "=" in opt:
					opt = opt.split("=")
					if opt[0] == "hostname":
					elif opt[0] == "port":
					elif opt[0] == "username":
					elif opt[0] == "password":
					elif opt[0] == "dbname":
						dbname = opt[1]
					dbname = opt

		if not db.open():
			raise Exception("Failed to open database " + dbname + " error: " + db.lastError().text())
		return db, dbname

# Main

def Main():
	if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
		print >> sys.stderr, "Usage is: call-graph-from-sql.py <database name>"
		raise Exception("Too few arguments")

	dbname = sys.argv[1]

	is_sqlite3 = False
		f = open(dbname)
		if f.read(15) == "SQLite format 3":
			is_sqlite3 = True

	dbref = DBRef(is_sqlite3, dbname)
	db, dbname = dbref.Open("main")
	glb = Glb(dbref, db, dbname)
	app = QApplication(sys.argv)
	glb.app = app
	mainwindow = MainWindow(glb)
	glb.mainwindow = mainwindow
	err = app.exec_()

if __name__ == "__main__":