------. ,---------.--.--. / | ___ | | | \\------------ -- . | .__ / \/ . ____/ _/ _/ The 0pen | / . < | | | Free Fiasco | '- > ^ ___| _| .' Firmware Flasher | | ' | - -- --- ----------------\\ \_____/7_/\______ : I 0xFFFF _/ ___|_.|__| '` The 'Free Fiasco Firmware Flasher' aka 0xFFFF utility tries to implement a free (GPL'd) userspace handler for the NOLO bootloader. Use it with CARE. This is an experimental tool and it can brick your device. It's not suposed to be stable, so nokia will probably release incompatible bootloaders to break this tool. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. This tool has been designed and tested on n770. The n800 flash should work but it's not tested and is known to use different request codes. PLEASE. Read carefully all the documentation inside doc/* for more information before building or using the flasher to avoid questions, problems or so. Have phun! --pancake