SPECS FOR TEH FIASCO FIRMWARE FILE FORMAT ffff! ----------------------------------------------- These notes has not been taken properly and may be wrong. It must be revised to fit the reality. But this is mostly a general idea: FILE HEADER 1 byte = 0xb4 -- signature 4 bytes -- firmware name length (big endian) 6 bytes -- versioning info ( byte 4 is format version ) N-6 bytes -- firmware name (zero fill) PIECE HEADER 1 byte = 0x54 -- piece signature 6 bytes -- unknown 2 bytes -- checksum for the piece contents (xorpair) 12 bytes -- piece name (first byte is FF if is the last) 4 bytes -- piece size (big endian) 4 bytes -- unknown block { 1 byte -- if (value '1'-'9') { ..there's a comment.. } 1 byte -- length of comment N bytes -- comment } N bytes -- piece data