Via USB: Load kernel & initfs and boot it: $ 0xFFFF -m initfs -m kernel -l -b Flash kernel: $ 0xFFFF -m kernel -f Flash FIASCO image: $ 0xFFFF -M image.fiasco -f Flash only kernel from FIASCO image: $ 0xFFFF -M image.fiasco -t kernel -f Reboot: $ 0xFFFF -r Identify device: $ 0xFFFF -I On device (need nanddump from mtd-utils): Dump all images to current directory: $ 0xFFFF -e Dump all images to one fiasco file: $ 0xFFFF -E dump.fiasco FIASCO packaging: Show FIASCO archive: $ 0xFFFF -M image.fiasco -i Unpack fiasco image to current directory: $ 0xFFFF -M image.fiasco -u Generate new fiasco image from files xloader.bin, nolo.bin, zImage, rootfs and append device&version information (xloader for RX-51 hw revision: 2101 and 2102, version 1.0) $ 0xFFFF -m RX-51:2101,2102:1.0:xloader:xloader.bin -m RX-51:2101,2102:1.0:secondary:nolo.bin -m 2.6.28:kernel:zImage -m rootfs -g image.fiasco For all options see help: $ 0xFFFF -h 0xFFFF can detect more image types from file header. If autodetection not working, see syntax of param -m ([[[dev:[hw:]]ver:]type:]file[%lay])