/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ /* * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2010 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Contact Information: wlanfae */ #ifndef __R8192UDM_H__ #define __R8192UDM_H__ /*--------------------------Define Parameters-------------------------------*/ #define OFDM_Table_Length 19 #define CCK_Table_length 12 #define DM_DIG_THRESH_HIGH 40 #define DM_DIG_THRESH_LOW 35 #define DM_DIG_HIGH_PWR_THRESH_HIGH 75 #define DM_DIG_HIGH_PWR_THRESH_LOW 70 #define BW_AUTO_SWITCH_HIGH_LOW 25 #define BW_AUTO_SWITCH_LOW_HIGH 30 #define DM_DIG_BACKOFF 12 #define DM_DIG_MAX 0x36 #define DM_DIG_MIN 0x1c #define DM_DIG_MIN_Netcore 0x12 #define RxPathSelection_SS_TH_low 30 #define RxPathSelection_diff_TH 18 #define RateAdaptiveTH_High 50 #define RateAdaptiveTH_Low_20M 30 #define RateAdaptiveTH_Low_40M 10 #define VeryLowRSSI 15 #define WAIotTHVal 25 #define E_FOR_TX_POWER_TRACK 300 #define TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_HIGH 68 #define TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LOW 62 #define TX_POWER_ATHEROAP_THRESH_HIGH 78 #define TX_POWER_ATHEROAP_THRESH_LOW 72 #define CURRENT_TX_RATE_REG 0x1e0 #define INITIAL_TX_RATE_REG 0x1e1 #define TX_RETRY_COUNT_REG 0x1ac #define RegC38_TH 20 #define DM_Type_ByDriver 1 /*--------------------------Define Parameters-------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------Define structure----------------------------*/ struct dig_t { u8 dig_enable_flag; u8 dig_algorithm; u8 dig_algorithm_switch; long rssi_low_thresh; long rssi_high_thresh; long rssi_high_power_lowthresh; long rssi_high_power_highthresh; u8 dig_state; u8 dig_highpwr_state; u8 cur_sta_connect_state; u8 pre_sta_connect_state; u8 curpd_thstate; u8 prepd_thstate; u8 curcs_ratio_state; u8 precs_ratio_state; u32 pre_ig_value; u32 cur_ig_value; u8 backoff_val; u8 rx_gain_range_max; u8 rx_gain_range_min; long rssi_val; }; enum dm_dig_sta { DM_STA_DIG_OFF = 0, DM_STA_DIG_ON, DM_STA_DIG_MAX }; enum dm_ratr_sta { DM_RATR_STA_HIGH = 0, DM_RATR_STA_MIDDLE = 1, DM_RATR_STA_LOW = 2, DM_RATR_STA_MAX }; enum dm_dig_alg { DIG_ALGO_BY_FALSE_ALARM = 0, DIG_ALGO_BY_RSSI = 1, DIG_ALGO_BEFORE_CONNECT_BY_RSSI_AND_ALARM = 2, DIG_ALGO_BY_TOW_PORT = 3, DIG_ALGO_MAX }; enum dm_dig_connect { DIG_STA_DISCONNECT = 0, DIG_STA_CONNECT = 1, DIG_STA_BEFORE_CONNECT = 2, DIG_AP_DISCONNECT = 3, DIG_AP_CONNECT = 4, DIG_AP_ADD_STATION = 5, DIG_CONNECT_MAX }; enum dm_dig_pd_th { DIG_PD_AT_LOW_POWER = 0, DIG_PD_AT_NORMAL_POWER = 1, DIG_PD_AT_HIGH_POWER = 2, DIG_PD_MAX }; enum dm_dig_cs_ratio { DIG_CS_RATIO_LOWER = 0, DIG_CS_RATIO_HIGHER = 1, DIG_CS_MAX }; struct drx_path_sel { u8 Enable; u8 cck_method; u8 cck_Rx_path; u8 SS_TH_low; u8 diff_TH; u8 disabledRF; u8 reserved; u8 rf_rssi[4]; u8 rf_enable_rssi_th[4]; long cck_pwdb_sta[4]; }; enum dm_cck_rx_path_method { CCK_Rx_Version_1 = 0, CCK_Rx_Version_2 = 1, CCK_Rx_Version_MAX }; struct dcmd_txcmd { u32 op; u32 length; u32 value; }; /*------------------------------Define structure----------------------------*/ /*------------------------Export global variable----------------------------*/ extern struct dig_t dm_digtable; extern struct drx_path_sel DM_RxPathSelTable; /* Pre-calculated gain tables */ extern const u32 dm_tx_bb_gain[TxBBGainTableLength]; extern const u8 dm_cck_tx_bb_gain[CCKTxBBGainTableLength][8]; extern const u8 dm_cck_tx_bb_gain_ch14[CCKTxBBGainTableLength][8]; /* Maps table index to iq amplify gain (dB, 12 to -24dB) */ #define dm_tx_bb_gain_idx_to_amplify(idx) (-idx + 12) /*------------------------Export global variable----------------------------*/ /*--------------------------Exported Function prototype---------------------*/ /*--------------------------Exported Function prototype---------------------*/ void rtl92e_dm_init(struct net_device *dev); void rtl92e_dm_deinit(struct net_device *dev); void rtl92e_dm_watchdog(struct net_device *dev); void rtl92e_init_adaptive_rate(struct net_device *dev); void rtl92e_dm_txpower_tracking_wq(void *data); void rtl92e_dm_cck_txpower_adjust(struct net_device *dev, bool binch14); void rtl92e_dm_restore_state(struct net_device *dev); void rtl92e_dm_backup_state(struct net_device *dev); void rtl92e_dm_init_edca_turbo(struct net_device *dev); void rtl92e_dm_rf_pathcheck_wq(void *data); void rtl92e_dm_init_txpower_tracking(struct net_device *dev); #endif /*__R8192UDM_H__ */