path: root/src/gui/gui.gtkaml.orig
diff options
authorpancake <none@none>2010-11-18 00:30:13 +0100
committerpancake <none@none>2010-11-18 00:30:13 +0100
commitdc4fd72133cd8988ffe087d7e320bee6c993c8ae (patch)
tree14dfa9d2f1ccd6e3a770a0338c67451764a76178 /src/gui/gui.gtkaml.orig
parent20eed53d8c8794fe752f66b4e0d5a14d2cee657a (diff)
* Fix warning in dump.c * Port GUI to GtkON syntax * Fix build for latest valac
--HG-- rename : src/gui/gui.gtkaml => src/gui/gui.gtkaml.orig
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/gui.gtkaml.orig')
1 files changed, 356 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/gui.gtkaml.orig b/src/gui/gui.gtkaml.orig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e73a1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/gui.gtkaml.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+ Frontend for the 0xFFFF flasher in gtkaml
+ author: pancake <>
+<Window xmlns="Gtk"
+ xmlns:GLib="GLib"
+ xmlns:Extras="Extras"
+ xmlns:SQueues="SQueues"
+ xmlns:class=""
+ class:name="MainWindow"
+ title="0xFFFF GUI">
+ <!-- delete-event="{OnWindow1DeleteEvent}" -->
+ <MenuBar expand="false">
+ <MenuItem label="_File" with-mnemonic="true">
+ <submenu>
+ <Menu>
+ <ImageMenuItem stock-id="gtk-new" activate="{OnFileNewEvent}"/>
+ <ImageMenuItem stock-id="gtk-open" activate="{OnFileOpenEvent}"/>
+ <SeparatorMenuItem />
+ <ImageMenuItem stock-id="gtk-quit" activate="{OnQuitEvent}"/>
+ </Menu>
+ </submenu>
+ </MenuItem>
+ <!-- Help menu -->
+ <MenuItem label="_Target" with-mnemonic="true">
+ <submenu>
+ <Menu>
+ <ImageMenuItem stock-id="gtk-connect" activate="{OnConnect}"/>
+ <ImageMenuItem stock-id="gtk-stop" activate="{OnStop}"/>
+ <ImageMenuItem stock-id="gtk-info" activate="{OnGetInformation}"/>
+ <ImageMenuItem label="Reset" activate="{OnReset}"/>
+ </Menu>
+ </submenu>
+ </MenuItem>
+ <!-- Help menu -->
+ <MenuItem label="_Help" with-mnemonic="true">
+ <submenu>
+ <Menu>
+ <ImageMenuItem stock-id="gtk-about" activate="{OnMenuHelpAboutActivatedEvent}"/>
+ </Menu>
+ </submenu>
+ </MenuItem>
+ </MenuBar>
+ <HBox border-width="5">
+ <VBox border-width="3" spacing="3">
+ <ScrolledWindow can-focus="true" hscrollbar-policy="{PolicyType.AUTOMATIC}" vscrollbar-policy="{PolicyType.AUTOMATIC}">
+ <TreeView class:private="tv">
+ </TreeView>
+ </ScrolledWindow>
+ </VBox>
+ <VBox expand="false" border-width="3" spacing="3">
+ <Button label="gtk-connect" use-stock="true" expand="false" clicked="{OnConnect}"/>
+ <Button label="gtk-stop" use-stock="true" expand="false" clicked="{OnStop}"/>
+ <Button label="gtk-info" use-stock="true" expand="false" clicked="{OnGetInformation}"/>
+ <Label label="" />
+<!-- <Button label="Options" use-stock="false" expand="false"/>
+ <Button label="Fiasco!" use-stock="false" expand="false"/>
+ <Button label="Unpack!" use-stock="false" expand="false"/> -->
+ <Button label="gtk-add" use-stock="true" expand="false" clicked="{OnFileOpenEvent}" />
+ <Button label="gtk-remove" use-stock="true" expand="false" clicked="{list_del}"/>
+ <Label label="" />
+ <Button label="gtk-media-record" use-stock="true" expand="false" clicked="{OnFileFlashEvent}"/>
+ </VBox>
+ </HBox>
+ <ProgressBar class:private="pb" expand="false" />
+ <!-- <Statusbar expand="false"/> -->
+ <AboutDialog class:standalone="true" class:private="aboutdialog1" delete-event="{aboutdialog1.hide_on_delete}"
+ border-width="5" title="About 0xFFFF gui" resizable="false" modal="true"
+ window-position="{WindowPosition.CENTER_ON_PARENT}" has-separator="false"
+ program-name="0xFFFF" version="0.5" copyright="Copyright (c) 2007-2009 pancake"
+ comments="The Free Nokia Internet Tablet flasher"
+ website=""
+ authors='{new string[] {"pancake (", null}}'>
+ </AboutDialog>
+private void doCloseApplication ()
+ Gtk.main_quit ();
+private void OnReset()
+ q->push("reset:device", 1);
+private void OnFileFlashEvent()
+ ListStore ls = (ListStore)tv.get_model();
+ weak string str;
+ TreeIter iter;
+ int n = ls.iter_n_children(null);
+ if (n >0) {
+ if (showYesNo("Do you want to flash these files?")) {
+ ls.get_iter_first(out iter);
+ do {
+ ls.get(iter, 2, out str, -1);
+ //stdout.printf("polla:%s\n", str);
+ q->push2("flash", str, 1);
+ } while(ls.iter_next(ref iter));
+ }
+ } else {
+ showMessage("No files selected", MessageType.ERROR);
+ }
+private void OnFileOpenEvent ()
+ FileChooserDialog fc = new FileChooserDialog("Select file to open",
+ this, FileChooserAction.OPEN,
+ "gtk-cancel", ResponseType.CANCEL,
+ "gtk-open", ResponseType.ACCEPT);
+ int resp = ();
+ fc.hide ();
+ if (resp == ResponseType.ACCEPT) {
+ string file = fc.get_filename();
+ string *type = External.fpid_file(file);
+ string size = "%ld".printf(External.fpid_size(file));
+ if (type == null) {
+ showMessage("Invalid file type", MessageType.ERROR);
+ } else {
+ add_file(type, size, file);
+ }
+ }
+ fc.destroy ();
+public bool loadFile( string filename )
+ int err = 0;
+ try {
+ string contents; size_t length;
+ FileUtils.get_contents (filename, out contents, out length);
+ //textview1.buffer.set_text (contents, length);
+ } catch(Error e) {
+ showError ("Unexpected error while loading the file, please contact the author with the following information:\n\n" + e.message);
+ err++;
+ }
+ return err == 0;
+public bool showYesNo(string s)
+ MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog (this,
+ MessageType.QUESTION, ButtonsType.YES_NO, s);
+ int ret = ();
+ md.destroy ();
+ return ret==ResponseType.YES;
+public void showMessage(string s, MessageType mt)
+ MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog (this,
+ mt, ButtonsType.CLOSE, s);
+ ();
+ md.destroy ();
+private void OnMenuHelpAboutActivatedEvent ()
+ aboutdialog1.transient_for = this;
+ ();
+public void showError (string s)
+ MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog (this,
+ MessageType.ERROR,
+ ButtonsType.CLOSE,
+ s);
+ ();
+ md.destroy ();
+private void OnFileNewEvent ()
+ list_clear();
+ // TODO: clear file list
+private void OnQuitEvent ()
+ doCloseApplication();
+ // TODO: send message to gracefully kill 0xFFFF
+ // TODO: handle ^C when flashing
+public void list_clear()
+ ((ListStore)tv.model).clear();
+public void list_del()
+ TreeIter iter;
+ TreeModel model;
+ TreeSelection sel = tv.get_selection();
+ if (sel.count_selected_rows() == 1) {
+ sel.get_selected(out model, out iter);
+ ((ListStore)tv.model).remove(iter);
+ }
+public void add_file(string type, string size, string file)
+ ListStore listmodel = (ListStore)tv.get_model();
+ Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+ listmodel.append (out iter);
+ listmodel.set (iter, 0, type, 1, size, 2, file, -1);
+public static void setup_treeview (Gtk.TreeView view)
+ /* use liststore to hold accountname, accounttype, balance and color attribute */
+ /* for more info how gtkTreeview works take a look in the GTK API */
+ var listmodel = new Gtk.ListStore(4, typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string));
+ view.set_model(listmodel);
+ view.insert_column_with_attributes (-1, "Type", new Gtk.CellRendererText(), "text", 0, null);
+ view.insert_column_with_attributes (-1, "Size", new Gtk.CellRendererText(), "text", 1, null);
+ var cell = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
+ cell.set ("foreground_set", true, null);
+ view.insert_column_with_attributes (-1, "Name", cell, "text", 2, "foreground", 3, null);
+// Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+ // listmodel.append (out iter);
+ // listmodel.set (iter, 0, "initfs", 1, "3M", 2, "initfs.jffs", -1);
+ //listmodel.set (iter, 0, "initfs", 1, "3M", 2, "initfs.jffs", 3, "green", -1);
+ // listmodel.append (out iter);
+ // listmodel.set (iter, 0, "rootfs", 1, "52M", 2, "rootfs.jffs", -1);
+public static bool readFunc()
+ weak string msg = p->get(0);
+ if (msg != null && msg[0]!='\0') {
+ stdout.printf("[<] msg received: %s\n", msg);
+ string[] foo = msg.split(":",2);
+ if (foo[1] != null) {
+ switch(foo[0]) {
+ case "bar":
+ viewer.pb.fraction = foo[1].to_int() / 100;
+ viewer.pb.text = foo[1]+"%";
+ break;
+ case "error":
+ viewer.showMessage(foo[1], MessageType.ERROR);
+ break;
+ case "info":
+ viewer.showMessage(foo[1], MessageType.INFO);
+ break;
+ default:
+ stderr.printf("[E] Unknown message type\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ //viewer.showMessage(msg, MessageType.INFO);
+ }
+ p->pop();
+ }
+ return true;
+static SQueue *q = null;
+static SQueue *p = null;
+private void OnGetInformation()
+ msg("info:device");
+private void OnConnect()
+ //msg("connect:device");
+ OnStop();
+ External.system("sudo 0xFFFF -Q &");
+ p->close();
+ q->close();
+ p = q = null;
+private void OnStop()
+ External.system("sudo pkill 0xFFFF");
+private bool chk_queues()
+ if (p == null)
+ p ="/tmp/0xFFFF.1", SQueueMode.OPEN);
+ if (q == null)
+ q ="/tmp/0xFFFF.2", SQueueMode.OPEN);
+ if (p == null || q == null) {
+ showMessage("Cannot connect to queues", MessageType.ERROR);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+public void msg(string str)
+ if (!chk_queues())
+ return;
+ if (q->push(str, 0)<1) {
+ stderr.printf("Oops on push\n");
+ q->free();
+ q = null;
+ p->free();
+ p = null;
+ }
+static MainWindow viewer;
+static int main (string[] args)
+ Gtk.init (ref args);
+ viewer = new MainWindow();
+ if (args.length > 1)
+ viewer.loadFile (args[1]);
+ viewer.resize(600,400);
+ viewer.set_position(WindowPosition.CENTER);
+ viewer.delete_event += (x,y) => { Gtk.main_quit(); };
+ setup_treeview(;
+ viewer.show_all ();
+// viewer.showMessage("This software is beta and does not guaranties correct functionality", MessageType.WARNING);
+ Timeout.add(200, (SourceFunc)(readFunc));
+ Gtk.main ();
+ return 0;