Usage guide 0xFFFF is a free software implementation of the flasher for the Nokia Internet Tablets (n770 and n800).
  - flash separated pieces of the firmware.
  - retrieve information about the device
  - reboot de mother board
  - extract the current firmware pieces from the device (dump)
  - set the USB host/slave mode
  - set the R&R mode
  - identify firmware pieces
This is the help message of the tool:
~$ 0xFFFF -h
0xFFFF v0.1  - The Open Free Fiasco Firmware Flasher
 -b [arg]      boots the kernel with arguments
 -e [path]     dump the firmware pieces into the path
 -p [[p:]file] piece-of-firmware : file-where-this-piece-is
 -r [0|1]      disable/enable R&D mode
 -u [fiasco]   unpack target fiasco image
 -U [0|1]      disable/enable the usb host mode
 -h            show this help message
 -i            show device information (let standby mode)
 -I [piece]    identify a firmware piece
 -l            list supported usb device ids
 -d [vid:pid]  injects a usb device into the supported list
 -R            reboot the omap board
 -v            be verbose and noisy
 -V            show 0xFFFF version information
Pieces are: xloader secondary kernel initfs rootfs omap-nand 
Before anything we can execute failsafe queries like getting device information:
 ~$ 0xFFFF -i
This command will put the bootloader in standby mode, so you can now send other commands without having to reboot the tablet manually. To reboot the mother board via USB type:
 ~$ 0xFFFF -R
You can run 'offline' commands to identify the type of the firmware pieces:
 ~$ 0xFFFF -I zImage -I xloader.bin -I initfs.jffs2.orig
 kernel: zImage
 xloader: xloader.bin
 initfs: initfs.jffs2.orig
If you want to backup your device firmware you can crosscompile the 0xFFFF utility and type this on the terminal:
 ~$ sudo gainroot
 ~# mkdir /media/mmc1/firmware
 ~# ./0xFFFF -e /media/mmc1/firmware
Now is time to flash something :) By default the flasher identifies the type of the piece automatically, but you can force't prefixing the filename with the piece-type name. To do this is just as simple as typing:
 ~$ 0xFFFF -p zImage